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Week 9 [10.12-16.12.18] Theory of Parallel Universes

This is about The True Science of Parallel Universes. Maybe someone hear about this.  

  1. What do you think about parallel universes?
  2. Did you think that this can be true?
  3. Would you like to be in a parallel universe, what you will do there?


I read some article one day about actually proving the existence of parallel universes. While I do not possess sufficient knowledge in this topic, I can tell that theory about infinite timeline seems more or less logical to me. It kind of makes sense. Though still, for a life that short as human's, such obscure topics seems less important than, for example, fixing the existing disasters on our planet.
I've heard about many worlds hypothesis and I think I have met this topic while reading about Schrödinger's cat ( All those parallel universes are only theories, which do not have any experimental support and I don't think that they will get one soon. For me, the one which is the most plausible to be true is the Bubble Universe. Of course, I would like to experience being in the parallel universe. Maybe there are other laws of physics, and you can fly? You never know :D
It's a really mysterious and catchy theory. I've been thinking about it bunch of times. Especially, when I flipping a coin and imagining if there is exactly the same situation except I'm getting an opposite side.
I haven't heard that this theory was disapproved. Even if it would be done, it wouldn't be totally true. There were dozens of examples when scientists claimed that something is not possible and after 40-50 years they appeared to be wrong.
I guess it would be fun just to observe.
Nataliya Tkach said…
1.What do you think about parallel universes?
Another theory, shrouded in mystery and mysticism, which is almost impossible to prove.

2.Did you think that this can be true?
I'm still undecided. We can only guess. Too bad we can't prove or disprove it.

3.Would you like to be in a parallel universe, what you will do there?
I think like most, first of all I would find myself and see who I am, who I could be, where I live, what my profession.
Right now, if I understand this video correctly, this is more of a thought experiment. A hypotesis - a parallel universes might or might not exist. I enjoy such ideas and as I love reading SF, there are tons of good books based on it. Like "A man in high castle" or "The Long Earth". And there was a SF series I really loved "Fringe" which also played with this idea. So yes, I do enjoy it as a hypothesis, but no one in the world can say if it's true or not. I guess it's just our wishful thinking - "what if". What if I made a different choice, what if something did or did not happen.
What if I found myself somehow in a parallel universe? Maybe I would go exploring - just to find what's different from our. But it really depends what kind of universe it would be. Maybe I would just try to survive or be a scientific curiosity for it's inhabitants? Or maybe it would be empty and wild and with no humans at all? I guess I'll never see :)
Denys Pogurskyi said…
I heard about Schrödinger's cat, a very interesting hypothesis. When I watched the anime "Steins Gate", I was very hooked on the idea of world lines. It means that we, for example, live in one line where you go along the road, then you see a hole and bypass it, but in another world line you don’t notice this hole, then you are falling, but in another line this hole is not at all.)
Denys Pogurskyi said…
Well, of course, it certainly proves. Although there is one thing, you may have heard that there is an opportunity to meet a person like you. It would be very funny if this man suddenly turned out to be your counterpart from another world.)
I think that parallel universes might be possible, there are a lot uncertain things in the physics and they are waiting to be discovered. I have read an article about some quantum particle which changes states, and when it is happening, the universe is split into two parallel universes. Of course, it was just a theory, but if this happens to be true, it would mean that there are almost infinite number of universes.
However, even if people confirm this, it would take another decades to somehow interact with these alternative realities, or this could be even impossible.
Yes, I would like to live in parallel universe, or maybe I am already living :p
If I we assume that there are almost infinite amount of possibilities, then all fantasy world would exits as well. Therefore, I would like to try to live for some time in some fantasy world.
Peter Clemenza said…
If the multiverse theory is ever proven to be fact, and infinite parallel universes exist, that means there is a reality where flat earthers are right and everyone else is wrong. I like to think about that concept sometimes; it makes me feel better to think that if there are parallel universes than I can't be the worst off me but also there is me out there that made all the right decisions and is living it up!
Unknown said…
About a year ago I was extremely interested in the physics, I watched a lot of documentary films and read quite a lot of scientific articles and reports about time traveling and other unbelievable things. As far as I remember existing parallel of the parallel universes comes from the fact of an infinitive universe but I am not 100% sure about that. Unfortunately I don’t have enough knowledge in this field in order to give a meaningful answer but to my mind they do exist.

