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Week 4 [04.11-10.11.19] Dark matter

If you don't live in a big city in Poland, you can observe many stars at night. Did you ever wonder how would look our sky in the next millions of years if we would count only on existing proven astrophysical theories and calculations? It would be absolutely empty. All celestial bodies in the galaxy are rotating around the biggest black hole in the middle of galaxy (in Milky Way this black hole is 6.4 billion times heavier than our sun) with such speed that the gravity generated by galaxy’s observable matter could not possibly hold them together. This leads us to conviction that something we cannot see is at work and is giving galaxies extra mass, generating the extra gravity that galaxies need to stay intact. Something, that will ensure us that our sky will remain the same as it was a million years ago. The official name of this strange and unknown matter is the “dark matter”.
Unlike normal matter, dark matter does not interact with the electromagnetic force. This means it does not absorb, reflect or emit light. In fact, researchers have been able to infer the existence of dark matter only from the gravitational effect it seems to have on matter that we already know. Dark matter seems to outweigh visible matter making up about 27% of the universe. The visible matter we know and that makes up all stars and galaxies only accounts for 5% of the content of the universe! So if there are so many dark matters, can we buy an invisible stick made from it to hit billiard ball and amuse our friends with a no-touch shot? Unfortunately, it’s still not available on eBay (I didn’t check Amazon). Many theories say that Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is able to produce dark matter, but they don’t ship to Poland.
But if you will put aside jokes if that mysterious matter were created at the LHC in Cern, it would escape through the detectors unnoticed. However dark matter would be able to carry away energy and momentum, so physicists could infer their existence from the amount of energy and momentum “missing” after a collision. Some cool theory suggests the existence of a “Hidden Valley”, a parallel world made of dark matter that doesn’t have too much in common with matter we know. I’m very glad, that at the moment I am not able to experience that matter in any way, cos it would be very unpleasant to stumble on something that I cannot see.

1. What do you think about the subject of dark matter?
2. If it was available buy on eBay or Amazon dark matter stick would you like to buy it? 
3. What would you use it for?


I think that dark matter and the whole universe in fact is really thrilling subject to wonder about. Unfortunately, I don’t really know much about that topic because I never had enough time to study it. But someday I would love to know more about it or even see it for my self if possible. I think that there are soo many things that we as humanity still don’t know about universe that it would be truly awesome to discover some of them. If it would be possible, I would like to but a dark matter stick online. I have no idea what I would use it for but having something this rare would be cool and I could brag about it to my friends even if they wont be able to see it.
Olga Przytula said…
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1. What do you think about the subject of dark matter?

It is very interesting. I am fascinated by cosmos and specially by black holes and quantum physics which is in some way connected to the subject of dark matter.

2. If it was available buy on eBay or Amazon dark matter stick would you like to buy it?

Of course yes but could I afford it ? :)

3. What would you use it for?

Probably for nothing because I would couldn't find it :D
s15385 said…
1. It's mysterious and very unknown like all universe. Space topics really fascinate me and I'm always excited when breakthroughs happen like a photo of black hole. I hope scientists will learn more about dark matter in the future.

2. If I could afford it, I would probably buy it :)

3. Honestly I don't know but it's cool to have piece of dark matter on my own.
Thank you for sharing my interest in this topic. Certainly, if it was available on the Internet, it would become a hit and a luxury commodity.
However, I would keep the dark matter to myself and not tell my friends about it.
There is something magical about space. People are afraid of him and at the same time they are fascinated by it. I'm glad you share my interest in dark matter.
Of course you can! Unfortunately, you were looking for vain, but be vigilant. 😇Maybe they just sold out or at black fridays they will be at a great price. 💸
Thanks for sharing my interest in the dark matter. I am also waiting for more information from scientists. I also probably other things about space and I hope that they will be confirmed.
We like having gadgets, even if we don't know what to use it for.
1. In general, topics about space and what is beyond our planet are very interesting to me. So the fact that dark matter is kind of unavailable to us, makes it more interesting. I think this is a great and interesting topic and I hope it will develop and we will hear more and more about it.

2. Of course I would buy. Everything that is related to such topics and possible to buy must be bought by me. Of course if I can afford it, but I think that such a gadget would be expensive.

