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Week 3 [09-15.11.20] Singapore's jewel


Imagine going on holiday with your family to the different country. For sure you are going to use airport services to travel from one place to another. Airports are some kind of transition stops in our journey, right? But what if I tell you that they can be the reason and destination in travel themselves?

For further explanation let me first tell you about some fact:

Singapore for years wins prestige prices for most outstanding airports in the world. Yet they do not plan on stopping developing and creating new ports with even more amazing ideas.

Welcome to the Jewel – the newest pride of Changi airport

Jewel Changi is a nature-themed entertainment and retail complex on the landside of Changi Airport in Singapore. It’s signature is the centrepiece world’s tallest indoor waterfall – The Rain Voertex, which is surrounded by a terraced forest setting. The waterfall is additionally illuminated with the lights and will also be a place for multimedia shows. Passengers there are surrounded by the tropical forest created from many exotic plants. There will also be benches or unusual playgrounds for children.

But we can not forget that Jewel is primarily intended to be a service area. It includes 3 connected terminals for easy transfers, shopping center with about 300 retail and dining outlets, hotels, business-conference area and convenient early baggage check-in aviation facilities and many more. Changi has 10 floors – five above ground and five basement levels (The waterfall falls through 7 of them).

“We wanted Jewel to be literally a jewel of Singapore” – said Hung Jean director of Changi

The airport became an attraction itself luring tourist around the world. Jewel receives about 300,000 visitations a day. Six months after its soft opening, it had welcomed 50 millions visitors, exceeding its initial target for whole year. Jewel’s area is 134,000 m2 and the cost of the entire investment is estimated to be around 1.32 billion dollars.

I also invite you to watch a video of Jewel’s insight:



Interesting article. Singapore... Yes, a very rich country, so it can do anything. They have a high cultural diversity, there are theaters and museums. They have brilliant food points called hawkers, magnificent gardens and skyscrapers.
Karolina Rolska said…
I’ve never heard of this airport before and I am truly amazed by it. It looks beautiful with all the forests and the waterfall. I think it might be one of the not many airports where I wouldn’t mind having few hours in between flights. What surprised me the most is that you don’t need a ticket to get there which I think is very unusual and makes Jewel a little like a very luxurious park for people that live there.
I love travelling and Singapore is obviously on my bucket list. It's well-placed city as a starting point to another trips also. I like the style which is characterized by the airport and it definitively encourages me more to visit this country. An idea with waterfall, forest, maze made a gorgeous effect which affects to all customers and let airport to earn in mass of stores. I'm pretty sure it was a huge challenge for the architect but it's also a masterpiece of his life.
Hello Bui! How are you?
I had the pleasure to see this fancy airport during my trip to Singapore. I can confirm it looks also great in real life!
First of all, it doesn't feel like an airport at all! There are a lot of plants, a huge waterfall and a lot of calm spaces to chill and relax. I think I haven't been to a better airport! Jewel is also a shopping gallery with a food court which is truly convenient.
This airport teaches us that to rest and relax, we need contact with nature
Thanks for writing this article!
It's a funny coincidence, I was recently watching a video called "Singapore 8K" on the "Around The World 4K" YouTube channel and I fell in love totally! The city is so beautiful, so is the airport.
After reading about The Jewel, I am 100% sure this will be one of my summer vacation destinations!
I love Singapore I even have put some work into getting to know how to emigrate there for working purposes some time ago. They unfortunately have strict anti-immigration policy. The pictures in the article are beautiful. They give justice to this international city. I hope to visit the city one day.
Wow that's just wow, I have never heard about this airport before. I would defenetly go there. I have some friends in Singapore and some of programmer-friends moved there because it is quite nice to work remotelly. I have plans to visit this beautiful place one day. )
s16427 said…
I've never even heard about it, I guess I'm not travelling enough. I think everyone here agrees that it looks magnificent. When pandemic ends, I'll try to plan my trips to go through singapore. I got curious and looked up some of other spectacular project and I gotta agree, The Jewel is the best. On the side note, I wonder how high is rent on shops there, wouldn't be too suprised if it was equivalent of an actuall jewel every month.
Thanks for this very interesting article that inspired me to visit this place in the future. Everything there looks impressive but the most amazing there is this the huge waterfall. I can't imagine dimensions of that. The waterfall must make a special impression with its illumination. I'm sure that if I went there, I would probably spend the whole day at this particular airport. I guess if we are going to go there we have to take a lot of money with us. It looks like very luxury place so there are dizzying prices in the shops for sure. I believe that I will have opportunity to visit this Singapore's jewel.
This place looks amazing. Especially the first foto which you gave. I wasn't there but probably i will go there in future when covid will gone. It is quite interesting article. :)
Bui Ky Anh said…
@Karolina Rolska thank you Karolina for your comment. I feel proud because my intention was to share with you the beauty of something extraordinary and I can see that I succeeded. You are right - the primary idea still remains the same it is about air transport services. But because there are a lot of other stuff over there, not only passengers are allowed to enter but everyone who wish to.
Bui Ky Anh said…
@Milena Dziełakowska thank you for your comment. You are right, Asians are aestheticians, they love to create things that are beautiful even if it is not very practical. They are proud of things they made that pleases the eye, you can notice it in many ways for example: in architecture, botanical gardens, food and many others. For sure they prefer to spend more money and create something breathtaking than cut the costs.
Bui Ky Anh said…
@Justyna Woźniak Hello, I am fine thank you for asking! I am really pleasantly surprised! I would not expect someone here to alredy visit that place. It is on my list to do in the future as well. I am glad you also find Jewel a phenomenal place. If you have any pictures of your visit I am more than happy if you could share it with us!
Bui Ky Anh said…
@Adrian Kamiński thank you for the comment. I have no clue about the prices for renting shops neither for products there. I guess that if it works also as a shopping center then the things should be affordable for normal people. Of course there are a lot of luxary stuff like jewelery and plenty of expensive brands over there.
Piotr Marchewka said…
Singapore's jewel looks amazing! I have never seen or heard of such a place, which is why it makes a big impression on me. It is unimaginable how many people have to maintain such a place and how much effort must be put into it, because you can see that every detail is refined to make it perfect. I would like to go there sometime and see it with my own eyes. Maybe one day it will be possible... :)
Angelika Dutt said…
Wow, this place looks amazing. I have never heard of it, so thank you for writing this post! I have to go on a trip there one day and see it live.
That's great article about great airport design. Singapore can be proud of its good fame about architectual design and urbanity. It actually won a lot of prizes in that field and is famous worldwide
Artur Król said…
Really interesting article! I had no idea Singapore is that impressive, that made me want to visit it someday. Well, not in close future but someday. They had to put a lot of work to create such a masterpiece and to maintain it and to keep maintating it even now. Visiting Singapore would be also a great opportunity to get to know other cultures aswell!
Thank you for pointing out such place! It looks absolutely magnificent.
It would be great if I could visit the Jewel and Singapore in general.
I am especially interested in exploring gardens and trying out various food outlets.
What makes it even better, is that this is but one of many attractions the city has to offer :)
Very interesting article. I am amazed by this airport. I had no idea that the airports can be so full of nature, with trees and waterfalls inside. I could be the kind of person who only flies to visit airports. To be honest I have never seen this kind of airport before. The places where I landed were always ordinary - nothing special to see. In my opinion, there should be more and more places with nature design. I haven't flown to Jewel Aiport, but it goes on my list of places to visit.
Bui Ky Anh said…
@Piotr Marchewka I do share the same fascination like you do. It is also a place I would like to visit someday. It would be really great if our university have a student exchange with Singapore. :)
Bui Ky Anh said…
@Michał Jankowski I am glad you like it. You are right, the won already a lot of prices but even so they do not think about stopping doing what they do. Let's see what they will create next I can not wait.
Bui Ky Anh said…
@Krzysztof Kowalski I am happy to hear that! The garden is mostly tropical forest style so you can observe a lot of rare species over there. About the cuisine I hope you like spicy taste and are open for extraordinary food ideas :)
Kacper N said…
Fascinating article

A few years ago I watched a docummentary in Discovery Channel about interesting Singapore's buildings and some of them was compelling. "Jevel" airport is another great example. After looking at the pcitures that you provided and watching the video I was stunned, the scale, numbers and compelxity were huge. Singapore is a beautiful country, and for me their approach in building airport is great. As you mentioned - the airports are some kind of transition stops in our journey - they are like a let's say calling card for the country. Foreigners can just only imagine what the rest of the country looks like.

