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Week 3 [09-15.11.20] The dark side of the universe

 The dark side of the universe

The mysterious name and confusing description of dark matter have been inspiring works of fiction for a long time. When mentioned in literature, films or computer games it is usually described as a source of almost magical or extraordinary physical behaviour and even as material from which you could craft weapons. But what exactly is dark matter from a scientific point of view?

The answer is that even certified researchers still don’t know it well. As scientific research is based on things we can observe and measure, it’s difficult to define it comparing it to the matter that we encounter and experience on a daily basis. A common element, which includes atoms and provides them with mass, is called the Baryonic matter and it doesn’t interact with dark matter. Furthermore, the dark matter is entirely invisible to light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, making it inaccessible for detection. Because of its gravitational effects on celestial bodies such as galaxies, planets and stars, scientists are certain that it exists. It also explains optical illusions seen by astronomers in the deep universe, known as gravitational lensing.

NASA, ESA, M. J. Jee and H. Ford et al. (Johns Hopkins Univ.)

Due to those reasons, we can’t be certain of what dark matter actually is, but there is evidence of what it isn’t. From the observations of the universe, scientists concluded that it’s not in the form of celestial bodies that we see. It is not in a form of dark clouds of Baryonic matter, as we are unable to detect their absorption of radiation passing through them. Additionally, from the lack of production of unique gamma rays, it was ruled out as antimatter and massive black holes. Some scientists speculate that dark matter is made up of more unfamiliar particles such as axions or WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles).

Another side of the mystery is dark energy. It appears that as dark matter makes up about 27% of the universe, it is dominated by the dark energy that makes up 68% of the universe's total composition. In the past, physics presumed that the universe expansion would slow down over time due to the attractive force of gravity. However, more recent research has proved them wrong, and the expansion is actually speeding up. Existence of dark energy neatly explains this phenomenon of space stretching, but yet again it leaves us with more questions than answers.


  • If we get closer to a more specific description of dark matter, do you believe there could be something like anti-dark matter? And if so, what would be its characteristics?
  • As the dark matter causes the universe to expand rapidly, and we don’t exactly know how it behaves. Do you think it might actually shrink someday as expected by the researchers in the past?
  • The topic of dark matter inspires many works of fiction; Have you seen any worth recommending?



Anastasiia Bida said…
If we get closer to a more specific description of dark matter, do you believe there could be something like anti-dark matter? And if so, what would be its characteristics?
To be honest, I am not so good at astronomy and cosmology like the majority of us. Your presentation was made me read about dark matter and dark energy more, thank you.
I believe there could be something like anti-dark matter, or any other mysterious phenomena. And answering the second question, I think we can`t clearly understand even the characteristics of dark matter (temperature, density), let alone anti-dark matter.

As the dark matter causes the universe to expand rapidly, and we don’t exactly know how it behaves. Do you think it might actually shrink someday as expected by the researchers in the past?
As I have mentioned above, I am not competent to answer a question. From my point of view, there is no place in this topic for personal opinions, but scientific theories and facts. If today the universe shrink theory has been refuted, then I tend to believe the scientists.

The topic of dark matter inspires many works of fiction; Have you seen any worth recommending?
Yeah, there are a lot of interesting science-fiction works nowadays. I think many will recommend Interstellar by Christopher Nolan. It is one of my favourite films with drama, great music, effects, and an exciting plot. I have watched it without interrupting.
I have also heard that there is a TV series Dark Matter, but I haven`t watched it yet.
Hi @Anastasiia Bida! Thank you for your comment 😊
I was hoping this article could spark some interest into topics related to space exploration and related theories. Of course we can’t make predictions as advanced as the ones made by scientists, but sometimes common and down to earth ideas help those scientists to develop theories that are not so obvious to them. If you would like to read more about such theories, I would recommend for you to read A Brief history of time by Stephen Hawking. In this book, many of complex concepts related to physics are explained and illustrated in way accessible for everyone.

Speaking about space, astrology has gained more popularity nowadays. Do you believe in astrology forecasting or check predictions for your sign? ✨
Viktor Ryś said…
I've heard the term anti-dark matter used in some documentaries about deep space, I don't have a strong attitude on this topic but I would say that I don't belive that it has a strong characteristic nor is it important in the structure of the non observable universe as dark matter is.

