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Showing posts from April 8, 2018

Week 3 [09.04-15.04.2018] Do truly sociable people hate parties?

Do truly sociable people hate parties? Parties are what should make people happy, sheer communication fun and laughter and generally just a reason for getting together. Yet some of us have a particular fear of them - which we're made to feel very bad about, as if this was a sure sign of being an anti-social and unfriendly person. But is the person who doesn't like parties truly anti-social ? Questions: 1. Do you like parties? 2. What is it that you like/dislike in parties?  3. Can you think of a more pleasant and effective way of social interactions?

Week 3 [09.04-15.04.2018] Safety on the internet and possible threat of world informational security

Safety in Internet In its importance for the development of society, information is equated with the most important resources alog with raw materials and energy. In developed countries, the majority of workers are not engaged in physical production, but rather in information processing of some degree. At the same time, it is possible to note a new trend, which consists of increasing information depedance of society as whole and of an individual in particular. That is why such categories as "information policy", "information security", "information war" and a whole bunch of other new concepts, to some extent connected with information, have appeared. In the modern business world, there is a process of migration of material assets towards information. As the organization system becomes more complex, the main task of which is to maximise the efficiency of doing business in the constantly changing competition in the market. Considering informat...

Week 3 [09.04-15.04.2018] What Can You Do With Impostor Syndrome?

At some point in our lives, we all doubted ourselves and questioned our worthiness, especially during our hardest periods of life. We criticize ourselves knowing that maybe we should try harder in order to deserve certain things that we want in our lives or be on the certain path that will fulfill our inner needs. Understanding our flaws and mistakes we made in the past, we try to change ourselves, and with enough effort we achieve our goal, which will make us feel good and confident again. But what if we made to that point when we did everything right and eventually succeeded, but we still feel guilt and refuse to believe in our own success thinking that it is pure luck. That feeling is what many people refer to as the impostor syndrome, fraud syndrome or simply impostor experience. Believe or not this psychological phenomenon is quite common among people these days and can take different forms depending on a person's character, life experience and life circumstances. Usually, th...

Week 3 [09.04-15.04.2018] Can we trust Facebook with our personal data?

Facebook is one of the most popular and biggest (if not the most popular and biggest) social media platform in the world. It is estimated that there are more than 2.13 billion monthly active users. Around 50% of them are daily active mobile users. All these daily requests store huge amount data that can be later processed. But what data does exactly Facebook collect and how is this data used? Some of you may already know about recent Facebook's data privacy scandal involving London-based data mining and analytics firm Cambridge Analytica that misused user data of estimated 50 million Facebook users. As result, Facebook had to suspend from the platform Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL) along with its political partner Cambridge Analytica. Companies ran data operations for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential election campaign and are widely credited with helping Trump to influence voters on Facebook. While some details are still not known, Facebook’s disclosure suggests t...