We just finished celebrating Easter. I wished all the best to my friend in Brazil and she told me that they don’t celebrate anything, they just have Friday off and they exchange big chocolate eggs (each is worth ca. 70 PLN). I didn’t know about it - in primary school we usually talked about Christmas traditions so I decided to learn more about this topic and present to you Easter traditions in different cultures. Poland Just to make sure we have equal starting point: In Poland these are rather ‘sad’ holidays - maybe because of the Lent before - but still according to Christians, Easter is a happy holiday and we celebrate resurrection, not the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. People go with food (coloured eggs especially!) to church on Saturday to have it blessed and to eat it for Sunday breakfast. Brazil I learned that my friend was wrong. In Brazil on Friday (“Good Friday”) there is a tradition of “Procissão do Encontro” - women carrying an image or sculpture of Vi...