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Week 5 [12.11-17.11.19] Problem with drug cartels in Mexico

Problem with drug cartels in Mexico

Mexico seems to be an interesting country, shrouded in the myth of cacti, hot sauces and sombreso. The Latin people who live there seem open and laughing. The great tradition associated with the recently celebrated day of the dead makes this country attractive to us Europeans. However, it turns out that drug cartels still rule in this country. Innocent people are murdered. A few days ago, the son of the famous El Chapo was arrested, but he was released, for fear of how the cartel could take revenge.

1.What do you think about the problem with drug cartels there?
2.Would you be afraid to go there alone or with someone?
3. What do you think about the mentality of Mexican people?
4. Why do you think Mexicans and Colombians are unable to prevent poverty in the country from money for trade?

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Anna Koca said…
1.What do you think about the problem with drug cartels there?
I know nothing about such problems and I have no idea how reality looks like in Mexico, I have never been there. I think it is terrible that nowadays there are so many places where law, rules and humanitarianism doesn't exist.

2.Would you be afraid to go there alone or with someone?
Alone travelling is dangerous even in Europe, so definitely yes. You never know who will you meet, and you should take all precautions. On the other hand I heard many stories from my friends who have been in Mexico and they came back in one piece without any dangerous situations. I think that also depends of region where you're going and many other details. Anyway, for sure, I would prefer go there with someone.

3. What do you think about the mentality of Mexican people?
They are happy, thankful people with problems. I met few of them and they are communicative but also very wary. I would have to spend much more time with them to be able to have an opinion about them.

4. Why do you think Mexicans and Colombians are unable to prevent poverty in the country from money for trade?
I red somewhere that Mexico is 3rd largest goods trading partner with $611.5 billion in total goods trade during 2018. If they invest properly in education, food access and health care for people, maybe that would break that cycle of Poverty.
1.What do you think about the problem with drug cartels there?
Making drugs available would make those cartels dissapear right ?

2.Would you be afraid to go there alone or with someone?
I would be carefull where I go but I would go visit mexico anyway.

3. What do you think about the mentality of Mexican people?
I do not have an opinion. I don't know any one of them and never heard about their opinions about it.

4. Why do you think Mexicans and Colombians are unable to prevent poverty in the country from money for trade?
Maybe If they invest in better things they would deal with problem of poverty.
1. What do you think about the problem with drug cartels there?
I think all the problems with cartels and drugs are there because of the culture, customs, and lifestyle of the people of Mexico. Such habits and hierarchies in society have probably prevailed there for many years, so nobody wants to change it, or even feel the need to change, because the inhabitants don't know another life. The Mafia ruled Mexico, and will continue to rule until a powerful outsider intervenes in their affairs seriously. However, I think that even then people would be so accustomed that they will never forget the old rules.

2. Would you be afraid to go there alone or with someone?
I once watched a YouTube video of a Polish traveler who lived there for longer. In Mexico, you really have to be careful about the individual districts and the paths you follow. If you know how to get around the city and who to talk to, you'll be safe. Personally, I would rather not go there, but in the company of someone experienced and familiar with that world, sure, why not?

3. What do you think about the mentality of Mexican people?
As I mentioned before, I think the entire Mexican population is so used to this way of life that they don't know what it would look like otherwise. Social roles have been defined a long time ago, everyone knows their place and rights, what is allowed and what is not. The mentality of people is changeable, but the mentality of the people of Mexico? I doubt it.

4. Why do you think Mexicans and Colombians are unable to prevent poverty in the country from money for trade?
All money invested and obtained through trade is spent on drugs. A small percentage of residents spend their money on useful things, so it's not surprising that poverty comes first. I think people should set their priorities the right way, but only a few would be able to, and they won't be able to change the face of the whole country.
1.What do you think about the problem with drug cartels there?
I am not very familiar with this topic. All I know is that cartels have a lot of power in Mexico and crime rate is very high there. I understand why this problem occurs and I agree with the speaker in the video that it is mostly caused by high demand for drugs in well developed countries like U.S.
2.Would you be afraid to go there alone or with someone?
Yes, I would be, definitely. No matter alone or with someone. I don't think I would go there at all.
3. What do you think about the mentality of Mexican people?
Wel their behaviour is not surprising .They trust cartels more than government. Government there is corrupted and unable to defend normal citizens against cartels violence. Also when some members of your family become a cartel members it is harder for you to oppose them. I think bad education in Mexico is also one of the reasons.
4. Why do you think Mexicans and Colombians are unable to prevent poverty in the country from money for trade?
Government corruption and cartels. Those are probably two main reasons of such situation. Cartels don't want rich and well educated society. That would mean they would have harder time to control and influence it. Most of money made is going to the richest in Mexico. Those of course are my assumptions and I might be completely wrong.
Very interesting presentation.

