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Week 5 [12.11-17.11.19] How does caffeine keep us awake?

How does caffeine keep us awake?

Everyday lots of people around the world drink coffee. Also for me, a day without my morning coffee can’t exist. Do you know how exactly caffeine works and what happened when you overdose it? How our brains react to this chemical particle? Whether you drink it or not, it’s sure that coffee is inseparable part of modern culture and our lives.

1.Dou you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?

2.Dou you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?

3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports? 


1. Yes, I drink a lot o coffee and other beaverages which contians caffeine like yerba mate or red bull. I drink it becuse of how it works on my brain and body. After cup of coffee I become better human because I am ready to work or to have fun and without it I am always asleep and tired. Caffeine is very important in my life.

2. I agree with that. Just look how many people are in cafes every day just to take coffee to work. At my work there is a lot of people that cannot imagine day at work without caffaine (and I am in this group as well).

3. Yeah, maybe. I know that in football recently was a discustion about it because in one game in Champions League between PSG and Real Madrid, PSG players ate same gums with caffiene just before the match. They won 3-0 and this was begining of the discustion that caffeine should be forbidden in football but it ended that it is still available and I think it will be available for the next couple of years.
Anna Koca said…
1. Do you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?
I never drink such drinks because they make me ill. I'm getting stomach ache and feel sick all day. I think I have intolerance on caffeine or chemicals in food and I use these ways of waking me up only in emergency.

2. Do you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?
No, I wouldn't agree. In my opinion, nowadays, the most common drug is sugar. It is everywhere and that product is also allowed and given to young children. Sugar is much more dangerous because of inconspicuousness of that product.

3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports?
Caffeine works differently on people. Id doesn't work on some people and for another it works like huge engine. That's why it can be unfair to use it in sport and in my opinion should be considered as a doping.
Roman Batyuk said…
1. Some people run on coffee but I run on tea. So I drink green tea and energy drinks with caffeine. Sometimes they wake me up. But a cup of strong black tea wakes me up more often.

2. I don't think that coffee is a drug. It is truly addictive but in my opinion, drinking coffee in normal amounts does not harm our body. Actually, it also concerns any other food like sugar or burgers.

3. I don't agree with this statement. Caffeine does not make you a superman or wonder woman. Nowadays, in sports, only a healthy diet, pushing yourself to the limits while training and perfect medical care make a difference.
Bartosz Barnat said…
1.I don't drink Coffee but I started to drink a lot of energy drinks just to stay focused when I wake up (I have problems with thinking in the morning).

2.I think nowadays there are two most common drugs, first is coffee, second is sugar as it is added almost to everything to keep clients addicted to their product. When it comes to coffee it is consumed only by some people but in massive doses. I know people that drink 6 cups of coffee a day and they are still exhausted and sleepy.

3. For some people Coffee might work as a pre-workout suplement that will boost their energy and affect scores drasticly. It should be banned as some people simply won't use it and it gives advanteg for others that like drinking it.
I rarely drink coffee. I remember that I did not drink it at all once because I had the impression that it does not work on me, but when it comes to other energy drinks, I sometimes drink monster because I like its taste. According to world health organistaion alcohol is considered a drug, so I do not agree that caffeine is the most common drug in the world. I do not agree with placing caffeine on the list of doping substances. Prohibited substances are given in ranges, and in fact, athletes balance with these substances so as not to exceed this range.
1.Do you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?
I do not. I don't like it and for me it is unhealthy.

2.Do you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?
Yes I do. I think it is in the podium with cigaretts.

3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports?
Well It's like drinking energetic before, I wouldn't described it as a doping.
1. Do you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?
Personally, I don't drink coffee, but I really like tea and energy drinks. I think coffee is not bad itself, just be careful with its consumption. Similarly, in the case of energy drinks, you can not get your body too used to much of this drink, because later it's even more difficult to function than without starting to drink that. Energy drinks actually give you energy for like 1 hour, but this feeling passes quickly, but still, I always control my intake of doses.

2. Do you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?
I definitely agree. It's not a mystery that the most popular drink of every awake man who is on his way to work is coffee. Everyone wants to stimulate action and enter a state of efficient work faster, which is why they choose a stimulant that is legal and available literally everywhere.

