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Week 12 (12.01-18.01.15) Are you an early bird or a night owl ?

Owls are nocturnal creatures. They’re wide awake at night and they sleep during the day. If this sounds like bliss to you, then, like about 20 percent of the population who find themselves most active at around 9 pm, you may fall into the same category as our feathered friend. Night owls often have difficulty waking up in the morning, and like to be up late at night.  Studies of animal behaviour indicate that being a night owl may actually be built into some people’s genes. This would explain why those late-to-bed, late-to-rise people find it so difficult to change their behaviour.

The trouble for night owls is that they just have to be at places such as work and school far too early. This is when the alarm clock becomes the night owl’s most important survival tool. Experts say that one way for a night owl to beat their dependence on their alarm clocks is to sleep with the curtains open. The Theory is that if they do so, the morning sunlight will awaken them gently and naturally. The truth is that, unlike the feathered owl, human owls can’t claim that a nocturnal existence is their natural lifestyle. They are programmed to be at their best during the day. Also if we try to change our schedules and work at night, Mother Nature isn’t fooled. Night is still the time when our body slows down. Night owls simply start and finish a little later than average. 

I’ve found for you an interesting video „Early birds vs. Night Owl”. It’s only 3 minutes -

Research and scientists say that being morning or nightly person depends on genetics. We can have some resent to our ancestors :P Luckily, our internal clock can change with time.

How about you ? Are you an early bird or a night owl ? Do you believe in the natural body clock ?

Sources :


Anonymous said…
How about you ? Are you an early bird or a night owl ?

I am definetely night owl, I often go to sleep at 4am and sleep too little, but to be honest this is forced by my duties.
I wish to be an early owl and go to sleep at 10pm and wake up at 7am but it is undoable right now.

Do you believe in the natural body clock ?

Why wouldn't I believe a fact?
I used to be 100 percent early bird. I loved to to be in bed around 10 pm. and get good 8-9 hours sleep. But then I changed a little. Don't get me wrong. Comparing to others, like Robert, I'm still an early bird but nowadays it is almost impossible for me to go to sleep at 10 pm. Usually I'm not even sleepy then. Althought I cannot do any work after 9 pm. My brain does not work any more. So I do stuff like excercising, painting my nails or simply do the disches. Natural body clock is definatley a thing. I always try to listen to my body;)

Robert how do you manage to go to sleep at 4 am? Are you able to sleep long hours the next day or you must wake up early as well? Honestly i think I would die, if I do that:P My natural body clock is even "bad at me" when I party till 3 or 4 am. and I have to sleep it off for next couple of days:P

Kamil are you an early bird or a night owl?
haha so you're a bit like a zombie :)

Why wouldn't believe a fact ?

I don't know, maybe in the world exists people who can adapt to any situation without discomfort.
Thanks for comment.
I've always been an early birds like you, but last time I see in my body clock some from night owl. I'm not saying that my brain is more efficient in the evening or night, but I can't sleep before 12pm.
Unknown said…
How about you ? Are you an early bird or a night owl ?

I believe in natural body clock, but I believe that we're all programed to wake up with sun and go to sleep with sunset. All other who claim that they like to stay up all night and then sleep whole day, I consider being too alternative.