3. It's hard to imagine what it could be used for, but I would probably find something to use it for.
Cem Ates said…
1. What do you think about the subject of dark matter?
I love the space subjected topics in general. Since, we are only an atomic matter in our milky way, there is always something waiting to be discovered. Although, in Futurama the dark matter was using for the fuel of the spaceship. (See also: Lord Nibbler)

2. If it was available buy on eBay or Amazon dark matter stick would you like to buy it?
Not on the time when it's introduced for sure, but I'd wait for the V.2.0, so the first got cheaper.
3. What would you use it for?
probably i'd create a microverse
Olga Przytula said…

1. What do you think about the subject of dark matter?

I can’t help the impression that dark matter is an easy excuse for us not understanding the universe around us. From the calculations, for the universe to behave as we experience it, there should be much more mass (dark matter) and energy (dark energy) than we can weigh or measure. So we have introduced a brilliant trick (being dark matter and dark energy) to the math and now it works out.
Of course, I am no physicist so I can only offer layman’s view on the (dark) matter (pun intended). If it is not just a math trick, it would mean that there is much more to learn than we have imagined. The thought that there is a special kind of matter that we cannot interact with in any way is both thrilling and disturbing. I hope that some brilliant minds will find a way to observe it.

2. If it was available buy on eBay or Amazon dark matter stick would you like to buy it?

Not really, as there is no way for me to use it, see it or perceive it in any way. Maybe I already have one?

3. What would you use it for?

I would motivate my invisible horse to move, when I am not feeding it invisible carrot.
Karol Michalak said…
1. What do you think about the subject of dark matter?
It is quite fascinating mostly beacause it sounds almost magical to me.

2. If it was available buy on eBay or Amazon dark matter stick would you like to buy it?
Yes, especially with a beer glass in the bundle.

3. What would you use it for?
To learn to play after all this years and maybe for some jokes as poking stick for my friends.
Interesting presentation. Answering your questions:

1. I think that this is a very interesting, intriguing, magical and at the same time very dangerous thing available in the universe. We don't know very much about dark matter.

2. I saw dark matter stick on darkweb but it was horrendously expensive and I think it's a scam. For stupid people :D

3. Probably I'd delete Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej located in Wiejska street, haha :D
Damian Drozd said…
Thanks for an article about such interesting subject!

1. What do you think about the subject of dark matter?
Every space topic is really fascinating, so is this about dark matter!
2. If it was available buy on eBay or Amazon dark matter stick would you like to buy it?
Not really, probably it wouldn't even be affordable for me, but selling empty box sounds like easy money :)
3. What would you use it for?
Resell it to people who'd like to play with invisible stick ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Kyrylo said…
1. What do you think about the subject of dark matter?
Still too few proofs and studies on the subjects to jump to conclusions or have enough material to base an opinion on.
2. If it was available buy on eBay or Amazon dark matter stick would you like to buy it?
It probably would be too expensive, and I doubt such thing will ever be in wide market.
3. What would you use it for?
Hard to tell, again, too few info on the subject about capabilities and potential hazards related to it.
Well it's hard to tell anything about dark matter yet because it is still very much only a theory without hard proof. Although if we could find a proof and also master the technology to gather and use it, it would lead to civilization advancement. I read somewhere theories that dark matter could be used as energy source much more efficient than the ones we use today. Also there was another theory that aliens (space aliens) may be using different communication media than electromagnetic waves and that's why we didn't receive any messages from outer space, so it is possible they communicate through dark matter.
1.For sure this is a very interesting topic, but unfortunately not for me.
2.If, you could buy it, I would certainly be interested in it, but I think it would be very expensive.
3.I would wait for the price to grow and sell it at a profit.
Pawel Bluszcz said…
1. The subject of astronomy and the universe in general has never interested me. Somehow I did not try to understand what is going on around, because if we talk about such large time intervals and distances everything becomes unreachable and nothing changes around my life.
2. If I could make an invisible billiard shot with it, I would probably buy it: D
3. I think to do some magic tricks
Kgajewska said…
1. It's really hard to for an opinion about something that is still considered hypothetical. The existence of dark matter hasn't been truly observed yet. primary evidence of it comes from calculations showing that the galaxies we already know wouldn;t be able to hold themeselves togheter without addictional matter but i personally belevie we cant fully rely on those because we may simply lack the knowlegde or proper technology that would give us the explanation for said energy and until it's observed directly I'll treat it's existence as it's treated now: as a hypothesis

2. No i don't think so. Dark matter is belived to not interact in electromagnetic way.It would mean that it cannot be touched by humans whose bodies are made of atoms that rely on those interactions, so wat's the point of buying something i cannot touch

3. Since dark matter shows signs of repulsive gravity I would like to try using it for hovering cars maybe? It would allow us to not only travel in more convinient way, while avoiding the traffic, but also reduce the emission of gases and help our environment.
Mateusz Szych said…
1. This is a very interesting topic. However, unfortunately we know very little about it. I hope that we will discover more on this subject during my lifetime.