3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports?
By referring to the film, coffee actually stimulates and improves the user's mood. Then a player in sports competitions can increase his efficiency, so yes, in my opinion, caffeine should be considered as illegal doping.
Damian Drozd said…
1. Thanks for the video, finally I know how caffeine works. I love a good coffee and drink lots of it!

2. If you mean caffeine, psychoactive substance, then yeah, I agree that caffeine is the most common drug in the world. It stimulates the central nervous system what changes your mood, giving an energy boost, also I guess it's addictive.

3. Well, due to the fact that caffeine is a drug my answer would be yes.

1. Dou you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why / Why not?
 Since I work in a corporation I feel a great need to drink coffee in the morning. I didn't have it before. I didn't like coffee and avoided it. I didn't even eat cake with coffee. Now it has changed. I don't know exactly what it results from. Maybe I just got old.

2. Dou you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?
Definitely yes. In my work, people can't live without coffee anymore. Many people unknowingly abuse coffee. I think coffee doesn't work anymore for most of these people. Sometimes I tried to fight this habit at home, but I notice a decrease in my productivity.

3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports?
I don't think caffeine should be considered doping in sport. It has stimulants, but I think it forces more focus than improves the physical result. It has too little effect on athletes to be considered doping.
s15385 said…
1. I don't like coffee but I occasionally drink but only when I'm very tired. I know it's unhealthy but I drink more energy drinks.

2. I think it's true. Some people aren't able to function without coffee during the day so it's addictive in some extent

3. According to video caffeine improves your energy because it has stimulants but I think it doesn't increase your effective to this level that should be considered as doping and be forbidden.
Zygmunt Z said…
1.Dou you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?

Yes, I do. I used to drink a few cups of coffee a day but right now I cut down to one in the morning as a first thing I do when I get to the office.

2.Do you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?

It can be. I can say that at one point I used to drink a few cups of coffee a day just to stay awake and I can say that it was a bit of a vicious circle. The more tired I felt the more coffee I drank with no effect in the end, I was just too tired and all I really needed to try was this "sleeping thing" that everybody recommended.

3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports?
Let's not exaggerate... Coffee is good in relative amounts and it really can help. Of course, it can be destructive in big amounts, physically and psychologically if we assume that it is addictive. But I wouldn't say that it should be considered as doping, in that case every other sportsperson is running on doping which is obviously some bunch of bullshit.
I drink coffee every day. One cup of coffee every morning is complete standard for me. But honestly, I don’t drink coffee to feel energized, I just like the taste of coffee. I drink in every morning for longer then I can remember so it’s not really working on me anymore so if I actually want to get energized, I drink red bull or some other energy drink. I think that statement “coffee is the most common drug in the world” is correct. First of all, it is legal so automatically consumption of it is much higher than any other drug. Secondly coffee is just tasty and helps people to stay focused and don’t sleep at work or school. I think that caffeine doesn’t make that much of a difference to be considered as doping. Of course it has some influence on our body but I don’t think it is big enough to make it illegal in sports.
1. Yes, I do. I drink coffee at the office before starting to work if I feel tired because of not sleeping long enough, and because I usually don’t sleep long enough, I drink coffee almost every day, which is not good. It is absolutely not necessary as long as we have enough sleep. During the bachelor’s studies, I used to drink energy drinks, because it was even harder to stay awake when we had to handle a lot of subjects and job at the same time. It is extremely unhealthy, but I usually have very low blood pressure, so at least my veins won’t explode 😊

2. Yeah, that’s probably true. Coffee is far more popular than cigarettes and alcohol which would be just after it in such ranking.

3. To be honest I don’t have an opinion about this. I can only guess that caffeine doesn’t have such significant impact on the performance of the sportsmen, but I don’t know.
Angelika Dutt said…
1.Dou you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?
I drink a lot of coffee and energy drinks. I'm not sure if they awaken me or if it's a matter of habit, but I can't imagine a day without caffeine. Additionally, if I don't drink coffee, I have a headache because my blood pressure is too low.

2.Dou you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?
Yeah, I think coffee is the most popular drug in the world. Cafes can be found on every corner and drinking coffee in the morning has already become a human routine. I don't think even tea can compete with it anymore.