Yes, I would like to live a little bit in a parallel universe just to take a look at other me and other people and get the answers to the questions “what if?” To my mind the only thing that I would do there is observing and exploring my knowledge.
Since there is no empirical way to test for parallel universes all i can say is that i wish it was true, the idea of such thing taking place opens up a lot of other crazy ideas to creative people and would bring peace to some fears i have.
So do i think its true well i think there is an universe where some version of me thinks it is :)

I dont know if i would live in parallel universe ours isnt so bad as we think it is , it could be worse over there.
Unknown said…
I think there are parallel universes, but I probably think of them in a different form than the author of the film? But why? Because it is more paramount that we are a simulation and there are billions of similar simulations that are just these parallel universes.
Could this be true? According to famous people like Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk must be true, there is no practical mathematical similarity that would show that we are real. Would I like to be in a different reality? For what? Since it probably will not be changed by someone's micro-record.
I believe that parallel universes are, i hope that somebody will reach those worlds out. I'm not a fan of science fiction things, but it is a topic that definitely stimulates our brain and we start to think more about it. No one knows for sure if the parallel universes exist and me too. I heard a lot about companies, that are hardly trying to explore parallel universes, but they need more time for it.
Here's basically how "Parallel Universes" work. Imagine a radio (those who still know what this is). There are usually two "bands" (AM and FM) and several "stations" on each band. When you listen to a radio station, you are tuned into only that frequency and ignore the rest. Despite ignoring it, all frequencies are there at the same time. That is about how parallel universes work. We in this universe are tuned into one "station" (universe) but there exist countless others. We should be able to travel between them by figuring out how to change the "tuner" of our essence so we tune into another station. My teacher from high school explained it like that =)
Wojtek Protasik said…
I think that parallel universe might exist, however there's no experimental support on it. I believe that science is not at this stage to discover that yet. Maybe one day we'll figure this out but for now it's only a theory and theories exist of facts and made up parts. It's an interesting topic for sure, but i don't bother to read more on it and it's not an interest of mine. :)
Unknown said…
First of all, I loved Revenge of the Sith. Maybe not all of it, but still I had fantastic time watching it.

Back to the topic now...

What do you think about parallel universes?

I don't believe in them. Or, I do in some other universe. It is hard to tell, which version of me are you asking?

Did you think that this can be true?

No idea. There is still to many questions. Maybe they are, but we will never know as, for example, they would never interfere with each other, giving us no clue of their existence. Like being trapped in the dark room, you have no idea, that multiple miles away, there is a bee flying next to a flower. It might exist, but being in that room, you can't be sure about it.

Would you like to be in a parallel universe, what you will do there?

In which one? I think there is either one universe or indefinitely many. And in most of them I don't exist at all. In some, I might be already dead. In other, I might have just left Earth orbit on my journey to Mars. I will never know.
I think the theory of parallel universes makes sense but it’s so abstract that it blows our minds, causing some people to reject it simply because they don’t understand it.

I don’t have an opinion on whether it’s true or not. Until it’s proven to be either, much like Schrödinger’s cat, it’s both true and false at the same time for me. ;)

