Currently, the world is divided regarding access to weapons. On the one hand, we have countries that are liberal like America, on the other, there are restrictive European countries. Do we need common access to weapons?
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”. On December 15, 1791, this way the American Congress provided its citizens with free access to weapons. Over the years, however, weapons access regulations have been modified in different states. Currently, the US is very diverse in the context of access to weapons. In States like New York or California, carrying weapons is prohibited. However, a citizen must obtain a license from the nearest police station if he wants to purchase a weapon. While in Texas, weapons are sold along with morning coffee without asking for any license.
So let's see how the number of murders caused by gun in the US. We will use the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) data, which produces a public report on crime statistics every year. Charts 1 and 2 order by the number of possessed weapons and the number of killings made with its use. They show that Texas, California and New York are comparable . In same time Texas, the rate of gun ownership is much higher. Therefore, one may ask a question whether restrictions on access to weapons make sense?
Chart 1. Source: Own work based on source analysis
Chart 2. Source: Own work based on source analysis
Of course, the USA is not the only country in the world….. so let's see the statistics from around the world. Chart 3 is sorted by number of deaths. South American countries are in the lead. This is usually caused by poverty and a lack of strong governance. However, there is no noticeable link between the number of killings and the number of weapons (TOP 10). Another observable trend is the significant number of deaths in Western countries caused by a suicide.
Chart 3. Source: Own work based on source analysis
In Europe every citizen had the right to own a gun. This was to decentralize state defense. Changes brought totalitarian regimes that, fearing the uprisings of nations, systematically disarmed them. At present, in the era of the Internet and globalism, an open conflict in Europe similar to WWII is unlikely. So personal protection remains the only purpose of having a weapon?
- Have you ever fired a gun?
- Should weapon be publicly available?
- Do you think the number of murders is related to the number of weapons?
It's an extremely hard subject and I don't think of myself as a representative to put forward any thesis related to it. There are pros and cons of it and only as for my personal opinion it would be a no.
I don't believe that this question is properly stated as most murders are directly related with some kind of weapon. Even a stick or a dining fork is a weapon depending on a situation. And if You are asking whether it's related with number of firearms than in some kind it most certainly is.
1.Have you ever fired a gun?
Yes, I did
2.Should weapon be publicly available?
3.Do you think the number of murders is related to the number of weapons?
2. Yes, in my opinion they should be available. People are usually afraid that ease of access to weapons would cause the drastic increase of murders, however, the data you collected proves that there is no direct connection between number of crimes and access to weapons. Criminals are able to obtain weapons anyway, so if something would change, it would be our ability to self-defence. Also, the overall number of crimes could decrease, because for example potential burglars would be more afraid that someone they want to steal from has a gun. The terrorist attacks in Europe are more and more common and people are unarmed, thus helpless. At least some of those terrorists would not commit the felony in a crowd of people in which everybody has a gun.
3. Well, you showed us some specific data that prove that there is no connection. To be honest – I don’t know, but I assume there is no massive, statistically visible connection.
Yes, I have fired a gun once when I was at a shooting range some years ago.
Should weapon be publicly available?
This question is commonly known as a hard one. But my opinion is that firearms shouldn't be publicly available. I don't want every Sebix to have a gun. Ok, statistics show some data, but feeling that every irresponsible people around have a gun is a bad feeling for me.
As you mentioned, Americans have rights to own weapon since 1791, so over the years they are accustomed, knowledgeable, competent and responsible when it comes to using it. It is in their culture for years which makes a whole difference to suddenly allow it in Poland for example.
Do you think the number of murders is related to the number of weapons?
Probably not so much and that is shown by the statistics you provided. But we must take into consideration what I've said about Americans and their familiarity with guns.
2. I know that the quality of the pictures is poor, but this is a fault in the editor of this blog, but the last chart shows in the US (the country most similar to ours), more than half of deaths caused by guns are suicide. This is worth mentioning. Do you think the number of suicides would be lower if we banned weapons?
Below some source about it (in polish;)):
What if, along with the permit for a weapon, the penalties for its unjustified use increased? I think Sebix would not aim at you if he found out he could get 15 years without Jesica.