3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports?
I don't think caffeine should be treated as a doping because its impact on the human body is too small.
Marta Matysik said…
1. Sometimes. After too strong coffee, I have a tickling of my heart. So if I want to drink something with caffeine, I will drink energy drink or not strong coffee.
2. Coffee is often abused. But it seems to me that the substance witch we use everyday and on which most people are addicted is sugar.
3. No, I don’t. Almost everyone drinks coffee and it is a substance that we use every day. Of course, it affects the body, and it's like other substances which we consume during the day. So that would be stupid if we considered it as a doping. Because we should think about other substances such as sugar
Thanks for your opinion. It’s quite interesting about PSG players, I didn’t hear of that situation. FIFA should definitely look deeper in such cases.
I see your point, it surprised me how much more powerful tea can be, especially the green one. For me there are 2 types of people, one of them can’t live without coffee and the second one without tea.
Yes, I totally agree with you. Sugar should be considered as a common drug because it’s omnipresent in our lives whether we want it or not and it’s almost impossible not to eat it.
Dawid Piotrak said…
1.Do you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?
Sometimes but I try to limit it as much as possible due to my problems with blood pressure.

2.Do you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?

I do not consider coffee as a drug. It's really hard to overdose it and when you do a few days of abstinence from it will fix your nervous system.

3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports ?
No, caffeine is the primary ingredient in every pre-workouts and they are not banned for use so why should caffeine alone be banned?
Maciej Szczypek said…
1. I do drink coffee and Yerba, I love the taste of those. I also simply need it because I have to be focused about 14 hours a day as I have a lot things to do during the day. A rarely drink energetic drinks. Actually only when it is hot outside and drinking something what is not cold is not pleasure for me at all.

2. Not entirely. I thing that the most common drug in the world is tea and sugar, but coffee is definitely also in the top of the rank.

3. No I do not agree with that. It is not a substance that will significantly enhance your skills.
1. Yes, I do drink coffee and yerba mate almost everyday. It helps me be more productive, even if for a short time. If I really need to get lot of things done, I also drink energy drinks.

2. If we treat coffee as a drug, then yes, however I think it is an exaggeration to consider coffee a drug.

3. I don't think of it as a doping, even though it increases your performance.
1. Coffee & Coca-Cola are there for me in good and bad times. Mostly because I like the flavor – energizing properties are secondary for me but sometimes they have an effect on me.
2. Yes. It’s not an accident there is a coffee cult in the USA.
3. Yeah, I think it should be. Anything that can be used to power up a sportsman in a way not connected with their muscles should not be allowed in a competition.
1. No, I don't you drink coffee or any other beverages containing caffeine, because I have a caffeine-insensitivity. I don't like coffee alone either.

2. I don't know, but many scientific studies confirm that coffee is the most common drug in the world. So there must be something in it, some truth. And I have a lot of friends who just drink coffee every day, very often just like that. With no purpose, and that's why I think it can be addiction.

3. If scientific research confirms that coffee can "strengthen" the body, then it should be banned in sport and considered as doping in sports.
1.Dou you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?
I drink coffee every day, 3 to 6 cups a day. Coffee gives me energy that I need to survive the day. I got addicted enough that without coffee I drink, in the afternoon I start falling asleep.

2.Dou you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?
Very possible, but is it such a bad drug? I think that one of the mildest and even in small quantities healthy. People do much worse things that regularly destroy their health.

3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports?
No, a little bit and we will live in a world where every little thing will be considered a criminal offense or degeneration. It's just coffee.
1. Sometimes I drink coffee but I try to do it in small quantities. In most cases it makes me feel bad.

2. Yes, I agree with this statement, caffeine is addictive and in too large amounts can have an extremely bad effect on the human body. In my opinion, coffee should not be consumed by children.

3. Yes I agree, caffeine can act as a kind of afterburner for a player, which can give him an advantage over other players who haven't used it.
Kristina Moroz said…
1. Dou you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?
Sometimes, if I fill like I need that, but to make me awake its only beverages with coffeine, coffee doesn't work for me in that way.

2.Dou you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?
Well, I agree, but there are too many things we addict for. Coffee is not the real big problem.

3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports?
No, I've never feel some energy after drinking coffee, even if I drink 3 cups of strong coffee. It depends on how human body assimilates, it's like milk or gluten. There is a study showing how the liver absorbs coffee and ferments it should have to do that.
1.Dou you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?
No, I don’t drink Coffee I never tried this, and I don’t want to try. If we are talking about caffeine, then I must say I drink beverages containing this like Coca-Cola.

