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Week 9 [10.12-16.12.18] How does a driverless car see the road?

It’s almost normal that cars don’t need drivers nowadays because they are autonomous and can drive without our interference. Those cars use top-notch technologies and very sophisticated algorithms to handle every kind of situations but have you ever wondered how the autonomous car see the road and the whole traffic? It’s very interesting and intimidating at the same time. Watch this video and find it out!

  • Have you ever wondered how the driverless car sees the road?
  • Did you find anything new in this video? If yes, what was the most interesting for you?
  • Are you interested in the technologies like autonomous cars?


This video actually got me at the moment with the lady and the duck, ha-ha :)

Now seriously, it is amazing how technologies are evolving and we are getting closer and closer to the simple truth -- human is the main problem of everything. Removing one away from a steering wheel is the righteous thing. Also to this self navigation system I would add crappy road recognition. If you ever happen to travel in Ukraine by car, be ready for a spontaneous holes in the road, some trees growing right through the asphalt, or even the absence of the road surface at all. The car should definitely react to such occasions, the hardest among them being actual presence of the road on the maps while complete absence of it in reality. Yes, this is also a thing in my homeland lol :)
Lukasz Mroczek said…
Thanks for commenting! Some time ago I've heard about roads in Ukraine and I couldn't believe but... it mus be true. In actual situation I can say that I'm proud of Poland and our highways. We are ready for autonomous cars and evolving technology :D
Nataliya Tkach said…
1.Have you ever wondered how the driverless car sees the road?The car can see the road and objects with the help of cameras and motion sensors.Perhaps there are new methods to see the road.

2.Did you find anything new in this video? If yes, what was the most interesting for you?
I didn't know that the sensor can recognize not just as a car, and the police, as the school bus and it requires special treatment.

3.Are you interested in the technologies like autonomous cars?
Very much, but I immediately have a question whether it is necessary in the future to obtain a driver's license if everyone will have Autonomous cars? Who will be guilty in case of accident?
Lukasz Mroczek said…
Cameras and sensors are only devices used to see but cpu's and other devices to analize everything and see differences between normal or police car have to be very powerful.
I think that obtaining a driver's license will be necessary or it will be changed to a paper saying that you will be guilty in case of accident. Human is always the weakest part.
Yes, I was wondering how driverless cars see the road, but I also had some idea about it. I knew that there are sensors and cameras that send gathered data to CPU which analyze it and transmit the processed data to the steering system, but I never delved into how it exactly looks like and what algorithms are being used during this procedure. I think one of the most interesting facts from this video is how much data is gathered by those self-driving cars and that they actually share pieces of information about the situation on the road between each other, that is cool! :D Yeah, I am incredibly interested in such technologies, I love Tesla cars and systems they are using for a self-driving feature.
Lukasz Mroczek said…
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I am very interested in AI topics, so I more or less know how self driving cars see the world. I know that they are recognizing objects around them and that they are trying to anticipate behavior of other traffic participants. I have seen before several movies about self driving cars, but this is one of the most interesting of them.
I didn’t know that google car is able to recognize types of vehicles, like police, and i am really impressed by these policeman gesture recognition. I think this is extremely interesting technology, and it has huge potential. If all cars were self driving, they could share data and maybe we could eliminate things like traffic jams.
I think I can say I am interested in technologies like self driving cars. I am more into neural networks, but they are tools for creating such amazing technologies.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I am interested in AI cars and I don`t think that this video showed me something new and progressive in AI cars development. They are just adding new features to already existing technology, but not really developing existing one to something better. It is like add a flashlight in pen for nothing, just in case.
Cezary Róg said…
Yes, I did wonder how driverless cars see the road. I liked the video because of its form and interesting topic. I'm not surprised with how cars see the world because that's similar to what I was thinking about. Maybe there were a few small new things I didn't know before. I'm interested in the topic of autonomous cars because it's a really difficult topic. Cars learn how the world works to be able "think" like driving human. Driving is not an easy thing because of many decisions and circumstances that we have to make. Sometimes the smallest mistake can lead to tragedy. It's hard to tell whether self-driving cars are better than human. Cars can "see" more thanks to all sensors etc., but as the human can i.e. fall asleep while driving, the system can get an error.
Unknown said…
Yes I was very interested about how self-driving cars actually see the world around them and I have also read some articles about this topic.
Most of the things I was aware of as video is from 2015 and a lot has changed since then e.g.: Chris Urmson doesn’t work for Google anymore. To be honest I didn’t know that self-driving systems do some kind of advanced reasoning e.g. predicting other car’s lane change because of closed road ahead of it.
Yes, it is really interesting area for me, however, as a petrolhead I am little bit sad that in next 20-25 years driving cars by humans will probably be prohibited.
Lukasz Mroczek said…
I had the same idea as you but this short video also shocked me about how many information those cars gather. Sharing it allows them to create huge database and be better in future. It's very interesting.
Lukasz Mroczek said…
Thanks for commenting ;) Good to hear that this video was interesting for you. Yes, I also think that neural networks are necessary to create such things like autonomous cars or robots.
Lukasz Mroczek said…
You must be genius :) Maybe you will be someone that will develop something new in technologies ;)
Lukasz Mroczek said…
You are right. Generally when we want to make the autonomous car, we simply have to learn it and also we have to show 'how to learn'. Maybe you will follow this guy in tedx ;)
Lukasz Mroczek said…
It seems that we have the same approach to this topic. AI and technologies like autonomous cars are very interesting but... nothing can replace 8 cylinders in V-configuration and exhausts smell :D
I did know how driver less cars work even before video, the only thing that is still interesting for me is when we will make push for normal cars to switch to employ additional equipment so we can "legalize" driver less cars.
The problem that is prevalent is that in order for the whole system to work flawlessly we need: everybody to have one, godlike software thats literally flawless in the way it behaves or for normal cars and their drivers to ease out on how they can ,will and should behave.
Unknown said…
I never thought about it, but I guess that there is such a technology that sensors have everywhere and thanks to them it can keep the track without a driver.
What impressed me most was the distinction of vehicles, such as police, I have no idea how they did it, but a really amazing thing.
It is an amazing technology but I am of the opinion that it will never replace a man, his self-preservation instinct as well as anticipating what may happen, I also think that this is a cool idea but I do not know if it works on the whole city because it would be necessary to change the way this technology
Iman Masjedi said…
Self-driving cars using artificial intelligence technology is very interesting.
Key benefits of self-driving vehicles (cars, trains, planes, boats):
Environmental: More efficient driving lowers fuel & energy consumption, road congestion and CO2 emission.
Convenience & comfort: Improved mobility and independence of the young, elderly and disabled. Cars will turn into meeting rooms and entertainment centers.
Cost savings: Fuel and maintenance cost reduction. Car ownership will also decrease.

