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Week 3 [09-15.11.20] How to improve your sleep

     Lots of us have a problem with sleeping. Especially this time, when we spent most of our days at home, our biological clock is working different. Sleeping is one of the most important thing for our productivity, creativity and even our immune system! It is very important to sleep well, and so I present to you a few tips for a better sleep! :)


Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?

How long do you sleep usually?

What is your sleeping routine? 


Anastasiia Bida said…
Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
Yes, I do, I sleep regularly now. There were a couple of times this summer when my friends and I played board games and chatted all night and then went to bed only in the morning. But when my sleeping mode goes wrong, I start feeling exhausted and unproductive, so I try to keep track of it.

How long do you sleep usually?
Usually, I need from 6 to 8 hours of sleeping every day. It is enough for me, cause when sometimes I sleep more than 8 hours I begin feeling even more tired.

What is your sleeping routine?
I am an early bird and like to go to bed ( it is regularly 10-11 p.m.) and wake up earlier. I am more productive and can do a lot of tasks in the morning. My sleeping routine always includes airing the room. Also, I can make some beauty procedures or read a book before going to bed.
1. It's a problematic subject. I usually go to sleep regularly in a week. Unfortunately it happens some parties in the weekend which are not the best for my biological clock.

2. I try to sleep about 8 hours per day. Unfortunately it's impossible during my exams.

3. I have got no routine. Sometimes if I have got a craving I do a made home SPA with interesting book before sleep.
1. Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?

I'm trying, but sometimes there isn't enough time to watch everything you wanted that day or chat with your friends, so sometimes it makes me stay awake much longer than I want. But generally, I'm trying to go to sleep around 1 or 2 am.

2. How long do you sleep usually?

Usually, I sleep around 6h, but I've noticed that I became lazier, and it's more difficult for me to get out of my bed since I work from home, so I really have to work on that.

3. What is your sleeping routine?

I don't have a routine. I just go to bed whenever I feel tired. Usually, I'm falling asleep really easly, which is really handy, because I don't have to worry about any sleeping problems.
Answering your questions:

1. Yes, I have recently started to sleep regularly, i.e. going to bed at the same time. I have a job and study and other duties that are exhausting me. And man must rest. In addition, I noticed that regular sleep makes you sleepy the next day and more productive.

2. Usually I sleep around 8-9 hours. This is the optimal amount of time for me. Then I'm well asleep. If I slept less, I would be sleepy.

3. I don't have a sleep routine. I go to sleep when I'm tired. I don't watch movies or read books then.
1. Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
I try, but it can be difficult. I recently set myself a goal of getting to bed from 10pm to 7am, but I often fall asleep very late and wake up very early. I try to work on improving my sleep. I am aware that sleep is a very important part of the day. This is when our body regenerates and recharges its batteries. If you don't get enough sleep, you are tired, sleepy, deconcentrated. You feel sucks.

2. How long do you sleep usually?
Usually I try to sleep for 8 hours, but there are days when I have to get up earlier or go to bed later. For example, this week I sleep after 6 hours, but I wake up refreshed and not tired. Sometimes I have a power nap during the day, which I think is great for my body. Recently, I installed a sleep management app on my smartphone. Thanks to this, soon I will be able to check how average my sleep parameters are.

3. What is your sleeping routine?
You can laugh or not, but I have my kind of rules that help me fall asleep. I usually go to bed between 10 PM and 11 PM. First, I don't eat too much at night. If I eat right before going to bed I just won't fall asleep - funny but true. Second, after 9 p.m. I only drink water. Third, I don't play sports in the evenings. Sport is good for health, but after physical exertion, my heart speeds up, it gets on high boots and it's hard for me to fall asleep. The next point - getting my room ready for my bed - opening the windows and cleaning everything to wake up in an orderly room - somehow makes me have a better morning. These are probably all points of my regulations. Of course, before going to bed, I wash myself. And as for the dream itself. I fall asleep on my back and wake up lying on my stomach.
I always went to sleep regularly, at least as regularly as I could. I’m more of an early bird kind of person, so I’m usually asleep before midnight and getting up quite early in the morning. But since the pandemic started, and since my depression started to reveal itself, I’ve started to sleep longer, and I’m having troubles in keeping regular hours of going to sleep and waking up. Sometimes I’m out at 10PM, sometimes I can’t fall asleep until 1AM or 2AM.