2.Dou you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?
Yes, I must say that I agree with this statement you only need to look at people in the morning how they behave… junkies :P

3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports?
No, I Don’t agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports this is too much of exaggeration.
1.Dou you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?
No i don't i don't have any issues with my energy levels through the day. Sometimes when im driving during the night and i'm feeling sleepy i might drink a redbull but normally i'm not touching caffeine.

2.Dou you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?
Yes i do, just by looking at my environment, my frinds, family and coworkers, they all drink coffee every single day.

3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports?
Yes I agree, it interferes with blood pressure and with performance.
I drink coffee. redbulls etc... Recently, a lot, the reason for this is working at full speed. I also drink Yerba Mate which
It stimulates me a little slower but the caffeine in it stimulates me for a long time.

2. I agree. It's very fast to get addicted to coffee. Unfortunately, coffee, like other addictions, has its diseases, one of them
is the flushing of magnesium from the body

3. Honestly, I have no opinion about it, but coffee is probably not such a strong boost
1.Dou you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?
I don’t drink coffee or tea, but I sometimes drink Coca-Cola which contains caffeine. I don’t drink it to be more awake, but just for the taste of it.

2.Dou you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?
Coffee can be considered as a drug and since almost everyone drinks it, I’d hazard a guess that it is indeed the most common drug in the world.

3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports?
I think we should leave it to scientists to carry out different experiments to answer that question, because it would mean a huge change in the world of sport.

Yubin said…
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Yubin said…
1. Do you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?
To be honest, I almost never drink coffee, at least I never buy coffee myself, because I don't feel good after drinking coffee, and sometimes my throat hurt after drinking it, and I feel the smell of the mouth is kinda awful after someone drinking coffee.

2. Do you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?
No, I don't think so, I think the most common drug is cigarette, since it is actually killing people everyday, people know it is dangerous, but we still can buy it almost in every store.

3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports?
In my opinion, I guess coffee is not that strong promotion, so I think it shouldn't be considered as a doping in sports.
Adam Tokarczyk said…
1. I'll start with that I really hope, that those additional adenosine receptors disappear, because I used to drink a lot of coffee. Right now I barely do it anymore, because I actually drink coffee mostly to keep someone company. It's not like I like it a lot or dislike. It's just another drink for me. Aside from coffee I always liked chemical taste of energetic drink, but try to avoid drinking them, because they're very unhealthy. Also while we're at caffeine topic, I would love to try kava one day, which is said to have opposite effects to caffeine.

2. It is probably #1 or #2 most common drug. Its competitor would be nicotine. They're also in relation with each other as for many people coffee and cigarette is a start of a day.

3. I don't think caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports. I'd actually remove lots of things from list of doping substances. Even sportsmen admit that lots of them use illegal substances to gain better results. They just do it in cycles which allow presence on competitions and tournaments. If there were less things considered as a doping then such competitions would probably be not only more fair, but they would probably be even better to watch. It would require employing additional people to monitor athletes health and make programs that can improve their results in the best possible way.
1. I don't drink them, I don't need it. Sometimes if it's possible I take a nap to gain some energy, but never any coffee, energy drinks etc.
2. I think yes. So many people are addicted to coffee. That's why so many coffeehouses achieved success in my opinion
3. Not really? I mean, for some people caffeine can be really good as pre-workout drink to make them more focus, but I don't think that affects your result at the end.
1. Yes, I drink both coffee and other caffeine-containing drinks, mainly energy drinks. Because I like their effect on my body and in the case of energy drinks, also taste.

2. I think coffee is one of the most popular drag of our time, but in the first place I would rather put sugar then coffee.

3. Yes, in my opinion, caffeine should be recognized as doping because it can have a huge impact on athletes' performance.
1. Yes, but I don't do it every day. I drink my morning coffee when I have an early class but also after a big meal as it helps digest.

2. Probably the statement is right but I wouldn't say that it is the most dangerous one. Putting aside the illegal ones, as many mentioned before, I think the sugar is currently consumed in enormous amounts causing various serious diseases.

3. I think is an over-exaggeration. It may help some be a little better at what they do but it's not as significant as other stimulants.
Szymon Kluczek said…
1. Everyday I drink a lot of beverages, which contain caffeine. I start my day with a cup of strong black coffee, then as long as I get to work I drink another coffee or sometimes even two, also in the afternoon, on my way back home I grab a coffee, you may think that’s already quite big amount of caffeine per day, but that’s not the whole story actually, meanwhile all of these coffees, I drink coca-cola or some Energy drinks which are rich in caffeine too.

