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Week 9 [09.12 – 15.12.2019] - Cheap cars = best cars ?

Have you ever collected money for your dream car?
Were you depressed when you didn't have money  because it was so expensive?
Why not to buy a cheap car that would not be so burdensome to the budget? 
This video shows the advantages of having a cheap car.
  • Do you agree with the thesis in the video?
  • Have you ever had a cheap car?
  • In your opinion, what must the car be like? Is it representative or functional?


August Micota said…
Partly I do, I'm a crazy fan of budgeting and buying things just to show off is not my type of lifestyle choice.

It's not so clear as "cheap" means different things for different people. I've bought a 4 years old car to get the best value for money as it's still new enough not to have any issues with it and it lost enough of it's price from when it was brand new. So I would say that my car was "cheap enough".

A car needs to be perfectly suited for Your needs. It's a machine in which we spend a lot of time during the day so buying an extremely cheap machine could result in many frustrations during the winter when it's cold and heating doesn't work. I think that a car should combine these both features of representativness and functionality.
Have you ever collected money for your dream car? Were you depressed when you didn't have money because it was so expensive?
I am not interested in cars so much to spend much money on it.

Why not to buy a cheap car that would not be so burdensome to the budget?
Depends on user preferences.

Do you agree with the thesis in the video?

Have you ever had a cheap car?

In your opinion, what must the car be like? Is it representative or functional?
Jakub Kisiała said…
What car did you buy? Are you satisfied?
Pawel Bluszcz said…
1. Yes, I agree with what was presented in the film. I would like to add something more, but it seems to me that all the pros have already been presented in the film.
2. Personally, I have never had a car and do not plan to buy anytime soon. Living in Warsaw, which is very well connected by buses or underground. I don't need a car while living here. I would spend more time in traffic jams than in public transport. This is pointless.
3. In my opinion, cars are tools. I do not pay much attention to their appearance only to the functionality they provide. Personally, I'm not an automotive fan.
Jakub Kisiała said…
1.3. Do you have a driving license? Do you like to drive a car? What car would you like if you had $ 1 million?
2. I think that in Warsaw the car is also useful for trips out of town or shopping. Commuting can actually be difficult.
1. I can parially agree with the thesis in the wideo. I think that combining is a rather weak idea. Just a little care.

2. No, I've never had a cheap car and I'm not going to buy one. This is throwing money away. I think a good car costs a little, so I prefer to save and buy a better, more expensive car.

3. In my opinion - the car must be liked by the owner and be functional.
1. Do you agree with the thesis in the video?
Mostly yes, I agree, but I don't like the filmmaker's approach to old cars as objects that don't need to be taken care of and you can do anything with them. Even if they are cheap, it doesn't mean that they are to be disrespected. Every car has its soul and I suspect that I would care about my old car as well as a new one. However, when it comes to all the advantages of old cars shown in the film, most certainly, no one would deal with much more expensive cars in this way.

2. Have you ever had a cheap car?
No, I have never had a cheap car, actually I have never had my own car, although I have a driving license. When I lived with my parents, I often used my mother's car. Now, when living alone, I'm moving on public transport, because I don't think I need a car for that now. This feeling, however, will definitely change, the question is when I decide to buy a car.

3. In your opinion, what must the car be like? Is it representative or functional?
Personally, I wouldn't separate these two elements from each other, I think that for me the perfect solution would be to combine functionality with representativeness. I really like the design of modern cars, but also some older cars have their own charm - here an individual matter, I would simply choose the car that I like. When it comes to functionalities, I like some additional goodies in the equipment of the car, not just the basic ones. Combining pleasure with usefulness - this is my goal.
Yubin said…
1. Do you agree with the thesis in the video?
I partially agree with the thesis in this video, moreover, as for beginner driver, we don't even need to worry about crashes that much, repairing an expensive car is more expensive than buying a cheap car sometimes, although we do have feelings for our cars no matter how cheap our cars are, but as for rich people, actually they can easily afford expensive cars with better performance, so there is no problem about the price for them since they don't care, that is why I partially agree.

2. Have you ever had a cheap car?
No, to be honest I have never had a car, because there were two cars at my home since I was little, so there is no need for me to buy any car, anyway I won't have place to park my car at my home even if I will buy a car.

3. In your opinion, what must the car be like? Is it representative or functional?
I more tend to choose the functional one, not only for cars, but also for other things.
I don't care much about the appearance of the tools, it is kinda comparing and vanity.
Kyrylo said…
The car is an asset in modern world. Sure, many people are pouring their souls in this piece of progress, others just treat it like a phone or piece of clothing. Everything that these things have in common -- the desire for possession an expensive one, better than others. Cheap car may have its advantages, but it does not have the price of an expensive one, an important aspect for many.