Beside the advantages I'm curious how they cope with the additional people at the airport - particulary tourists, which are not using airport services. Places like that are already crowded, but by providing such attractions and views a lot of tourists are also coming here.
Dariia Koreiko said…
Very interesting article. The place is so beautiful, I would love to visit it. The huge waterfall looks so amasing. Your article makes me wanna visit this place. I am wondering how many effort it took from people to create a place like that.
Wow, I've never heard of this before. It all sounds incredible and looks even better. It definitely adds to my plans. I love sightseeing and this is something amazing. I would like to go there in the future.

Filip Bartuzi said…
I'm familiar with singapore's green urban architecture but these airport images is a new thing to me! Wow, such a breathtaking view. I think this is the highest level of culture development if we can efficiently connect nature with urbanistic needs. Hands down for architects, singapore airport just landed a spot on my bucket list
olga jaroń said…
Thank you for sharing article about this amazing place. I've never heard of this airport before, but it truly is breathtaking. Architects outdone themselves, they managed to create a sanctuary of architecture, art and nature. The building is not only beautiful, but also functional, every inch of the structure makes sense. Hub looks like from another planet, it is a dazzling mixture of glass and jungle. I admire that the hub is open not only for passengers, but for other people as well. I wish to visit it one day.
Tkach Dmytro said…
This is the most beautiful airport which I have ever seen. I can tell that Frankfurt airport is a modern one, it has a lot of different rooms with cinema and game zones etc., but this place on another level. I didn’t see such a beautiful place with so many green zones even in Warsaw. I guess it’s a good point when everybody can use these facilities and enjoy this view, because very often you can see this kind of zones just for business class rooms.
Actually, it’s interesting how they are feeling nowadays with pandemic times?
Thank you for this article. This place looks unreal, one can even argue that this might be just a design for the airport in 2050 or maybe just a Sci-fi movie scene because this airport is very beautiful. I knew Singapore had beautiful architecture but just this made me want to visit Singapore.
Marcin Sekrecki said…
That's in my opinion the most beautiful airport in the world. I knew about it's existence because I was reading a lot about Singapore. I have always wanted to visit this country and I hope some day I may fly there and get out from the plane on that airport.
What an incredible idea. I can’t image anything like that here, in our country – not only because of financial issues, but - what is more important - because of neglecting the aesthetics of public space… After all, we can build nicer buildings, take care of its appearance and creative use of space ... only someone has to think about it in an ingenious way.
I never heard about this airport. Everyone talks and make videos about this big ones like Dubai or Hong Kong but about Singapore airport I never see any video. It look like very different form other airports and I like this form of decoration. I like flying by plain and watch how different are airports around the world, thanks to this article I add this airport for list places to visit because on this video it looks amazing. I want to have a chance to visit this place after this corona crisis. Thanks for sharing us article about this incredible place.
I have heard many times about this airport as well as about Singapore itself. Personally, I think there should be more such places. It's amazing how beautiful combination can be - created by nature together with the functionality that makes our life easier. Certainly, in these days when we are surrounded by hustle and bustle, confusion and rush - such places make time slow down and we can at least for a moment take a breath. If there were more such places, they would benefit not only people but also nature. Perhaps then - people would understand how important part of our life is played by nature.
FilipJatelnicki said…
I've also haven't have heard about this airport and to this day, I haven't had much interest in visiting Singapore. I would love to find out a little more about this country.

