Light novel (ライトノベル raito noberu, also ラノベ ranobe or ライノベ rainobe) is a style of Japanese novel primarily targeting young adults. They are typically around 50,000 words long, are often frequently published, are generally published in A6 format (105×148mm) and are often illustrated. They are often serialized in magazines such as Faust, Gekkean Dragon Magazine, etc. In recent years, on the basis of such novels have been created manga, anime, movies and acting. There are two main aspects that distinguish light novels from other forms of literature. The most obvious one are the illustrations. Almost every light novel will have an anime style illustration as its cover. Apart from that most of them also contain 5-10 extra illustrations placed within the book, but there are also those that don’t have any. The other aspect is the writing style. Light novels focus mostly on dialogues, which allow the story to progress quickly, keeping the reader interested and reading at a bit fa...