Usually I used to sleep for 7-8 hours. My body had an inner alarm clock and I was waking up after that time, even if I didn’t set any alarm on my phone. My friends in high school used to joke that, because of strange reasons, everybody in the dormitory sleeps 2 hours a day, but there’s only one that sleeps 8 hours – and indeed it was me. Since the COVID19 outbreak I’ve started sleeping from 5 to even 11 hours sometimes, and it’s just random; sometimes I can’t sleep and I’m up ‘til 2AM and wake up at 7AM, sometimes my boyfriend has to wake me up so I can attend the classes, because I’m sleeping through all my alarms.

I’m trying to have a routine, but as I said before, it’s harder now, due to the situation and my health problems. But still, I’m at least trying to sleep about 8 hours, as well as to go to sleep and wake up at reasonable hours. Being a college student and a person working with my mind, not my muscles, I need to take breaks to let the brain recharge and relax, right? Also I’ve lately discovered that afternoon naps (preferably after dinner), that last from 30 to 60 minutes can improve your working day and your mood. They’re like a quick reset to your mind and body, making them perform better.
Karolina Rolska said…
I try to go to sleep at the same time every day, but unfortunately, I have big trouble with falling asleep. I also have an alarm that wakes me up every day at the same time on weekdays and weekends.

In this pandemic time, I try to be in bed every day at 11 pm and have my alarm at 9 am, which gives me full 10 hours of sleep. Sadly most days I fall asleep after a couple of hours, but I didn’t know that after 25 minutes I should get up and do something else until I get sleepy. I will definitely try this advice.

I don’t have a sleeping routine, I just make sure I’ve done my skincare before getting into bed and sometimes I read before I turn off the lights, especially if I didn’t have time to read during the day.
Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?

I used to have a problem with a regular sleep. I had no routine when it came to sleeping and very often I was staying up till around 5 in the morning because I was unable to fall asleep earlier. It changed after putting some effort into changing that and when my duties forced me to do so. Right now I usually fall asleep around midnight.

How long do you sleep usually?

8 hours seems to work for me best. 7 hours seems to be fine and if I could I would sleep exactly 7 hours not to waste more time than I have to. I do however love to stay longer in bed in the morning so this is harder than it should be.

What is your sleeping routine?