2. Yes, I would.

3. I really don't know. I might prank my friends.
1. Dark matter is the most mysterious substance in the universe. I would even say it is so mysterious that no one still knows for sure whether it really exists. It can neither be seen nor touched, so it’s difficult to say something about it.
2. Well, I think I would not buy it purely because of the fear of the fact that it may carry in itself. Since it can be dangerous if you do not follow any conditions. I believe that every particle carries a threat as well as benefit.
3. I suppose, except for the universe, it is not known how it can be used and what function it performs in our universe. That's why it's hard to say
Adam Tokarczyk said…
1. Unfortunately I don't know much about dark matter or any related topics. It's really important for our species to study it though. Exploration of cosmos and getting to know more about universe should be our top priority.

2. I doubt I'd have any practical use for it, but it would still be nice to have such thing. Let's look how amazing and badass it sounds - "I have dark matter stick". Even if you'll never use it, it's a must have ;)

3. I'd probably put it somewhere and lose forever :<
1. Dark matter is one of the biggest mysteries, we know that it exists and this is almost all the information we have about it. I hope that during my lifetime scientist will make an breaktrougth if it comes to information about black matter. What scares me is how it could be used by people in the future.

2. I definitly would.

3. Poke the hell out of my friend's and act like nothing happend :D
Alex said…
1. I think the subject of dark matter is interesting because we know basically nothing about it.
2. I think I would buy it out of curiosity
3. Right now I have no idea what I woul use it for.
s15487 said…
I think that the subject of dark matter and outer space, in general, is really mysterious and interesting. I like watching documentaries about space, black holes and other phenomenons. I have even bought some ebooks about black holes and dark matter a few years ago, but it is still is waiting on my list books to read... I hope I'll have enough time to eventually read it. :D

But moving to the next two questions, honestly, I don't have any idea what would I do with a black matter if I would possess it... maybe I would try to resell it with a great profit.
Szymon Kluczek said…
1. The topic is very interesting. It’s really thought-provoking how something what we can’t see, exists, that beg many questions, like: how does it „work”? or what is the dark matter made of? Mysteriousness of this matter make me very curious about this topic.

2. Definitely no, I wouln’d buy it for all the world! The power of dark matter terrifies me too much. I just wouldn’t know what to do with that stick, I’d be afraid to use it, because we still know very little about dark matter so I think it could be dangerous.

3. As I said in the previous answer I wouldn’t use it, because in my opinion if you don’t know how something works you shouldn’t touch it. Inappropriate usage could cause very serious, irreversible damage.
Bartosz Warda said…
1. From what I know, without dark matter the galaxies would not exist. So in my opinion, even if we cannot see it and we know more about what dark energy is not, than what it is, it plays a special role in the things that are going int the space that our eyes cannot perceive.
2. I do like watching the stars and all, but I don't think that this stick would be useful for me. Also if the stick was available for all people it would not be that rare.
3. As I mentioned in the second question, this 'product' would not catch my attention, so I would rather not use that.
Vitalii Ohol said…
It’s very interesting information…like every information about space. But it’s very hard to believe in such a magical material and I didn't have enough information to accept this information. But once I will spend some time to learn more about dark matter.

If it will be available and I could afford it then I will buy for sure. But i totally clueless about usages, so will hold on until I will find out how to make use of dark matter for my evil deeds.
I find it very interesting how scientists, using various theories and calculations, were able to prove that dark matter exists. In ordinary life, it is very difficult for us to imagine something like this.

Of course, I would buy dark matter. But I have no idea how to use it. Maybe later people would come up with a use for it.
Kristina Moroz said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
1. To be honest, I don't know much about cosmos and black matter is no exception. I don't know anything about it, but the information you provided seems to be quite interesting. I am concerned about the second dimension, which consists of black matter. I would like to experience it one day if it turned out to be true.