On the other hand, today the same Sebix for attacking with a knife at night someone vulnerable will get 6 months, will come out after 2.
And here the question: do you prefer your girlfriend to have gloves, a knife or a gun?
I had an air rifle, father was teaching me how to shoot targets, and sometimes also let me shoot from a real rifle in the forest.
Should weapon be publicly available? / Do you think the number of murders is related to the number of weapons?
I think this question cannot be answered univocal. It all depends on the people and their mentality, as well as on the country and its laws. There are countries with a authorized weapons and a minimum crime rate, but there are not many of them.
2. I believe that weapons should not be publicly available. I am afraid that nations that have never allowed their citizens to have weapons could suffer very much. I don't know, it's hard for me to imagine that we Poles would have a gun without permission.
3. Yes, I believe that the owning a weapons are reflected in the murders. Of course, withdrawing the weapons will not cause the murders to disappear, but certainly their number will decrease.
2. It's hard to clearly answer this question. Many people argue about is it right to have a gun. On one hand when weapon is available some people can feel more safty, because they can protect themselves from danger. On the other hand a murderer can easily buy a gun and start shooting to everyone on the street.
3. Well, honestly I don't know. I can only guess that the number of murders isn't related to the number of weapons.
I think firearms shouldn't be publicly available. There are a lot of reasons for making it available, but when you think about each of them, they suddenly don't make much sense anymore.
There used to be argument that if society has guns, it can protect itself from unrighterous government, but it used to make sense when there were muskets, not tanks.
Protecting your home? Well, i am not sure what kind of sick world people using that argument live in, where they keep handguns next to their chests sleeping and waiting for robbery.
Kids could pick their parent's guns and shoot someone like it happens in USA.
You could say that guns would be in safe but it isn't for protection anymore if it is in safe. Imagine robber breaking in, would you ask him to wait while you put right digits to open safe?
What actually make sense is that when you let people wear guns there is way higher chance someone will get shot. People get drunk and do stupid things even without arming them.
Another factor is commitment of suicide - when someone thinks about it, there is higher chance he/she will do it when there is good opportunity for quick death and you already have tools to do it.
There are more arguments for not allowing people to get firearms but to keep the answer shorter i gave only these examples.
I don't think murders are related to number of weapons. They could be related to weapon's accessibillity. I'd say that weapons wouldn't lower murders rate, i don't know if it highers it (i'd guess so) but defenitely there would be way more accidental deaths thanks to it.
1. Have you ever fired a gun?
Yes, I have fired a couple of different types of weapons on shooting range. I must admit I really enjoy this kind of activities.
2. Should weapon be publicly available?
Definitely yes. Regular people would then be able to defend themselves and it would not be so easy to rob or attack people knowing that one can potentially have a gun. Currently it is easy only for criminals to get weapon easily, as they have their illegal sources. Why not just give this opportunity to the whole society?
3. Do you think the number of murders is related to the number of weapons?
I believe no. The fact that it is easier to get a weapon does not mean that it is easier to shoot at and kill someone. If someone wants to kill someone, he or she will find a different way than using a gun. The numbers in ranks are caused mostly by dark society groups like mobs and gangs, they do not really apply to regular people.
Air gun is very cool if you have someone to play with. I remember running as a child with my friends in the woods with rifles. Have you ever participated in battles?
2.3. Above, I have posted various data about Poland and the history of weapons in Poland. Also from the data shows that in Western countries with access to weapons is clearly a high rate of suicide associated with it.
I think a bad guy will get a gun if he wants to, and a good guy will be defenseless.
1. No, I never fired a gun. I never even held a firearm in my hand. But I'd love to try it at the shooting range. Especially a pistol, a semi-automatic shotgun and a rifle.
2. It depends on what you mean, saying that weapons should be publicly available. However, I think that everyone who has been successfully trained and psychologically tested should have a weapon.
3. No, I think the number of murders is related to poor training and psychological tests and poor awareness.
Yes, when I was a teenager, I went on a hunting with my grandfather and father sometimes. There I was taught how to fire a common double barrel shotgun and how to hunt.
