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Week 3 [09.11-15.11] Is there an impostor among us?

Among Us is a very fun, yet simple, game. It looks as it was drawn in Paint, mechanics is not complicated mimicking a live party game called ‘Mafia’. Released in June 2018 and shortly after its launch it has about 50 daily active users. A daily active user is defined as a user that launched a game at least once within 24 hours’.  Now it has about 65 million daily active users and its number is growing exponentially.

So… what’s the fuss about? The game’s action is set on a spaceship and the crew (up to ten people) are given various tasks regarding maintaining the ship, correcting its course and repairing any damage. Their goal is to complete all the tasks. But among them there is an impostor (up to 3 of them) whose mission is to kill all of them before they accomplish their goal or to sabotage the ship so severely that everyone dies. The crew has to hurry up or find the spy.

During the play, the crew cannot communicate with each other. They can do it only during the emergency meeting which is held only on a special request of one of the crewmates or after finding a dead body. The team holds a plurality vote sharing their suspicions and casts one of the crewmates out of the ship. If their suspicion is correct, there is one impostor less. They win when there are zero. 

The game’s popularity skyrocketed after a stream hosted by a popular youtuber Pewdiepie and some other streamers. The whole lot of memes appearing throughout the Web also brought some attention to the production and the number of players quickly hit 50 million causing a lot of issues with the game’s servers forcing the authors to abandon the second part of the game (which was in progress) to fully commit to maintaining and developing the game from 3 years ago.

I personally recommend the game. It is a great way to stay in touch with you friends during the pandemic when contacting with each other is severely limited. I hope some of you will give it a spin. Good luck!



  1. Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?
  2. I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?
  3. What other games can you recommend?



Interesting presentation. Answering your questions:

1. Yes, I heard about Among Us, but unfortunately I wasn't able to play it. But as far as I know, this game requires communication, and in my case it is difficult because I am deaf. So there would practically be no fun to play.

2. Have I discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19? I do not think so. I am busy with something all the time - work, studies. Not much has changed and my habits have remained the same. Maybe only during the summer holidays I caught up with movies and TV shows.

3. I don't know if I can recommend any games to someone. Everyone has different gaming preferences. I prefer MMORPGs and action games, e.g. Battlefield or Call of Duty, known as CoD.
Love your presentation as much as I love this game.

1. Yes, as soon as i heard about this game, I started playing it. It's very fun but the thing is you better play it with your friends, or at least you have to connect with other player's by any voice-streaming communicator.

2.I was playing more games before COVID, now I started doing something more than only that. I started programming in Python(via online classes) and I'm trying to master my coooking skills. there is a lot of things you can do during lockdown, only you can choose what to do with your time.

3. I'm a fan of AAA games. Last game i played was The Last of Us 2, I was waiting for this games 7 years. For me it's absolute 10/10. I can also recommend Death Stranding, very time-consuming game, perfect for the lockdown. ;)
Anastasiia Bida said…
1.Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?
No, I have never played Among Us. And I have heard of it from you for the first time and a few minutes later from my boyfriend. The story about crewmates and impostors sounds interesting. I like the classic Mafia game, so I guess Among Us is a great alternative nowadays.

2.I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?
I am not a gamer at all, but during quarantine, I started playing a few games on PlayStation. Besides, I have started doing yoga at home by videos on YouTube and watched a lot of TV series (the last that impressed me was Dark).

3.What other games can you recommend?
I think I am not a good adviser here, although I can recommend two games, Journey and Horizon Zero Dawn. The first one is unusual and magical. You have to go to the mountain. During the journey, you can meet with other players, but there are no ways to communicate with them until the end of the game. Also, you can help each other during the journey. What about Horizon Zero Dawn, I am just on the beginning, but I have already liked the story.
Maciej Antonik said…
1. Yes, I've heard of Among Us but haven't had a chance to play it yet. I heard that you can have a lot of fun playing this game. Among Us is a good example that you don't have to spend millions of dollars on a game to make it good. What matters most is the idea and the atmosphere. Even a game that resembles students' thesis can be more successful than multi-million dollar productions. In addition, there are no micro payments, I think..

2. I started to have more time for sports. I discovered playing games and watching movies a long time ago. At the beginning of the pandemic, I started cycling, and recently I started running. When there are not many opportunities to leave the house, you need to find some physical activities.

3. There are two multiplayer games that I love especially: CoD Warzone and Dead by Daylight. Sometimes I also play Counter Strike when I have nothing to do or just want to chat with my friends. When it comes to typical role-playing games, I think the best game I have ever played is Red Dead Redemption 2. You may think that you do not like the atmosphere of a western, but trust me - this game is unique.
1. Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?

Yes, I played it recently with my friends for the first time. Before that, I've watched a lot of let's plays on youtube, and I was really amazed by how such a simple concept became such an entertaining game. I really wanted to play it earlier, but unfortunately, you need a lot of people to properly play it, and playing with strangers is too weird for me to try.

2. I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?

Not really. Even though we have to stay at home, there is still a lot of work to do, so managing my free time isn't easier in any way. I'm trying to find some time for playing games, but I have too many projects to find enough time for them.

3. What other games can you recommend?

Usually I play only indie games or games that are focused on the plot, rather than gameplay itself. My favourite games have a cartoony style, but all of them are covering serious topics. I really recommend Danganronpa franchaise, in which you are trapped with other students from your school, and suspicious teddy bear tells us to kill ach other. And of course some people do it, so right after the murder, you have to find out who is the killer. It's full of interesting events and really fun characters!
Ohh, video games! That’s the topic I can talk and talk about. But I’ll try to control myself :)
Frankly, I haven’t played Among Us yet. I’d really like to, but I’d rather go with the PC version, than the Android/iOS one; I don’t really like playing multiplayer games on my phone. But of course I’ve heard of it, as it became, as you mentioned, this year’s phenomenon and the Internet just exploded with memes based on Among Us. This game proves that there’s never too late for success, and that the gameplay and having fun with other people is way more important, than AAA-like-graphics. Also, this game is so simple in visuals, that it allows much more people to buy it and play it, even on worse PC’s or smartphones; this accessibility makes it easy for the game to go viral, because you don’t need a 5000$ setup to play it in a decent framerate.