For most of my life I had no routine and I went to bed when I was just exhausted. Nowadays it chamged a little bit because I always try to leave some time at the end of the day to do something relaxing. Usually it ends with me playing video games or watching an episode of a show that I like at the moment. I like to have this moment at the end of the day that I am waiting for.
Kinga Kwiatkowska I feel you! It is hard to manage your day time to have a moment for a good movie or sitcom. Also friends usually don't care if you are sleeping or not, so texting in the night is one of my weakness as well.
Working from home doesn't force you to get out of bed at the moment you woke up as long as you can work on laptop or even your phone, so maybe that is a solution for laziness. :) I'm so jealous that you are able to fall asleep quickly, wish that I could do the same.
Daniel Trzaskoma, setting yourself a goal to sleep regularly is a great idea, but as you said sometimes it's hard to manage your time to be able to do that. I am struggling with my sleeping routine as well, so I am aware how hard is that, especially when your days are scheduled differently. For example when you are starting work or school in the afternoon it's hard to fall asleep the moment after you finished, and when your next day starts early in the morning it is a disaster!
I think that sleeping app is a great solution, because you can see clearly how your sleeping routine looks, so making changes should be a lot easier.
How could I laugh, when you are so right? I think that food is a energy fuel for our body, so it's good not to eat before you go to bed. Keeping your room organised is also a great idea, I personally do the same, because mess is keeping me up. Having a fresh air in your room is also very important, my mom used to open windows in my room for night, so I could sleep way better. :)
Karolina Rolska, I am so happy that my video helped you a little. :) Also I admire that you are able to wake up when the alarm is ringing, even though you weren't sleeping well. I am constantly turning off my alarms when I am sleepy, so oversleeping is "my thing". It's frustrating, because the only thing that can wake me up is my cat, when it's biting my feet, or my fiancee when he is literally shaking me to wake up.
I love good skincare before bed! Also it's great that you are reading before falling asleep. Lots of people are scrolling their feed on facebook, or watching something, but they don't realise that the blue light emitted by the screen is actually waking them up, cuz it's imitating daylight.
Piotr Malanowski, I can totally relate to that. Since the pandemic has started I was up till 5 or even 7 am. Sometimes I wouldn't sleep at all. Surprisingly, I was awake and I was feeling good, or should I say: I thought so. Going like this for a few weeks changed me completely. I was feeling very exhausted and even though I was unable to think or to do anything good, I couldn't fall asleep. Suddenly I started to feel every muscle, or bone in my body. And the worse part is that when I finally has fallen asleep, I needed to wake up for school or work. Nowadays I am on a good path to sleep regularly and I am usually falling asleep around 2, or 3 am. (and this is a huge succes!)
I think that sleeping time depends on particular person, so 8/7 hours is the average, but if you feel like you need more - just sleep a little longer if you can. :) Our body sometimes is telling us what it needs, so our duty is to listen and comply.
Anastasiia Bida there is nothing wrong with a little social in the nights! Of course when it doesn't mean that you are constantly skipping sleeptime. It's good that you are keeping track on your sleeping routine. I wish I was able to do that.
I prefer working in the evenings/at nights, so I'm struggling hard to find any motivation in the morning.
How early do you usually wake up? I'm asking, because "early birds" are a true mystery for me. :D Funfact: every member of my family is an early bird. I don't know if I am some kind of black sheep, or whatever, but I can say that the difference is huge.
Polina Rybachuk said…
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Polina Rybachuk said…
1. Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?

Yes, I usually go to sleep at 12 p.m. and wake up at 8 a.m. I think that a regular system is very important for physical and mental health. When I break my sleeping routine, I start to feel worse, have less energy and I am definitely less productive. During the quarantine sleeping routine helps me protect myself from depression.
But if I have no plans or responsibilities for the next day, I can go to sleep at 2 a.m and wake up at 11-12 a.m.

2. How long do you usually sleep?

Usually I sleep for about 8 hours, but sometimes, if I have many projects to do or a deadline is approaching, I sometimes sleep 5-6 hours. Sometimes, if I have a weekend for example, I can sleep for 10 hours.

3. What is your sleeping routine?

Nothing special. I just brush my teeth, take a shower. Usually I watch something with my boyfriend on HBO, and sometimes we have short pillow talk before we go to sleep. I also like reading a book and scrolling my Facebook
Maciej Antonik said…
Well, I had a hell of a lifetime with 3 or 4 weeks of insomnia. I wouldn't wish that to anyone. I consider this to be the worst period of my life.

1 and 2. Now yes. I try to sleep at least 7 hours a day. This is not always possible, but I always try to optimize sleep time accordingly. Organization is most important. If we plan all our duties well and carry them out as planned, we may have more time to rest. The worst thing you can do is take too long a nap time. This can completely destroy your circadian rhythm. Sleep is extremely important and must be given a lot of attention. It has a huge impact on our physical and mental health. There is a lot of research to show that people who have regular sleep hours are happy but also feel better physically. It is worth introducing healthy habits into your own life.

3. I go to bed around 11:00 pm and sleep until 7, 8 and sometimes 9 when I have a little extra time. Recently, during the fall and the upcoming winter, it is a bit harder for me to get up in the morning, but somehow I manage.
Michał Gawron said…
1. I go to sleep very regularly during the week. I start work at 8:30, so my body clock at 23:30 calls me to bed. As for the weekends, it's not so colorful here anymore. I like to party with my friends so I often go to bed around 3/4. The worst thing is that sometimes I don't sleep any longer, but I wake up around my routine time of waking up, which is around 9. Such a wake-up call does not work well for me because it is hard to fall asleep later.