But If we have to distinguish between two type, Im an early bird, because I wake up almost every day before 7
MartaSB said…
I'm neither an early bird nor a night owl. I'm a day person, most productive during normal day hours. My natural body clock tells me to go to sleep early and wake up at a reasonable hour, when I feel I had enough sleep(8hours). I must say it's very comfortable in everyday life and it can be a reason why I'm not a big fan of parties... 00:00 maximum is when I should be in (or immediately teleport to) my comfy bed :)
Unknown said…
I am for sure a night owl. Going to sleep about 2am and waking up about 10/11am.
I believe in body clock, I always wanted to get up early in the morning but it's impossible for me. I am sleepy all day and I can't really think in the morning.
One time I made an experiment. I just didn't use any clocks for about a week.
I felt great and definitely proved that I'm owl. I also often party so it can have some influence.
Unknown said…
It's unfair, there should be some kind of parties for early birds. I have to test partying at 4 pm, maybe that's the solution
Certainly we have genetic basis to wake up with sun and go to sleep with sunset, but this is blurred after dissemination of electricity. In the summer you can live with the sun, but a liitle problem you can have in the winter when light day lasts only 8 hour.
You have very comfortable day, everything is scheduled. I can also good organise my time, but I have a problem when something goes wrong. Sometimes I have to work longer, maybe at night, I have a trouble to return to normal daily rhytm.
Life without clocks and time, beautiful thing. It's unfortunately immposible, clocks are everywhere. Im also often partying. This is a murder for my body clock.
Unknown said…
I'm definitely a night owl. I never liked getting up early and waking up at 6 am was killing me. Instead if I could at least sleep till 8-9 every day I would be very happy [of course I would prefer to sleep even longer and go to bed much later, but realistically speaking 8 or 9 would still make a huge difference]. I think that I'm a night owl mostly because I like working at night. I feel that I'm more focused and less things can distract me then. Anyway the biggest problem for me is that for a few days a week I can sleep and work in hours that are comfortable for me and for the rest of the week I have to get up early and this "change" is always pretty "painful " to make ;) I don't quite know how I was able to go to school every day for so many years and get up so early (I lived outside the city and had to drive to school so it was pretty early) but I suspect it had something to do with getting up the same hour every day. Now it's much harder when I sometimes can sleep as I like and sometimes can't.

Here is a short and funny video on the subject:
Unknown said…
I am definitely a night owl! It is so hard for me to wake up early, omg I hate it... And even when I do, I always feel sleepy for the rest of a day... Sometimes I have this kind of "great idea" to have super-productive day, and I wake up early (for me early is 8 o'clock :D) and I want to do some stuff. And no matter how early I wake up I always start doing stuff after 11 o'clock! I simply cannot force myself to start working earlier than this. So in this case it is way better to get enough sleep and start working at 11 without pangs of conscience ;)
Unfortunately I am always trying to get up earlier and because of it I am tired at my best productive time - which is mostly time after 20:00 and as a result I am absolutely not productive at all :)

"The Theory is that if they do so, the morning sunlight will awaken them gently and naturally" NOT WORKING AT ALL :(

I don't know if it goes as a package with all night owls but I cannot wake up only with one alarm clock, I always set like 10 alarm clocks, one after another + snooze so in the morning I have symphony of alarm clocks that still don't convince me to wake up :D Is it only typical for night owls? Or early birds suffer from same problem? :D
Unknown said…
OMG waking up before 7 is a torture ...
Julia Osiak said…
I always thought of myself as a night owl. I would naturally wake up around 9 or 10, go to bed no earlier than 1 or 2 am. I always was most productive after 9pm and in the mornings all I can do is some house chores but even they go much slower than they should if it's before noon. Recently my sleeping habits are changing. I still hate waking up early, and like Natalia, I need a ton of alarms, preferably really annoying ones and placed on the other side of the room. What has changed is the time that I go to bed. I feel exhausted around 10pm and I'm dreaming about going to bed. Even if I end up in bed before midnight I would still much rather wake up at 10 am than at 6.... Oh and the sunlight is helping but not as much as it should...
haha nice introduction in this funny videos. Thanks for it and comment. I've read some time that when people are older and older, they need less sleep. Maybe soon we can go sleep late and wake up early without any problem. I hope.
I'm not expert in this subject, but I think that most night owls have your problem. I'm early birds and I wake up after first alarm. I try to snooze a few times but I feel after this wake up/sleep/wake up/sleep.. very sleepy and bad. Normally I stand up on feet in two minutes after my alarm. I think that real early bird don't need an alarm clock. Maybe someday I jump into this level.
Unknown said…

I am definitely an early bird! I like waking up early around 6 or 7 a.m.and I know if I wake up at 10 or 11 a.m. I'll feel bad, I will feel that I have lost a lot of time. But if I wake up early I'm full of energy, I'm in a good mood and I'll have a productive day.

I'm sure that the natural body clock exists! Every time before going to bed when I tell myself that I need to wake up at a certain time it works for me. Of course I set my alarm clock as a fallback, but in 9/10 times I wake up 5 mins before the alarm clock.

