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Week 12 [21-27.01.19] The gap between Project Managers and Developers

Many programmers don’t understand why they need a person in their team who can’t write a good code. This person makes agile planning, writes documentation, assigns tasks and always tries to control their work. Do they really need Projects Managers for making good software? The answer is yes. Two of these roles, Project Manager and Software developer are really important for the successful finishing of the project. Poor communication and lack of respect can crash even the most talented teams. So, both worlds should live in mutual understanding.

Firstly, we should understand what responsibilities Project Managers and Developers have.

A project manager is a person who has the overall responsibility for the successful initiation, planning, design, execution, monitoring, controlling and closure of a project.

Developers are responsible for the design, testing and maintenance of software programs for computer operating systems or applications. In agile methodology, which is very popular in modern IT world, the description of developer’s responsibilities is a lot easier. Developers are typically assigned to tasks, essential pieces of the project, by their managers. They are responsible for reporting on iterations of the project, or what is known as “sprints.”

So, who is responsible for miscommunication and discontent of the project? Could developers be the real reason of that? I think no. All problems definitely should solve the Project Manager.

Also, good Project Managers must prevent the problems and make the life of developers easier.

Secondly, we should realize that the real root case not poor communication between Project Managers and Developers, but it’s how do communicate each of them. There is a table that I found in some blog that describes their likes and dislikes:

                                                      Project managers                  Developers
Communication channels      Personal meetings, email              Slack
Work schedules                       Early risers                                   Night owls
Task management                   Excel, PM tools (Jira)              (would rather not)
Code management                   (would rather not)               Repo tools like Github

Because the Project Managers are ultimately responsible for the project, they must strive to completely engage their developers. So how do they get it done?

1. Involve your software development team early on
Even at the first stage of project, for example during the planning phase or even earlier, Project Managers should inform their team what is going to happen: does client accept an offer, what was discussed on the last meeting with a client etc. The best way to deliver that part of information to the team is to create a group channel for example on Slack.

2. Let the developers know about deadlines in advance 
Project Managers have to create a good timetable, which lets developers check what task they are responsible for and when these tasks should be done. It’s very important to know when a project starts and when a project ends.

3. Shield developers from outside issues 
In a post by Frederico Tomassetti, a former TripAdvisor developer, about how PMs can help developers be more productive, he mentions “shielding developers from issues.”, e.g.  from office politics or endless debates over small product changes.

4. Project Manager must know what programming means
Of course, that is not necessary for Project Managers to have knowledge of programming or have a computer science degree to get a job, but in my opinion, if a Project Manager wants to be respected by his/her team they should know the difference between front-end or back end and that JavaScript is not an extension of Java.

Could you answer my questions that relate to this topic please:
1. Do you agree that project managers and developers often have communication problems? Why/Why not?
2. Have you ever had communication problems with your PM at your work or in projects that you were involved in? How were they resolved?
3. What advice could you give to PMs? 


This problem seems to have the same root as many others, like issues with parents and kids or men and women. PMs and developers are people from different planets. They think differently, they see the world differently. And most of the time, PMs have no clue about how programming works and what is it look like at all. As well as we do not now anything about the work of PMs. And this does not apply to PMs and developers only. During one of my job interviews I was asked by an HR "Do you know, how to cope a line from a PDF file?" I managed not to laugh that day.

In my opinion, everybody in a company should have to complete a two-week or so course about full life cycle of the company, so that everybody can be an HR, a PM, and even a CEO for one day, just to see, how everything is done. PMs have to get a super basic programming knowledge, enough to, for example, write a calculator. Developers should know the basics of planning and communication with client. It is actually a big mistake, than many of us do -- desperatley attempt to escape from other humans into the depths of code realm. Despite of how alluring it is, we cannot deny that face that we have to live and deal with other humans. Thus, we need to communicate.
Unknown said…
No, I disagree with this statement. In my team I have 3 PMs and we haven’t communication problems. My PM’s knows technologies, with which we work, good existent solutions and if I have some problems with programming – they tell me how to do better.
No, I never had problems with communication with my PM.
Advice : know technologies(at least at the initial level) with which they work, know how project built inside(at least core solutions). In my work now I making a similar program(with some differences), that developers in my team already developed, and my PM exactly explain me how this program works, what changes I should do, and he always answer my questions, when I have problems with programming.
Unknown said…
Thank you for your comment. In what way do PM's in your company do explain how the program should work? Is it through clear documentation and UML diagrams or just by verbal communication?
Unknown said…
1. I agree that project managers and developers often have communication problems.

