The population of planet Earth is ever growing, and it does not seem to slow down on any bit. This results in a range of severe consequences, such as higher CO2 emissions, overall raised temperature level, pollution. Of course, none of this itself is even comparable to a scale of CO2 emissions of cars and factories, raised temperature due to the deforestation and pollution of the wastes like our beloved plastics. But, everything was brought to that level for the same reason -- to satisfy the needs of humanity. There is a theory that a Planet is itself a living being. When it is healthy, all its organs and components are healthy as well. Humans, like a tiny Earth's blood cells, can assure the opposite. Then, the only way for the Planet to heal, is to get rid of the problem. In the year of 1349 the Plague, that originated far to the East, in Asia, has reached the harbours of Norway. Not even the cold could stop it, and the rats that roamed European ships menacingly contracted ever...