The concept of me being in a parallel universe breaks my understanding of parallel universes, as I exist in an infinite amount of them at the same time, by definition. I’m actually afraid of the idea of being in a parallel universe.
Mykhailo Reznyk said…
This is a very interesting topic. I really love science fiction, so I’ve watched tons of videos like that, which are trying to explain complex and sometimes unbelievable concepts and theories in a very simple manner. Most of us are used to the idea that we clearly understand the world around us. But in reality, on a microscopic level, which is also a part of our world, normal laws of physics do not work, causing weird phenomena to occur. Things like quantum entanglement even violate standard laws, like Einstein’s General Relativity Theory, allowing information being transferred instantly on any distance, exceeding speed of light. Another, unbelievable phenomenon shows that the smallest particles behave differently, depending on a fact if they are observed or not. If I remember correctly, exactly this “anomaly” became the base for the third physical model of multiverse described in this video, the most plausible one in my opinion. It declares that on a such small scale, particles no more have mass, but instead have possibility of existing in a certain space and time. Before you “look” at it, it stays in uncertain state. But the moment it interferes with you, it becomes actual particle existing in some area of space and time. Since all matter consists of these particles, we can assume, that such behavior affects us and things around us too. So basically, every decision, every move that you make creates a ton of parallel universes, where billions of such particles “chose” different state, causing things happen slightly different. I think this is the most possible version, because it can be tested in nearest future, since we are already able to manipulate certain aspects of a quantum realm. Even if we manage to prove existence of parallel universes, I doubt we will be able somehow interact with them. Anyway, I am really looking forward to seeing, what will be the result of such experiments.
I find the concept of parallel universes a fascinating topic. I have no trouble believing it to be true, as all of the presented concepts are very compelling and seem plausible. My own view on the parallel worlds is something of a mix of those three, but that might be because I also believe in the theory of grand simulation… but that’s a different topic. If we ever find a way to traverse the parallel universes, or at least look into them, I think simply exploring all the possible variations and changes that occur would be an exciting activity in itself.
Ha, ha! What a terrific way to learn.
Love the subject, but have never thought of myself as a science-geek. That's why the most interesting thing for me in this clip was the sentence: "Physics is science, not philosophy”. Most of my science-talks are always somehow connected to the topic of parallel universes, and I’m not thinking about Red Hot Chili Peppers! 😊
I’m amazed thinking about immense size of the universe, but idea of being more then one such universes is more than thrilling. Mathematics and computation complexity behind every possible outcome of one situation, makes me doubt that we can live in a simulation.
The article once more created an opportunity for me and my friends to find ourselves devoured in discussion about parallel universes, but I must point out that the last question is purely rhetorical. How can we ask, about us being in the parallel universe, if we are already there…
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If it is short, then theoretically yes, exists. And if in more detail, if to proceed from the current state of theoretical physics, the parallel Universe not one, their infinite set. Such idea is called the multi-Universe. And there are very many kinds of this set, with different names: the quantum multi-Universe (it is just that multiworld interpretation), inflationary, abusive (proceeding from the string theory), holographic, scrappy, landscape and cyclic. But all this, certainly, blank theory: it was not succeeded to prove existence at least to one of these multi-Universes to anybody yet.
For example, in quantum mechanics of a particle have no certain properties while nobody looks at them. Their nature is described by the so-called wave function including all possible properties which the particle can have. But in a single Universe all these properties cannot exist at the same time therefore when you look at a particle, it accepts one state. This idea is metaphorically represented in a paradox with Schrödinger's cat — when the cat sitting in a box is at the same time alive and dead until you open a box for check. Your action turns a cat into warm and live or into an effigy. However, and scientists cannot agree with it.
In the multi-Universe you do not need to worry that you can kill a cat with the curiosity. Instead every time when you open a window, reality breaks up to two versions. It is unclear? I will agree. But somewhere there can be other version of an event which just took place in front of your eyes. Somewhere there it did not take place.
I think that this can be real because space and timeline from our look seems linear and we think about this in linear way. We think that we can move only forward in our 3D world but I think that we need to think about time as another one 4-th axis in in our world so based on this we live in 4D world and in this case I think we will be available to move not only inside material world but inside time (parallel) worlds and in this case we can see huge count of parallel alternatives of our 3D space where we can move in different directions.

I would like to have possibility to see and be able to move inside 4D universe and I think that this has to be great experience. Unfortunately this is only in my dreams :(
Unknown said…
1. It is quite an interesting concept. Imagine that there are your worst and best universes. I wonder how different those universes would actually be. How much can we change our morale and character and what choices have the most impact on that.

2. I don't know. If there is, I wonder how those parallel universes are different from each other.

3. I would observe what have changed and what choices have led to those changes.
1. What do you think about parallel universes? 2. Did you think that this can be true?
I like science fiction, and this theory sounds interesting to me :) Unfortunately, we cannot prove this theory like other theories from sci-fi. I think it is quite possible that each of your choices creates a different “timeline”.

3. Would you like to be in a parallel universe, what you will do there?
No, I would not like it. The parallel universe with me is another me, we have nothing to do with each other.
What do you think about parallel universes?
It's a really interesting idea. Would be nice to know that somewhere in another universe I succeded in a certain field.

Did you think that this can be true?
I doubt it. This theory sounds like it is based on lack of knowledge. Not on actual proofs.

Would you like to be in a parallel universe, what you will do there?
It depends how would things go in that universe. If there were wars there or something bad happening then I wouldn't like to get there. On the other hand, if something interesting would happen there or it would differ from the universe I know then why not visit it?

Aleksander Wiza said…
It is indeed an interesting theory, however from scientific point of view it is unprovable until we would manage to move to a parallel universe and back.

2. With my current understanding of the world of physics and it's laws I'd rather think it's very much unlikely to be true.

