Experiments that lead to experiencing near-death and out-of-body experiences are both thought-provoking and interesting.
Phenomena resulting from incomplete activity in certain parts of the brain may open your
horizons: near-death experiences and extra-bodily experiences
horizons: near-death experiences and extra-bodily experiences
Let's come to the first phenomenon
James Whinnery, an air force teacher, published a series of experiments and training simulations for pilots exposed to high-force force, simulating near-death experiences.
Whinnery realized that these pilots had the same experiences as the death threshold. the pilots described their experiences as sometimes seeing a short-term tunnel appearance, sometimes with a feeling of gliding or paralyzing in the air (similar to a feeling of sleep paralysis or nightmare) and seeing bright light at the end of the tunnel.
Whinnery completed the centrifuge model used in pilot training as a result of many years of work. With this training model, pilots were able to create all of the experiences of gliding and flying, seeing the tunnel and even seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. the pilots also fainted while filming.
The explanation of all these experiences was due to one cause: loss of oxygen in the brain and retina.
Under high gravitational force, the blood discharged from the head is collected in the middle of the body. thus, the fainting phase entered by the pilots was followed by a fainting state (15-30 seconds)
. the gravitational force of the centrifuge, or the force of g, could be provided by varying its speed.
. the gravitational force of the centrifuge, or the force of g, could be provided by varying its speed.
After the loss of consciousness, the pilots first see a tunnel image and then pass out. The explanation for this is that oxygen loss occurs first in the retina and then in the visual cortex. thus, the tunnel imagination is formed by the closure of the neurons from outside to inside.
the serenity and serenity that pilots describe when they arrive and when they arrive, probably due to an increase in the secretion of endorphin serotonin and dopamine.
the serenity and serenity that pilots describe when they arrive and when they arrive, probably due to an increase in the secretion of endorphin serotonin and dopamine.
Now when we compare the above experiment with short-term cardiac arrest in cases such as heart attack, the causes and results are the same.
Let's come to extra-body experience
neurologist olaf blanke and his team have conducted a series of experiments on the subject and published their work in nature.
According to the study, a region in the temporal lobe of a forties woman with severe epileptic seizures was stimulated by electricity. With this arousal, the team showed that they can create extra-body experience in women as willpower.
The first “light” electrical stimulation for this area of the brain, the woman stated that she experienced a feeling of falling from a high place. As a result of increasing the intensity of electricity, the woman described herself as lying down on the bed first and her experience changed as a result of the increase in electricity intensity and the height of the bed increased and she watched herself from above. He stated that he was approaching the ceiling when the electrical intensity was increased further and had experiences such as lightness and gliding.
Blanke and his team reported that they could adjust the height of the woman by the level of electricity supplied to the temporal lobe.
In this study, they showed that extracorporeal experience can be obtained artificially through electrical stimulation. The brain is responsible for working the body in the normal working state and creating the feeling that it is a single body, and in some cases it can also create a feeling of being out of the body. even with other studies, two bodies can create two-person situations.
Because drugs such as DMT cause an effect in the temporal lobe of the brain, those who use this substance experience experiences such as flying gliding.
sleep paralysis (or nightmare) experiences are also thought to be due to lack of activity in the temporal lobe.
A similar study was conducted for meditating Buddhist monks
In these priests who underwent brain screening during meditation or prayer, strikingly low activity was observed in the posterior upper lateral lobe of the brain. this is the physical space of the brain. people feel the feeling of physical 3D space through the good work of this region. people feel a sense of lack of space when they are not working properly or are working incomplete, such as in prayer or meditation above. this explains the sense of unity, spacelessness and integration with the universe inhabited by Buddhist monks.
It was found that patients with tumors in these regions suddenly experienced feelings of spiritual transcendence.
the near-death experience, as well as the extra-body experience and many other experiences, are phenomena that the brain creates. they have nothing to do with spiritual transcendence and afterlife. sorry.
Have you had such an experience?
What do you think about Extra-Body Experiences?
Do you believe in life after death?
Have you had such an experience?
What do you think about Extra-Body Experiences?
Do you believe in life after death?
No i hadn't.
2.What do you think about Extra-Body Experiences?
It is very intresting. I would give it a try.
3.Do you believe in life after death?
No i do not.