2. I have experienced communication problems with my project manager. My project manager just doesn't know what is possible and not possible in the technology that I use as a developer. Sometimes my PM gives me "easy" tasks that are not so easy or overexplains something that is actually trivial. I try my best to clarify as much as I can, but PMs do not always tend to listen. The same goes for the developers though.

3. Advice for PMs - listen to what developers have to say. My advice to developers - speak up and your PM will listen. If you want to have a good communication with the other side you have to talk. It’s as simple as that.
Unknown said…
Developers and managers often have problems with communication due to the difference in knowledge. An experienced developer can cheat an inexperienced manager that something can’t be done or it is very labor-intensive (although it isn’t). It works the other way, that is an experienced manager can know how to do it and look after an inexperienced developer but the developer will not know exactly how to proceed because even the best manager will not promote a very weak developer. I haven’t met any serious problem at work yet. All ahead of me. I don’t want to give advice without knowing all about these matters but I would definitely try to strengthen my relationship in the company as much as possible.
1. Do you agree that project managers and developers often have communication problems? Why/Why not?
-As long as there are at least 2 people involved, there will always, sooner or later, be a communication problem. This specific issue is most likely caused by one of the oldest discord in any business related aspect. Precisely speaking, what does the customer want and what can be provided.
2. Have you ever had communication problems with your PM at your work or in projects that you were involved in? How were they resolved?
-Not yet, and hopefully not any time soon
3. What advice could you give to PMs?
-It is always important to take others’ opinions to consideration cause every situation should be considered a potential classroom and every person a potential teacher.
When it comes to my communication with PM, we solved it by daily standups. We speak within our team what we are going to do this day and what idea we got to solve a problem. Later we speak about problems we got lately so we can share our experiences. This way We all know what we are doing etc. Later we are writting short note about what we managed to do so our PM can check it and make some comments. This way we all have basic understanding of our taks so i can't really say i have some complaints about our communication.
Marcin Krupa said…
1. Do you agree that project managers and developers often have communication problems? Why/Why not?
Generally, I can't agree with some points in this article. To be honest, a lot of differences comes from stereotypes. Of course, I don't want to detract important of project manager work, but I think that your arguments are not adquate to topic.
Moving on to the substance, I think that in good project management, PM and developers team should not have any problems with communication. That's why DSMs, SCRUM methodology, JIRA etc. exists.

2. Have you ever had communication problems with your PM at your work or in projects that you were involved in? How were they resolved?
Only once and it comes from simple lack of knowledge. We resolved it very quickly, without any pain.

3. What advice could you give to PMs?
Hmm... to be confident and also to listen other team members.
Unknown said…
When you talk about "daily standups" do you mean "Daily Scrums" - method from one of the agile methodology that often are using in projects? If yes what else do your project managers use from Scrum? Are they planning the Sprints and trying to make tasks for you in more formal way by using one of the Scrum tools? For example the tool like Jira Atlassian Software?
Unknown said…
I agree with you that nowadays we have tools that could solve some problems in project. But tools that are listed in your answer is more about planning and organization.
Theoretically there are shouldn't be any problems in good project management but in practice they are always exist. So could you answer one more question please: What is the good project management? How we could specify good quality of project management?
Unknown said…

Yes, I agree, I have seen such clashes a couple of times at work. In my opinion, because the work of the manager and the developer is not coordinated, there is a misunderstanding from here and in the end, the manager may not agree on important information for the developer or say the end date. Also, there may be problems on the part of the developers, if suddenly the work was not done entirely or according to plan.
No, to my luck, I have an excellent manager in the project, he always accurately describes the amount of work and deadlines, always answers all my questions and is an excellent person in general.
I could give advice: not to be evil and selfish. Most often, questions are asked if I don’t understand something or want to clarify, if the manager doesn’t have a minute now, she will appear in the very near future to settle all the questions. A manager should always think on the front and have a backup plan.
Cezary Róg said…
Well, maybe not often but it happens that project managers and developers have communication problems. The problem is mostly often the situation when developer does not say what he did to the PM or situation when PM was talking to the client and forgets to tell important things to the developer. I think I have never had any problem with communication with any of PMs in any project that I did. Well, I’m not a specialist, but the advice to PMs that I can give is to listen to people and always control the situation. Managing is a very important and hard topic because there are no schemas and there can always be new situations and problems to solve.
Unknown said…
I would partly agree. To my mind this situation only comes when PM is not technical at all. On my previous job I had technical Project Manager and it was an absolute pleasure. He has been coding for quite a long time, in the end he was somewhere between good Mid and Senior iOS developer. I was just beginning my adventure with iOS and he explained me lots of crucial moments that my mentor didn’t have time for(don’t forget that PM had a lot of things to do except explaining ещ newbie how everything works in these mobiles).
Generally I have only positive experience with technical PM. On the other hand I can’t say that other PMs are bad and don’t understand anything in programing and that communication with them is completely a disaster. I would say that there is no such thing like untechnical PM. When a person is surrounded mostly by developers he/she starts learning their language, their jargon and in order to understand what those geeks are talking about good PM should dive deeper in computer science aspects.
Unknown said…
I agree that PMs and developers often have communication problems, and it's not really something that is exclusive to them. Communication problems are a reality everywhere in life, and dealing with them is something that everyone has to do, not just PMs and developers.

