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Week 9 [10.12-16.12.18] Do you want to succeed in life? You are too lazy for that

It is common to look at rich people and wish you were like them. Famous rich guys like Richard Branson, a founder of Virgin Group or Elon Musk who is the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX or even Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon named the wealthiest person in the world by Forbes on March 6, 2018. You can see them in the news, but what TV wouldn’t show is how much effort they put before they became prosperous.
If you were raised in an average family it is most likely you are not comfortable with speaking about money. The education system is designed to give you an average income job with no interest of actually developing your personal skills or teach you to follow your dreams or even do something extraordinary. You have friends with whom you spend most of your free time online or if you lucky offline.
We all dream that someday everything will suddenly change by itself. Maybe dreaming about winning a lottery or some unexpected inheritance. We treat life like something that happened to us not like we are in control of it. Like sitting in a boat and just moving slightly forward because the majority of people do so. It is easier to believe in god, the idea that your life is designed by some guy sitting on the cloud and you’ll be happy afterwards instead of being happy now.
Hard truth – nobody cares about whether you succeed in life or not. It’s your job to find your purpose in life. Make it count. It’s easy to grumble how unfair it is with all others having this and that while you have to work hard to put some food on your table, but the important part is to start to do something about it. Start to take responsibility for your life and treat it not as if it just happens to you, but rather like you are in control of it. You are the only one you should blame for failing. You might say it’s the weather that made you stay in a traffic jam while your boss waited for you to have an important presentation. The thing is it’s always easier to blame others, but it’s not the best strategy. For example, you might leave home before an important presentation much earlier  to expect the unexpected.
The bottom line is to wake up and start living your life.

1. Do you think being rich is for you?
2. Do you feel responsible for your life or it’s something that just happens to you?
3. Would you like to change your life? In what way?



Ofcource we all had that dreams when we can afford everything: super cars, most expensive mansions etc. But we need to have a clear vision of what is real. Human being is a complex creature. I guess you know about "higher income higher spending" I started realizing it on myself just few years ago. As more I can afford as bigger demands are. For sure living with pile of money is a bit easier, but also what is true is reach people also have problems. That's our gist. I just want to be happy with life and it would be cool if I'm gonna be happy at my own island somewhere near Great Barrier Reef.

I agree 90 percent with your opinion that we are in charge of our life. The chain of our lifetime decisions has brought us here and we are who we are 90 percent is due to us. But, do you believe in luck? For instance, if you have an important presentation and you as responsible person leave you house earlier. And just imagine that the bus which you took broke down, and then you take another one and suddenly the driver lost his consciousness. By that I mean that there is still a small probability that something can go wrong and your were not able to predict it.

For sure I want, I doubt that there are people who 100 percent satisfied with their life. I guess constant self control is a key for a bright future.
Unknown said…
People adapt quite fast - getting comforting with more money as well as living in poverty. The point is you will always have problems. Money just give you opportunities to solve it easier and faster.

Regarding the problem commuting to presentation I agree that chances are that bus well be on time but what you can account for is that is something can go wrong and be ready for unexpected and leave yourself some breathing room.

What do you mean by bright future?
Unknown said…
I think most of the people would answer: “yes” when asked such a question. Who doesn’t want to be rich ? I think that this question should be rephrased to “ Are you ready to take responsibility for your life and work extremely hard which maybe let you become rich ?”
I think that I am quite controlling what is happening in my life as I have managed to achieve most of the goals I had set myself.
One of the things I would like to try is emigrating to another country for few years as I really liked living abroad during my Erasmus exchange.
Wojtek Protasik said…
1. Do you think being rich is for you?
I think there are two types of rich people; because of inheritance or because they actually achieved something in their lives. There's a small percentage of luck as well. I believe I could be rich if i worked hard for it and if was productive enough to get a well paid job.
2. Do you feel responsible for your life or it’s something that just happens to you?
I feel responsible. I think that i can change anything i want to and i can control my actions.
3. Would you like to change your life? In what way?
I'd like to be maybe more systematic and always complete my tasks on time.
1. Do you think being rich is for you?
I would not want to be very rich. I have no great needs and requirements, and millions are not needed to meet them. Well maybe one million would be enough for me))
2. Do you feel responsible for your life or it’s something that just happens to you?
Of course. Only we are responsible for what happens to us. Moreover, we are obliged to try to control it, to set the direction for changes and events.
3. Would you like to change your life? In what way?
Yes, I would like to change my life. To eradicate laziness, perhaps. More to cultivate.
Ahmed Elsawi said…
1. Do you think being rich is for you?
I think, If I want or need it I will make it and achieve it.
2. Do you feel responsible for your life or it’s something that just happens to you?
I feel responsible and think it is my life.
3. Would you like to change your life? In what way?
in personality level, a lot of things.

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