2. I have been trying to sleep 7 to 9 hours for a long time. My standard is 8 hours of sleep.I don't always do it, but since I lead a more settled life, less sleep is bad for me. I have a lot of responsibilities during the day so I have to have a lot of energy to handle it. For this you need a lot of sleep.

3. My routine before going to bed is watching YouTube videos. Recently, he is interested in space. Before going to sleep, I play a video about space. I listen to the content and it relaxes me. I also often read books before going to sleep. This helps me the most. After 30 minutes I feel sleepy, my eyes are ready to sleep because I am not looking at blue light from the phone. I highly recommend this method. I have been reading books regularly since recently, so I know it's not that simple, but I recommend it anyway.
1. Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?

Yes, I usually try to go to bed regularly because if I don't get enough sleep the next day I don't want anything to do but I usually have a lot to do so I try to avoid such situations and go to bed regularly. I remember once when I started going to bed at late hours, after that I couldn't fall asleep early.

2. How long do you sleep usually?

Usually, I sleep 6-7 hours, it depends on whether I have to get up early the next day or not. I often watch TV for about an hour or two before bedtime. So I spend about 8 hours in my bed.

3. What is your sleeping routine?

To be honest I don't have any sleeping routine. I usually go to my bed at about 11pm and I watch tv or play games on my mobile phone.
During the week I go to bed at about 1am and get up at 7am to work or study. At the weekend, I go to sleep at the time I feel like it and usually get up at 10-11am.
Karol Michalak said…
1. Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
I try going to bed between 11 and 12 PM every day. Sadly I like to stay awake for longer on weekends to use it fully with friends or other stuff.

2. How long do you sleep usually?
Something around 7 to 8 hours, but there are days when I sleep for 4 hours or so.

3. What is your sleeping routine?
Not working. I tried waking up at 6 and getting down to sleep earlier. Now becuase of PJATK and work I wake up at 8 o'clock and fall asleep somewhere around midnight. Strangly at some days I like to stay awake till 2 AM even and by waking up on 10 or 11 AM I tend to feel at my best.
Yes, since like one year I sleep regularly. I was fighting with myself to start it, but suddenly I felt the difference and now I like to go to sleep and wake up at similar hours every day. Weekends are kind of different for me because I have to sleep what I "lost" during the week due to the tasks I had to do. But still, they do not differ much.

I used to sleep 8,5h when I was exercising a lot. Now it is between 7 and 8 hours because I don't move as much as I did before.

Well, you could better ask what should be my sleeping routine. I am writing this comment at 00:14 after eating sandwiches and watching the movie you posted... I guess if I had more time, I would turn off my computer 2 hours before going to sleep. I used to do it during the holiday and I really recommend it to everybody for whom it is an option. Quality of sleep improves drastically and you don't struggle with going to sleep anymore.
Thanks for this video! It was truly interesting :)
Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
Well… I do my best to maintain a regular sleeping schedule :) I always try to fit my sleeping schedule to my current lifestyle. For example, during summertime, I had a regular day time job. I used to going to bed around 11 pm and waking up around 8 am. While I’m at university sometimes the best way to organize my day (it also depends on my classes timetable) is going to sleep later around 2 am or even 3 or 4 am. Then waking up around 11 am. It’s a good way of managing my time because during late-night hours I’m only focusing on work.

How long do you sleep usually?
I need a lot of sleep. Around 10 to 12 hours and even longer. My record of sleeping was 22 hours in a row! I’m not kidding it was great. I was able to do it because I went back from vacation abroad at a different timezone. I arrived in Poland at 6 am and spend the whole day preparing for the prom. I was happy and excited not even thinking of napping. At 5 pm I went to the party which was the whole night event and I came back the next day in the morning. I did my beauty routine and went straight to bed. When I woke up my mom told me that I slept the whole day and whole night.
When I sleep a lot I feel happy and calm. I consider my sleeping time a luxury!

