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Showing posts from November 4, 2018

Week 4 [05-11.11.18] - “Why city flags may be the worst-designed thing you've never noticed”

Generally, flags and national symbols are very important as they represent and symbolizes a country. In many countries flag have also a special day – in Poland it is celebrating on 2 nd of May. During some holidays such as Independence Day on 11 th of November, Warsaw Uprising on 1 st of August or many others we can observe streets covered with flags, symbols and national colors. This shows how important national symbols are and how much people are connected to symbols of their countries. Study of flags and symbolism is called Vexillology. Roman Mars is professional radio producer which is also keen on flags design and in his TED talk he deal with the issue of the worst designed flags. He reveals five rules about how to design a proper flag and believes that those rules should be applied to design in total. I encourage you to answer below questions: 1. Would you change something in flag design of your country? 2. Do you celebrate national holidays by flying a flag of your cou...

Week 4 [05-11.11.18] WWF - “The Almost Dead Planet Report”

World Wide Fund of Nature is an international organization which helps to preserve the wildlife and protect environment, species and their habitats. Its goal is to put people attention to nature, show the consequences of their behavior and teach them how to protect nature. Some days ago WWF published “The Living Planet Report” which is a document published every two years which analyze health of our planet. This year the outcome of the survey was so bad that scientists ring the alarm bells and warn the society. In this article I would like to put your attention to environment and what we can do to protect it in everyday situations. According to WWF report, in the last 40 years human activity caused 60% decline in size of population in all kinds of animals. Main reasons of the losses in biodiversity is human consumerism , which increased rapidly in all parts in the world and still continue to raise. In result, habitats for many species disappear, animals lose their natural environment...

Week 4 [05-11.11.18] Is death inevitable?

Is death inevitable? Most of us will say “yes”. But is it? There are actual creatures that can live forever. Some species of jellyfish, lobsters or flatworms, as an example. They have different mechanisms to cheat death: impressive regeneration, backward aging or no aging at all. But all of it leads to one result – immortality. Of course, they are not truly immortal, since they can be killed by predators, environment or humans. But in ideal conditions, with no enemy threatening their existence, these creatures can keep on living eternally. Nature proves that immortality is not a fiction but reality. But we, humans, since the very begging of our history have witnessed how the circle of life works. We know that death is imminent, so most of us don’t even question the natural order we must obey. Moreover, since living forever is so unnatural for our kind, people usually deny even the idea of obtaining it. This can be easily noticed in our culture. The majority of fictional char...

Week 4 [05-11.11.18] What are you?

What are you? What makes you what you are? Your body? Your brain? Your consciousness?   This is the question we still don’t have an answer for. But let’s try to think about it. Imagine a situation.   You are a regular citizen of New York living in 2120. Quantum teleportation has been invented. If you want to get to the other side of the Earth just step into a small capsule and you’re there. So one day you decide you want to go to Paris. You buy a ticket, step into the teleportation capsule, it scans you and then disintegrates you. Somewhere in Paris, another teleportation capsule receives the signal, and then, from atoms inside it recrates you, every cell of your body. A few seconds later you proudly step out of the capsule. But is it really you who is enjoying some wine next to the Eiffel Tower. Or is it just absolute copy of you, who has all your memories, who reacts in different situations just like you would react. Did you close your eyes in New York and open...

Week 4 [05-11.11.18] Fermi Paradox — Where Are All The Aliens?

What is the fermi Paradox? Why if it is so presumably, to develop life in the enormous number planet, we don’t see any alien life form? Watch the video and discuss. Do you think we are alone in the universe? Will we be capable to colonize another planet in the future? Do you think we past the great filter or it’s still ahead of us?

Week 4 [05-11.11.18] NASA Golden Record

Have you ever heard that nasa has created a golden record? Well as it happens, they did. First we have to get back in time to 1977, when the record was send to space, because now it is the furthest man made item from earth (far away from solar system). Golden record was placed at the cover of voyager 1 spacecraft. A mission that supposed to study the outer solar system. Ok but still you might ask, what is that golden record? What’s on it? Let me explain. Golden record is our hello for aliens, as human race. It contains sounds of earth, music, greetings in 55 languages, series of pictures. Ok that’s great  but how alien is supposed to read the record. That's where cover comes in. If you want to read the record, you must first understand the cover. Designing the cover might be harder than you think. You're not allowed to use any symbols like numbers or letters because aliens probably use different alphabets. There was so little space but designers managed to figure...