Generally, flags and national symbols are very important as they represent and symbolizes a country. In many countries flag have also a special day – in Poland it is celebrating on 2 nd of May. During some holidays such as Independence Day on 11 th of November, Warsaw Uprising on 1 st of August or many others we can observe streets covered with flags, symbols and national colors. This shows how important national symbols are and how much people are connected to symbols of their countries. Study of flags and symbolism is called Vexillology. Roman Mars is professional radio producer which is also keen on flags design and in his TED talk he deal with the issue of the worst designed flags. He reveals five rules about how to design a proper flag and believes that those rules should be applied to design in total. I encourage you to answer below questions: 1. Would you change something in flag design of your country? 2. Do you celebrate national holidays by flying a flag of your cou...