What is your sleeping routine?
I don’t have a specific one. But I like to celebrate this time. Drinking tea, reading books listening to calming classical music. My favorite sleeping music is the Harry Potter soundtrack, Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky and Chopin.

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olga jaroń said…
I don't have a regular sleep schedule. Very often I lose track of time, which is a reason I go to sleep at different hours. Sometimes I try to force myself to go to sleep at a reasonable hour, but it almost never works as I end up tossing in my bed for hours.

Usually I sleep around 8- 9 hours, but there are days when I can't get out of bed and sleep more.

First of all I can't go to bed dirty. If I don't take a shower before lying down I feel unease. In my mind it makes the whole bed dirty and it really bothers me. The next thing I do before falling asleep is watching videos on my phone. I know that this is unhealthy behaviour, but it became such a habit of mine that I can't fall asleep without having a screen next to my face
Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
I rarely go to bed at the same time. Sometime I can go to sleep very early, sometimes late. There is no known pattern.
How long do you sleep usually?
I try to sleep at least eight hours every day. I have read somewhere, that it is healthy number of hours.
What is your sleeping routine?
First I spend 1 hour laying on bed with smartphone in my hand. I usually play chess online, it makes me tired enough to fall asleep after a while. Than I sleep whole night and wake up in the morning.
Palina H said…
1. I'm in the process of getting back on track with my sleeping schedule. I found that it works wonders for me to wake up and fall asleep around the same time every day. It also helps to have more structured days.

2. I try to go for 8(if I'm lucky😅). But usually it's around 6-7, that's when I find I still feel good and quite rested. 4-5 is the amount I can survive a day or two with but anything less than that and, trust me, it's better not to talk with me😂

3. Warm shower, some warm tea, my skincare routine and that's pretty much it.
Piotr Góralski said…
1. I usually go to bed at the same time, and it's 11pm. However, I do not always feel like sleeping at this time, which often means falling asleep after midnight.
2. Even though I fall asleep at a set time, I don't get up at any particular time. I do not set an alarm clock because I do not have any tasks planned for the morning hours and because I do not have to get up to school in the morning and I have no work, I can sleep until the body wakes up by itself. I usually sleep for about 9 hours.
3. Before falling asleep, I do not use any of the methods mentioned in the movie. I usually watch TV and use the phone until 11PM, then turn off and try to sleep.
Agnieszka Duda said…
1) Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
I try to follow the same routine during the weekend as on weekdays. If I go to sleep later than usual, e.g. after a night out, I will have fewer hours of sleep and the next day will be ‘hard’ for me. That’s why I need to strong reason to depart from my sleeping habits.

2) How long do you usually sleep?
Approximately 8-10 hours. However, there’s no limit to how much I can sleep other than everyday responsibilities. If neccesary, I sometimes take afternoon naps too.

3) What is your sleeping routine?
Before I go to bed I take a hot shower, apply body lotion, my favourite scented body mist and perform my nighttime skincare routine. Then I cool down my room by opening the window and letting some fresh air in. I also refrain from drinking coffee or black/green tea after 8pm.
Anna Żak said…
It's widely known that good sleep has a positive effect on our health and cognitive skills. Therefore, of course, I try to take care of it as best as possible.

Maintaining regular sleep during the week isn't a problem for me. Working full-time with fixed hours definitely makes it easier. The problem occurs on weekends or during exams. In such situations I try to force myself to get up at the "usual time" anyway, which will allow me to go to bed at a specific time after that day.

They say it's best to sleep for 8 hours. Unfortunately, I rarely manage to achieve it. I usually sleep 6-7 hours during the week and I try to make up for the missing hour on the weekends.

In order to introduce some routine before falling asleep, I've been using the tricks presented in the video for some time now. A shower or having a home spa in the evening, especially after a long day, is very important to me. After that I try not to use the full light anymore, I cover the blinds in the windows and leave the bedside lamp or a candle on. When I can allow myself to do that, I try not to use the computer in the evenings. Unfortunately, the phone accompanies my evening routine every day, I only change it from time to time for a book.
Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
No I don't have special time when I go to sleep, it depends. Usually it is somewhere around 11 pm - 12 am.