1. Drug cartels are everywhere. In other countries they are more active, in others they are not. However, Mexico is a rather specific country with many problems at the social, financial and economic levels. Drug cartels and not only are a very important problem in this country.

2. Of course, I would be afraid to go there alone, and even more with someone, and that's because I value my safety and the safety of others. Why put yourself at risk?

3. Each country in the world has a community that is very different. And it is the same with Mexico. And we can't just be angry with them or anything. They just have a different thinking way.

4. I think that Mexicans and Colombians are unable to prevent poverty in the country from money for trade, because they usually invest money to develop cartels and crime. That's my opinion. And that's why Mexico or Colombia are what they are.
1. Drug cartels have been an inseparable part of Mexico for very long time and I don’t think this situation is going to change soon. It’s terrifying that death is common situation in people’s normal lives in Mexico but not only. I heard stories about earthquakes when it’s also getting very dangerous so for sure it’s an interesting country.

2. Not afraid but I will keep back in my mind thoughts about what could possibly happen. It’s a beautiful country with great music and food. Except from gang members, people seem to be hospitable and friendly. If I had an opportunity I would definitely travel there.

3. I have never met any Mexican personally so it’s hard to say. It is said that they are more energetical and literal than, for example, polish people. It might also be a different approach to life and problems.

4. I don’t think it will change. Quick money is very attractive to these people and even poverty, omnipresent death and live in a constant fear don’t matter to them. It has started to be a natural part of those countries’ economy. Government is used to it and can’t have enough power to oppose cartels, which confirm situations with the son of El Chapo.
1.What do you think about the problem with drug cartels there?
The worst part of this problem is the incredible brutality of the cartel members. As a result of finding yourself in the wrong place, you can simply be killed, but if you are considered to be an enemy of a cartel, the situation will be tragic. I do not urge anyone to look for this type of materials because they are extremely drastic but you can read how they torture their opponents.
2.Would you be afraid to go there alone or with someone?
I think it would be extremely irresponsible behavior to move freely outside the tourist areas of Mexico. And that's why I wouldn't do it.
3. What do you think about the mentality of Mexican people?
I think the mentality is not bad in itself. I met some people from this country and I didn't see any special differences. Political factors and easy money and poverty are the problem, not the mentality itself.
4. Why do you think Mexicans and Colombians are unable to prevent poverty in the country from money for trade?
Lack of education of a part of the society, deep pathology and the possibility of easy earnings make it very difficult to deal with this problem regardless of the money you put in.

And the problem disappeared when most Colombians drugged on hives in the 90s? :)
I spent a wonderful two weeks traveling alone in Colombia and Mexico and I live and I'm a woman :)

In my opinion, the drug cartel exists only because drugs are banned. If drugs were legal, countries would earn much more and there would be control. I never planned to go to the drug cartel, so I don't know if I should be scared or not. In the movies, I saw that usually people on the streets sell drugs, so you don't have to go to the cartel.
I think the mentality of the people of Mexico is their business. We, as we, should take care of ourselves, and if Mexico wants help, it would let you know.
Money has individuals or organized groups, not the state. Legalizing drugs could change that, but it's also a matter of dropping it.
Roman Batyuk said…
I don't know much about drug cartels but there are very similar to mafia families in the US in 1920-1930s. Because of corrupted government and police cartels control everything. Mexicans like any other normal people want to feel safe. In my opinion they don't believe the corrupted police and government that is why they chose cartels. As I said before Italian immigrants in the 1920-1930s did the same because police and government of the US hadn't care about them. So I don't think that the mentality of Mexican people is special.
To my mind, cartels don't really care about people who don't want to do anything with their business. That is why they don't want to prevent poverty in their countries. It is easier to control not educated and poor people. But maybe in the future, some strong individuals will change those countries.
Kristina Moroz said…
1.What do you think about the problem with drug cartels there?
I know nothing about situation in Mexico with drug cartels and how reality looks like there. Just only in some movies or little videos from internet. What would you expect from corrupted government and police?

