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Showing posts from May 5, 2019

Week 7 [6.05 – 12.05.2019] Minimalism

Do you really need all the clutter you own? Do I? I have become interested in minimalism a while ago but never managed to do it. Unfortunately, I am shopaholic, and I do get addicted to every t-shirt I own very much (and I have hundreds of them). No, I do not wear all of them. But why? Why do I have them, spend my money on them? I want to share a piece of knowledge with you about minimalism, or, as some people call it, clutter-free lifestyle. Yes, lifestyle again.   The main goal is to maintain a clutter-free lifestyle so that every item would spark joy for you, not only exist. There are different cultures in minimalism such as Scandinavian "Hugge" and Japanese minimalism. They are slightly different but have the same foundation.   Have you ever heard about this kind of minimalism? What do you think about it? Does every item in your apartment/room spark joy for you? Does it really make you happy? What “being rich” means for you?   Do you agr...

Week 7 [6.05 – 12.05.2019] Zero Waste Lifestyle Or how to save our planet

"Americans are 5% of the world’s population and produce up to 35% of the world’s garbage” - the quote I have heard on one British TV show, and it stuck in my memory. “There is an Island formed with plastic trash in the Pacific that is 3 times bigger than France” scares me even more. How this could happen and what we can do with this? For me, personally, everything started last summer, when I started to see all these huge environmental issues everywhere. Did you know that 90% of all the plastic that ever produced still exists? So, I’ve asked myself: what can I do with it? Then, the golden “Reduce, reuse, recycle” came to mind. So, I have started recycling my garbage, segregating it. I have found a thermo cup at my kitchen and stopped taking a coffee “to go” without it. After some research, I have found out about the so-called Zero Waste lifestyle. So, what is it? It is basically the number of improvements in your normal lifestyle that may help to save the planet. We ba...

Week 7 [6.05 – 12.05.2019] Different body standards and how you should feel about them

How your body should look is very delicate topic with dozens of different opinions. Every time there is some advertising campaign where you can see women in lingerie or bikini there is going to be public outrage. Some of the people will even be offended by the pictures they see. But is it really how one should feel about some ads? Is it right to shame anyone because of their body? Watch   this video:  Questions : 1.        Were there any events like Victoria’s Secret campaign which offended you? If yes, why? 2.        Do you believe there is ideal body type for both man and women? 3.        How do you feel about idea of promoting being overweight/underweight?

Week 7 [6.05 – 12.05.2019] Why is it hard to be a man in modern, western society?

Throughout the history women were frequently discriminated or their laws were denied just because they were weaker physically than men. These dealings are changing for better in the modern world. In most developed countries women are equal to the man in the light of the law, etc. But sometimes ‘equality’ may be pushed too hard making life of other gender more difficult than it should be. General views in the society are putting more and more pressure on men. A lot of completely normal behaviors are starting to be unacceptable. People are pinning on them all the sins their ancestors committed. It is becoming to be uncomfortable just to be something you can’t control. Even results from different public polls where saying that majority of people think men are more discriminated and have harder lives nowadays. Let’s start with how media pictures modern man. You often see commercials in TV where husband is a slouch and can’t do any simple task and then woman comes and rescues hi...