As you probably noticed already, I’m a geek. And I’m not ashamed of it! I’ve been a gamer since I turned 4. My dad gave me my first PC then. The pandemic didn’t change much in this matter, ‘cause I always tried to organize my weekly plans in a way I could play a little each day, or take one day off to just play games and relax. But you know, as we ended up locked in our houses in March, playing games all the time is not that entertaining. At least not when you can’t go outside, go for a walk, ride a bike or go to a restaurant. I’ve discovered some new ways to make my lockdown days less dull and mundane. I’ve started to crochet amigurumi bears and cats (it’s soo relaxing, and I can gift them to my friends and relatives), then I’ve crocheted 2 winter hats, and now I’m preparing to do a sweater. I know it might sound granny-like, but it’s a really nice way to relax. And you can do a little multitasking – you can watch something or listen to an audiobook or podcast, while your hands do the manual work instinctively.

I can recommend Trove, if you like multiplayer games with simple graphics. It’s somewhat a mix of Minecraft (visually) and maybe World of Warcraft (dungeons, boss raids, leveling up your character, improving your gear). It’s totally free (although there are some microtransactions in the game, but in my 1 year experience I’ve never bought anything in there for real cash) and you can invite your friends to come and play with you. It’s available on Steam. Also, if you want to spend some money to buy a premium game, I’d really recommend Stardew Valley (it has multiplayer) and My Time at Portia. They’re somewhat similar, but SV is more about farming and it’s 2D pixelart game, while MTAP is a 3D Unity-based game where you have your own “workshop” to craft in, with combat and a loooot of quests. They’re both so addictive, that you won’t even realize when you’re going to pass 100 hours in each of them.
Michał Gawron said…

1. I like video games very much, but I haven't played among us yet. I hope to gather a team soon and play this game. I've heard a lot of good things about this game. I've watched it on a lot of streams and it looks like it's so cool. I really like watching the stream shots with funny situations from this game, they are very funny.

2. During the pandemic, I returned to my hometown. I spent most of my time with my family and played with my brother's children. We have a house with a very large garden so I did not complain about boredom. The previous semester was very busy. I worked remotely until the end of April and studied at the same time. It took me most of the day. I finished my work, started my studies, sometimes I had classes during work. I devoted all my free time to my family. Reading specialist books related to my field of study has become the only new way of spending free time.

3. I highly recommend league of legends, I have been playing this game for a long time and although it often evokes negative emotions in me, I think it's great. I had my playstation 4 episode, but after 3 weeks of purchase, the motherboard broke and its repair was beyond the value of the console. Nevertheless, after playing a few games, I highly recommend Call of Duty: Warzone. A great game that allows you to cooperate with your friends to become the only one alive in "War zone". Finally, my total classic heroes of might and magic 3. I hope I don't have to introduce this game to anyone, and if so, someone is ignorant. Of course, I `m joking. If you are unfamiliar with this game, I recommend you check out this beautiful and magical world of strategy games. I won't go into details, I will leave this pleasure to the person who reads this comment and doesn't know the game. Have fun.
Olga Przytula said…
I’m sorry to hear that! There is a chat that is designed to be a place for discussion in this game. Voice communication is used mostly by people who play with their friends and not in the random matchmaking.
I have never played MMORPG (I had to consult Google to know what you are referring to 😊 ). My boyfriend is a huge fan of Battlefield and CoD.

I’m glad to hear that you are pursuing other interests as well! I’ve heard that Python is a great language for data science.
I also enjoy AAA games. I haven’t play The Last of Us 2, but I have played the first edition and it was very good! I’ve read on the internet that the sequel is not as good, but maybe I’ve heard wrong?

Yes, Among Us is just online Mafia with some extra layers 😊
I have also increased my TV series consumption. Quite considerably!
I haven’t heard about the Journey, but my friend recommended Horizon Zero Dawn to me. He was quite impressed!

I have also picked up trainings! My boyfriend makes me do bodyweight exercises and I’m achy all the time.
I’ve encountered mixed opinions on RDR2. Most of my friends consider it to be quite long-winded and refer to it as a “horse riding simulator” :D

If you are interested in serious title, I can recommend you a Polish game “This war of mine”. You personate a civilian during a war and try to hide and survive during the conflict. I think it depicts the dillemas like “who to trust?” quite well. As there is no possibility to save the game, every choice lays pretty heavily on you.
Regarding indie games, I can recommend you “Therapy with Dr. Albert Krueger”. It has quite unique, . pixelart graphics, I think you should check it out.

It’s nice to see such passion! I have never played much, but since we are stranded at home with my boyfriend, I pick up on his habits and find myself playing games more and more. He just introduced me to Diablo 3, so World of Warcraft is not very far from there! I will definitely check out the games you have recommended. Thanks!
1.Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?

Yes, I have played "Among Us", I think it's a very interesting game. Quite simple, perfect for an evening to play with friends. I've seen a lot of video makers upload videos from this game on youtube. Personally, I like this game very much, I played it a few times with my friends and I hope to play it again.

2.I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?

In my opinion, playing singleplayer games is boring, so I always play with my friends in multiplayer mode. This is a much more interesting form of spending time for me because apart from playing, I can talk to other people. Besides games I recommend watching movies, recently I started to watch prison break on Netflix. I really can recommend it.

3.What other games can you recommend?

I play games mainly on a PlayStation 4 console, I recently played the last of us 2, a really recommendable game. My favorite game is uncharted, but unfortunately, this game can only be played on PlayStation (because this is exclusive).
When it comes to multiplayer games, I play with my friends among us, counter strike global offesnive and league of legends.
Karol Michalak said…
1. Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?
Yes, I've played it for some time though I can't find time now especially for team play.

