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Week9[09.12-15.12.19] Search for a coincidence

Life is a magical thing full of incredible events that happen by chance. Or not? Is every event in our life someone's very good plan? Let's find out by listening to Helder Guimarães's speech which will show us in an unusual way the whole point of coincidence

And my question to you:
1.Do you believe in coincidence? 
2. What is the most incredible coincidence that happened to you?
3. Do you know any magic trick? If yes, present it please. If not, would you like to learn one?


Yurii Gevtsi said…
1.Do you believe in coincidence?
Rather no than yes, I believe in fate, if something is destined to happen, then sooner or later it will happen anyway.

2. What is the most incredible coincidence that happened to you?
I was born in a small town, and in childhood, like all children at that time, my friends and I often gathered on the street to play and spent time like everyone else. Then we began to grow up, more and more complex subjects appeared in the school, and over time we got to play together less and less. Then after some time I left the city and a few years later I left the country. And after almost ten years as we last saw each other, in a big city of another country I accidentally met on the street a guy from our old company.

3. Do you know any magic trick? If yes, present it please. If not, would you like to learn one?
No, I don’t know any magic tricks, as a child I tried to learn different magic tricks and even learned some of them, but then I lost interest in this. In general, I'd like to learn some card tricks.
August Micota said…
1. Yes i do, it's an observable phenomenon so how could anyone not believe in it :P

2. I don't remember there was many of them, maybe for example when i met with my friend when i was in Croatia and non of us known that we were there.

3. I do know a magic trick for cloning items in Tibia, You just need to put an expensive item on a depot box when my character stands behind and than write "clone" while holding down ctrl button. 20% of a time it works every time.
Olga Przytula said…
1. I would say I believe in some kind of destiny more, as I have this mild belief that everything happens for a reason. I wouldn’t say our life is previously planned and there is no way we can change it, but I think that we are destined to meet certain people and learn certain things from the events that occur. Additionally, I can’t deny that this belief can be some kind of psychological brain response to the problematic events, that occur in our everyday life, but if I had to choose something – I would choose destiny rather than coincidence.

2. I don’t think I have any specific one in my mind right now. I consider myself to be a very lucky person, but mostly due to a lot of minor happy events rather than one outstanding miracle.

3. No, I don’t. And I wouldn’t want to know any. I prefer to watch them, rather than do them. It just gives me more fun, so I don’t feel this need to learn this on my own.

Szymon Kluczek said…
1. No, I don’t believe in mere coincidence. There are no coincidences in this world, in my opinion everything happens for a reason. I believe in destiny - the key factor in our lives. Although very often we don’t know the specific reason of something, I belive there always is a cause for that situation and at the end every single fine detail matters and makes sense in the whole story.

2. The most incredible „coincidence” that has ever happened to me was meeting a friend, I used to play with when we were kids but we’d lost contact at the age of 15, at the train station in Milan, additionally we both were wating for the same train. But as I just don’t sheer coincidence, I’d say it was rather destinty for both of us to finally meet each other again.

3. Unfortunatelly I don’t know any magic trick.
I would like to learn one if I only had a chance. I think it would be really interesting to get to know the „secrets” of magic.
I believe in chance. I don't want to believe that my whole life is planned. I definitely have an impact on my life, so it must be a case: D

When I was 6 years old I managed to find 100PLN in the staircase. Another unbelievable coincidence is meeting a friend from a few years ago on the train. Another coincidence is the date of my leg surgery and my date of birth. On the 18th birthday I received a great gift in the form of surgery :P

I know a few tricks with katrty, but it's hard to write about it. Magic tricks are great and I'm happy to learn how to do them. A real magician never reveals his secrets ;)
Maciej P s16488 said…
I don't believe in coincidence, i believe in statistics. I believe in standard deviation which says that things out of 3 sigmas can happen. On the other hand, i enjoy thinking that coincidence exists, because it brings a little bit of magic to life. I don' believe in it, i imagine it.

I often think about consciousness. You know that healthy people are conscious. But have you ever thought how your own consciousness is different from every other human's consciousness? I mean, if you were replaced by other kind of mind where you are not yourself anymore, your body isn't your - body and mind that were yours now are just other person's, imagine that if that person would behave just like you, noone would see difference, but you would (actually you wouldn't, but let's say you know that this thing happend) because it wouldn't be your consciousness anymore. Have you ever thought about coincidence that makes you you? How different you experience your own consciousness.

I know about some basic tricks that would delight small children. I wouldn't learn new tricks, i prefer to watch professionals like penn and teller do them :)
Yubin said…
1.Do you believe in coincidence?
Yes, I believe, because I think destiny should include "coincidence" too, just like opening Online English Course tonight to comment on presentions is my destiny, but I was sending a word “Coincidence" to my friend and suddenly see here has a presention called "......Coincidence" is coincidence, so this is what I think destiny include coincidence.