2. I think its still a big mystery to people on how it works, very thought provoking.
3. Im not sure what to think about it.
Yes, basically every dream I have is associated with a phenomenon that I would be able to add to this topic, and I'm talking about lucid dreaming. I dream very rarely, but if a dream does appear, I can control it in most cases (what will happen, what the scenery will be, what will I do as a protagonist). However, I can never see myself from the perspective of a third person: lying in bed or doing anything. There is always only one "I" through whose eyes I look at events in a dream.
2. What do you think about Extra-Body Experiences?
It's quite interesting that by manipulating the given parts in the brain, we can experience many unusual phenomena. I think it's not negative in any way, and such situations do not affect the person, so it's simply something interesting. I know that there are ways to learn lucid dreaming every night, and even once in the past I was interested in it, but I never eventually decided to learn it.
3. Do you believe in life after death?
Yes, I think that "everything" we experience in life is not actually "everything", and something is still waiting. I don't know exactly what, but I want to believe it's true.
3. No. But to move to another dimension - maybe.
I haven't and I would not like to have one. It seems like it could freak me out badly.
2. What do you think about Extra-Body Experiences?
Well, they are possible for sure, and quite scary to be honest. Our brains are really inscrutable just like the space is. I think that it still needs to be inspected more, and for me messing with the brain by using electricity for exampl to acheive this experience is irresponsible beacuse we do not know the real influence of this actions.
3. Do you believe in life after death?
This has been my question for over couple of years now and I still do not know the answer.
1. No, I didn't and I wouldn't want to experience it. It sounds a little scary to me and I have shivers when I think about it. Brrrrr.
2. Hmmm, Extra-Body Experiences... It sounds like a fairy tale for adult children to me, but in this case I am inclined to believe it. Our body is a great unknown, despite so much research and experience, we know so little about our body. It is possible that there are Extra-Body Experiences.
3. I am just a simple man, this thinking is not for me, so I can only admit that sometimes I thought about it, reincarnation, to be specific, but I came to the conclusion that it is pointless, because I will neve know about that. Nobody will ever know what it looks or works. It's just speculation.
Unfortunately, every time I dream, my dream looks like a movie in which I play the main role. I've never had the opportunity to control my sleep. I have never dreamed of watching myself from a third party perspective.
2,What do you think about Extra-Body Experiences?
I think it's quite an interesting experience, giving us an incredibly wide range of possibilities outside of real life.
3,Do you believe in life after death?
Of course I believe. I am a believer in the theory that each of us is reborn countless times. However, I have never tried to do anything to remember my previous existence. However, I would like to do that.
No never but it’s look funny
What do you think about Extra-Body Experiences?
It’s looks funny and exiting I would like to try one but in safe way.
Do you believe in life after death?
Yes, I believe in life after death. Why should I not believe, it would be very boring if there wan no afterlife
No i hadn't, but i would like to give it a try if it was easier to accompish.
2.What do you think about Extra-Body Experiences?
It is very intresting as i said i would give it a try, but it's not interesting enough for me to focus on this most of my attention :-D.
3.Do you believe in life after death?
Nooo, there is no such thing :-P
2. It's not for me. I prefer to live the way I lived without additional strange experiences.
3. No, I don't. Brain death is over. There is no soul, no judgment, no other world.
2. I'd really like to try it. It seems interesting.
3. Yes, of course, after death everyone will reborn in other person. And let's not forget that we live may in a simulation and THEY(aliens) are watching us and decide our fate.
Nope, At least i never experienced this feeling, but I watched video where people do experiment and they consume drugs so called DMT. They described exactly same things that what you mentioned in your presentation.
What do you think about Extra-Body Experiences?
I think everybody could feel it even without drugs, but you need to hard work on yourself spiritually and mentally. I've read articles that people can go into deep meditation and can feel it's soul out of body. Maybe it's possible hard to say because it can be your imagination too. As we know if you get out of your body that means only one thing that you are not Alive anymore.
Do you believe in life after death?
I believe in life after death, I believe that each of us will face up with judgement. People who claims that there is no life after death, ask yourself how you born, how you came to life, why body without soul is just shell, and why everything literally in balance in universe.
No i hadn't.
2.What do you think about Extra-Body Experiences?
Someone needs drugs for it, but I think you can achieve such states on your own. If you only need it. I don't need it, so...
3.Do you believe in life after death?
It's easier to believe than not believe, so what's wrong if I think about something special and awesome for me after death. It's too pessimistic to think there is nothing after.