Week 5 [03.04-09.04.2017] Want to sound like a leader? Start by saying your name right | Laura Sicola |
Have you ever been in a situation when you are a leader in your job, lead developer, project manager etc. and the idea / message you are trying to pass over gets mixed up? Have you ever thought the reason of that problem can lie in the way you use your voice? If you want to sound like a leader and be credible, you have to sound credible. We have a lot of control over how we use our voice – and we just have to adjust it to a proper situation correctly. You can take control over tonality of your voice to make the message you want to pass as clear as possible. It really works. Many successful people do it all the time. Taking control over how you control your voice and how emotions are passed through it are the main keys to a clear message. Enough introduction - all of that included in TED video from Laura Sicola titled "Start by saying your name right": Questions: 1) Do you think that people with confident voice tonality are more credible ? Is correct pronunci...