2. I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?
I like to walk in the woods. Since C-19 I work and study from home so I lack movement at all. Forest calms me and gives new inspiration for ideas.

3. What other games can you recommend?
I started playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly, stanadlone modification for the game of close name. It is sandbox in the world of chernobyl negatives asides it is challenging and fun to play. Also gives you much freedom in roaming in comparison to main games.
Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?

Yes, I have heard of it and I wanted to play it with my friends but we found it a little bit hard to arrange our time so all eight people could play at the same time. I think that this game has all what it takes to become popular and that's exactly what happened. The mechanics are not over complicated, the overall idea is simple and it allows to have a silly fun with your friends. The last factor is greatly valued nowadays due to the pandemic.

I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?

I started to play many more games than I used to because of the pandemic and I have to admit that I really enjoy it. Playing games might even help to some extend while dealing with isolation. In the early days of the pandemic I found myself sitting in front of the screen for the most time of my day. I had to find some other ways to spend my time at home so I started reading books after a long break from it. I also started cooking and started excersing to keep myself out of the digital world at least for some part of the day.

What other games can you recommend?

Few weeks ago I became a fan of multiplayer games and I started testing some of them to find those which are the most fun. It turned out that Rocket League is a great game to play with your friends locally or through the internet. Atmosphere might get a little heated just like while playing or watching real football games but I think that this is what makes it so fun.
Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?
I heard about Among Us but I have never played it. Everyone who I ask about this game says that this game is fanatic and they urge me to try. Unfortunately I work a lot and I don't have enough time to play even if this game is great. On the other hand, Christmas is coming and we will have more free time, so maybe I will play then.

I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?
It depends what you mean by the word entertainment. For me, entertainment is the opportunity to enjoy music at home on my High-end audio equipment. Cycling or running is also fun and pure pleasure for me. For another person entertainment means something like crazy parties. Back to the question of course I have some o ways to entertain myself but nothing new what I didn't know before.

What other games can you recommend?
As I said I don't play games but I remember a few games that a played when I was younger. The brilliant game that engages for hours is Also there is a lot of browser games like If you like competition, Fifa will be a good and proven idea.
This comment has been removed by the author.
1. Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?
I have played it with my brother in law. It is exiting game if you have somebody to play with. If not, than it is quite lonely to be honest.
2. I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?
Working on my Engineering project is quite entertaining for me. All my favorite TV shows halted their production, so I have nothing to watch anyway.
3. What other games can you recommend?
I obsessively play chess before going to bed. I don’t recommend the game though. You have to spend a lot of time to be half-decent player. I would recommend games that do not evolve any electronics. The best ones are physical games, like football or basketball. So you can stay in shape.
Palina H said…
1. I have heard about this game but not as much in detail, so thank you for finally making it clear for me! And it's already obvious but I'll still answer your question as no, I haven't played it.
2. I'm not huge into playing games. During the pandemic, I was mostly entertaining myself with films and books, maybe some painting here and there.
3. Well, my absolute favorite game in childhood was Nedd for Speed: Most Wanted. Can't count how many times have I played it from start to finish but I was obsessed. Now I became more of a person that likes to watch other people play. And I was really enjoying it with The Whitcher.
Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?
I have heard about this game, and most my friends and my little brother play this game. However I didn't have a chance to play I didn't find it interesting

I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?
Due t this situation with Covid-19 I started to do some sport. If I have a free time I am walking, jogging or doing some sport exercises. I got some gym staffs and my life became more alife and interesting
What other games can you recommend?
Actually I do not play any game now.
Mateusz Wietrak said…
1.I played among us a few times. Unfortunately, I do not have such a large group of friends with whom I could often play this game. Playing with random people from the internet is not so fun in this case.
2.Not much has changed for me during COVID-19. Before the pandemic, I played a lot on the computer and I still do it in a similar amount of time as before.
3.Recently I bought a steering wheel and VR googles, so I can play racing simulators. I recommend it to anyone who has not tried this type of entertainment yet. It is especially encouraging that you can improve your real driving skills.
s16427 said…
I've heard of it some time ago, right before quarantine. During quarantine I got curious and I tried it out and loved it! It's fun, easy to learn game, perfect for quick breaks like 15 minutes. Although it's fun to play, but it get's even better while playing with friends. As mentioned in article, it's up to 10 people, so there's place for lots of friends. We usually play in group of 8 and speak on discord, it's way easier than writing. Discord-way has one more advantage, we can hang out and joke around like there's no quarantine!
Except for Among Us, I didn't really get much more into gaming during quarantine, not computer gaming. I got much more into board games. As quarantine makes it hard to meet up, I have 3 flatmates so we often play board games like Catan, Saboteur, Pandemic (that one is even better during quarantine) or Exploding kittens (it's pretty fun, even it sounds horrible). I'd recommend catan most of all listed above, although all of them are great. There are so many board games now, it's hard to choose just one :).
1. Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?
I didn't play in it but i heard a lot about this game and i know it is very popular right now. I am also on facebook group with my friends and i know that they play on this game every day. To be honest in last time i just stoped playing any games because it is not giving me so much fun anymore. At least right now.

2. I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?
There is still a lot of possibilities. You can watch movies, play games, place some bets (gambling), do sport, make investments on stock or anything else. For me it depends to my mood.

3. What other games can you recommend?
Definitely Cyberpunk2077 it will be huge smash from CDProjekt. In january also you will be able to buy The Medium - quite interesting polish horror game. It will be really good game and one bad thing is that - grafic is mediocre.
By the way if you are fan of games you should buy new PS5 and in november/december there will be a lot of productions like new Assasins Creed for example.
Piotr Marchewka said…
1. Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?

Yes, I played Among us. I liked this game because you can discover who is a good liar among friends, and if you play with random people, you can still enjoy the satisfaction because you can play the impostor and lie legally. Even one of the lecturers at our university had an icon of this game on his desktop ... :)

2. I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?

I didn't discover new options, I just went back to my old habits. I like games where I can communicate with other people, i.e. multiplayer. I recommend a very popular FPS game, Counter-Strike.

