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Week 12 [21-27.01.19] TouchDesigner

TouchDesigner is a flexible software environment, a powerful tool that allows you to create interactive graphics in real time, to implement video mapping projects of varying complexity. You can use TouchDesigner to visualize data (for example, to visualize sound) or use it as a convenient tool for creating video content.

In the process of finding solutions for realtime rendering, real-time effects generation and rapid prototyping, Greg Hermanovich, Rob Bairos and Jarrett Smith founded Derivative. In 2000, Hermanovic used the Houdini 4.1 code as the basis for TouchDesigner.

Main function

  • Multiple display support
  • Rendering and compositing
  • Channels for animation control
  • 3D engine and tools
  • Scripts and programming
  • Support for various devices and interaction with other programs
  • and many other functions

Thanks to this tool, many interesting projects and shows have been created – starting with ISAM for Amon Tobin, grandiose show Plastikman and ending for example immersive full-dome installation For the Museum of Cosmonautics and interactive kinetic installation for Google.

Have you ever heard of TouchDesigner?
What do you think about this program?
Would you like to try to create something?


The variety of tools nowadays is fascinating. Soon they will be so accessible and simple but at the same time powerful that nobody will have an excuse anymore for not doing and creating anything.
Nataliya Tkach said…
I agree with you,the technology of creating something has gone very far.
Marcin Mróz said…
I have never heard about it, I'm not too much into graphic design tools. Those kind of programs always seem so complex to me that doing something in them without watching some tutorials is nearly impossible. They have so much options on every step that you loose youself in them and don't know what to choose. On the other hand, once you master one of those programs, you can do really amazing things in it. I'm always impressed when I see someone doing some complex 3D modelling or something like that. It really takes some time to learn how to operate in this software.
I have never heard about the TouchDesigner, because I don't interesting a designer tools like that at all. I know tools like Photoshop or Illustrator for create mock-up of website :) I think the TouchDesigner is very complicated program (programming code). App like this one help design great stuff and getting simpler create coolest film or video for everyone. Of course if I will need create 3D model or short video I probably try this app.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I haven`t heard about this app, simply because I am not a designer and not really interested in that kind of software. I am using Photoshop just for simple edits in picture or just for fun, nut TouchDesigner seems rather complicated for me. I think I will try it later on, but only for fun or maybe for creating a real model.
I've never heard about this program, but after this video I thinks that I saw a lot of music videos which uses this program. It's looks like cool and to my mind this program will very useful for people who need to visualize a data. Unfortunately, it's complicated to say something about this program, because I didn't use it. Maybe if I need to visualize some data for some presentation, I will try to use it. But I don't see other options where this program could be useful for me.
Unknown said…
No, I have not heard about this program before, I didn’t even think that all this is created so. An interesting program, but I'm not such a creative person to learn to use this program. It was interesting to look for self-development, but in the future this program does not interest me. No, I have no ideas to try to create something in TouchDesigner.
Unknown said…
Have you ever heard of TouchDesigner?
No, this is the first time I hear about this program. I should have because I am interested in 3d modeling and compositing but somehow I didn't.
This software seems to be very powerfull especially when such organisations and museums use it.
I definetly would like to try this program if I have an occasion. It may be a really useful tool in animation.
Cezary Róg said…
I think I have never heard about TouchDesigner. 3D graphics has been always like magic to me. I always wanted to learn it a bit but I was always giving up early.
This kind of programs are really hard to learn because it requires a lot of effort. TouchDesigner seems to be packed with stuff that should satisfy most people needs.
I think that if I had time, I would like to try make something like cool animation of a 3D character. But I think that this is hard enough to take a lot of time that I don’t have to spend on this kind of stuff now.
Have you ever heard of TouchDesigner?
I’ve seen it on one presentation. But it wasn’t said what program was used. Now I know.

What do you think about this program?
Looks awesome. But it is hard to determine if it’s hard to use

Would you like to try to create something?
Yeah. Looks like a great tool for some sci-fi or cyberpunk stuff.
Artem Lipovatyi said…
1. No, I have never heard about it.
2. I think it's a good program.
3. Yes, why not?
Unknown said…
I have never heard about TouchDesigner but it looks very promising.
I think that people with a big imagination and good computer skills will make unbelievable things thanks to this program.
Definitely, I would like to create something with this program.
Marcin Zając said…
1. Have you ever heard of TouchDesigner?
No, I haven't heard about this program.

2. What do you think about this program?
I think it's very interesting, but it can be difficult to use.

3. Would you like to try to create something?
Ofcourse, why not.
Unknown said…
1. I have never heard of TouchDesigner app because I don't know a lot about 3d modeling. I only know a bit about raster graphic and simple apps to create it like Gimp.

2. It looks nice and it has interesting functions. I think that it is a bit complicated to learn how to use it but projects which you mentioned showed that it is worth it to use it.

3. I think that one day I will download this app and I will try to use some of features of this program.

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