2. Should weapon be publicly available?
I think yes, but first you should prove that you're mentally stable, can handle weapons, and you're not going to use weapon inaproperly and you have a place where you can store your weapon safely from children or other persons. Furthemore you have to renew your license every some years.
3. Do you think the number of murders is related to the number of weapons?
Most of murders are done by simple things, such knives. If someone needs weapon he / she can get it illegaly. I think that for criminals there is no problem to get weapons they want, so... criminals with weapons have more advantages in fight than usual person.
I don't know if this can be called shooting with a gun, but a long time ago, together with my uncle, I shot a windbreaker on my grandparents' plot. It was only a few shots to the target, a rather primitive weapon, but I've never been to a real shooting range. I never had a real weapon in my hand.
2. Should weapon be publicly available?
It's hard for me to answer this question. However, if I were to express my opinion, I would be in favor of owning weapons by physically and mentally healthy citizens. Don't get me wrong, I feel good now that I don't have a weapon, but a murderer or burglar will always find a way to get a firearm, and in the event of a successful assault, a robbed person has no way of self-defense. Anyway, Polish law makes that much no sense that a burglar who has been seriously injured while trying to break in has more rights than a defending himself resident.
3. Do you think the number of murders is related to the number of weapons?
It's funny, because I used to do an analysis of suicide rates in the US, and I received results that showed a lack of connection between the number of weapons owned by citizens and the number of suicides with firearms. I don't know what it would look like in the case of the murders, but I suspect it would be the same.
Yes, I had experience. Only he was training. But he never tried to shoot from the present, and he never really was fond of such hobbies. Many people are keen on collecting, using and so on. But I am not one of them.
Should weapon be publicly available?
I still think not, it should somehow be regulated at the legislative level. Citizens should have restrictions. It would be nice if before buying a weapon they required a police certificate and for example a mental health certificate.
Do you think the number of murders is related to the number of weapons?
This question is ambiguous. But I know for sure that, as we see in many schools, this is especially popular in the United States, where, as you said, weapons are more accessible. There are often terrorist attacks where students with mental disabilities commit massacres or assassinations. Therefore, it would be good to introduce a number of restrictions. This is my personal opinion.
It is common issue in states because of how their homes are designed. Most of single houses are wooden which makes it easy to break in. I'd rather have brick house with good lock on doors and anti-burglary windows. Maybe silent alarm? I guess it would be enough for police to arrive before burglars get inside.
Another thing is that i could get insurance in case of burglary.
2. In my opinion - no. I don't think people should have access to weapons, because they don't need it. Of course, one may say that people also don't need video games and can live without them. The difference is that video games can't kill people. Some people don't realize how dangerous it can be - in a moment, without any problem you can kill somebody and it's irreversible. I think one should keep away from guns as long as they don't need them. Of course organizations like police need it, but even them sometimes overuse it.
3. It's a really hard question. I don't think that a fact that one possess gun can make him kill somebody - to do so you have to be really desperate. Of course it should be considered in aspect of previous question - possessing a gun doesn't make you a murder, but such possibility should be minimized by restricting the number of guns. Some people say that if you have a gun you can protect yourself. I don't agree with such opinions. People won't shoot with each other like in an action movie. In such situation you rather panic than think about shooting to the attacker.
Have you ever fired a gun?
Yes I have when I was younger. It was a gift from my parents for my birthday to go to a shooting range. I honestly quite enjoyed it and I’d be glad to do that again.
Should weapons be publicly available?
I don’t think they should be publicly available, because it would make our country more violent. I simply think it’s unnecessary for citizens to be carrying weapons with them since we already live in a safe place and if there is something wrong going on, police should be the one to take care of the situation.
Do you think the number of murders is related to the number of weapons?
I think number of murders is related to the number of weapons. It has been proven that just an image of a gun makes people more prone to violent behaviour and aggression. It’s easier to shoot someone than physically hurt them using, for example a knife. There are also statistics that show the relations between murders and number of guns and it’s clear that the more weapons there are, the more acts of violence happen.
Have you ever fired a gun?