I believe it is the better scenario of two possible futures of the universe, while the the second one is about constant expansion till last atoms will be torn apart.

Not necessary related to dark matter, but the television series Stargate had some connections to cosmology topics.
Thank you for your suggestion! I see you're also a fan of watching space-related TV series. There are also novels and short stories placed in the Stargate universe, have read any of them?
Michał Gawron said…
1. As for the topic of anti dark matter. I think that the matter we surround ourselves with is. Because what is black matter really? According to scientists, this is what I consider to be an empty state. Where our matter is not, there is black matter. It permeates our matter, which fully complements and thus our world functions.

2.I think the occurrence of such a phenomenon is very unlikely. The expansion of the cosmos is endless, beginning with the big bang. It goes in every direction. The universe is infinite, and it will always be. Only in some supernatural phenomenon that we do not know yet could this be possible. It is true that we know very little about space. I believe that it is unlikely, but not impossible.

3.In my opinion, Interstelar is a great movie to recommend when it comes to space. As for the subject of dark matter, frankly speaking, I cannot think of anything worth recommending at this moment.
Thanks for commenting! However, I think you meant the antimatter in the beginning, and the dark matter is another piece of the puzzle. Antimatter particles are defined by their negative baryon number, as for matter particles they have a positive baryon number. An example of this would be proton and antiproton (antimatter), or electron and positron (antimatter).

Interstellar seems to be the most popular answer when it comes to movies about space. I was wondering if you also watch launching of space shuttles or rockets, or this just a thing among my friends? :)
1. If we get closer to a more specific description of dark matter, do you believe there could be something like anti-dark matter? And if so, what would be its characteristics?

Well, dark matter as well as anti-matter are the subjects of lots of various research so the answer to the that question really belongs to lots of dependencies. Both subjects are in detail really abstracts to human beings for nowadays so I don't have any opinion to that.

2. As the dark matter causes the universe to expand rapidly, and we don’t exactly know how it behaves. Do you think it might actually shrink someday as expected by the researchers in the past?

It's another thesis hard to judge by the one whose not deeply involved into that subject. I believe that everything is possible but I don't think that I will be still alive the times where we get the exact answer to that question

3. The topic of dark matter inspires many works of fiction; Have you seen any worth recommending?

There are some small relishes in a lot of movies but to be preciese I know only a few youtube channels like Kurzegasgt that are taking this subject on the board and are trying to explain that comlex thing to casuals
Thank you for that recommendation! I see there are many more interesting topics explained on this channel. If you would be interested in videos illustrating daily life on spaceships, I suggest you check out the Canadian Space Agency. They also have many interesting informational videos covering the topics of Earth observations and robotics.
The first question is extremely complex even to estimate. That would depend on whether the "dark matter" is a "matter" in a more connected way than just by its given name. If it is actually made up with particles or some other kind of interacting elements, anti-dark matter would not have any reason not to exist. However, this is a speculation based on a speculation, so let me just give it a quick guess - yes, I have a gut feeling that there is a dark anti-matter, but whether it's possible to interact with it is a separate question.

I don't see a reason why the Universe would stop expanding (or stop expanding in an accelerated manner). The dark matter appears to be, well, appearing between those "gaps" created by the expansion. I think virtual particles may be a key to understand this behaviour. They already are interacting in some ways with our Universe, yet they do not obey some of our laws (e.g., the law of conversation of energy).

I can't really recall anything based on dark-matter in fiction, but maybe because I just don't read that much sci-fi. To my knowledge, the more hot topic is anti-matter which, basically, is as weirdly portrayed in such works as it can sometimes get. I wouldn't have any high hopes on an interesting take on dark matter in fiction, at least know.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the topic! As for the dark-matter in fiction, I wonder if the new Star Wars movies would take on this subject. Personally, I'm a huuuge fan of Star Wars, but only the original trilogy and the Mandalorian (baby Yoda of course!). Do you like this series?
Jakub Parteka said…
1. If we get closer to a more specific description of dark matter, do you believe there could be something like anti-dark matter? And if so, what would be its characteristics?