2. Of course, that I would like to to buy black matter, but it would depend on the price :D. But why do I need black matter if I couldn't use it for a specific useful purpose?

3. What would you use it for?
No idea.
1. The subject of dark matter and even the whole universe besides our solar system is pretty extensive. I was never interested in learning everything about space and it's beings but it always fascinated me

2. Propably not. As i mentioned in previous answer: I don't have a lot of knowledge about this matter so I wouldn't invest money in this.

3. I wouldn't use it because I wouldn't buy it, as i mentioned earlier
Mateusz Hefner said…
1. What do you think about the subject of dark matter?
I think dark matter is a really interesting topic to discuss but unfortunately, we must wait a while to get more knowledge about it.

2. If it was available buy on eBay or Amazon dark matter stick would you like to buy it?
It hardly depends on its price but if I could afford it without any problems, why not.

3. What would you use it for?
I would test its limits and try to have fun with it.
Anton Chechel said…
1. What do you think about the subject of dark matter?
I can't say what I think about it, in a reason we nothing know about this matter: what it is, what Physical property it has - nothing. We even don't know for sure if it really exists

2. If it was available buy on eBay or Amazon dark matter stick would you like to buy it?
No. Maybe if it is available on the market it will have a fairly high price, so I don't think I would buy it for fun (unless it would be very useful)

3. What would you use it for?
Depends what it can do. I know about this matter only that it isn't visible
1. I am really excited about this topic. In my opinion it's really thrilling to think about dark matter and how it interacts with the universe, and how it fit in our picture of reality.

2. Probably not. As far as I know we can interact with dark matter only gravitationally, so having dark mater is like having really heavy slab of metal that you can not see or move in any direction. Pretty pointless.

3. Not much due to the fact that there are not many options 🤷🏼‍♀️
Mehmet KONUK said…
1. What do you think about the subject of dark matter?
Dark matter is a very effective and fascinating subject. I wonder if mystery can be solved after a certain time. I hope i can see those days. :))
2. If it was available buy on eBay or Amazon dark matter stick would you like to buy it?
It would certainly be too expensive for my money.I would read the news about the dark matter bar and try to find out what it was like.
3. What would you use it for?
I thought what I could do, but I didn't think of anything.
Kristina Moroz said…
Space is always an interesting and ful of unsolved mysterious topics. As a dark matter one of them. The fact of the existence of dark matter is same frightening as fascinating. It's really amazed me how scientists proved it.
Well, it's kind of weird to buy dark matter stick to make something with it. I am actually don't know what I could do with its help. Maybe, I could solve some world matter problems? Clean the ocean from plastic? If I could control spread size and its power..
Marta Matysik said…
1. Is very interesting. I will want to understand the topic better in the near future.
2. I don't think so. Maybe I'd like to see how it works, but I wouldn't buy it.
3. I don't know.
1. I find this subject very interesting. Fristly, dark matter is still a little bit unknown topic. The universe is very mysterious, especially dark matter. I think my mind can not really imagine this how it works.
2. Of course, I would like to have my own black metter stick, probably I will never have a chance to get one, but it would be great.
3. I don`t know what I could do with this, but I will try to use it if it is possible to make new alternative energy source.
Yubin said…
1. What do you think about the subject of dark matter?
It is a bit hard to understand for me, but this is my guess, the analogy is that matter is like a fish in the sea, a human on the land, and dark matter is sea water and air. The seawater in the oceans occupy the vast majority, the fish is only a small part, the land is full of air, and humans only occupy a very small part of it. The seawater breeds fish, the fish can only survive in the water, and the water is the medium for the survival of the fish. But the fish does not feel the existence of water. Just as people generally do not feel the existence of air, but the air is indeed the only medium for human beings to survive. Human beings are nurtured and survived by the air.

2. If it was available buy on eBay or Amazon dark matter stick would you like to buy it?
No, I don't think I will have enough money to buy it, the most important is I have no knowledge about it and I am afraid it might get me killed somehow.

3. What would you use it for?
I hope it can let me travel the time, if no, then go to the kitchen, be in my stomach soon.
Roman Dubovyi said…
1. I don’t think anything about it. Dark matter is still a speculations. That’s why it’s called dark, because there is literally no evidence of it, only the total misbalance of gravitational force to visible matter in universe.