2. I couldn’t agree more. Coffee is definitevly the most common drug in the world. Nowadays it’s really hard to find someone who doesn’t drink coffee. Drinking coffee is more and more common even among teens or kids.

3. I don’t think so. It’s true that coffee affects our minds and makes us locked and loaded very quickly, but caffeine content in coffee isn’t huge, due to this in my opinion coffee shouldn’t be compared to doping substances, also ‘the mode of action’ for caffeine is way more different than for doping substances.
1.Do you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?

Yes, I drink caffeine containing beverages everyday. I try not to reach for any energy drinks like Monster Energy or Red Bull, but sometimes it's a "must have" when day is long and sleep was short. Drinking coffee is something that makes my day. Nothing gives you such mood boost like a cup of hot caffeine-filled beverage at a start of the day.

2.Do you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?

In my opinion calling coffee a drug might be a little exaggeration because it is not something that makes you high. I do agree with a statement that a lot of people are addicted to it but putting it into the same category as "real" drugs could be misleading. Heavy coffee drinking is not as harmful to a whole society as using any other drug. Undoubtebly caffeine is very common around the world however I wouldn't make that seem equally harmful as, for example, cocaine.

3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports? 

In my opinion it depends on how long before an actual race/match/etc. and how much caffeine does an athlete take. Small cup of coffee drank 2 hours before an event shouldn't be a problem but pure caffeine injected right before definietely would be one. There is a difference between refreshing yourself and not being able to stand in one spot because of caffeine going through your veins making your heart beat like an machine gun.
1.Dou you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?
I don’t drink coffee but I sometimes drink energy drinks. Why? I don’t drink coffee because I don’t like the taste of it and I really like the taste of energy drinks. I don’t drink it for the stimulation because I can’t really feel it.

2.Do you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?
I do agree that the coffee is the most common drug in the world, I have a lot of friends, coworkers and family members who are cranky when they haven’t got their favorite drug in the mug.

3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports?
I don’t really agree that the caffeine should be considered as doping in sports, It has very little stimulation properties and I don’t think that it makes much difference.
Mateusz Szych said…
1. I drink specilaity coffee everyday. Mainly because of the taste. I love the taste of good coffee.

2. In my opinion sugar is the most popular drug in the world.

3. No, I don't. Caffeine is not strong enough to noticeably affect the athlete's score.
Mehmet KONUK said…
1.Dou you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?
I drink coffee before breakfast every day. I usually do my breakfast after 2. Until then, I have had 1 or 2 cups of coffee

2.Dou you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?
I agree the same. In my opinion, sugar is the most common addiction these days. Everywhere and this product is available and allowed and consumed by everyone. Sugar is much more dangerous because that product is inconspicuous.

3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports?
I have no idea about that. but I don't think caffeine should be seen as a doping because it has little effect on the human body.
Olga Przytula said…
1.Do you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?

I drink it, but not on a daily basis. It actually comes from my diet – I restrained consuming fast-foods, fizzy drinks and sugary juices a long time ago and swapped them for healthy, unsweetened food and water, hence all the beverages containing caffeine are also excluded from my life. They actually are distasteful for me. When it comes to coffee, I don’t like this bitter aftertaste of it, so I don’t drink it that often and even if I do, it’s more like milk with a drop of coffee rather than the other way around. It just doesn’t give me that boost that it probably should, so I drink coffee only “for social purposes”.

2.Do you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?

Considering how many of my friends and family members must start their day with a cup of strong coffee to feel awake and motivated to work I think this statement is a bit true. There is no doubt people reap the benefits from drinking caffeine beverages. As stated in the video – it gives them boost to be more active, helps them concentrate and often even makes them feel more optimistic and joyful. Additionally, we can frequently hear people saying that they are “impossible to get along” without their morning coffee. I think that people actually get addicted to the whole ritual of drinking coffee. This lazy moment in the morning before starting another crazy day at work, or a bit of free time during queue of meetings. That’s why I think that if consumed with mindfulness, coffee doesn’t have to be addictive.

3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports?