2. What is the most incredible coincidence that happened to you?
Too many, but first come to my mind is that 7 years ago, once I dreamed about my cat fell down from my home balcony, it was my only dream in my life about my cat falling down so far, also my home look exactly the same as in real life( maybe its normal that sometimes people dream about where they are living in ), but the abnormal thing is that my cat really fell down in same place that night after my dream, was it destiny or coincidence? seems it was both.

3. Do you know any magic trick? If yes, present it please. If not, would you like to learn one?
Yes, I practiced magic for years when I was young, now I haven't practiced magic for more than 10 years, it is not my daily hobby anymore, without using magic props, the only tricks I can do now are spining a card in finger or hiding cards in back of hand and so on.
1. Yes, I do. In fact, you can call it as you like: the fate, the hand of God, the big simulation – the fact is all the same. I just call is the coincidence.
2. I can’t remember such, maybe that means that no really huge coincidence has happened to me yet. Maybe later.
3. You know this magic trick with “cutting” your finger? I can’t even do that. And that’s ok – while I think it would be fun to learn some magic trick, you have to be really determined to learn something this. Not my case.
Kuba Berliński said…

1. Conincidences happen, it is not a matter to discuss I guess :). I guess everybody encountered something like that in its life.

2. I honestly can't think of any. There were a lot of things that happened somewhat randomly in my life.

3. I "know" how to do some card trick, but just from the theory. I've never been able to pull one off myself.
s15385 said…
1. No, I think that everything has its own purpose and reason, even if it is not visible at first glance.

2. I do not remember if any coincidence has happened in my life. Maybe that is why I do not believe in such things.

3. No, I don’t know any. If I had a chance I would like to learn even one as it may be quite interesting and would give a fun to know some magic tricks.
Cem Ates said…
1.Do you believe in coincidence?
I believe that many things do have connections, perhaps sometimes fate really wants us to meet certain people e.g it could all be an illusion but some things, especially in my life or what i've heard from others seem like too big to just be a coincidence sometimes...

2. What is the most incredible coincidence that happened to you?
I honestly don't remember any now.
3. Do you know any magic trick? If yes, present it please. If not, would you like to learn one?
No I don't know unfortunately but yes I would like to get at least 1 good trick that impress people.
Anna Koca said…

I don't believe in coincidence, in my opinion everything that happens has a purpose. The moist incredible coincidence is unexpected meeting of my good old friend in some club in Bulgaria. The same place, on the same time, far away from home and I couldn't believe in it. I used to learn some magic tricks but I had too small hands. I would love to learn few tricks to entertain people on parties and make show.
Bartosz Warda said…
1. Do you believe in coincidence?

In many situations we can talk not about a chance but in many, about the destiny. What seems to be accidental to us at the beginning: meeting someone over time may bear the hallmarks of destiny, i.e. something that we were to experience in our lives.

2. What is the most incredible coincidence that happened to you?

In my case, my date of birth. My mother thinks that she already knew her as a teenager. It's hard to believe, but she dreamed about my date of birth in her childhood.

3. Do you know any magic trick? If yes, present it please. If not, would you like to learn one?

I admire David Copperfield, he can make not only small objects disappear but also a train. I would like to see it one day closer. I prefer to watch rather than work with that.
1. No, I don't believe in coincidence. If you think it is a coincidence at the moment, then it is luck.

2. I have no idea because I think I have never experienced a coincidence .

3. I learned this trick together with a friend:
I believe sometimes there is more to it than only coincidence. Of course most of the time some things probably happen by coincidence or you could say chance. I had many situations when for example suddenly a single thought about my mother came through my mind and after few seconds she called me. Maybe everything in the world is connected and we are able to send some kind of energy between eachother and other objects. Unfortunately I do not know any magic tricks but I would love to use real "magic" like flying or teleportation.
1. I don't know about metaphysical background about this but I'm starting to think that there are no coincidences. It just happens too much to be random events.
2. Well they are happening all the time so I can't remember any specific. It's such a weird experience.
3. Not really but I would gladly learn one.
Anton Chechel said…
Meeting your friend in another country is truly an incredible coincidence. But I should say that once I also met my friend in another country. We both came to study in Poland but to different cities, so meeting on the street was a surprise for us.
With regard to tricks, I can advise you to study mathematical tricks first, they require less effort to study and have a rather impressive effect, or you can try to perform a simple double lift, also a fairly visual trick. Hope this brings you back to the magic world :)
Anton Chechel said…
well, for someone, a coincidence is just an unexpected event in life, and for someone the same event is a chain of action leading to this situation. in my opinion, all of our lives are just math, with occasional events with little likelihood. Take, for example, the trick from the end of the video - for a man from the hall, it was a coincidence to have a dollar with that banknote number, and for the presenter it was a cold calculation. so i think both theories make sense
P.S. and about the magic trick, I would just call it a trick :)
1. I don't believe in coincidence. Everything that happened before some certain cituation, lead to what is happening right now. No matter the choices you made before, everything lead to the point where you live right now. Even failed math exam in high school

