Electronic Diversity Lottery also known as Green Card Lottery is a program of United States Department of State which allows people from other countries get a Permanent Residential Card. The Program was created for people who are unable to qualify for employment in the United States, don’t have family there but would like work and live in USA. The Lottery is based mostly on good luck but factors like age, level of education and skills are very important during the whole procedure. The application process is very easy and free so if you have never done it and you would like to try someday it is all you need to know: - You can enter the Diversity Visa Lottery once a year at: https://www.dvlottery.state.gov/ - You will be asked to fill up a form with basic information about your age, education, your children under 21 ;) and a few other things - You must submit a digital photo of yourself (it is very important to send a photo which meets the requirements –...