That is a very abstract topic I would say because it is based on assumptions on what a dark matter could be and there is still a lot of research to be done in this subject. Based on current scientific opinions dark matter could be a ‘non-existent’ matter of which existence we are aware only by its gravitational field. So, wouldn’t anti-dark matter be the opposite of that? In that case everything that surrounds us?

2. As the dark matter causes the universe to expand rapidly, and we don’t exactly know how it behaves. Do you think it might actually shrink someday as expected by the researchers in the past?
I do not see any reason why it should stop expanding and shrink instead, to be honest I have never heard such expectations. But as you know I am not an expert in this field and if scientists say that it is possible then maybe it is. Still for me this theory feels rather strange.

3. The topic of dark matter inspires many works of fiction; Have you seen any worth recommending?

I do not watch sci-fi movies to be honest and cannot recommend any regarding dark matter. Although, I can recommend Interstellar which was interesting for me but it lasts 3 hours I think so be prepared for it :). It shows a reality in which people are struggling to survive and they try to search for another planet to live on. I won’s say more in order spoil it.
Roman Burlaka said…
1.If we get closer to a more specific description of dark matter, do you believe there could be something like anti-dark matter? And if so, what would be its characteristics?

Well, if it could be anti-matter and the dark matter is somehow similar to the usual one, then yeah, the anti-dark matter could be. But we do not know anything about this, in fact, so we should first somehow figure it out what is the normal one dark matter.

2.As the dark matter causes the universe to expand rapidly, and we don’t exactly know how it behaves. Do you think it might actually shrink someday as expected by the researchers in the past?

It might but even if so, it would happen because of some other reasons than which the researchers of the past thought about, cause, as this presentation mentioned, we already know, that they were wrong.

3.The topic of dark matter inspires many works of fiction; Have you seen any worth recommending?

Well... the best I remember is the Stellaris game, dark matter, anti-matter and so on are technologies there. Using them, you build your space empire. Also, it collocates with other topics this week :)
Jakub Łukowski said…
1. From my limited understanding of physics, I understand that every particle either have own antiparticle or is by itself it’s own antiparticle. So there should exists something like anti-dark matter, either dark matter is at the same time anti-dark matter just as photon is at the same time antiphoton or it exists as separate entity. I think it is hard to speculate on it's characteristics as we know so little about dark matter and what it’s really composed.

2. With our current knowledge and understanding of cosmos it is probably not possible. Yet universe is really massive, complex and strange concept that we know so little about. It is possible that our understanding of it will drastically change in the future. Universe may also stop existing tomorrow for no reason and we wouldn’t even notice.

3. I think most of modern science fiction includes references to the dark matter as it is one of the biggest unknowns of today science. I occasionally enjoy and would recommend watching random Star Trek episode, especially the older ones.
1.It's hard to say,at least as of right now, since most of our knowledge comes down to what what dark matter isn't and our only proof of it is that, without it, energy and gravitational forces don't add up on a universal scale. Because of that either all the other laws related to this topic are wrong or we don't know about something. Right now we're calling that difference 'dark matter', but we don't know anything about its properties, so all of what follows is just my own biased opinion. I think there might not be a thing such as 'anti-dark matter' (although it sounds really cool) because what we called antimatter so far were just particles with opposite charges and quantum numbers to other existing particles. Since dark matter doesn't exhibit any signs of being 'normal' matter I don't think it has these properties either, thus it can't have its antiparticle.

2.I don't think the Universe will start to shrink at some point, since our current readings show that its' expanding. Previously concept of Universe starting to slow down was just a working theory and right now there is some sort of hard evidence supporting this theory. However, science always changes and there were many discoveries in the past changing our view of certain things by 180 degrees (e.g. heliocentrism of our solar system) and one day we might found that the truth about expansion of universe is different from what we think now.