Personally I think that I am something in between :D I am a bit of early bird and night owl. I don't get up at 6-7 am but rather 8-9 am. Moreover, I do not stay up late like 3-4 am. Usually it is 1 am in the worst case.

As for natural body clock, I am sure it exists because I believe that our body likes routine and where is routine there has to be something to sync with. In our case it is this natural body clock
Unknown said…
For me, it’s complicated. I try to be early bird, especially when I have many important duties. I think I can acomplish a lot more when I wake up at 7am. Getting up early seems to be a good preparation for hard day of working.
However, when I have a free day, or not many important duties, I definitely prefer being night owl. In my opinion, sleeping till noon and staying up late at night seems to be perfect description of ideal weekend.
Unknown said…
Are you an early bird or a night owl ?
By nature, I would consider myself as a night owl. I used to spend much time working on laptop till 2-3 am - I found it easier to get focused working at night. Now, as I need to get up at 6 am to get to work, I somehow managed to switch to "earli bird mode" - otherwise I would be unable to work.

Do you believe in the natural body clock ?
Yes, but I believe its "customizable", at least in my case.
Unknown said…
Hah that's funny :D Once I have read that we can "program" our own body alarm clock. It might sometimes work, especially when you get enough sleep. If you repeat before falling asleep how badly you want to wake up at X o'clock it is highly possible that you will wake up without any additional alarm clock. Sometimes it happened to me and it worked ;D I guess it is similar with any big event in your life, which you don't want to oversleep, when I am excited and I know I need to wake up at 7 o'clock, I will do it without any problems, even 5minutes before alarm clock :)
Unknown said…
I'm a night owl, but sometimes I act like an early bird. It's almost impossible for me to go to sleep before 11 pm because, for me, the night is a time of the day when I can concentrate on creative work the most. But, when needed, I can get up very early and still function properly. Late afternoons and evenings are my biggest issue to be honest - it's the time when I'm most sleepy.

Yes, I belive in natural body clock, and as Krzysiek mentioned I also think it's "customizable".
Marcin Lyzwa said…
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Marcin Lyzwa said…
I would consider myself as a morning bird, but at all I think it is a matter of habit. Since I've begun my job mostly I get up even at 5:30. I have possibility to start my work earlier and leave office earlier too. I'm the most productive after third coffee and it doesn't matter if it is 7 A.M. I wish I could sleep about 2 hours a day without any bad health effects.
Regarding to natural body clock there is nothing to believe in, it is fact, but also it is customizable a bit.
Unknown said…
I can't tell if I'm a night owl, but i can tell that for damn sure i ain't an morning bird. I go to sleep at reasonable hours or i can go sleep late, lets say at 4 am. I still wake up around 13-14 pm. I've visited psychologist back in middle school, but still couldn't fix that. And university also made it harder.
It is true however that when people wake up at 8am and start their day, it can be more productive and you'll probably be less negative. Whenever i get a chance to be well slept and wake up at that hour, this day seems like it was taken from Truman Shows life. I really try getting used to it, starting work early, so i can spend late day for relaxing and eventually going to sleep. But it is still a bit tough for me and just occur randomly. For sure i can't work at late hour, because i do only half of work which i can do early morning.

As for natural body clock - yes, i believe they exists and also i believe that mine is broken. Maybe i just got tired of monotony which involved getting up to school at same hours and some extra lessons almost at the same time each week. But now i am trying to fix it so it won't come in a way with a job.
Anonymous said…
Not always, especially in the hot Summer, dawns are magnificent.
Sylwia said…
As Marta I’m nether an early bird, nor night owl. I have done the tests from link in your article and it confirmed my opinion. From time to time, usually at weekend I like to stay awake longer, but on regular weekdays I go to bed around midnight. I need 6-8h of sleep to be productive at work the next day, so midnight is the last call to make it possible and be at work on reasonable time as well. Fortunately my working hours are not so strict and I’m often at the office around 10 or sometimes even later. However when I was a teenager I was definitely a night owl. At the beginning, in late primary school, my parents tried to fight with it, but after some time they understood that I wouldn’t start doing my homework before 10pm. I often didn’t have enough sleep, because I had to be at 8 am at school, but then it didn’t have as much influence on my productivity as it has now.
Michal Kulesza said…
I can't believe that there is such thing as body clock - I'm going to bed when I'm tired. Sometimes after 12 hours from waking up, and sometimes after 20 hours. I sleep from 4 to 8 hours, but usually no more than 6 hours.