3. What other games can you recommend?

Apart from the game I just mentioned, I know a lot of people also play League of Legends, Fifa or World of Warcraft.
I used to play more, today I prefer to watch movies ... :)
1. Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?

No I haven't ever but a lot of my friends are really into this game and I have heard a lot of great reviews and recomendations to try it myself

2. I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?

Covid pandemy made me really more productive because I don't have many things that was disturbing me but in terms of mental comfort it is impacting me badly and for that instance playing games would make me fell even worse because I would be seeing my self as not productive at all

3. What other games can you recommend?

Well not many, I like only a few old popular titles that's are playstations exclusives like Rachet & Clanc or Uncharted series but I am not into new games industry
Artur Król said…
Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?
I have never played it but I heard about it. Sounds kinda fun if you have a lot of people to play with. But it sounds kinda repetetive I'm not sure i would enjoy that kinda of game.
I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?
Yeah, its called work. And as we're still studing It's not like we can play all day long. So when it comes to new ways of entertaining yourself - I haven't thought much about that. Beside remote studing, many things haven't change for me ^^
What other games can you recommend?
I'm a fan of Hidetaka Miyazaki so all sort of Souls a'like games are enjoyable for me so - Dark Souls 1,2,3 or Sekiro
Among Us is indeed popular these days. Although I admire the concept, it does not seem appealing for me to play.
It might be because I am not keen on discovering new games. I am type of person which prefers to stick with trusted titles.
Most of the time, I am trying out new game when someone else drags me into it.
Another reason, I slowly discover new games is that I try to be overly picky and ensure that game is great, before I try it out.
Certainly, you can never be sure until you tried something, which is why I ultimatedly explore sometimes new entries, but generally
people first have to show me that it's worth it :)

Actually, at the start of pandemic I made semester-long break after graduation, so it just left me with my job only. Having everything remote, helped me to reunite with my family
and home. Indeed, I started gaming more but also I managed to pull off many private IT projects. What is more, I spent a lot of time enjoying countryside environment.

My taste of games is quite specific. As I mentioned earlier, I am conservative and not willing to commit to many changes.
I prefer to evolve current experiences in order for them to be better polished, instead of completely revolutionizing nad risking loss in the process.
But risk is heart of discovery, so I believe it is great that industry is still experimenting :)
I have hard time trying to point out titles which could best capture what I value now, but to name a few it would be Gothic series(parts I, II, III) and World of Warcraft Classic
Karol Gałązka said…
1. Yes, I heard about this game and even played it. The game didn't get me involved. I only played a few times. If I played with my friends then maybe game would get me hooked.

2. Yes, I started playing some new games during the pandemic and so far I play them. I had more time so I could afford to play a few games. Now I only play in one game with my friends over the internet.

3. There is one game that I liked very much during the pandemic. It is an MMORPG called Albion Online. The game has a lot of content, I think everyone will find something for themselves if they like to play games.

Karol Gałązka
This is a very interesting article about a game that lately has been popping up everywhere.

1. Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?

Among Us is the game I found out about two weeks ago. When the first video (with funny moments) showed on my Facebook, I didn't know what it is. I started searching for any pieces of information about it - and this way I spent 3 hours watching videos of others playing Among Us. I don't know why, but I haven't tried playing this game yet - my only activity related to this is watching streams.

2. I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?

During COVID-19 I have found some new ways to entertain myself - for example, cooking, cleaning, washing, shopping :D I took over all the household chores and I really enjoy that. In addition, PS4 and Netflix are my best friends - I spend some time with them every day. During the pandemic, I started doing puzzles, but after three weeks I got bored.

3. What other games can you recommend?

The game I love and I want to recommend is "Wiedźmin 3". Unfortunately, I also play a lot of The Sims 4. Playing games take so much time! I look forward to the launch of Cyberpunk. My boyfriend and I recently bought the game Ghost of Tsushima - we'll be testing it soon.
Anna Żak said…
I've never played Among Us and never heard of it. But I know the Mafia very well. It’s an integral part of social gatherings in a large group, as well as larger trips. Such a multiplayer game over the phone doesn't really convince me. I found information on the Internet that it’s also available for Windows. Even so, playing online deprives you of the ability to observe fellow players, their reactions or conspiracies.

During a pandemic, I'm even more busy than ever. I use the time saved on the lack of commuting or everyday preparation for the whole day away from home for work and study. In terms of entertainment at home, not much has changed - Netflix, a good book, yoga.

The more time I spend at the computer while working and studying, the more I look for leisure activities where I don't have to use it. That's why it’s difficult for me to recommend any computer or mobile game. However, when it comes to board games, this summer I managed to play a strategy based on the story of Game of Thrones with my friends. A few hours of fun, but it requires a live meeting. I hope it won't be long before we can meet and play again.
1. I have heard only a name and it was like 1 week ago. Anyway, I did not try it. At least now I know what this game is about ;)

2. To be honest, the only thing that changed for me was that now I cannot go to the gym, so I train outside. I still have much to do at home and in the garage, so I am kind of entertained anyway.

3. I don't play anything at the moment, but multiplayer games that I like are Euro Truck Simulator and Worms. Games are completely different, so choose the one that suits you better.
Kacper N said…
Very interesting article Olga

I played Among Us few times, it's quite interesting game. Among Us is an example of the game which got its popualrity not by some sophisticated mechanics, amazing graphics, or using some advanced modern technologies availbale in todays game engines. Instead of that Among Us has a simply and at the same time original, addictive gamemode which make this game so popular and interesting for every type of players, from the casual ones to the hardcore players. Without this gamemode, it probably would be another simple game like thousands that are created every day. But unfortunately in my opinion in this particular case this game is going to lose popularity quite fast. It's fun to participate in a few game sessions with friends, but then the gameplay gets repetative. Another problem is that for the optimal gameplay experience it is crucial to have 10 people in our session - trying to find 9 more friends which have some free time at the moment is quite problematic.

Unfortunately not.

