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Showing posts from December 6, 2015

Week 9 (07.12 - 13.12) Mental illness myth

Mental illness myth Have you ever heard the claim that mental illnesses aren't real diseases? It was said by Thomas Szasz in 1960 when he began to question psychiatry.  Thus, the patients of psychiatric hospitals were acknowledged to be the victims of society which was spreading the repression against non-conformist individuals. These beliefs are currently associated with the term of anty-psychiatric. It was firstly used 7 years after the 'Myth of Mental Illness' of Thomas Szasz being released, in 1967 by David Cooper, who, ironically, was a psychiatrist. The anty-psychiatry consists of a few basic claims, as following: • Mind isn't an physical organ so it cannot be ill. • Scientific methods cannot explain subjective deviation from the norms, because the direct observation (of thought processes) cannot be carried out. • Mental disorders might be underwriten as an effect of social/ethical/political factors. • The label given for the patients is a fake ...

Week 9 (07.12 - 13.12) Drug Use in Sports

Drug Use in Sports The manifold information is spread out around the Globe with intimidating pace. Thus, the resources on drugs and dietary supplements are no more the veritable arena only for pharmacists. Nowadays, doping is an inseparable part of professional sport. Never before was it that popular among sportsmen, although the use of drugs in order to enhance performance in sports has certainly occurred since the time of the original Olympic Games. Even then sport success guaranteed the glory, adoration and........... lots of money.  "The ancient Olympic champions were professionals who competed for huge cash prizes as well as olive wreaths... Most forms of what we would call cheating were perfectly acceptable to them, save for game-fixing. There is evidence that they gorged themselves on meat -- not a normal dietary staple of the Greeks -- and experimented with herbal medications in an effort to enhance their performances...The ancient Greek athletes also dr...

Week 9 (07.12 - 13.12) Are you sure you drink enough water?

        As you can see from the title this topic will be based on the question whether you drink enough water or you only think so?

Week 9 (07.12 - 13.12) Kasita — a compact city house of a new format