It’s hard for me to say, as coffee doesn’t work for me at all. Even if, I get sleepier after drinking it than I was before. But if we consider the fact, that people get more active and motivated after consuming beverages of this sort, I think that restrictions in daily consumption of caffeine is a fair idea, to make sure people have similar chances in winning.
1.Dou you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?
I used to drink because of hard working, but I decided to quit consuming coffee and everything that contains caffeine. Simply because excessive drinking of coffee is unhealthy for whole body.
2.Dou you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?
Yes I do, mostly because we drink coffee with sugar and these both ingredients do not effects positively to our health.
3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports?
Well, Maybe if there will be some overdosed proportion. In other case I don't think that it can be so effective in sport.
Anna Moskalenko said…
I do drink coffee quite often. But mostly not because of the caffeine but because I love the taste of it. I don’t like plain black though, I prefer cappuccino or some good latte. But if we’re talking about energy drinks - I hate them, they tastes awful and they works very strangely so I never drink them.
Not the cigarettes? I mean a lot of people drink coffee, for sure, but a big number of them just like coffee as tasty beverage, same as juice or Cola, or something like that. I’m not addicted to caffeine, and I’ll coffee only if I’ll get good one.
I think it depends on the kind of sport. If agility and finesse is the base of the game then caffeine could give unfair advantage and should be considered as a doping.
dominik.samsel said…
1.Do you drink coffee or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?
2.Do you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?
3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports?

1) I drink coffee quite often. Great breakfast, glass of water and cup of perfect coffee is my way to start a day. I don't consider myself as person addicted to caffeine, but I really like the taste of well blended coffee. When I want drink one, I do only when I'm sure it's not ordinary, soluble coffee you can get in train.

2) Coffee can be addiction but I think it only becomes one when someone can't live without it and it's drunk in enormous amounts . It's totally different case from cigarettes, booze or drugs. Drinking coffee is easy to start, but in my opinion also easy to let go. What is more if you choose to detox yourself from it, after a while of not drinking later on it starts to taste great again.

3) Caffeine shouldn't be considered as a doping in sports, because it's commonly accessible and does not influence your body as other doping substances. If caffeine is considered as doping, sugar should be also. Sugar gives you also an energy kick, doesn't it?
Mateusz Hefner said…
1.Dou you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?
I rarely drink Caffe I prefer energy drinks but I only use them when I sleep less and need to be awake longer.

2.Dou you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?
I strongly agree with that, whenever I see someone drinking something 90% of the time it's coffee.

3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports?
It hardly depends on the sport but I think it's overthinking.
1. Do you drink Coffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?

Yes, I drink coffee almost every day. It helps me to stay in tune and in the morning it helps me to start thinking and wake up completely. I find coffee tasty and I like it.

2. Do you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?

I think at some point yes. It is not so addicted as some marihuana/cigarettes or other drugs, but people are addicted to coffee too. I have some friends, who cannot live without coffee and they cannot think clearly before they drink their coffee.

3. Do you agree that caffeine should be considered as doping in sports?

I am not sure. If some person overdrinks it then yes. But I don't think, that one cup of coffee should be considered as doping.
Kuba Berliński said…

1. I don't drink coffee and really hardly ever other beverages of this sort. They usually have bad affect on how I feel. Drinking them to me is simply finality, for example if I have to drive a car for a long distance, while being exhausted.

2. Yes, although the "drug" word seems to be too strong for that. There is a difference between coffee and heroine or something else to me.

3. I don't really have opinion on that, as simply I do not know. However since it temporairly gives more energy, then perhaps there is a point.
1. Yes I do, I drink Coffee or energy drink every day (mostly coffee). I think I'm addicted from caffeine. I feel really bad when I don't drink a cap of coffee or energy drink I know it's a problem, but it helps me in work/study.

2. Yes, I totally agree I'm some kind of "coffeine junkie". I can imagine there is whole world addicted to this. In every company there is coffee maker and it's the most important device in company

3. I think it's so common and popular (it's kind of style life) in society that it would be an absurd to considered it as doping
Mykyta Smirnov said…
Yes, I drink caffeine drinks such coffee or energy drinks. I know it's not healthy but sometimes I need it to prevent being sleepy. Yes, I knew about it. Somewhere I've read that caffeine has even acts the same way as cocaine does. Coffee is one of the most popular drinks overall in the world. Isn't it prohibited at some sport events? I think it should be proven that caffeine actually gives you extra posibilities at sport competitions. Nevertheless it would be interesting to see event where overpowered with doping "humans" compete with each other.
Bartosz Waś said…
1. I drink coffee every morning. I see it as an everyday habit. I could live without it but it just gives me an impression of feeling a little better. Coffee in reasonable quantities is also good for health so there is no reason to demonize it.