3. Unless it's be dramatically different from the one I'm in currently I'd still be me and tackle my life as I do now. If it were different in any life changing aspect I'd try to adapt.
Unknown said…
I think parallel universe can exist. Probably as guy In video I think to get there can be very difficult because of reasons and maybe in about 100 years in the future we can control it. I don’t know I would like to go into parallel universe because it is very risky. For example what happened if I meet myself, would it break universe? And second thing is how I can decide to go to breather universe than my.
Anna Moskalenko said…
Sounds crazy and very logical at the same time. I have mixed feelings about this theory.
I thought about it a lot of times, especially after movies that using this theory. I think the theory could be true and parallel universes could actually exist. It’s impossible to prove it though.
I would love to be in a parallel universe, because everything could really differ from what I’ve used to. What if in some universe there’s monarchy in every country and I’m the queen? Or king, you never know. Anyway I would try to do something crazy If I knew that I’ll come back to my universe :)
Unknown said…
1. What do you think about parallel universes?
Ohhh I love this topic, it's pretty interesting. Even JoJo villain from part 7 (Steel Ball Run) has ability to travel through universes and even pick up himself from there and bring it to "his real world". That was pretty interesting to read :)
2. Did you think that this can be true?
It can be as it cannot be. We don't have proove. But it's more likely than any form as God as it is declined to be truth. So in my point of view it's 50/50.
3. Would you like to be in a parallel universe, what you will do there?
Wow. hard question. That depends of what kind of universe is it. Could be terrible having 3rd world war already or 4th :o Could be pretty interesting if there will be science on even better level than nowadays :D I would risk to travel to pararell universe :D
Bartosz Barnat said…
I think that parallel universe exists but there is no way to see if they really exists. I just hope that I will surivive long enough to see myself in different universe.

I thought about this many times and I'm still thinking. I think it might be true and every decision will put us in different universe that is unique.

I would like to see it and explore. I would love to search for answers and what would have happend if I did something differently. I guess everyone would love to see how their life would be if they would do something differently in the past.
I wasn't particulary interested in this topic but theory that infinite parallel universes exist seems to be possible, I am just not sure if they are so easy to understand as it was described in a movie. As I do not have much knowledge about parallel universes I do not reject that any of the theories must be wrong, however I am a bit sceptical to all of them. For me it is just a nice feeling to believe that somewhere there there is another version of meliving different life in different universe.

Piotr Ciesla said…
Well the third option is for me one of the best. Everything we do every choice is creation of the new alternative universe. Fore example think of your last test. Every question is choice. So there are as many universes as combinations of right and wrong answers. Is it possible. I have no idea. If I knew, probably I would be rich right now ;). Well I’m quite happy where I’m so i would like to be me :)
1. What do you think about parallel universes?
I love this theory ! Once I have read a fantasy book about an alternative universe, where germans won the WW2...

2. Did you think that this can be true?
Yes, but I would love to understand physics, so I would be able to explain it.,..

3. Would you like to be in a parallel universe, what you will do there?
I would start learning IT much earlier :)
I believe that parallel universes exist. There are so many strange things around us. If we do not know this, it does not mean that it is not true.
I don't know, wish I could get there. Perhaps I would have gone on a visit it and looked what went off under a different scenario. After all, there are many variants of the course of events, and it is not known how our decisions affect our future.
Unknown said…
In my opinion, the whole idea of parallel universes is too complicated to fully comprehend. Of course, parallel universes is not something that we can simply observe as was stated in the video but for sure this theory can help us to understand for example how the universe could be created. Or how life on Earth has become possible only on our planet (if not only there are other planets with life forms). There are infinite numbers of universes and we just happened to live in one that supports life.
As I said earlier parallel universes are only a theory but who knows maybe they indeed exist but we just can't observe them directly.
I don't know, but my presence would certainly create a new chain of reactions thus creating another reality.
Patryk Górski said…
What do you think about parallel universes?

I thinkt that they may exist, but who knows? I'm that kind of person, that needs to experience something to believe 100% in in. Maybe if I can have 100% evidence on them existing, then I will believe :)

Did you think that this can be true?

As I said - I will tell you, when I will see it

Would you like to be in a parallel universe, what you will do there?

I don't know, it depends on that universe. I would prefer to be better person there, not worse than I am in this one
Artem Lipovatyi said…
1. Parallel universes exist just in theories and nobody can approve it nowadays.

2. I don’t think this can be true. For me, studying parallel universes is just waste of time.

3. I think everyone would like to visit the parallel universe. But what I will do there? I’m not sure. Maybe I will try to make sure that it is real and it is not the effect of drugs.

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