2. Like i said in previous answer: I do not believe in coincidence, but one of the most bizzare situation i had was that i met my friend on a university. As we were talking together, it turned out that we had like 3 situations where we were in the same place and at the same time (we were on same music show twice and i accidently saw him near my high school)

3. No, I do not know any magic tricks, and I don't think that I would like to learn any
Anton Chechel said…
I also believe in fate more than coincidence: if it happened, so it should have happened, many events should have led to it, so I totally agree with your point of view. I do not think that everything is planned to the smallest, and we can not change anything change in our lives, just events in our life that we have no influence happen because such was our destiny and how we will react to this event already our decision.
As for magic, I also like to watch how something impossible happens, but as a curious person I want to learn how it works and learn it myself. And I should say that this does not make the trick less exciting, or even opposite.
Anton Chechel said…
lol. This is a really cool presentation of the trick. I thought that after this trick became popular on the Internet, it is hard to surprise anyone, but I see that it is still relevant. For moments like that I practice magic.
Roman Batyuk said…
I don't believe in destiny so in my opinion, everything is a coincidence. With a bit of luck, you will get what you want but without it, you could lose everything.
I didn't have any incredible coincidences but the last one I had that one day I saw numbers consists only of 2 and 1 digits. It was really scary:).
Unfortunately, I do not know any of the magic tricks. However, in the future, I may learn one. But you need to spend a lot of time on them that you could use to learn something more useful.
Not much. I don’t remember any coincidence in my life. There were times when something happened in consequence but not coincidence. I would like to know few magic tricks with playing cards. It would be awesome.
1. Yes, I think I believe in coincidence, because in my opinion there is no such thing as destiny or fate.

2. There were quite a lot of situations when I met my friends or acquaintances somewhere abroad by an accident.

3. I used to know some card tricks, but I can't remember them anymore.
Anton Chechel said…
I should mention that small hands do not interfere with the good showing of tricks, just with them harder, much. I also have very small hands enough to hold a deck of cards, but I try to find a way to do it by myself(and sometimes I just elongate my hand) and over time the skill comes. After all, you can try coin tricks, or math tricks that don't require hand skills but just calculation. Below I will attach links to a video from an interview with the world's best card mechanic who is completely blind, which does not prevent him from doing things that not every sighted can does. I watch this video from time to time for my inspiration and to make sure once again that everything is possible in this world.
Here is the link:
Anton Chechel said…
But fate and coincidence are different things. Fate is something inevitable that should happen regardless of events, and coincidence is still an event that happened with probably the least opportunity to happen. So I do not think you should combine these concepts.
Marta Matysik said…
1. Maybe, but I rather believe that if something is to happen it will happen no matter why (but I don't say about a destiny). I don’t say that our life is planned but there are things that which must happen.

2. I can't remember this kind situation. When I think about coincidence, I remember only the situations when unexpectedly I meet some friends or people, which I don’t want to meet or haven’t seen for a long time. But It’s not incredible coincidence.

3. No, I don’t know and I don’t want to learn it. I'm not interested in this.
Vitalii Ohol said…
1. I do not believe at the coincidence. Every situation is an equation with a bunch of variables. For most of us, this equation unknown, and variables also unknown. Actually, we don't even know the type of variables or in what numerical system its calculation. But this equation exists. Everything can be predicted, and every chance can be calculated, but we don't have enough knowledge and power to do that.

2. Maybe the most incredible "coincidence" happened when I was at school. I made one friend in MMORPG‌ on the global server‌ (people from all around the world can join it). It turned out that he not only from my country, but from my city, and from the next semester will study in my school. Random in all its glory. :D

3. Yeah. I know one cool magic trick. It's called "vanishing of 1 kilo of chocolate candies without taking a break on something else". I think everyone knows how to do it, but not everyone can do it. :D
s15740 said…
1) Every meaning depends on beliefs. Dictionaries usually define coincidence as two or more events coming together in a surprising, unexpected way without obvious causal explanation. This possibility of an explanation creates the opportunity to say that there are no coincidences. If the cause can be defined, then there is no coincidence.
2) My life is boring, I can`t remember.
3) No, I don’t know any. If I shall learn – there will be no magic.
Mykola Suprun said…
1) It depends on how you define the coincidence. I think that the world we are able to perceive as humans is predicated on the existence of cause and effect. Without it, even such things as logic and reasoning become impossible. And "coincidence" in a sense it tends to be used is fundamentally incompatible with the concept of cause and effect.
2)I don't believe in "coincidences," or to be more precise, I don't find this concept all that useful, and hence I can't be bothered enough to remember such occurences.
3)I tried to learn some of them when I was a child. I wasn't very successful back then and only managed to master some simple card tricks. But I always wanted to learn the trick with cutting a person in two pieces. For some reason, every magician performing it has a very pretty female assistant for it...

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