Yes, I am very interested in technologies such as self-propelled or autonomous cars because of the benefits that these cars have for the transportation system.
Lukasz Mroczek said…
Thanks for commenting ;)
Lukasz Mroczek said…
Thanks for commenting. As you can see in video, sensors aren't enough. Special CPUs and algorithms are needed.
Lukasz Mroczek said…
Thanks for commenting. I can't agree about CO2 emission because as for now, in Europe, emission of CO2 is connected to energy gain so...
Marcin Górski said…
I have heard about driverless cars but I have never mentioned about how it works so your video explain me a lot. To be honest, I like technology but I feel confident when I have hands on steering wheel. I need a lot of time to understand that can be safe way to travel.
Hmmm, I like some 'drawings' so the most interesting for me was part with recognized objects (9:31). I have never considered that driverless car can recognize so much objects around him.
As I said, I like new technologies and I like to watch some videos about games/computers/autonomous cars but I'm sure that I will not use a lot of them in my life due to security of my family.
Actually yes, it is very interesting topic which is still being developed by autonomus organizations and developers.
I think this is the future to create programm that can autonomusly decide what to do and when to do it, it is basically some sort of AI, but I don't think in nearest future i would like to try dirveless car I would feel very uncomfortable and weird, I don't think i could lay my life in machine "hands". I think the most interesting thing is the way like car geometrically understands the world as he said for example about crowded places.
Unknown said…
I saw it work in a Volvo car. I like this function, because the driver is always present and can take matters into his own hands, or if this is traffic in a traffic jam, then the driver will not have to do anything. Very convenient option.
For me, the most interesting is now a program that recognizes objects and lanes. Because I saw such a problem when the car stops moving, because it does not find lanes on the road.
Yes, this is an interesting topic. The topic of the future, but I follow its development, and I can not comment more interesting than the speaker did.
This is a very interesting topic.
The autopilot in cars is the truth? Yes! Though the system is still in embryo now, being, in fact, the following step in development cruise control with the radar which meets on many cars for a long time.
But the autopilot is only part of changes in the last update of software of Tesla: except it the possibility of the independent parking, the new service display and some completions of the ventilation system has appeared.
The system works as follows: you come out to the highway, expose the handle cruise control the necessary speed, and then pull it on yourself to activate the Autosteer mode.
Using lot of cameras and sensors which are included in basic equipment of Model S since the end of 2014, the car itself behaves within strip. And you sit, having relaxed and do nothing by hands and legs until to you is not impatient to move down from the highway.
Though it is necessary to look at the road all the same, opportunity not to twist wheel and not to press pedal in plug does trip much more weakened. We still like to drive, do not even doubt – but crush on the clogged roads or driving on long boring routes of technology can be made more comfortable.
Yes, thanks to your article and lesson Chris Urmson I understand everything now.