If owl is also a bird then I'm unspecified bird ;) Maybe an owl, who knows?
Unknown said…
I can be an early bird or a night owl and it depends what I need at the moment. Everyone have some preferences about it but in this case everything can be changed and natural body clock can be set again and again according to actual needs.
Unknown said…
I am sure that I like to sleep a lot but it seems to me that I am a night owl type, because often I like to stay awake until 4 am and sleep longer till the afternoon. As my life requires being diurnal, it is very hard to switch from nocturnal to diurnal. That is why I try not to do so and go to sleep before midnight.
You're new species of bird, maybe. New better generation :D 6 hour of sleep is definitely too little for me. I need 8 hour, it's the best number for my effective work.
I would say, I am neither. I had experienced both lifestyles and I can't say I prefer any of them. I can say though I like to have a good night sleep. I whether I go to sleep 8 pm or 2 am depends on external factors.
Unknown said…
When I was younger I was totally early bird. Now unfortunatelly I’m night owl. Uhm, not totally because I don’t always wake up too late. My body clock is unfortunatelly completely irregular.
I go to sleep about 1-2 am and I wake up about 9. I try to wake up earlier but my clock is really bad and I always win this dueal- my sleep of course.
So we are both earl birds, h5!;)
I love those days when I wake up around 7 without any clocks. The day seems so much longer....
Tomek you are so right! Have you ever been on apresski?;P It starts around 4:30pm and end at 8pm...
I had the same in high school - definitely early birds. I see the more similars to night owl, now. I often win my fight with my clock :)
Unknown said…
I am surely a night owl. That's because I don't like to go to sleep if I'm not really feeling tired. If i must wake up early next day it's ok, as it would make me tired earlier that day, but if I can sleep longer it just makes my waking and going to sleep hours shift forward a bit.
Come on scientists invent something that would give us full control of sleep, and that would make waking up less painful. It's 21st century!
Mateusz Frycie said…
I am definitely an owl. I have getting up in the morning and it's really difficult to wake me up. I am more efficient in the evening, as I got used to working in the night. I envy people who are able to get up in the morning, as their day is much longer than mine.
Unknown said…
I am definitely a night owl. A couple of years back I could stay up all night working, but now I am not able to do that any more;) Nowadays I get up around 9 a.m., do some housework, cook and chill. I start working after 7 p.m. and I get the most productive around 10 p.m. A reason for this might also be that I live with my family and they are extremely talkative and want to spend a lot of time together, so I can work after they have fallen asleep.
I think that being an early bird is a much healthier lifestyle as it has been practiced from the beginning of time. People's body clock was integrated with day and night changes (also because their artificial light sources were unefficient) and they didn't have any other option than to get up and work before it has gotten dark outside. Modern early birds get up early, have a lot of energy, do most of the things they plan and go to sleep at "normal" time. I would love to change my lifestyle to early bird mode, I've tried to, but never succeeded.
The other thing is that some people can't sleep early in the night. I've recently read some studies on this subject and am currently testing a method to avoid this. The study shows that blue light suppresses melatonin production. Melatonin is a hormone responsible for our natural day/night rythm. That's why after gazing at the computer for hours we cannot sleep well. The method is to turn off all electronical devices with blue light screens at least one hour prior to getting to bed. There is a great app for portable devices, it is called Twilight. It adds a warm filter to your screen and lowers its backlight in the evening. The eyes don't get tired as easily as while using smartphones without a filter and I think it makes a person sleep more easily. Here's a link to this app's homepage:
I think that it's difficult to cheat nature, but I believe in scientists too :)
I've never heard about this app. I'll test it from today. I often have a problem with falling asleep. Sometimes I'm too tired to sleep. It's very strange and uncomfortable. I'm very tired and I can't sleep.
Unknown said…
Because of my near deadline with my thesis Im pretty sure I am night owl. Sitting do 4-5am is

something normal for me. Overall I prefer waking up early after about 7h of sleep. Or weekend... then I am definitely night owl propably like most of us;)