I agree with the movie a bit. I am the owner of a cheap car myself and I do not complain. Parts costs are very cheap too
I don't pay a lot to a mechanic. Also, with cheaper cars there is no problem finding parts because usually
this model has been made in large quantity. What are the questions In your opinion, what must the car be like? Is it representative or functional?
I think the car should be the way you like it!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cem Ates said…

1- Do you agree with the thesis in the video?
That's a kinda funny video tho but no, cheap cars means more costs on taxes. If you make enough money to get a good car just get it already.
2- Have you ever had a cheap car?
No. I haven't.

3- In your opinion, what must the car be like? Is it representative or functional?
Well, no lies, like many I like exotic cars, except the condition and the specifics a car has I would rather choose a ferrari rather than an opel.
Anna Koca said…
I agree with everything statement in the video. I got my first car just after 18th birthday, while it already had 20 years, and it still works really well. It had some issues and repairs at the beginning, but after replacement of the main parts I don't have any problems with it. This car was cheap, it consumes little fuel, I didn't have to care much about first scratches while learning how to drive and I've won many racings and I I've traveled half the world by my Audi. Elegance and comfort of the new car is overrated for me, and new cars are just too much expensive.
I loved this video. I actually laughed a few times while watching. I totally agree with thesis in this video. If You buy a cheap car it doesn’t really matter if You scratch it or bump it into something because its sole purpose is to ride not to look cool. I actually own a cheap car at the moment. Maybe it wasn’t that cheap when it was new but at the moment it is old and require systematic check ups at my mechanic. So, some of the things they said in the video are true for my situation. I don’t really care if I scratch it somewhere or if I dirty the interior. Right now, at this point in my life I need my car to be only functional. I need it to go shopping or to get me across the town somewhere I don’t need it to be representative. But probably when I will earn more money and I will be able to afford more expensive car I would like it to be not only functional but representative as well.
1`. Can't say that I agree with thesis in the video but it certainly made me laugh. Personally I rather prefer to buy a solid car that won't break too fast so I won't have to spend time on repairing/replacing it.
2. I have never bought a cheap car but right now I am driving a car that is almost 10 years old and I must admit that it is quite reliable. However, my family owned this car and it was always well maintained.
3. I would say both. It should definitely functional but I wouldn't want to drive a car that I can't look at. Functionality is a bit more important but design has to be at least acceptable.
Piotr Bednarek said…
1. I agree with this thesis up to the point, becuase in my opinion some of us, especially men, treat cars as a dream, for instance I save money in order to buy a sport car in the future. Of course, I agree that buying cheap car may have many benefits, for example cheaper insurance or quicker payoff, but for me car should bring pleasure, do I'm ready to shell out for luxurious car.

2. Yes, I have. I inherited my first car from my grandfather and to be honest I really liked this car - Toyota Corolla, because it was functional and comfortable. I had used this car for 3 years before I bought new one.

3. In my opinion car should be both functional and representative. When I bought my car I paid attention on its apperance, but fluel consumption and technical condition are important too.
I think life is too short to drive cheap cars. Expensive cars are safer, faster and more comfortable no matter what the others can offer. I had both cheap are expensive cars in my life and would never switch back to the crap ones. Car should have all the things what one's need.
1. Do you agree with the thesis in the video?
I'm afraid of old cars. I wouldn't want to have a car in the workshop all the time. I use the car only for movement. I value convenience. It should look nice, work well and be clean. I am not going to do anything about it. I just don't know it and I wouldn't know how to go about it. I'd rather have a new car under warranty than be able to rework.

2. Have you ever had a cheap car?
If a cheap car is an old car then no. I've never had an old, cheap car before. I like new cars. I really like the smell of freshness. In addition, I love to use new gadgets that appear in cars. It's amazing how fast this industry is developing.

3. In your opinion, what must the car be like? Is it representative or functional?
First of all, the car must be functional. However, currently on the market one connects with the other in my opinion. For me, an off-road car is very representative and functional at the same time. It looks very good thanks to the elevation. In addition, you can cross every road ... and the curb.
Well i don't think that car's age or cost means it is reliable or 'good'. I have two old cars and they face every challenge I put in front of them. Currently I drive a 20 years old car and it's purpose is not to look extremly representative but to burn low amount of fuel. I do not want to spend a lot of money on car so it is the best solution for me. When it is time to repair something, parts are cheap as well.
1. I really liked this video, while I don't have driving license, if I ever start my adventure with motorization I would probably follow their instructions, they seems reasonable.

2. Nope, I don't have a driving license so buying a car is not an option. But if I ever get a license I would buy cheap car, after all passing exams doesn't make you automatically good driver, there would still be a lot to learn and I would definitely scratch and bump my car in the process. Driving a new shiny car would be stressful at the beginning I would probably drive like the stereotypical old person.