I'm afraid it's hard to pick some games similar to the one specified in the article topic. As I mentioned before it's quite original gameplay idea.
1. Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?

Yes. I have played Among Us. I've played a lot of games with my friends but there is no other game that gives you as much laughter as this one. I recommend everyone to play with their friends at ,,Among Us”. Many hours of fun.

2. I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?

In fact, pandemics spend more time in front of the house. Hence in front of the computer. Although due to COVID-19, now I have more free time so I have started running and exercising more. There aren't as many excuses now as there were before the pandemic. I hope the motivation stays with me when the pandemic is over.

3. What other games can you recommend?

I play FPS and sometimes strategy. I like dynamic games. There is always something going on and you have to feel this game. I mainly play Call of Duty and Counter Strike but these are games where you need to have a lot of experience to have fun. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is one of the legendary games that calms down. If someone likes strategy, he has to play it. This is one of the best games. You can also play with your friends.
Filip Bartuzi said…
1. Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?
I think the first time I acknowledged its existence was a youtube video. I decided to give a try and, oh boy, it completely sunk me in. I've got around 100hours of in-game time in Among US. I usually play with pick-up groups, there is Polish community with couple of thousands active players so after a month of binging I already recognize frequent players :)
2. I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?
Nothing really has changed for me due to COVID-19, so I stick with my daily routine, except for wearing a mask.
3. What other games can you recommend?

I'm looking forward to playing assassin's creed valhalla in upcoming days or weeks (as soon as catch up with my university stuff). I was never really interested in this series but vikings theme lights a fire in me. Although the price tag of astonishing 70 euro is a little bit of... bitter
Olga Przytula said…
Reply to Mateusz Cwiklinski

I like to think about single player games as a tv series or a movie a little bit. I am there not as much for action as for the plot. The additional perk is the fact, that usually you can influence the plot and that makes the whole experience more personal.

Reply to Karol Michalak

It can be hard to schedule the game that would fit many schedules at once!
I live in the city center so I am a little jealous about the proximity of the forest 😊 This weekend I had to take a car in order to take a walk among the trees. It relaxes me too.

Reply to Piotr Malanowski

I also find this game to be a great substitute to meeting in person and playing board games.

Working from home it is really hard to draw a line between work and relax. Especially if you do both in front of the screen. When you play a game, at least you have no doubt that you are relaxing 😉

My boyfriend enjoys playing Rocket League and I can tell just by looking at him playing, that the game can get a little tense. And the game has become free recently, so now it is easier to find teammates.

Reply to Adrian Kamiński

The Christmas break might be a great time to give the game a try.
Everyone enjoys oneself as he sees appropriate. In my question I thought mostly of your own definition of entertainment, because, as you rightly pointed out, everyone sees it differently.

Reply to Michał Kotlicki

I have tried playing it in the lobby with random people, but people tend to quit the game if it is not unfolding according to their plan and it can ruin the game for everyone else. It is much better to play with some friends.
Chess is a really hard game. Do you just play online or did you take part in some tournament? Do you have a ranking?

Reply to Paulina H

My boyfriend has introduced me to The Witcher and I am also a big fan ever since. As for the Need For Speed game, we still have PlayStation2 with the game on a disc 😊

Reply to Zhypargul Maraeva

I have also purchased some gym equipment to stay in shape during the pandemic, as most sports venues are closed right now.
Yennhi Do Duc said…
1. I haven't played Among Us, but my younger brother plays it a lot with friends, so I heard about it from him.

2. I wouldn't say I have discovered any new ways to entertain myself. It's very similar to the time outside of pandemics.

3. I haven't played any games since some time now, so I don't have any recommendations.
Roman Burlaka said…
1.Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?

I have heard about it, but I have never played it just because I think it would be interesting for me at first but become boring very soon because of the sameness. You know, I prefer games either with a long storyline or some strategies with rules that produce themselves a lot of different situations. I usually don't like to repeat the same game experience.

2.I did not play much before the pandemic, and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?

In fact, yeah. I have played games before the pandemic, but I have found the discord server with regular Dungeons and Dragons game in roll20, so now I am 5th level Human Paladin/Warlock of the Forge Concordance guild. And yeah, I'm doing pretty well.

3.What other games can you recommend?

Dungeons and Dragons :) If to talk about computer/console games... Well, Horizon Zero Dawn, Red Dead Redemption 2, God of War 4, Divinity Original Sin 2, Pathfinder: Kingmaker, lots of them in fact. Depends on your taste.
Olga Przytula said…
Reply to Mateusz Wietrak
I must admit I am a bit worried that VR googles would give ma nausea and headache, as I had problems with my inner-ear during car trips ever since I remember. Do you think it’s a good idea to try this out? I must admit it sounds really interesting and I would like to give it a shot.

Reply to s16427
I have been wanting to play most of the board games you’ve mentioned, but never had an opportunity. I will definitely try those as soon as the opportunity appers.

Reply to Przemysław Witek
Haha, yeah. I’m looking forward to playing Cyberpunk2077, but looking at their management I’m not sure they will be able to publish this game before 2077 comes :P Nevertheless, their PR is quite impressive, considering they even hired Keanu Reeves to star in their commercial.

Reply to Piotr Marchewka
I’m curious which of the professors was the one!
I’m not much into games, but even I have heard of it. Seems to be a really popular game for a really long time!

Reply to Michał Jankowski
In my opinion Among Us is a good way to connect with your friends when you are forced to spend time apart. Not only can you play a game with people you know, it’s also a great opportunity to simply talk.

Reply to Artur Król
You seem to be a fan of pretty difficult games! I prefer easier ones, as with those more challenging I find myself frustrated instead of relaxed.