I always thought that support systems are going to work out a solution that is an automatic pilot. In this lesson, I learned that these are two completely different concepts. Artificial Intelligence is able to radically minimize the number of accidents in comparison to driver assistance systems.

Yes, I'm very interested. I think it is a very good solution and I hope it will come into effect as soon as possible. I think so, because saving every single human life is very valuable.
Aleksander Wiza said…
Cameras and image recognition/ motion sensors came to my mind first.

Frankly I've had a chance to review this material before and have been familiar with it prior to watching.

Autonomous cars are the future but may prove useful in short term before a new more convenient method of transport is introduced. Personally I doubt cars will remain most common source of transport for long after society decides it's time for no human drivers. The idea of a well developed hyperloop system may be a more economic solution to transport in long term.
Yes, I have and because of that, I studied this subject using Udacity online course.
No, I didn’t, because I have already wrote that I studied this topic before.
Yes, it’s a fascinating topic for me. When I was starting my role in AI and data science one of the first things that I learned was the self-driving cars. I was thinking about graduate work on this topic (like a self-driving bot in GTA) but chose another topic for my work. If I would have a possibility in future to work in projecting self-driving car I will be pleased.
s18716 said…
Have you ever wondered how the driverless car sees the road?
Yes, of course, I thought about it, but did not go into this topic. Basically, I understand how various tools and mechanisms work with the help of AI. But I liked this video analysis.

Did you find anything new in this video? If yes, what was the most interesting for you?
Yes, I learned some details about which I had not previously heard. Most of all I was impressed by the situation on the video with the cyclist, who drove at the prohibitory traffic light sign.

Are you interested in the technologies like autonomous cars?
This is one of the most popular topics today. In any case, you need to know how these technologies work in order to keep up with the times.
1.Have you ever wondered how the driverless car sees the road?
Yes, I was interested in this topic. After all, this is innovation and our future. Sooner or later all cars will have autopilot.
2.Did you find anything new in this video? If yes, what was the most interesting for you?It was very unusual to find out that smart sensors are built into the car. They not only determine the car nearby but also fix its appearance. Also, the sensor knows that the school buses and police cars need special attention on the roadway.
3.Are you interested in the technologies like autonomous cars?
I am very interested in autonomous car technology. And I dream to buy myself one in the future.
Yes, I have wondered how driverless cars sees the road. Our technology is growing so fast, that I believe that in few years we will reach that point, that we would be able to take care of all details when creating driverless cars.
I love when speaker called people “terrible drivers”. I think so too. People are just bad, they made a lot of stupid things that lead to accidents.
I am interesting in those technologies, but personally I prefer “normal” cars, just because I love driving, and it’s extremely pleasant for me to drive a car.
Illia Lukisha said…
Have you ever wondered how the driverless car sees the road?

Yes I have heard about this topic before. And really interested in it. I think that we should get rid of drivers and just give computers right to drive.

Did you find anything new in this video? If yes, what was the most interesting for you?

I didn't find new information but I do find some interesting footage and also a lot of funny stories like a story of old lady chasing duck on the road. It's really interesting that you cannot prepare to anything that can happen on the road.

Are you interested in the technologies like autonomous cars?

I'm looking forward to see this technologies on the road, because there are so many challenges to overcome to bring this beautiful technologie to life.
Artem Lipovatyi said…
1. Yes, on time I’ve been interested in this technology.

2. Maybe minor things, because most of mentioned ones are quite obvious to me.

3. Yes! But they are still quite dangerous as far as I know and need more time to improve them. That’s why companies test them mainly in the private areas not to harm people.
Unknown said…
Yes, I was wonder how driverless cars see the road and the world around them. Self-driving cars using AI technology is indeed interesting. I've known that they use sensors but now I know that sensors aren't enough and special CPUs and algorithms are needed.
Anything new? Hmm.. You did article about autonomous car last semester, so I just updated my information now. AI is very powerfull tool in my opinion - it show us a piece of the future, it can solve many of our every day problems. I'm looking forward to any new piece of tech :)

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