2. It would be priceless, no one would be able to afford it.

3. There is no evidence that dark matter is even possible to interact with other particles. It doesn’t even interact with light. I don’t think o could do much with it.
I'm very happy that you are interested in this topic. I am also waiting for more information on this topic. I am going that we won't wait long.
As for the gadget, the price would not have to be super expensive. It depends on the demand and the number of suppliers :).
1. Wow I didn't know that. Thanks for the information. What a surprising message for me.

2. It's a great decision. I would probably do that too. Although would curiosity keep me waiting?

3. This is a very interesting proposal. I wonder how many people would come up with the same idea.
1. Thank you for sharing my interest in this topic. Certainly, if it was available on the Internet, it would become a hit and a luxury commodity.

2. I would keep the dark matter to myself and not tell my friends about it.
1. Yes, it also seems magical to me. It's such a fascinating topic.

2. Alcohol would definitely stimulate your imagination.

3. I see that you liked my idea of the stick. Friends would be surprised. That they would not use it on us.
1. If you would like to know more details, look at the sources. The subject of dark matter is very interesting and engaging.

2. It was very likely that it was a scam. Maybe someday the real version will be available.

3. uu sounds pretty scary but interesting. Maybe it's better to give them more consideration.
1. Definitely, the subject of space is so cosmic. I'm glad you enjoyed my article.

2. It's a pity. However, I understand that this can be a good deal for cheaters.

3. haha you would have your first customer ;)
You answered very evasively. It is a pity that you were not interested in this topic. Maybe try to find more evidence on this topic. Only human curiosity can prove the truth of this topic.
You are right that this is a relatively new topic and there are many doubts about it. However, the article is quite short and is only meant to start your interest in this topic. Only human curiosity can help dispel doubts.
It is a pity that you could not answer the other questions. They were playful and I was counting on your creativity rather than serious consideration of the problem.
It's a pity, however, I appreciate your honesty. not everyone is interested in space and this is understandable to me. Maybe my second topic on procastination will be more interesting to you. I see that it could be a great deal for you, like from the stock exchange.
It's a pity, however, I appreciate your honesty. not everyone is interested in space and this is understandable to me. Maybe my second topic on procastination will be more interesting to you.

You have an interesting idea to use this. I like it very much.
1. It is true that this is a very fresh topic. However, very fascinating and expanding the imagination. I believe that it is worth reading even about what is still not certain, because we are building and discovering the future.
2. What a pity, maybe one day the sentence. Even to experience and own development in the field of physics.

3. A fantastic idea. This would give us greater driving comfort. Maybe someday you'll be able to submit it at the car convention and achieve success.
I am glad that this topic interest you. I hope you have looked into the sources to broaden your knowledge on this subject.
I am glad that this topic interest you. I hope you have looked into the sources to broaden your knowledge on this subject.
I am glad that this topic interest you. I hope you have looked into the sources to broaden your knowledge on this subject.
There is something magical about space. People are afraid of him and at the same time they are fascinated by it. I'm glad you share my interest in dark matter.
Of course you can! Unfortunately, you were looking for vain, but be vigilant. 😇Maybe they just sold out or at black fridays they will be at a great price. 💸
I'm very happy that you are interested in this topic. I am also waiting for more information on this topic. I am going that we won't wait long.
As for the gadget, the price would not have to be super expensive. It depends on the demand and the number of suppliers :).
1. A very interesting metaphor for this issue. I'm glad you thought through the subject so thoroughly. It is a pity that it was heavy for you. You can always look for more details in the sources.

2. Pity, maybe you'll change your mind soon. Lack of knowledge is not an obstacle for us. the only question is whether we want to enlarge it?

3. Very interesting idea. It would help in your dreams.
I am glad that I was interested in this topic. Take a look at the sources for more information or wait for new discoveries.

Let your imagination carry you away. We don't know how much it can cost or whether you won't win the lottery tomorrow :D
1. I am glad that I could interest you with this topic. For me it is also very exciting and stimulating the imagination.

2. What a pity. Maybe soon you will change your mind and you will be interested in buying this amazing gadget (power).

3. I do not agree with you. We don't know that yet. In fact, I wanted to move your imagination and read about your crazy idea for it.
1. I am glad that I could interest you with this topic. For me it is also very exciting and stimulating the imagination.

