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Showing posts from September 2, 2018
How to put hidden commands in the subconscious of the interlocutor? "Just like that" nothing happens - emotions do not emerge, feelings and sympathies are not born. It became sad or joyful, liked or disliked - all emotions pass through the subconscious. You do not notice much of what's being postponed, and so you can be sure that all feelings are "accidental." Now imagine that you have learned to put the right thoughts and feelings into the subconscious of people. Before you - great opportunities, you just need to practice. Hidden commands - speech traps Every person in communication unconsciously distinguishes the most important words for him. Intonation, pause, gesture. Thus, we place emphasis in our speech, informing listeners about what we should pay special attention to.  Consciousness of people, as a rule, does not pay attention to such subtleties. However, their subconscious mind sees everything and...
The art of asking | Amanda Palmer Don't make people pay for music, says Amanda Palmer. Let them. In a passionate talk that begins in her days as a street performer (drop a dollar in the hat for the Eight-Foot Bride!), she examines the new relationship between artist and fan. As a child, I was told that asking for help is bad. It was better to die, but in no case do not ask people for help. Yes, since the request makes you vulnerable. When I needed help from strangers, I was ashamed, afraid of refusal and stepped over all my prejudices that were imposed on me as a child. Yes, and I thought about what I can give to these people in return, and is that all right? Recently, I watched a very cool video of Amanda Palmer, she talked about "the art of asking." Who is she, Amanda? Amanda Palmer is a famous musician and founder of musical crowdaging projects. For 5 years after graduating from a steep humanitarian university, she worked as a living statue nam...