I did sometimes have communication problems with PMs at work - most of the time the problems are fairly easy to resolve simply by talking about the problems in some way. In fact, this is something that I noticed about life in general - a lot of interpersonal problems can be solved by simply talking to each other about them. Not all of them, of course, life isn't as simple as that, but many more than you'd think.

As for advice I could give to PMs, don't assume that developers are not doing things the way you want them to out of malice. Making such an assumption is one of the worst thing you can do, as it will make resolving the problem harder and will anger the developers if they suspect that you think lowly of them.
Filip Sawicki said…
Well, there always were and there always will be communication problems between project managers and developers. The topic is so vast that I would have to write an essay to answer it sufficiently. However I can list some things that usually go wrong. First is inability of managers to differentiate developer’s long term goals and programming culture. Second is that developers don’t really care about project and try to fight with managers about every little thing. Third is making tasks personal or not listening to each other.
Patryk Górski said…
1. Do you agree that project managers and developers often have communication problems? Why/Why not?

I think that it comes from different approach. Project manager is responsible for "translating" what client needs to developer. Sometimes developer can't "transfer" his point of view or his thoughts, so there are those communication problems. I don't know how to deal with it

2. Have you ever had communication problems with your PM at your work or in projects that you were involved in? How were they resolved?

Yes, but we do like each other so we didn't had any bigger problems :) usually we just had a talk and everything went fine.

3. What advice could you give to PMs?

Try to understand developers. And do not promise things, that you are not 100% sure we (developers) can do!
1. Do you agree that project managers and developers often have communication problems? Why/Why not?
Yes. Probably because of not well determined roles and responsibilities in the project. I think that in opposite of that table that developers also prefer direct communication or feedback than some slack channels.

2. Have you ever had communication problems with your PM at your work or in projects that you were involved in? How were they resolved?
No. I don’t need to communicate with PM. Only in case of some emergency access. We work in SCRUM so we tend to be self organised.

3. What advice could you give to PMs? 
Transparency is great and developers often equally wants to deliver the product as PMs.
s18716 said…
1. Do you agree that project managers and developers often have communication problems? Why/Why not?
I agree, it really is. In most cases, these are people who have studied different areas and different approaches to projects; therefore, there is such a gap between them.
2. Have you ever had communication problems with your PM at your work or in projects that you were involved in? How were they resolved?
Yes, I came across a similar situation at work. There was a misunderstanding. But this is solved if both parties study in detail the approaches and the essence of the matter itself. In this way, you can come to any compromise.
3. What advice could you give to PMs?
Before you lead any of the projects, you need to examine in detail every detail in it, and fully surrender to the area in which the project is started up in order to understand all the participants.
Marcin Zając said…
1. Do you agree that project managers and developers often have communication problems? Why/Why not?
I agree with that and I think it is becouse PM doesn't know what can be technically done and how many time is needed. Sometimes something which PM think is very small easy to do change. When developer look at that, it turns out that this is difficult and take a lot of time.

2. Have you ever had communication problems with your PM at your work or in projects that you were involved in? How were they resolved?
I have a luck and up to now I have good PM which listen and we discuss about possible solutions and currently I'm working in scrum team which is self-organised.