Yep, I did. Cannot say that I enjoyed this activity like many others do, it was on a shooting range and during my studies in the military school back at the Motherland. In my opinion, forcing kids to learn how to use firearms is debatable.
Should weapon be publicly available?
Depends on what kind of weapon, but actually, everything comes down to a necessity. If there is one, one will find a way to obtain a firearm.
Do you think the number of murders is related to the number of weapons?
It has an influence, most certainly. Though it is hard to tell, whether a sheer possession of a firearm makes one go and kill. I personally would doubt it.
2. I think it shouldn't be, a weapon is not a toy so it should not be publicly available.
3. Unfortunately, but I think so, often the case killings are caused by poorly protected weapons.
In my opinion, you should only increase the possibility of greater self-defense. Permitting weapons for everyone is not a good idea.
1- Have you ever fired a gun?
No. I've not ever had to pull or fired a gun.
2- Should weapon be publicly available?
These are not a hobbist things to get to have one. so in my opinion, if something is being help to get violent in the public i guess they shouldn't be public by the law.
3- Do you think the number of murders is related to the number of weapons?
Nope, it's all about the low IQ. Okay it might seems like the weapons are the first reason for the violents that occurs murders but the if you look closer the second reason makes harder to fix the first. did you know that in Switzerland every one person has two guns but no firing them even for once?
I have never fired a gun, but I would love to try it. Many people treats that activity as anti-stress, others just want to have fun and for many it is sport and they train how to shout. I would love to try, because it can be fun and who knows? Maybe I will find my vocation in it? In my opinion weapon shouldn't be available to everyone, because many people are unpredictable and impulsive and it can end really bad. Weapons makes people dangerous, and power over life and death is beyond us.
Yes, I used to go to a sports shooting range from my high school as part of a civil defence training course. But I don't remember exactly what I shot from, I only know that it was a very small caliber.
2. Should weapon be publicly available?
I believe that access to arms should not be unrestricted but should not be hindered either. I also do not know exactly what the procedures are like in our country as well as in other countries, so I find it difficult to refer to it.
3. Do you think the number of murders is related to the number of weapons?
I don't think so. The criminal environment will always find a way to access weapons anyway, regardless of the laws and arrangements of the country.
Yes at the shooting range. It was a very nice experience.
2. Should weapon be publicly available?
It depends because, for example, in the US, weapons are available and often useful to citizens for example robberies, but unfortunately because it is available, situations happens when somewhere a man will start shooting innocent people. I honestly don't know if a weapon should be available.
3. Do you think the number of murders is related to the number of weapons?
For sure, but it can't be said that mainly because of it. There are many other reasons.
2. Personally I vote strongly against weapons being publicly available. Just the comparison between number of murders in EU and USA makes me think. Another thing is that because in U.S. it is so easy to get a gun police has to behave in a different way. What scares me is that so often you hear that police kills someone by accident in U.S. You would think that it is because of incapable police officers but the truth is that they are much more eager to shoot because there is a very high chance that someone carries a gun. In EU it is much less likely and that is why police officers are not pulling the trigger that often.
3. Yes I do. Comparing less developed countries with weak governments to Western countries is pointless as you have stated in your presentation. United States are quite similiar to Europe when it comes to development and culture. However, the rate of murders is around 3 times higher in U.S. than in EU.
1. No I haven't, though I'd like to. I'd also like to visit shooting range some day. However, it is quite expensive, so maybe in the future.
2. I don't think so. At least in Poland I think the society is not mature enough to fully undestand its consequences.
3. No it is not. You can also murder anyone with a knife. It all lies in society problems to me.
2. I don't think we need weapons. This is not solution to the safety problem. Guns aren't the problem anyway - the people are.
3. As we can see on the graph, they aren't very much related but I think it's easier to kill someone accidentally with a gun than with other weapons. In the end you don't need a gun to kill someone.
2. It depends on the country. In Poland - definitely not. This society is way too dumb and impulsive.
3. I do believe so.
2. Hmm It's difficult question. I don't know. If someone is trained and did psychological tests and never had problems with the law - It shouldn't be a problem to get a gun for such person.