3. Mostly functional, but the good appearance of the car also affects how we feel in it, so good looks have their advantages.
s15619 said…
1. I do not agree with the thesis of the movie that cheap cars are the best cars. I have found many times that cheap cars can break down very quickly. Additional ones are not as safe as more expensive cars, they do not have as many security systems.
2. Personally, I didn't have a cheap car.
3. I believe that for most people, the car must be functional and not bad. For me it should have a lot of power and a backward reel ;)
1. I partially agree with the topics mentioned in the video. I agree that we don't put a lot of attention on how we treat cheap car. Although if you want to have a car that would not break in about a month or 3, then I would say that buying a new and a little bit more expensive one would serve you better

2. No, I haven't got a cheap car, nor i have expensive car. I don't even have a driving license yet

3. In my opinion, cars are representative from the point of keeping it clean. If you don't keep your car clean, then it represents how lazy you are. They are still more functional than representative. We use cars to get from point A to point B, not to just look cool.
Adam Tokarczyk said…
1. No I don't. Most of pros mentioned in the video are straight up dumb. Practically half of them, ie. not caring about damaging alloys, won't apply to people with at least decent driving skills. Savings on cheaper car are also in reality usually small or irrelevant. When it comes to older or cheaper models, then they're not only more prompt to be faulty, but we won't earn much from selling them. On other hand expensive car not only should be performing better, but can also be sold afterwards with decent profit. In my opinion owning a car on which we won't have many expenditures, even if it was more expensive, will finally cost us less than a car which we have to repair all the time. Lastly there were arguments which in my opinion target motorisation fanatics and their 'dream cars', and they probably can fix their own car without bigger problems.

2. No

3. Car should be primarily functional and reliable. On a side note I don't think that representative car has to be expensive. With a little bit of effort most of cars can look really great.
1. Yes, especially if you are a young person who cannot afford a brand-new car. Such cheap car can be a lot of fun and you don't have to worry so much about it.

2. I have had but its exploitation wasn't so cheap. When you buy a really cheap car you actually don’t have to worry about it at all. But if you spend more on it, it can be hard to scrap it.

3. It all depends on your budget and what you really need. If you only want to have to possibility to transport it should be functional. It is different when you want to have fun while driving.
Zygmunt Z said…
• Do you agree with the thesis in the video?

Yes, I do agree. If you look at it very pragmatically, you don’t need any flashy car which costs you hundreds of thousands. In the end you want to get from point A to point B with some level of comfort that todays cheap cars can fully ensure it. I am a car freak so I look at them in a less practical sense and I really would like to have a convertible or something similar but I also understand people who disagree with me on that topic and ask me if I really need that because it’s not a car that you can daily use it.

• Have you ever had a cheap car?

I do have right now and I really like it. It’s not huge, therefore I can park it anywhere. It’s also economical so I don’t pay much for petrol. I can’t take five people with me on a trip but I don’t mind that as I prefer to drive alone or only with someone driving shotgun.

• In your opinion, what must the car be like? Is it representative or functional?

I guess in the end it should be only functional and people shouldn’t be judged by car they drive.

1. Yes, I agree with all the statements presented in the video. It is a little humoristic, but I like it. The most close to me is that one with scratches. If you have one, you do not care anymore.

2. It depends what does it mean cheap car. My first car was not cheap in my opinion. It is still with me. I love this car, maybe because it is the first one.

3. It depends how many cars you have. If you have only one car it has to be functional. In my opinion it has to take you from place 'A' to place 'B' with all luggage. If you have more than one it can be representative, goodlooking, high quality etc.
1. I agree that having a cheap car is the best choice for young people.

2. I have never had my own car before, but at this point I will probably not get a cheap one and just wait until I can afford something better.

3. I think that it doesn't matter if car is functional or representative, it must be liked by its owner.
Iryna Lehusha said…
1) Do you agree with the thesis in the video?
50/50, I understand the point of view for the thesis in this video. But, in my opinion, when it comes to old models - you have to spend more money to repair it. And, I'm pretty sure cars will break down more often than new models. 

2) Have you ever had a cheap car?
No. To be honest, I want to buy a new model and fill comfortable while driving. And don't worry about car repair or about problems that might cause because of its age.

3) In your opinion, what must the car be like? Is it representative or functional?
For everyone a car can mean something different. Someone wants to buy a car to show their status, other ones buy it for family, or just to drive from point A to point B. Personally, I want to combine all these features.
Roman Dubovyi said…
1) Of course you should not push yourself to the limits to buy an expensive car. It all depends on your capabilities. Actually you won’t be able to buy a new expensive car if you don’t have enough income. But if you do, why should you buy a cheap one? I think car must be comfortable, if you can buy a better one - do. Because you will be using it everyday.