P.S. I love architecture that includes so much greenery in it.
Karol Gałązka said…
Yes, it is a beautiful country and very rich too. They can afford such investments. I've never been there and the airport looks fantastic. Due to the pandemics, unfortunately, I will not see this country too soon. I hope that the pandemic will end soon and we will be able to travel around the world.
Mateusz Szych said…
This airport looks very interesting and encourages me to visit it. Staying at the airport is always tiring for me. A few hours spent at a classic airport can really discourage me from traveling, but such an airport could be an interesting change. Maybe someday, in the future, I will go to Singapore and visit this airport.
I have never been to Singapur but I have heard about this airport. Before PJATK I studied architecture and in my opinion, there are two types of buildings. On one hand, there are some structures that are built for usual people. The reason to build them is mostly practical, apartment buildings have mostly the cheapest forms of decorations, houses are more customizable, however still in a universal style. There is no room for such extravagance. On the other hand, there are representative buildings. In the past, those buildings were palaces, castles and so on. Now, this function was claimed by train stations, museums and airports. It is like a playground for the architects, they can realise their wildest dreams in a name of recognition. Nobody would have wanted this waterfall in their private house, and, to be honest, it is kinda kitschy, however, it suits the airport. Imagine, you are on your second transfer, you have been drinking whiskey even though it is already morning where you came from, but you know that airport has it's own rules. Half drunk and tired you stumble upon this waterfall. It is extraordinary, refreshing, relaxing and just cool to look at. I'm not surprised people travel to see this. I wouldn't, but if I would be planning to visit Singapore I would stay at the airport for a little longer.
Maciej Karnicki said…
Actually I've never been on a plane before and this airport feels like a great first destination! I bet that waiting at the airport for your next flight might be boring but at place like this I would definitely have a great time, being surrounded by nature is very relaxing for me.
I have been to Singapore once, many years ago, but seeing such architectural marvels only reassures me even more, that I should go there at least once more! Singapore is an amazing city, in my opinion, the closest thing to a real-life utopia we have right now. Getting to the airport side of things though, i think it's a great example of what one should look like. Most often airports look like large, sterile malls, usually painted in cold colours and honestly would seem more natural without any people inside them. Adding vivid colours and breaking the artificial geomeotry with living elements really makes you enjoy your transit through the airport or even staying there for a while in case of a delay. Travel can take a lot of time and be stressful and thusly airports, especially international ones shouldn't make u feel like there are designed solely to make you get out of them efficiently.
I like your article very much. I have heard about this Airport In Singapore. I wish I had a chance to visit this place one day. I will definitely add this destination on my travel list. The videos are really cool. I like the waterfall and garden inside the Airport. It is really unusual to see such a great things like that at the airports. It is really interesting that one of the most attractive places to see in Singapore is an airport. I have heard that some people spend few days there in the hotel and they really enjoy it. I admire the most the vision of architect who create this place. It is just awesome.
Jan Bryński said…

I have to say that I like to explore new airports that I come to and that this one looks incredible. I have never been to Asia but recently I started to think about going there when the pandemic is over. Unfortunately, the global situation when it comes to travel makes me miss exploring the world so much. Pandemic baffled several of my plans and I definetly aim to make them happen in the future. As for Singapore - I admire the tidiness of this place. I look forward to see that in person after a couple of other trips. It is good that, there are some places in the world that are playgrounds for very creative architectural design. I love the idea of incorporating nature with service space. If it follows the certain rules it may make space look and feel magnificent.
Very intersting article. It's good to now that airports can be something more than flying centres. It reminds me of a movie with Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson 'Skyscraper' which I believe was also in Singapore that looks a lot alike with this airport
Favorite airport, chilling there while waiting for the flight is a pleasure. What struck me the most was the silence, no speakerphone, no shouts in search of late passengers. Do you want to sleep and miss your flight, please, no one will bother you :D
I've never been outside of Europe but I'd like to visit Singapore as well as other south-eastern Asia countries like Hong-Kong, Malaysia or Taiwan. I even planned to go to Malaysia with my girlfriend in november to visit her sister, because she lives there with her husband.
Oskar Kacprzak said…
Wow, exciting. Now I want to visit this place and see its beautiful. I love waterfalls and this looks amazing. I'll buy ticket to Singapore only to see this waterfall. It must be waterfall.
I’ve never heard of this place before and it looks stunning. I think that architecture is mesmerising. I usually have problems spending time between flights but there that wouldn't be much of a problem. Spending time there is equal to sightseeing probably. Good thing is that everyone has access to this area.

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