2. I don't agree with it. People drink a lot of coffee because they like and they can but i don't know anyone who would be addicted to it. Some people drink too much because it doesn't have any serious consequences like drug addiction. Usually when people get to know that their health is in a bad shape they just get read of coffee from their diet.

3. I don't think so. Even big amounts of caffeine has a short term effects and significant long term gains can't be achieved with it. A little bigger boost of energy during normal training shouldn't be consider as doping.
Vitalii Ohol said…
1. Yes, I drink a lot of different drinks that contain caffeine, mainly because I love their taste. A second reason is that I'm replacing my excessive consumption of chocolate, candies, and buns with caffeine drinks.

2. Yes, it's the most common drug... alongside sugar. I know many people that can't imagine a single day without a cup of coffee. I never thought that it has some bad effects on our bodies. Caffeine addictive, but not bad and harmful (in normal doses of course). And to be honest about what I said before, I just replaced my sugar addiction to caffeine addiction.

3. I don't think that coffee has such a great impact on someone that it must be banned from the sport. But I don't have enough information to answer this question... so I don't know.
1) I do love coffee and drink it probably much more than I should. For coffee it's mostly because of its wonderful taste, but I also drink occasionally energetics. Not to keep myself awake (because I am normaly barely able to sleep) but to help myself concentrate and make my mind more active.

2) I wouldn't actually call it a drug to be honest. It's obviously very common but recently I would say it is more of a style issue (showing yourself in public with particular logo on mug full of nice smelling coffee). Not many people drink coffee that actually contains a lot of caffeine. From my own observation most of the people drink light, milky variants (like cappuccino or latte).

3) I'm not any expert but if you ask me I would say that using any additional substances applied intentionally to improve physical endurance should be forbidden in professional sports.
1. No, I don't like her smell.
2. Of course, all my colleagues ask me what a freak I am that I don't like coffee.
3. I think it can be described as such, it adds some energy from what I know.
Denys Pogurskyi said…
Well, I'm a lover of coffee in the morning, and indeed I like coffee. And about addiction, I think I have it just like with chocolate, and without it life is not sweet for me.
But besides coffee, from time to time I can drink some sort of energy drink, not just to cheer up but just to drink it. Of course, drinking energy is not very good, and they do not invigorate at all, as for me, even greater lethargy and fatigue appear after them. I read somewhere in the article that after drinking an energy drink after 3-4 hours, you feel like a squeezed lemon.
I don’t know about whether it is worth considering caffeine as a dope ...
1.Dou you drink Caffe or any other beverages containing caffeine? Why/Why not?
I think I am the biggest caffeine addict here. I start my day with a cup of green tea (around 600 ml), then proceed with caffeine pill, then my first coffee goes in. I choose latte most of the times, because I try to take care of my teeth, but it doesn't seem to work lately. After lunch I consume my second cup of coffee or a Red Bull (it depends on my mood). Usually when I go to bed I finish my fourth or fifth cup of coffee, and it never influences the quality of my sleep.

2.Dou you agree with the statement that coffee is the most common drug in the world?
Yes. Have you ever been to Starbucks in on of the major US cities around 7 am? the ueing starts on the streets and now they have launched a newer system: you order a coffee from an app on your phone and pick it up in some time, so you don't need to wait. These crowds of people are definitely worse than inside the Amsterdam's "coffee shops" that sell an illegal type of drug.

3. Do you agree that the caffeine should be considered as a doping in sports?
It should. Every drug should. Even legal. Why do they take an alcohol into the consideration but they do not do it with caffeine ?!
s15740 said…
1) I drink liters of coffee per day , and smoke a lot, and i know i`ll die because of it , but i`m addicted and can deal with it.
2) Yes, i agree. Like sugar. No one pays attention that it makes you addicted. Maybe not phisically, but psycologically.
3) No, I don`t think so. Caffeine just makes you more atentive, it doesn`t make you more powerfull or faster. The only one thing it does - simple concentration. And it is not enough to become the best. Сall it doping, looks more like an unfair excuse of the loser.

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