2) I don’t have a car yet. But I am not going to buy a cheap one. I think I will buy a used but good one.

3) Thing is, usually expensive cars are very functional. They don’t break so much and they have a lot of things dedicated to comfort.
1. Surely, cheap cars have their advantages and most of the points in the movie, I think they are real, but also some points are made in my opinion comically. :)
2. Yes, I currently have a cheap car and use it as a warehouse. :)
3. It depends on what you want to use the car for. I have one car for everyday driving and the other one that builds for sport. People who consider cars as their passions in my opinion can not have one car because the car you love cannot be used on a daily basis.
well, some kind of cheap cars usually in priory and people own them. It's really hard to buy new luxury car if you are student( at least if you are not rich) so I think the ideas shown in video is real.
No, I don't know how to drive car yet because I'm not really interested to cars.

From my point of view the most important part is functionality, mostly it depends on engine and model of car. But basically, I think this is individual question for everyone.
dominik.samsel said…
Do you agree with the thesis in the video?
I think that people should spend their money for their own needs and desires. If what they want from life is to have expensive, but beautiful car in my opinion, it's nothing wrong with it. For some people vehicles are being used only as a machine which get them from point A to B, for others it might be even more important than everything else in their lifes.

Have you ever had a cheap car?
Yes I had and it was a beautiful timestamp in my life. It was my first car - red, US version Mazda 323 from 1991. Cars from that era had soul, that's definitely true. I associate that car with memories which I will never forget. I created really strong bond with Mazda, I hope to feel the same with other car in the future.

In your opinion, what must the car be like? Is it representative or functional?
As far as I love cars, not only driving, but also trully admiring them, I have to say both. Disclaimer, I think I won't buy a car if I don't like it. Even if it's car I know it won't break for years. What is also important, I don't see any reason for buying car just to staying forever in mechanic place - it's still a vehicle which I propably gonna use everyday.
Do you agree with the thesis in the video

It depends, because for some people cheap means that the car is worth less than 50k PLN and for some peopel it means that it is worth around 3k PLN. I would strongly suggest not to buy any car worth less than few thousands because those cars very often shouldn't even be allowed to be driven on the roads. It is just dangerous to use them. For the driver but for other people around too.

Have you ever had a cheap car?

Yes, I have. If the fact that the car was in my family so long that it managed to become considered cheap counts. It is fiat 126p which is still used in our family to this day. It is so easy to repair that even if everything turned out to be broken it wouldn't be much of a cost to patch it back together.

In your opinion, what must the car be like? Is it representative or functional?

In my opinion both of those functions should be taken into measure. When it comes to heavy duty cars as trucks the looks are not really important, but for every personal car the looks are part of its worth. Simply said - the most important thing is functionality and later you should focus on looks. However, the main purpose of a car is to drive so if it drives you can start worrying about the looks.
Mateusz Hefner said…
1.Do you agree with the thesis in the video?
It's not my first time hearing such a story about cars so I would say it's true or too many people try to lie about it.

2.Have you ever had a cheap car?
I have never used such a car but I'm more and more into that after so many people recommendation.

3.In your opinion, what must the car be like? Is it representative or functional?
I prefer functional cars but there will be tons of people that will say otherwise because we live in times when items are more and more representative than functional.

Jakub Kisiała said…
It is really great that you can buy parts for it anywhere
Jakub Kisiała said…
I also think that a cheap car for a novice driver is a great choice.
Jakub Kisiała said…
Usually, when you buy the right car, you don't have to repair it too much.
Jakub Kisiała said…
10 years old is a pretty young car.
Jakub Kisiała said…
Strange, usually older car needs more fuel.
Jakub Kisiała said…
You can easily buy a car that won't break down. When it comes to engines, six-cylinder BMW does not require repairs practically at all.
Jakub Kisiała said…
This Mazda probably liked rust very much?
Vitalii Ohol said…
1. I partly agree with the info that said in the video. I agree with the pros of cheap cars. But I don't agree with the author's careless handling of inexpensive cars. Of course, a car is just a tool, but if you will care about your toolkit even a little, they will be useful for you for a longer period.

2. I have never had a cheap car, and I have never had a car at all. I not so obsessed with cars and never had a real reason to buy one, especially in Warsaw, where public transport, in most cases, very well organized. I'd rather buy an electric bike and skateboard, as it can easily deal with traffic jams, eco-friendly and mobile.

3. Car, like any other tool, must be comfortable and useful for its owner. In my opinion, if you're buying a car, you must choose one that will fit your needs. It must be functional. The good representative look won't help you in most cases.

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