Reply to Krzysztof Kowalski
I was thinking about playing WoW, but the graphics do not really appeal to me. Even though I’m playing Dialbo 3 now 😊
Gothic? I’ve heard of it. My boyfriend is a big fan. Sometimes I suspect, he has memorized all the lines from this game :o

Reply to Karol Gałązka
It is definitely more fun with friends, as it is also an opportunity to connect with them without the risk of seeing each other in real life.
Reply to Marta Wojnarowska
Oh yes, “Wiedźmin 3” is an amazing game itself but oh have you seen those extras? The voice they used for “Pan Lusterko” character was mesmerizing and “Blood and Wine” game operated humor surprisingly well. I even think that expansions were much more pampered that the original one

Reply to Anna Żak
I have heard about the Game of Thrones board game, but it seems really complicated. I did not see the series, so I am less inclined to try it.

Reply to Marcin Węgłowski
Will you be working out outside even when the weather will get worse?
I did not know that the simulator is also an online game! I have Worms in my Steam library 😊
Karolina Rolska said…
I have never played Among Us, but when I heard about it I was thinking about it. However, at the same time, I heard a lot of opinions that the game is awfully time-consuming and this discouraged me from buying it.

Before the pandemic, I was playing on my Game Boy maybe once a week or so, but since I’m staying inside a lot I started to play way more often and also trying out new games I haven’t played before.

If it comes to games you can play on your computer or the console I would definitely recommend the Sims. I’m sure you know it, but through the years I was playing a few games and this is the only one that I come back to.
I have played Among Us a few times and to be honest, never heard about it before covid pandemic. My friends asked me to play with them, and only because of that I found this game.
In my opinion it’s an amazing game to play with friends during covid pandemic, when you cannot meet them, and spend some good time with them. During social distancing this game can help people keep in touch with each other. I think almost every game with multiplayer mode can be as good as this one, because you have to communicate, talk to each other.
I don’t know if I can recommend any other games, because it’s a personal opinion what kind of games you like. When you have such games, you can suggest your friends to play with you, even if this game is not popular. Maybe it will promote the game the same as it was with Among Us?
Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?

No, I haven't ever played, but I've heard about it from facebook posts, comments, and memes. My friend was encouraging me to play with him, but I don't have time now, so maybe in the future I'll try it, who knows.

I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?

I played from time to time. I also worked-out, learnt new things and read books, so I think these activities can take such a huge amount of my free time, that I don't need to look for a new way to spend my free time.

What other games can you recommend?

FIFA of course, but only for strong mentally, this game can hurt your psyche for real. 2K Sport's NBA is also a great game, but I haven't played so much to master a lot of skills, Football Manager by Sports Interactive can be really addictive, because all the time you want to win matches and trophies and after some time you realise that you spent few hours playing.
1) I personally didn't play "Among us" but heard a lot about it. My friends keep inviting me, but I don't have much time for team play. I think this is another time waister.

2) The pandemic hasn't changed much in my life maybe apart from wasting time on the bus. I try to use this saved hour for physical activity. Recently, he has been practicing very often in the "Stacja Grawitacja" sports club. I highly recommend this activity because you can get very tired very quickly.
I think the pandemic is a good time to do a little renovation at home. Fixing a broken light switch or building your own desk is very rewarding. But nothing by force !!

3) We are all looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077. It will be a breakthrough game with very modern technological solutions, additionaly, created by the Polish studio CD Project Red. Even though I was not able to try the game, I recommend it blind.
Adrian Zygo said…
1. I have played a lot in this game it is really fun and interactive. If you only have time and crew this is a good way to spend you free evening.

2. Pandemic has changed a lot of in my life, now we are not able to party so we spend most of our free time in front of the screen which is not good especially for our back. But we have to went though this tough time and to do so we have discovered a new way to entertain ourselves by watching for example a movie together on Discord.

3. I'm a kind of player who's into variety game such as League of Legends, Counter Strike, Hearts of Iron or The Witcher. I would recommend you every game that I have mentioned.
Tkach Dmytro said…
1. Yes i did. I found this game during the pandemic. It was kind of fun time with friends while u couldnt see each other.
2. Before this game we were playing „Mafia” also in online way, that was also very intresting, but when you allready played 4 weekends in a row it’s became boring. Also we found a platform called ‘Boardgamearena’, if you are lover of table games and you didnt hear about this platform, you are very welcome to try it.
3. Personally i would like to reccomend a lsit of games:
1) 7 Wonder’s – kind of strategic, with any fights with everyone, you should to make a combination with different resoursec to get win
2) Saboteur – a litle bit seems like mafia but without killing, you like a team of good players should get to main treasure, and the main point of saboteur denied this attempts.
3) Not alone - easy game for short period of time, you have to make a mission to get from planet where living a monster who’s want to catch you in different location, and team of survivors try to save their lifes.
Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?
I have never played or heard of "Among us" before but I might give it a try soon.

I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?
Unfortunately, I didn’t find any new ways to entertain myself, I just do normal things that I used to do but longer than before because I have more time home. Unless if learning some magic tricks counts.

What other games can you recommend?
I will say Fifa because I only play Fifa.
Marcin Sekrecki said…
1. Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?
I have played this game a lot. It's very fun game especially with group of friends. Everything changes when people start to try to play competetively which is kind of impossible in this game. This ruins fun.

2. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?
I spend a lot of free time watching series on Netflix. I haven't spent so much time on it before.

3. What other games can you recommend?
I really like competetive games like CS:GO, LoL and Valorant. If You want to compete with others You can pick one of them. If u want to relax more i would choose World of Warcraft
Marek Parr said…
1. Yeah, I played a few games, but it's not a game for me. I enjoy playing as a crewmate, but I'm a terrible impostor.

2. Gaming is my main hobby, so I've played a lot even before pandemic, but right now I play even more. Right now I'm playing and talking to my friends via Discord almost everyday and we mainly play League of Legends. We found a really good horror game recently. It's called Phasmophobia and it is 4 people co-op in which your main quest is to find out which type of ghost is haunting specific place. We really enjoy it, but it's still in a beta, so there are a lot of bugs and there are only few maps.