How long do you sleep usually?
I wake up very early, I start my day at 5am. So usually it 5-6 hours. I can't sleep a lot, even I wake up in the middle of night and can not sleep.

What is your sleeping routine?
Walking at night before going to sleep. Usually I open window before going out and fresh my room. Taking shower, do some procedures for skin. And I guess that's it
That's a very insightful Ted talk! Thanks for sharing.
1. Usually, I go to sleep between 10PM and midnight, on weekends it's probably later than that.

2. On weekdays I get up at 7:30AM, again on weekends it's a bit later, although I'd like to wake up earlier, the people I am living with complain about me being too noisy in the morning. So that makes around 7 to 9 hours per day.

3. Well, apart from stuff like washing my teeth and face or taking a shower, there's not much else I do before going to sleep or getting up.
After going to sleep at 5 am and waking up at 2 pm today, I thought that I really needed to comment on this. When it comes to sleeping, I am the most irregular person, without any specific rules for sleeping schedule. The first thing is that I just love sleeping so I can sleep anywhere and anytime. So answering the first question - no, I do not go to sleep regularly. When I have school the next day, I try to go to sleep early, which means 1 am. Unfortunately, I always check tik tok before going to bed so instead of 1 am, I fall asleep at 3 am. During the weekend, I usually think “hey, I have so much time, night is long, let’s do something”, so for example tonight I decided to watch the new Netflix series and finished it at 5 am. This is why my sleeping schedule totally depends on the day of the week, Netflix and my mood.

How long do I usually sleep? It also depends on the day of the week, but during the weekend I am able to sleep even 12 hours, without waking up. During the school days, I can sleep only 4 hours, because I can not fall asleep early but still I have to wake up early. I feel like the time I do not spend sleeping during school days, I use it for sleeping during the weekdays.

My dog is an inseparable part of my sleeping routine. I always have to go for a walk with her before I go to sleep. After all, I clean her paws and she decides to jump right into my bed and sleep with me. What might be quite irracional for a person, who sleeps with her dog, is the fact that I am obsessed with cleaning my face and sleeping in cleanliness. Before I go to bed I always wash my face with cosmetics, put cream on it and my dog is never allowed on my pillow or in any other places where I put my face.
Mateusz Wietrak said…
1.Yes, I try to go to sleep regularly, but these are not healthy hours for my body. I always go to bed around 1.30am during the week, but at the weekend things change and I fall asleep around 3.00am
2.I usually sleep for 7 hours but when I have a day off or it's weekend this time can be longer.
3.I don't have any sleeping routine. Usually I watch some movies with my girlfriend before going to bed.
s16427 said…
1. Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
Even though I know I should, unfortunately I don't. I have a different rythm for weekdays and weekends. Between monday and friday, I usually go to sleep at around 1 am. and get up around 8 am. At weekends, my sleep schedule is a little bit more unstable. It all depends on couple of variables: Am I having a party? Have I any urgent schoolwork to do? What chores do i have lined up on weekend? It's too irregular to tell.

2. How long do I sleep?
As everything, it varies. Usually it's 7 hours during weekdays and even up to 8 during weekends. Even if i get some less sleep for any reason, average throughout the week is over 7 hours of sleep a day.

3. What is my sleeping routine? I usually try not to eat for about 2 hours before going to sleep, then i catch a quick shower and simply go to sleep. I like to play some "Forest sounds", to lullaby me to sleep.
1) Yes, I try to go to bed at the same time every day. In my opinion, the key to get enough sleep is to maintain a consistent time frame and sleep for about 8 hours per day.

2) As I mentioned in the answer above - I sleep 8 hours a day. Sometimes I sleep less, but very rarely. Then I have to take a power nap during the day.