Im sure that natural body clock exist. I had to change it by myself a lot of time, little annoying.
Unknown said…
I've heard about it, sounds great and propably really works as you wrote. Regret that I didnt try it when I had to...
Unknown said…
I would love to be able to wake up before sunrise. It is a great time for photographers and I always choose sleeping to going out and I probably lose perfect shots...
Unknown said…
It is really great and fully customizable - you can set the hours of filter activity, its colour (more pinky or more orange-y), brightness level, duration of fading in and out... Just don't use it when you are working with colours;)
Unknown said…
I am recently night owl especially at the end of the semester because I have too many projects to do. I think that I work better at night. Nothing distracts me. I'm just focused on the project. I believe in the natural body clock. Sometimes when I forget turn on the alarm clock I get up at the appointed time because my body gets used to it.
rf. said…
The test said neither and I have to agree. I really enjoy mornings and 'healthy' timetable - getting up at 6 and going to sleep around 22 would be perfect. When I was a teenager I used to wake up everyday exactly at 6.45 and went to sleep usually around 24. Now, Mostly due to loads of work I can't afford to adjust my body to waking up at one particular hour. Even though I sometimes stay up 2 days in a row (yeah, that's unhealthy), I usually need at least 6-7 hours of good sleep. I can sleep as much as 10 too, and that's what I call 'filling a sleep bank' so in a less easy time 4-5 hours of sleeping are enough. I believe that time (as a measurable) can help us value our lives - all of us (rich, poor, healthy or sick) have 24h/day and only we decide what do we do with that.
Unknown said…
I am a night owl. It is funny, but I know the ASAP science video, I watched it just a couple of weeks ago and I agree with it. However, even when working for over a year in a "9-5" job I am still a night owl, I get on average 4-5 hours of sleep during the week, and while I feel like I want to pass out until early evening, afterwards I am full of energy in the evening, and get necessary sleep only on weekends when I can sleep at least until 1pm. I work the most efficiently at night, and can do multiple times more at that point, I am more creative and have hundreds of ideas per minute.

However, working in the morning is a nightmare, so does the idea of waking up early sound like. I am ALWAYS waking up multiple times at night checking if it's the time to get up already, because if I allowed myself to fully sleep, I'd be afraid to oversleep for work. Considering the mainstream office job system that is not optimal.

On the positive note, I can use my private time after work more efficiently, until my brain is in "Zombie-mode" and refuses to work due to permanent lack of sleep ;-)
Unknown said…
Additionally, I know that if someone is a night owl, they don't need any tests for it - they just know it's always been like that, and there are absolutely no doubts about it.
Yup, I am definitively an early bird, but I don't believe that its our genes that determine our sleep cycles, also I would love to see the scientific evidence they have for that. Seems hard to determine that by science because it would require someone to find and manipulate the genes in the way that it would show the differences in two animals of same species, like rats.
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Foodocado said…
It all depends on habits. I am not an early bird nor a night owl. I know my responsibilities and my sleep depends on them. Usually, I sleep 6-7 hours and it's enough for me, but when the weekends come... I can seat in front of the computer to early morning hours.

"Do you believe in the natural body clock ?" - Yes, I do. In the same time, I believe it is easy to change.
1.Have you ever heard of such a method? How effective do you think it is?
I have heard of this method before but IhI not tried it. However, I think it would be efficient as it helps you to prioritize and keep you focused.
2.What methods of increasing productivity do you use in the current conditions (or which have you used before)?
I do not have a specific method but I usually make a to do list depending on my current priorities and check them off one by one as I complete them and regularly update the list.
Unknown said…
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Angelika Dutt said…
I don't know if I'm classified in any group, because I just like to sleep regardless of the time of day. I guess I'm a bear in my winter sleep.
However, if I were to choose, I am rather a night owl, I would rather sit longer and do something than get up in the morning for that.
I believe in a natural biological clock, I used to even have to work it out, but unfortunately I have completely unbalanced it. I have to start sleeping regularly and come back to it!
maha said…
Nice and good article. It is very useful for me to learn and understand easily. Thanks for sharing your valuable information and time. Please keep updating .

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