3.Honestly, I can't think of any science fiction book or movie I've read/seen which would mention the topic of dark matter (maybe i need to catch up on some newer ones). It doesn't really capture the topic of antimatter, but i really liked Interstellar and would recommend watching it on some long winter evening (really long though, this movie is longer than 3hrs). It presents really interesting concepts like time dilation or additional dimensions. I would wholeheartedly recommend giving it a go if you haven't already :)
Thank you for commenting! Indeed it is a very abstract and at the same time fascinating topic. I hope that our interest in space and space travel will be out of curiosity and not because we would be incapable of living on our home planet.
Thanks for sharing! I have never heard about this game, but I'm sure eager now to check it out. I wonder if the dark matter and anti-matter represented there have similar properties to the ones that I've described in my article.
Thanks for that recommendation! I was meaning to watch Star Trek for a long time, but I have never found free time to do it. Since we might go into lockdown, I might be able to see it sometime soon.
I see you also have enjoyed watching Interstellar, and it was the most numerous answer here. I think I've watched it in the past, but I can't really remember the plot. I guess I have to see it again :)
1. If we get closer to a more specific description of dark matter, do you believe there could be something like anti-dark matter? And if so, what would be its characteristics?

I belive it could be. I personally base my knowledge on scientific facts and I belive scientiscs and their theories.

2. As the dark matter causes the universe to expand rapidly, and we don’t exactly know how it behaves. Do you think it might actually shrink someday as expected by the researchers in the past?

Of course it might. Our knowledge could turn around many times till we get to the fact. The size of the universe is so big we can't even imagine. We still don't know a lot about our universe.

3. The topic of dark matter inspires many works of fiction; Have you seen any worth recommending?

Even tho I also like a lot the astronomy topics I can't remember any works about dark matter. Maybe it's because I've never get deep into dark matter.
If we get closer to a more specific description of dark matter, do you believe there could be something like anti-dark matter? And if so, what would be its characteristics?
It's possible because forces and everything in the universe must balance each other, it's possible that there is anti-black matter but we are already entering a large level of abstraction here. If you ask me about existing anti-dark matter my answer is I can believe in this but I can't say any more.

As the dark matter causes the universe to expand rapidly, and we don’t exactly know how it behaves. Do you think it might actually shrink someday as expected by the researchers in the past?
I doubt it. If it's possible, probably in many thousands of years when we will be gone and our descendants will forget about us.

The topic of dark matter inspires many works of fiction; Have you seen any worth recommending?
I have not seen anything related to dark matter. Maybe we can classify to this category Star Wars saga, anyway I don't remember any attention to black matter there. There, simply the action takes place in outer space.
Jan Bryński said…
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Jan Bryński said…
Most of the scientific findings in regards to dark matter seem still very theoretical, hence existence of anti-dark matter seems bit uncertain. If it did exist however, I think that its qualities might resemble something closer to conventional matter. It might be very dense and have a lot of mass per unit.

I think that predictions in that area might be very hard to develop or be inaccurate as new research is introduced each year and technological way of measurement becomes much more complex. So I would say that we can never be sure what is the future.

There is a game called Half-Life 2. There are multiple examples of using dark matter for experiments, often catastrophical, as well as for weaponry.
1 If we get closer to a more specific description of dark matter, do you believe there could be something like anti-dark matter? And if so, what would be its characteristics?
So, it is one question which is hard to answer. There is a chance that there is something in the universe like anti-dark matter. Some leaks said that there has to be balance in the world so it may be something like this. the characteristic thing about it would be opposite of dark matter. Something extraordinary.

2As the dark matter causes the universe to expand rapidly, and we don’t exactly know how it behaves. Do you think it might actually shrink someday as expected by the researchers in the past?
I hope it wouldn't, because it may have an impact on the world which we know. I think it is not possible, but on the other hand the we don't know anything about universe or just a little, and maybe there is a limit and we will go back to the beginning.

3The topic of dark matter inspires many works of fiction; Have you seen any worth recommending?
I have seen a great film "Interstellar". I recommend to watch it.
If we get closer to a more specific description of dark matter, do you believe there could be something like anti-dark matter? And if so, what would be its characteristics?
Well, I don't know anything about dark matter, so for me anything is possible. Really I think that I'm not the one to answer this question
As the dark matter causes the universe to expand rapidly, and we don’t exactly know how it behaves. Do you think it might actually shrink someday as expected by the researchers in the past?
Maybe yes, maybe no. It won't affect us directly anyway.
The topic of dark matter inspires many works of fiction; Have you seen any worth recommending?
No, I don't read science fiction.

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