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Week 12 [21-27.01.19] Original Thinkers

Original thinkers

Is your head full of ideas that could transform the way you work, what your industry offers or how people are connected to each other?  But when it comes to executing them do you find yourself stuck in cycles of doubt and procrastination?  If yes, never fear it turns out research suggests this could be the key to your Success!. 

* Questions:
1-          What is your opinion about this research? 

2-        What is your own definition of doubt and procrastination and how you deal with that?

3-        What are you think about original thinkers and how you determine them?

* Sources:


The answer lies on the surface -- when you do not think of anything, your synapses are resetting. And in the hybernated state, the brain has no other options other than generate random data to fill itself. Most of it will be crap. Some -- will turn out as a pure fresh genius ideas. And very important thing -- start doing something before. That way your thoughts will be put towards that task.
Unknown said…
1. Very interesting research that is not only insightful, but also quite funny. There are many great examples that only reinforces his statement.

2. In my opinion doubt is the opportunity to improve and procrastination is just a part of the process of creating something astonishing. Deadlines are a great cure for procrastination.

3. Original thinkers are people who take their time to come up with the best solution. The process is slow, but it pays off in the end.
Unknown said…
This video is surprisingly popular on this blog. I am for sure consider myself a procrastinator actually I finished my thesis project in 6 days so I do know what I’m talking about. For me it wasn’t that I didn’t have an idea it’s that I have no idea how to start. I had to force myself into work by deadline and just get through it. When the borders of the work become clear and I new what I had to do actual implementation was easy.
Unknown said…

I like this research because I am interested in this question. On personal experience, I was convinced that not only procrastination provides an opportunity to focus on one question and delve into it, find an answer or a solution, prepare a speech. I believe that meditation is similar to procrastination, for the results you need to get. Meditation helps not only to relax morally and to think about what requires concentration. Meditation is an excellent base for external balance too.
With yoga, I learned to stop when I need it and for a while to dive into thoughts, so I rarely have excitement and doubt.
This is interesting because the more I think, the more ideas, the more ideas, the greater the choice. It helps to choose from more options the best, this is for me originality.

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