3. I'd recommend League of Legends, because it's a game I've been playing since middle school and it's the only game that I've been playing for so long that still gives me a lot of fun.
Bartosz Gołda said…
I've heard about Among Us few months ago, when my friends have started playing it very frequently. I’ve joined them, because they called it „better Mafia”. Mafia is a card game with rules congenial to Among Us, that we were playing on every occasion. I do not regret spending 20zł on it, because it brings me a lot of fun and enjoyment.
First of all me and my friends started using Discord much more often than before. After lockdown we used to meet there and play together multiplayer games like Among Us, or just converse. We were also watching together films or events and comment them.
I don’t consider myself as a gamer, but there are few games I really like to play in my freetime. I usually play multiplayer games so I can enjoy them with my friends, or when I’m playing alone I can meet new people from all around the world. My favorite one is Counter Strike, because this game can either make new connections with people and let off steam.
Maciej Karnicki said…
1. Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?
I played it once or twice and I really liked it. The problem for me is getting 8 people ready to play at the same time :D

2. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?
Nothing new really, mostly games and netflix.

3. What other games can you recommend?
Lately I've been in love with Teamfight Tactics and I spend most of my free time playing it.
Due to lack of time I wasn't able to play this game, but I certainly have to do it in the near future. Games like Among Us or Fall Guys are a great idea to spend your free time. Thanks to them we are able to spend time with our friends despite the quarantine and social distance. If I were to recommend a game to someone to have a nice time, it would be chess. You can compete, everyone can play it, you don't need manual skills to be good at it.
I heard about Among us but I don't have time to play it. I have a lot of "stack of shame" games that I need to play so Among Us is somewhere in it.
Before COVID-19 i play computer games, watch movies, work and learn something new. I don't discovered some new ways to entertain myself I do what I was doing before but I more often play computer games.
That depend what do you want to play. From few days I play in Halo Master Chef Collection because I heard about this games but I never have opportunity to play them. It is very great FPS game. Other good titles for me for long winter nights are strategy games like Civilization or city builders like Cities: Skylines. Or if you like racing games Forza is one of the best racing games (of course if you prefer more arcade racing).
I've heard about this game, but I haven't played it. As far as I know, it's best when you play with your friends and not with random people.

I used to play a lot when I was younger, but now I don't enjoy playing games as much before. I don't know why. Maybe new games are worse or I'm getting too old. During the pandemic, I started to draw more and I discovered 3d sculpting which is quite fun.

When it comes to single-player games I can recommend the Witcher 3, FarCry 3/BD/4/5, GTA 4/5, and Assassin series.
And from multiplayer games, I like to play CS:GO and Apex Legends, but only if you play with friends. Playing with random people gives more frustration than pleasure.
Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?
Yes i have played Among us lately for the first time. It was quite fun to play it with my friends and not only them (some random folks also have joined our game).

I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?
I've started to play a bit more that i do in last few years, but i used to play a lot in video games so its dusting off an old hobby and im glad of it :)

What other games can you recommend?
I started to play The witcher 3 again, mainly because i have new pc and i can play it with better graphics. I also really like to play XCOM 2 Enemy Within. Im getting back to it over and over again. Its super nice round game about fighting with aliens that come to earth.
1. I have played a few among us a few times with my friends and i quite enjoyed it. More enjoyable for me though is watching known youtubers and other people good at the game playing for significant cash prizes, trying to put together a coherent image of what happened based only on their own experiences and short talks with everyone else.

2. I don't really think so, much of my life didn't really change, apart from starting to work remotely instead of stationary. One of the results i can clearly see however is its' detrimental effect to my physical condition and constitution. Unfortunately, lack of space in my flat and limited time spent outside aren't great for your overall healthiness. If I were to recommend something, I'd suggest catching up on some series and/or books or perhaps your other hobbies you've been meaning to do. I don't think there will be a better time for that!

3.Good question, game recommendations are now more valuable than ever :) Of course it depends on what you want to play, so I'll just make a short list with my personal choices grouped by genre:

Single player:
Hollow Knight - metroidvania type, 2D game with simple, yet beatiful graphic design, music is hauntingly beatiful and sets the mood perfectly, the story is really compelling and if you like this type of games I'm sure you'll love it.

Graveyard Keeper - another 2D game, i guess you could categorize it as an rpg mixed with..medieval cemetery management simulator :D I know how it sounds, but trust me, it's worth trying. All of the characters are amazingly funny and the story is really entertaining. Gameplay itself is also really satisfying and no other game has consumed so much of my time so fast, made me angry about it and yet, somehow, made me want more.

Since we're so separated from each other I'll list games which might help bring you and your friends/family closer

Overcooked - gather 1-3 friends and get on a cooking journey, in which you'll have to test your teamwork skills, efficiency in cooking and.. not dying in weird ways. Great, amusing game to relax with your friends.

Resistance (online) - based on a boardgame, it's another mafia style game, quite simillar to among us, but it requires nothing apart from your ability to determine whether your friends are lying. Really fun game, easy to get, you can play it for free online.
FilipJatelnicki said…
Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?
Yep, and I really enjoyed it. I'm not surprised that it has skyrocketed during COVID times.

I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?
I'm not able to meet with friends or family as often as I would like to, so there had to be something to fill the hatch. I guess I watch movies more often.

What other games can you recommend?
I haven't played anything similar before and nothing that would be worth recommending comes to mind...
Mateusz Szych said…
1. Yes, I played this game. Yes, I've played it, but it's not a game for me. The gameplay is too monotonous and the behavior of other players is often idiotic and irrational.
2. I haven't discovered new ways of entertainment. I just watch more TV than before and unfortunately I see my friends less often.
3. I prefer single-player games, especially RPGs and action games. I am currently playing the game 'Mafia'.
Grzegorz Rostek said…
Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?
I've played Among Us for a few hours with friends. It's fun and simple, but my interest for the game died in about a week, and i haven't played it since September.

I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?
Not really, I've always had a lot of ways to entertain myself at home, like playing games, or reading books. Since I have more time now I've been watching more shows lately. Recently I've been watching "The Office", and it's a blast.