3) When I am going to bed, my routine is not too extensive. I take a shower, eat before going to sleep because with a full stomach I sleep better and just go to sleep.
1. Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
Unfortunately not, i am trying to make it more regular but it is so hard for me. I am night owl and if i won't be out of energy at 10 PM then probably i will go to sleep at least at two AM or later. Obviously often i have to wake up early because i have a lot of things to do.

2. How long do you sleep usually?
As i said in previous answer, i don't sleep regularly so sometimes i sleep 5-6 hours, sometimes i don't go to sleep and after that i have to sleep something like 10 hours to get rest.

3. What is your sleeping routine?
I don't have sleeping routine. Some time ago i wanted to create one and i was interesting about this topic related with quality of sleep, how to prepare bedroom, which things we shouldn't do before sleep etc. Anyway more often at the end of the day i want do something else than go to sleep and it's not working at all in my life.
Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
I go sleep regularly but with a small exception. My exception is sleeping on the weekend. It's time when I don't have to wake up early for example for work. It's time for me when I can relax and forget about everything what can make me stressed. Between Monday and Friday I usually sleep at the same time because I need to be rested for long working day.

How long do you sleep usually?
Between Monday and Friday I usually sleep about 7 hours. Often on weekends my sleeps last over 8 hours, sometimes 9 hours. I think it's worth adding that there is such a thing as sleep phases. We should wake up in the light sleep phase to feel better and less sleepy. This means for me that I wake up better after 6 hours of sleep than 7 hours of sleep when I usually have deep phase of dream.

What is your sleeping routine?
My sleeping routine looks very much like it was depicted in the video. Before I go to sleep I always open the window to ventilate the room. We need fresh air more specifically oxygen to sleep and breathe freely. Also I like when around me dominates darkness without any flashing lights. Additionally silence is an important factor in a comfortable sleep, so we need to take care of it. Finally, I will mention a fairly obvious but very important thing. We have to sleep on a comfortable mattress! All this will make us sleep well.
Piotr Marchewka said…
Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?

The time I go to bed is definitely variable. In addition, it happens that I sleep during the day if I have, which in addition can disturb my sleep hours. Even so, my sleep hour is usually 1 am So I'm definitely a so-called owl ...

How long do you sleep usually?

It's hard for me to clearly answer the question of how long do I sleep, because as I mentioned, it often looks like I sometimes sleep during the day depending on my time and duties of course. In any case, I know that you should sleep about 7-8 hours, and I try to do it whenever possible. However, it is often difficult when I go to bed at 3 am and I have to get up to work at 8 ... :) Then I try to catch up during the day, although such catching up is not the same as sleeping for 7-8 hours continuously.

What is your sleeping routine?

I usually go to sleep when I feel just tired. As I do this, I try to keep the room as dark as possible so that I am not distracted. The curtains are very useful for me because I live in a place where street light lamps let into my room. I also try to have the right amount of oxygen in the room, so I open the windows.
As good sleep is absolutely vital for me, I try to go to sleep at the same hour every day.
Recently, this is not always the case, as often there are tasks that are keeping me in front of the computer for a longer period of time,
but I firmly believe that eventually I will again have time for a properly managed rest.

On a bright side, I seem to keep steady 8 hours long sleep.
Although I get up early, I am not overly productive until noon.
Maybe it has to do with my habit of taking morning walks and enjoying sunrise?

There are times, I am so tired, I do not excercise any sleeping routines.
This is when I fall asleep almost instantly.
Otherwise, I am doing night walks or general mind and body relaxation.
Angelika Dutt said…
I sleep quite regularly, on weekends I only go to sleep a bit later, but still get up at the same time. My problem is that I sleep too much. Usually I sleep almost 10 hours and I get used to it anyway, it is very hard for me to get up early. Unfortunately, this is because I don't have to get up early, get ready for work and drive to work like before covid-19. In addition, my boyfriend goes to work in the morning, so I lie down to sleep with him earlier. I try to change that and get up early, but even 10 alarms can't wake me up.
1. Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?