3. What advice could you give to PMs?
Listen and discuss and this is and advice to both PM and developer and one important thing ASAP (as soon as possible) is not the best way in most situations.
Unknown said…
Yes, I agree that there is a communication problem not only between developers and the project manager, but also when it comes to people from business. In my work, I often deal with clients and my observations show that the problem stems from a lack of knowledge about programming. Programming, however, is quite a creative activity and it is often hard to say how much of a task it will take. However, when it comes to managers and customers counts for them, when something is done or often at the stage of the analysis, customers think that displaying a simple button on the screen should not take a long time, and the reality is completely different.
Rather, I did not have a communication problem. I am a fairly open person and I try to clearly specify what I mean.
I think that managers should broaden their knowledge towards programming and tools used by programmers.
Foodocado said…
I agree that project managers and developers often have communication problems and they find it difficult to find a common language. Most of the PMs are not technical and do not understand that "small change" can be really hard to do and can take many hours of work.

I've never had any communication problems at my work. However, recently we had an interesting discussion about prioritizing the technical tasks.
In my job we didn't have any communication problem among our team, but we had a project when project manager was from another country and yes, it was a nightmare. He was working in a different time zone so any additional information between calls was impossible. We started to use trello board to place any problems there and when he got up he used to answer for our questions.
What advice ? Developers are people too, do not require impossible from them :)
Ahmed Elsawi said…
I agree about project managers and developers often have communication problems sometimes. But actually, it depends on the personality of the project managers and developers personalty and the work environment.

Actually, I had communication problems with my previous project manager about my fresh experience as a developer, And he didn't give me any solves, then I discover he doesn't work by Java basically, finally, I left the job :)

My advice to PMs: listen to the "fresh developer" problems and help him/her at training period.
Unknown said…
Yes, I agree with it., because I faced similar problems in my job. I might be wrong but the root of this problem may lie in the common perception of who project managers are and who are developers. Most developers can't get along with their PMs because they see them as guys who just don't care about code and only want to hear about results. But let's face it, programming is not magic and not everything could be done as client wants. And when you try to explain this to your PM from a technical standpoint they just simply think that you're trying to find an excuse.
Unknown said…
I had the pleasure to work with around ten different project managers. I won't say that they had any communication problems. Of course, there were times that we were arguing, he or she passed a wrong message (in most cases they were a layer between developers and client so that we had to describe as precisely as possible to him or her what to say to the client), but in almost all cases the issue was in the middle. I'd say, that communication skill it one of the most important ones when it comes to Project Managers (of course there are plenty of more different ones, but this one is crucial to maintaining a good relationship with the team and client).

As I mentioned, to build a good relationship with your manager you also have to put some effort into it. The solution that worked for us was the change of the process of how we approach the clients. We used to let only project managers be on essential calls with the clients, but now we try to have at least one developer on each teleconference which is related to the product. Why did it help? It's easy to miss something, especially if it is an urgent call and something wrong has happened like the team didn't meet the deadline. There is not so much time to make notes then. It leads to miscommunication. Also, the project manager usually doesn't know the details of the work so he or she cannot answer detailed questions. This is where we are needed. Sometimes it's all about just being there (just in case). It relaxes the project manages (he or she knows that he or she can rely on us and delegate problematic questions to us). Basically, that's how we resolved all of the problems. We ask to see most of the communication that is happening and record the calls that we cannot be in. Of course, I assume that such basic stuff as retrospections, daily and other meetings when you can honestly say that something is wrong and feel confident that nobody will punish you are a standard.

I'm slowly reaching to the point in my career when I'm becoming a somebody project manager, so there is not enough space for me to write about all I learned recently, but if I have to select the most critical aspects then they will be:
- be honest
- try to understand others not judge them
- often offer your help and remind you about it
- make them comfortable
- socialize and try to know them better, ask about family, hobbies, grab some beers after work, etc. it will improve your relationship and in the long term your performance and trust in each other

A book which is worth 20 euros (just first 4 chapters) and it's highly recommended to read by anyone who is interested in project management (or wants to push his or her carrier forward):
Illia Lukisha said…

1. Do you agree that project managers and developers often have communication problems? Why/Why not?

I cannot fully agree with statement, because it really depends on personalities. Some developers even don't need managers to get work done, and some managers cannot organize work even they have best developers available.

2. Have you ever had communication problems with your PM at your work or in projects that you were involved in? How were they resolved?

Usually project managers always was on my site. But I had a problem of bad management when managers don't translate and transform development problems to clients so the gap between the team and the customer become giant.

3. What advice could you give to PMs?

Try to understand how development works and just trust the developers because you really need to trust your team as your team should rely on you.

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