What other games can you recommend?
I've always been a big fan of co-op games, and I can recommend Borderlands series. It's a series of shooters with RPG mechanics, like weapons with different stats, character classes, leveling up etc. The best thing about it is that you can play with three other people, and it's the best way of experiencing the game.
Jan Bryński said…
I've never played it but I have observed that, this game has gaine a lot of popularity quite recently. I often see multiple references to this game on the web. I now variety of people that regularly play it.

Since the beginning of covid pandemic I have tried numerous new ways to deal with restrictions and to entertain myself. What I've found out is that I find it hard to relax and be entertained by anything tech related. Maybe to some extent sometimes, but definetly after sitting in front of my screen for the whole day. I try to be as active as I can so I entertain myself through sports and spending time outside, especially when there is sun visible on the sky.

I can recommend Silent Hill franchise, Resident Evil franchise, or Stalker for the more of the RPG vibe.
Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?
No, I've never played it, but I heard of this game. I like to watch Twitch and it was very popular a while ago so I only watched others' gameplays. I really liked 'Mafia' when I was in highschool though.
I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?
Well, not really. I only used my methods of entertainment more often. I discovered that you can watch Netflix with a friend at the same time if that counts.
What other games can you recommend?
I have played too much games to recommend a single one. My all time favourites are: Civilization V (if you like strategy games), Spelunky (rogue-like adventure platform game) and Fallout series (New Vegas especially for RPG single player experience).
The fist part blew my mind with world presented there and , of course, relationship between Joel and Ellie. I totally disagree with people saying that TLOU2 is bad. They are complaining about lazy writing and the choice that developers made there drove players crazy. In my opinion TLOU2 did everything in TLOU but better. You have to play it just to find it out. What is an AAA game that you recommend?
Jakub Łukowski said…
1. I have never played Among Us, but I’ve heard about it since it is very popular game right now.
2. I found that key to not get bored during long isolation is to diversify things you do and do them interchangeably. I definitely started to read more books and watch more movies.
3. I would not describe myself as gamer, I play games very occasionally. Last game I played was Red Dead Redemption 2, it gets pretty linear after some time but I would recommend it for the story and overall vibe of decadent wild west.
1. Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?
No, I have never played Among Us, but I have heard about this game. It is one of the most popular game last days. I have seen this game on YouTube, I was just curious what is the phenomenon of this game and I still don't find the answer. I don't find it attractive.

2. I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?
I think I have not start playing any new games. On the other hand I have stared to read a lot and focusing on my private projects with my friends. I have used this time as useful as possible for example: I have learned that if you are well organized you have time for everything.

3. What other games can you recommend?
I used to play Call Of Duty and Fifa. I would definitely recommend COD.
Jakub Kisiała said…
1. Yes I have. It doing really well in some time. Even it could be the most playable game on steam I think. But in my opinion It is rather retarded game. I prefer game with some quality content. This on only could acquire you with some social intrigues. Gameplay is really poor.

2. I've playing a lot from my childhood. I always admire good game. Especially with some new mechanic or concept. Among Us provide new concept of game but It is not something what I'm looking for in this entertainment.

3. My beloved type of games are racing one. I could always play them. Beside them I also like some good story. Currently I walk through Detroit: Become Human. Game universe base on really world in the future where androids serves people. They decided to revolt against their torturers.
1. Yes, I played this game, but I heard about this game earlier. PC. I got to know this toy even before the main hype wave around it. As for me, the game is simple, but this is its plus. The graphics are maddeningly simple, reminiscent of old games from the 80s and 2000s. But behind the simplicity hides quite an interesting pastime. Before the wave of hype, it was difficult to find a game because 5-7 thousand players played at most, but now this is not a problem and one cannot say that this is a drawback.
2. If all films and TV series have been watched, books have been read, household chores are done, songs are sung on the balconies, and training courses have been completed, it is time to give free rein to imagination and allow yourself to fool around a little.
3. I would recommend games like: Stardev Valley, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Minecraft.
Oskar Kacprzak said…
1.I heard about Among us but I have never played this game, I played very similar game Town of Salem.

2. I discovered a lot of new Netflix series, focused on work and learning new stuff.

3. I can recommend Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, StarCraft II to play with friends and Red Dead Redemption 2.
1. Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?

Yes, I tried playing with my friends and with strangers as well. For sure i prefer playing this game with people I know, because I think it's way more fun and it's easier to communicate (e.g. by using Discord voice chat) than playing with strangers where by deafault you have to write your messages.

2. I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?

Yes, I started playing a lot more multiplayer games than before. I think this may be due to a lack of contact with my friends.

3. What other games can you recommend?

I recommend "Return of The Obra Dinn" - the game made by Lucas Pope, the same guy that made "Papers Please" (if you don't know any of theese games I highly recommend). I can also recommend Disco Elysium if you like RPG with a lot of text.
1. Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?
Yes I play among like three times a week. That is great way to spend time with your friends altough this game can get a little bit too tense because it is based on lying and arguing with others. I also watch Among Us gameplay on Youtube cause it's very entertaining and I can learn some useful tricks to use later on.
2. I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?
Yes I did. Except playing among us me and my friends discovered site called You can play many board games there for free or even more if you pay some money. We used to play carcasoine there and some other stuff.
3. What other games can you recommend?
I can say that I am kind of a gamer. I play fifa a lot but also love Counter Strike and some other games. Few years ago I was playing mostly fifa and I was pretty competitive. Now I would rather play with my friends and just chill.
Rafał Halama said…
1.Have you ever played Among Us? Have you heard of it?
Yes of course I've heard about it, it was most popular game in the world during last months. I've played it with my girlfriends, and also few times with my friends, it was a lot of fun, but after few weeks it started to get quite boring and repetetive.

2.I did not play much before the pandemic and now I do. Have you discovered some new ways to entertain yourself during COVID-19?
I was same as you, before pandemic I rarely was playing games, but now I have so much free time, I once again became an avid gamer.

3.What other games can you recommend?
I highly recommend Stardew Valley. It's quite similar to Harvest Moon, playing it only makes you chilled and relaxed and that's most important for me lately.

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