3. I think not. If the killer wants to get a gun, he'll find a way to get it anyway - whether it's legal or not.
Yes, but only with sport weapons and it was at the shooting range. Every day there is difficult access to weapons.
2. Should weapon be publicly available?
I believe that weapons should not be available. There is so much hatred and violence these days. I think there would be many more crimes and it would not be safe in Poland.
3. Do you think the number of murders is related to the number of weapons?
I think it matters a lot. If someone wants to kill someone, they don't have to use a weapon. It is a matter of morality that is in man.
2. I believe that a weapon should not be publicly available.
3. To a large extent, the number of murders is related to the amount of weapons available. Let's look at, for example, the United States where in some states everyone can have a weapon.
1. I haven't fired a gun in my life, but I'm planning to sing up for a shooting course.
2. I don't think firearms should be publicly available, but it should be way easier for a citizen to obtain a gun for own protection. This of course should be preceded by appropriate mental health tests and research if a citizen is capable of having a gun and well trained in that subject.
3. I think there is correlation, although there is much more to add. Saying that number of weapons increase number of murders is just oversimplication. We can look at the state of Wyoming and see that it's not true.
2. I believe that access to weapon should be strictly regulated and everyone who want to get weapon have to be examined. After all this regulations we should get access to weapon. Of course small gun to protect yourself and your home. The truth is that criminals if they want gun they got it. Access to weapon is difficult only for defenseless people.
3. I think there is relation between number of illegal weapon and number of murders but not with legal weapon. We can see that on many survey.
2. It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. I think guns in the "wrong" hands can lead to terrible situations. It's not exactly going to reduce the crime rate. It is easy to imagine what the consequences would be if a hot-tempered and aggressive person could easily buy a gun. I think only those people who are in danger and have to protect themselves can have weapons. Of course, they must pass a special course to use weapons correctly.
3. I think the number of murders is related to the number of weapons. Of course, this is not the only reason, but one of the main ones. Everything also depends on the standard of living in the country, the total number of crimes and penalties for them. But unfortunately, I think if someone wants to kill, that person will find a way to do it even without a weapon.
2 & 3. Weapons should be publicly available and it's also related to the last question. Broad access to weapons makes community safer. If someone wants to use weapon to harm others or in some illegal activity then he's most likely to get such illegal weapon anyway. Allowing everyone to own firearms will lead pedestrians that can defend themselves.
2. This is a difficult question. Looking at the US, it seems that weapons should not be publicly available, but looking at Switzerland, publicly available weapons are a good idea. I think that weapons should be available on the same principles as in New York, but they must be preceded by decent education about weapons, etc.
3. In my opinion, it is related to culture and education. The USA is very culturally and ethnically diverse, which creates problems. Access to weapons can only have a partial effect on the number of murders.
2. Certainly not in the same way as in the United States. People should have access to weapons, but it should be well controlled. I think that a country like Poland is not ready for this.
3. Definitely not, what your data has also confirmed anyway. It is like to state that the number of knives in households has an influence on the number of murders.
2. I don't think that Poland is ready for publicly available weapons. As a compromise I think that guns could only be allowed on your property, but you couldn't carry it around.
3. I think it depends on the country.
Unfortunately no, but I really want to try. Probably after New Year, I will find someplace where I can train.
2) Should weapon be publicly available?
In my opinion, the weapon should be available only for the police. And all illegal sales must be controlled and strictly punished. I want to know that nobody will shoot in a public place and feel save.
3) Do you think the number of murders is related to the number of weapons?
I don't think so, not only a gun can be a murder weapon, people can use knives and other household items.
Awesome feeling, especially when you hit the targets on distances like 100 meters and more.
2) Hard question, in my country, Ukraine, we have this situation when you would probably want to have a gun at home, in case of war, you know...
In Ukraine you can legally obtain “hunting rifle”, meaning AK-47, or any other rifle, but it must have only single fire mode(no auto mode). Of course you need to register it in police, also you must be clean from crime records and pass mental inspection.
You can not obtain pistol though, or any small firearm, because it can be easily hidden on person.
3) No, it is more related to citizens well-being, rather than firearms policy.