2. What a pity. Maybe soon you will change your mind and you will be interested in buying this amazing gadget (power).

3. I do not agree with you. We don't know that yet. In fact, I wanted to move your imagination and read about your crazy idea for it.
1. if the topic interested you enough, see the sources for more information.

2. Definitely the best marketing slogan. It sounds like fun if it doesn't sell.

3. Too bad it will mean that you don't use it very often.
I'm glad you liked the subject. The cosmos is so fascinating and mysterious. I am also waiting for more books on this topic.

These questions were meant to stimulate your imagination and I wanted to read about your crazy idea. Profitable sales are one of many good ideas.
Thank you for sharing my interest in this topic. Certainly, if it was available on the Internet, it would become a hit and a luxury commodity.
However, I would keep the dark matter to myself and not tell my friends about it.
1. Read the article carefully. It is a pity that you did not want to use what I wrote. You can still look at the sources under the article.

2. Don't worry about the price. It's just your speculation. Try to buy at black friday at a great price.

3. Try to move your imagination and find something unconventional.
1. Read the article carefully. It is a pity that you did not want to use what I wrote. You can still look at the sources under the article.
2. Don't worry about the price. It's just your speculation. Try to buy at black friday at a great price.
3. Try to move your imagination and find something unconventional.
1. Thank you for your reply. I also think that this is very important in space and people should be very interested in this topic.

2., 3. The stick is only my proposal and an idea of the use of dark matter. I wanted to know your fascination about the use of dark energy. For now it is not available and it is only speculation.
I'm glad you were interested in the subject. Yes, I am also waiting for more information from scientists on this subject. We must wait or start exploring this topic ourselves: D

I am glad that you will be interested in buying. Don't worry about the money. Maybe at the beginning it will have a good discount. Anyway, the price of iPhones is also large, and so many people buy them;)
I'm glad you were interested in the subject. Yes, I am also waiting for more information from scientists on this subject. We must wait or start exploring this topic ourselves: D

I am glad that you will be interested in buying. Awaken your imagination to use this gadget. Maybe it will be something related to programming?
1. I am glad that you are fascinated by the topic. It is a pity that this is not one of your favorite topics. Try reading in the sources on this topic.

2., 3. Don't worry about money. I wanted to see your fascinations about this gadget. Maybe it won't be that expensive or you can buy it in Asia for very little money.
I'm glad you liked the subject. The cosmos is so fascinating and mysterious. I am also waiting for more books on this topic.

These questions were meant to stimulate your imagination and I wanted to read about your crazy idea. Profitable sales are one of many good ideas.
I am glad that you were interested in the topic. Maybe soon we will know more about dark matter.
1. I think that black matter is a very interesting topic. At the moment it seems to me that we know little about it, but when we will know it,
it can help us in galactic transport. At this moment, black matter is just theory to explain various physical phenomena.

2. For now, we do not know what it applies to the end, but probably if it was available, why not?

3. For nothing, because you do not know what it is?
Iryna Lehusha said…
I've always been interested in the topic of space. I've been asking questions about dark matter since I was a child, and I've been concerned in touching it and understanding what it is. One day, I saw a science program that said about the weight of dark matter in a teaspoon. I was amazed at the scale and power of dark matter and I couldn't get my head around it. How can something in a teaspoon have such a colossal weight?
So if dark matter comes on the market, I'll be one of the first buyers. And I would like keep it for myself.

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Week 11 [03-09.06.2019] The problem with ecological cars emission in UK

The problem with ecological cars emission in UK Since the adoption of the European Emission Allowance Directive in the European Parliament, all car makers have tried to submit. Since 1992, the Euro I standard has been in force, which limited the emission of carbon monoxide to the atmosphere. The Euro VI standard currently applies, which limits the series of exhaust gases. These include: hydrocarbons, nitrogen and carbon oxides, and dust.   The most significant change was brought by the Euro IV standard. For the first time it introduced the limitation of nitrogen oxides, which are responsible for the harmful compounds of smog.   What is smog?   Smog consists of sulfur oxides, nitrogen and carbon. In addition, solid substances such as suspended dust (PM). Dust suspend in atmospheric aerosols may be in liquid and solid form. These can be particles of sea salt, clouds from the Sahara and artificial compounds made by people. These compounds...