Hubble - is the biggest telescope, which was launched in the XX century, one of the most known telescopes in the world and our window to the far galaxies. A few days ago this great apparat celebrated 30 years of its hard work. 2014 HUBBLE WFC3/UVIS IMAGE OF M16 On April 24, 1990 it was the space shuttle Discovery delivered Hubble into low Earth orbit. Within a week it occurred out, that the primary mirror of the telescope had been polished to the wrong shape, which drastically lowered the quality of images. Almost instantly a group of engineers and scientists started working on how to fix this issue. By the year 2002 all incorrect parts of the optical system were replaced with improved ones. During his long life Hubble has received 5 servicing missions, which were designed to improve/fix any part of its systems as well as let us enjoy great discoveries made with it. Now anyone can apply for time on the telescope. There are no restrictions in academic affiliation, once...