2.Would you be afraid to go there alone or with someone?
Of all that I heard I prefer to go there with someone.

3. What do you think about the mentality of Mexican people?
They are quick-tempered, therefore, the reaction to everything said will be quick and sometimes unexpected.
Pawel Bluszcz said…
1. I think the problem with cartels is huge. It is not unusual or secret to know that cartels rule all of Mexico, or even whole South America.
2. No, I wouldn't be scared. In the last year I hitchhiked and accidentally came to Damascus. Cartels wars are nothing compare to this.
3. The Mexican mentality is amazing. At work I work with one colleague from Mexico. His name is Diego. Just look at him and the first word that comes to mind is: fiesta and bajlando :D
4. Because this money will be stolen and cartels influence people by encouraging them to join them
Paweł Hadacz said…
1.What do you think about the problem with drug cartels there?

I think that this is a very serious problem, which the poorest suffer the most. The local community often has no choice and because of the poverty of these regions they undertake such work to survive.

2. Would you be afraid to go there alone or with someone?

Of course I would be afraid. People in such places are often desperate and ruthless.

3. What do you think about the mentality of Mexican people?

I think Mexicans are living day day-to-day. They are afraid to live life to the fullest but they also have a quick temper.

4. Why do you think Mexicans and Colombians are unable to prevent poverty in the country from money for trade?

Because rich countries are robbing them, under the banners of help they are actually using their strength to get rich at their expense.
Bartosz Waś said…
1. I think that the drug cartels problem in mexico is too big to be easily solved. I even assume that drug market is one of the biggest or even the biggest in the country. A lot of money is made and ties of the organizations probably reaches the highest people in command in the Mexican government. Mexico definitely lost control of the situation long time ago maybe even on purpose and as long as billions of dollars are made the business will continue to grow and won't be stopped.

2. Definitely it's a good idea to make a research before a trip and probably take someone who knows Mexico with you. Mexico city might be fairly safe for cautious tourists but less popular regions of the country might cause serious trouble for foreigners.

3 .I don't want to judge them. For some of them there is usually no other choice than to join cartels or at least stay silent about their activities. Usually cartels develop a strategy of community protectors as described in the video and are seen in a better light than the representatives of the corrupt government. Its' hard for a foreigner to truly understand what people from different communities think and why.

4.Money from drug trade ends up in the hands of a few traffickers not the normal people and its spend on their private property or reinvested back in the production that's why it doesn't affect the overall economy of the country and has no influence on the poverty.
1. What do you think about the problem with drug cartels there?

I think it is a very serious problem. The worst part is that the strategy, which the government is using is not working and even making things worse.

2. Would you be afraid to go there alone or with someone?

Yes, I would be afraid of going there alone. I think it is better to visit such places in a group of people, not alone.

3. What do you think about the mentality of Mexican people?

I think they are used to it. They know about all the violents that are going on, but as they cannot change it they are used to this situation and are trying to deal with it in a way they think is the best.

4. Why do you think Mexicans and Colombians are unable to prevent poverty in the country from money for trade?

Because part of this money is split across cartels and corrupted politisians, who don't care about people.
s15740 said…
1) The problem concerns not only drugs and their distribution but the crime in general. For example, kidnaping for ransom is punishable by life imprisonment. But no one cares. Schools have 3 meters height fence. But children still vanish.
2) NO! Am I crazy?! To drugs to the end of the world in such crime epicenter!
3) They are very good, friendly and welcoming; also I know that they like to drink (tequila guys).
4) The situation is very beneficial for local authorities. Keeping people pure makes their work easier to realize. There is no money to fight with such problem and of course it`s easier to pay a policeman and he WILL take, because it is the only way to feed his family.

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