2.It is a tough question. It should be properly registred and well comtrolled. I would stay somewhere in the middle between easy access and very restricted access like we have in Poland.
3. I dont think it is related to guns. Its more releted to envirnment and state of the community or country.
1. Yes, I have fired once. In my opinion it is an interesting experience and I enjoy it. On the other hand I do not like it that much, so I was there only once.
2. I think it shouldn`t be. There are too many crazy people. Every week we hears about some accident, aggressive people etc. If they have guns it will be more dangerous. It is a problem in USA with that, I do not want to have the same problem in Poland for now. The education about it is needed if we want to have a legal guns access.
3. Propably not, but my opinion is still the same. I think it is a bad idea to have an opportunity to buy a gun for everyone.
2. Well, I'm not very sure that this would be publicly available, but still it’s always calmer when you have at least some kind of weapon in case of anything.
3. I am inclined to believe that the weapon does not kill, but the one who pulls the trigger kills. So it all depends on people and not on the amount of weapons.
2. I believe, however, that there should be a minimum of psychological tests as to whether possession of a weapon is advisable.
3. No, I think that if someone would kill, he would find a way to do it, regardless of whether he has access to a weapon or not.
Have you ever fired a gun?
I had only once a gun in my hand and it was the one for compressed CO2. But actually yes, I did fired it, and was quite surprised it still kicked in my hands.
Should weapon be publicly available?
I strongly believe that weapons shouldn't be publicly available. Just look how it is in America. I think it's not coincidence that it's place where are a lot of mass shootings. It's just crazy that people can buy guns in Walmart - I can not agree with that.
Do you think the number of murders is related to the number of weapons?
Yes, I do. Of course you may say that guns it's not only way to kill a person, but in my opinion giving access to them it's like invitation for violence. What you gonna do with that weapon, hang it on the wall? You've probably bought it for a reason, spreading violence.
Yes, I have and I should admit that I really enjoyed it. There something about shooting that gives a huge satisfaction especially when you hit the target right on the center.
Should weapon be publicly available?
This is a heavy topic. In my opinion not everyone should be able to buy a gun, but the whole access should be easier. Some psychological tests and short period of validation should be enough to make only right people use guns.
Do you think the number of murders is related to the number of weapons?
When it comes to United States and thenschool shootings - yes. If those kids wouldn't have an access to such a advanced arsenal it wouldn't be so common. Unfortunately those kids with mental problems are able to access and use those guns.
I’m opposed to it. It is absolutely wrong using the gun. I’ve just never had any interest.
I don’t think I’ll ever build up enough interest in it for it to rise to the level of a hobby.
Allowing untrained people to carry a gun almost everywhere poses serious threats to public safety. To prevent any kind of danger from people who carry guns it is necessary to ban selling guns or limit firearms in places like schools, public parks, and bars and etc.
No It is wrong I think. It depends on person itself for example mental health and way of thinking. Sometimes even normal person can cross the line because of anger and just shot somebody. Sadly this story is actual nowadays.
Yes I have when my dad took me to the shooting range
2.Should weapon be publicly available?
I think it's a bad idea due to people who live on this planet. Honestly, I would be scared to leave my safe house.
3.Do you think the number of murders is related to the number of weapons?
I think there is a huge relation between those to whenever someone shoots a gun there must be a death.
Have you ever fired a gun?
Yes, I have fired a gun a couple times.
2. Should weapon be publicly available?
I believe that they shouldn’t be publicly available, I would be paranoid that every drunk person I encounter would shoot me, I also believe that gun violence would be much more common.
3. Do you think the number of murders is related to the number of weapons?
I believe so. There are a lot of crazy people, and making it easy for them to acquire a weapon would probably cause to gun related deaths stats to skyrocket.
2. I have an elementary opinion. If someone wants to get a weapon, he will find a way to get it. But a peaceful citizen will suffer from a lack of tools to defend himself. So it would be a relatively good decision to make weapons publicly available, but with some regulation. But it probably won't happen.
3. You will be surprised, but the number of addictive people does not correlate with the availability and a variety of drugs. I think with a weapon we have the same situation, and a number of murders will not depend on availability or number of weapons.