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Showing posts from November 25, 2018

Week 7 [26.11 - 2.12.18] Why some of us don't have one true calling

Have you ever felt that you are strange because you just can’t find your one true calling? You are just jumping from one passion to another, every time thinking: “that’s it- I have found my ultimate passion!”… but then you got bored and jumped to another? Don’t worry, there is nothing wrong with you. You are just multipotentialite ! Questions: 1. What was your answer to the question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” when you were young? 2. Do you consider yourself multipotentialite? Why, why not? 3. Did you manage to find your one true calling?

Week 7 [26.11 - 2.12.18] Chinese video games censorship

Source: China is a really big country-the third biggest country in terms of area and first in terms of population (estimated population for 2016: 1,403,500,365 [i] ). No wonder why almost every company wants to get a piece of this wealthy cake. And there is no difference in gamedev- the market is huge and Chinese people love playing games- there are a lot of great e-sport teams and solo players from China but even ordinary people spend a lot of time playing games. Mostly mobile- this segment of gaming market is the number one right now in China and that’s why many developers are now creating mobile games   besides PC or console games (Diablo Immortal, Lineage 2: Revolution, MU Origin… Bethesda even created a special version of Fallout Shelter for the Asian market called “Fallout Shelter Online” and it’s an RPG mobile game).   Fallout Shelter Online- exclusive mobile game for Chinese market (source: ht...