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Showing posts from May 21, 2017

Week 9 [22.05-28.05.2017] - Quit social media

Nowadays everyone uses social media. But do we have to use it? Is it an essential part of our lifes? Have you ever wondered how would your life look like if you  never signed up to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter? I recommend you watching a short movie. 1. Social media are quite new thing and we have to use it to be trendy. 2. Quitting social media can have bad impact on our company 's image. 3. When I stop using social media I will miss something great. What do you think about those opinions? Have you ever tried to be offline for a while? Or maybe have you resigned from using social media?  Will you consider stopping using social media after watching this movie?

Week 9 [22.05-28.05.2017] - The strangest prohibitions

The strangest prohibitions  I’m sure most of you have  heard about strange laws and prohibitions from all around the world. I’d like to present you some of them which  has surprised me the most.                      Metabo Law Japanese government has announced in April 2008 that it’s illegal to be fat. Both woman and man between 40 and 75 have to have  their waist measured once a year by local government workers. All woman above 35.5 inches and man above 33.5 inches are known as “at risk” and are directed to diet and mental support specialists. The main goal is to decrease the number of citizens with obesity and in consequence exposed to other illnesses like diabetes or some joint injuries.               Speeding in Finland In Finland breaking speed limits may cost you a fortune! The cost of speeding ticket depends on your income. So that in Januar...

Week 9 [22.05-28.05.2017] - Let's teach kids to code

For some of us studying at PJATK was first time when we learned to code. Programming is not only about language we are coding in it’s mostly about logical thinking, we need to think what we want to do and then figure out how to do it. In this point of view we can see that programming is a way to start thinking more creatively. Nowadays there are more ways to learn how to code with Minecraft children can learn it with graphic interface linking blocks of actions together. So for more reasons why children should learn to code I invite you to watch the presentation. Questions: What do you think about this idea? Do you agree with Mitch about pros of learning to code?

Week 9 [22.05-28.05.2017] - Virtual Reality

In these days computers and their components even those which are used in our mobile phone or tablets become so powerful that manufacturers are trying to bring the virtual reality from these devices to our normal lives. Their vision is to enhance reality with the virtual layer. So if the names VR, AR, MR mean anything to you, you know about what I will be talking about. If not I will explain ideas hidden behind these acronyms. VR is an acronym for virtual reality, with this description we are talking about devices which are focused on changing our experience in virtual worlds to be more immersed to make us feel like we are there. Devices used in VR are headsets. Nowadays almost any big company has its VR headset. If we are talking about pc devices like Oculus Rift or HTC Vive which are the leader on the market. These devices are rather expensive , they cost at least 600 euro for Oculus Rift or 900 euro for HTC Vive. Besides its price you need to have a powerful pc to use them so ...

Week 9 [22.05-28.05.2017] – The Revolution in Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering is a relatively new field of science that can change our lives forever. It experiences a rapid growth since the discovery of DNA, a molecule that stores genetic information of living creatures. Nowadays it’s used mainly for modifying plants in almost a random way, but recently there was a discovery that may allow for DNA  programming. While it can resolve fundamental issues like ending genetic diseases, slowing down aging,  it still faces many ethical challenges. For example, it can be used for evil or controversial purposes, like creating genetically modified soldiers or “designing” babies, choosing the desired eye and hair color, facial features for a child. Nevertheless, a revolution in genetic engineering is happening right now and I suggest viewing this short animated video explaining the topic: Questions Do you think it’s acceptable to use genetic engineering for curing plant diseases, expanding their expiration time and improving ta...

Week 9 [22.05-28.05.2017] – The Benefits and Dangers of Nootropics Nootropics can be defined as substances that safely enhance the cognitive function of the brain and help in dealing with stress. This term was introduced by a Romanian psychologist and chemist Corneliu Giurgea in 1972, it’s based on two Greek words: “mind” (νους) and “turn” (τρέπειν). Nootropics are not meant to be used for treating mental illnesses, but they may be used by healthy people for boosting concentration, memory, motivation and learning ability in general. Many people already use nootropics every day without being aware of it. For example, by drinking coffee or energy drinks for battling fatigue and improving concentration, or by taking vitamin complex pills for improving memory. Below is an overview of a few the most popular natural and synthetic nootropics. Overview Natural Nootropics Natural nootropics are cognitive health supplements that exi...