Have you ever thought about the meaning of color? Color has had its meaning for a long time. Every color matches a concrete behavior, thing or situation. A color’s characteristic is very important in design. Colors influence our comfort, mood and behavior. Colors provoke behavior like buying, eating, etc. Why is soup on a red plate more tasty than on a green plate? Why is green in our opinion healthy, red- spicy, blue- peaceful? Each of us has a favorite color or range of colors, but we don’t think about the meaning of them. What is your favorite color/ range of colors? Why? Bright and warm colors have friendly and active characteristics. We see them in the first place- they are eye-catching. They can add energy and bravery. This range of colors is used in the car industry, marketing, entertainment, sports, clothes, cosmetics and food. Dark and warm colors are associated with classic and tradition, luxury and relaxation. The...