Not at all, I don't have any kind of normal day-night cycle I am switching it a few times a week. It really depends on how productive is my day

2. How long do you sleep usually?

5 hours is the standard but if I can afford that I could sleep for even 10 to 12 hours - but it is my guilty pleasure during any holiday time

3. What is your sleeping routine?

I don't have any sleeping routines becouse I can't get used to any regular sleep habit
Artur Król said…
Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
I'm trying all the time to sleep regulary but the deadlines sometimes are not letting me. Also sometimes it's just hard to fall asleep at these hours. Though I'm trying to overcome it.
How long do you sleep usually?
I think it's around 6-7 hours. I heaerd the minimum sleep and adult should have is 6 hours and 8 hours for children.
What is your sleeping routine?
I'm going to bed around 10pm and trying to fall asleep at 11pm. When it comes for getting up It's around 6 am
It was a really interesting short video. I didn't realize I was doing so many useful things to improve my sleep :D

1. Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?

I would love to go to sleep regularly, but I am a very irregular person. My best sleep hour is between 23:00 and 23:30. Unfortunately, when I go out with my friends or I have to do the things I left at the last minute, I am not able to sleep between these hours. The big advantage of my body is that I fall asleep in half a minute almost every day.

2. How long do you sleep usually?

From Monday to Friday I sleep for about 7 hours, but on weekends it is about 10 hours :D I am a big fan of sleeping, I remember my dreams and I often have control over them.

3. What is your sleeping routine?

I was not aware that these are activities that help sleep, but here is some sleeping routine that I do. I always open the window before sleeping. I drink hot tea or cacao. I don't drink any coffee during the day. I turn on the lamp and I try not to use my mobile phone and laptop an hour before sleeping - it is my reading time.
Karol Gałązka said…
1. Yes, I try to sleep regularly, and it usually is. But sometimes I have some activities to do and go to sleep much later. On weekends, I also go to sleep at other times. this is due to different activities during the week and other activities on the weekend.

2. I have a very nice application on my phone that shows me how long I sleep. I can see the statistics and know that I usually sleep 8 hours a day. The exceptions are weekends and holidays, then I sleep about 10 hours.

3. I go to sleep around 11 pm. Then I watch TV and browse my smartphone. When I feel sleepy, I turn down the volume of the TV and put the phone down. Mostly the room is quite warm. I sleep 8 hours and I am awakened by the sound of the alarm clock, which I set to nap. Then I get up. And I feel well rested. That's why the video surprised me, because I break most of the rules of a good night's sleep. Perhaps when I get old I will feel the effects of a bad sleep routine.
1Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
Unfortunately no, but I would love to sleep regularly. I have tried to do it for a while with some application in my mobile phone. The purpose of this app was to remind me to go to sleep, sleep at least for 8 hours and there was a clock which was set automatically.

2How long do you sleep usually?
Usually I sleep for 6 hours a day. Sometimes if I had a chance on holiday or weekend I sleep for about 10 hours, but it is not often. I have read that every human should sleep for 8 hours and it is great for our physical and mental health.

3What is your sleeping routine?
I go to my bedroom about 11 p.m.. I open my window for a while to have a clear air. Then I close it and just go straight to the bed. Later I took my phone and send last messages and just try to fall asleep as fast as possible. Often it is just moment, because I am going to bed really tired.
Kacper N said…
I try to, but of course going to sleep late happens to me sometimes. I manage to go to sleep in the same small time window everyday in orded to keep my sleeping routine stable.

Usually I sleep about 7 hours per day, any value of sleeping time greater or less than it generally makes me more tired when I wake up and it takes me much longer time to "recover" from the "sleepy" state.

3. In general I go to sleep about 11 PM and wake up about 6AM - I get used to sleep like that many years ago, and if I want to change this routinge it would be hard for me I'm sure.
Filip Bartuzi said…
1. Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?

Less often than I wish I had. I tend to stick with my schedule but one late night is enough to desynchronize my sleep for next week.

2. How long do you sleep usually?

Easiest sleep I get is a workday, when I'm so mentally and cognitive exhausted I just fall asleep like a baby and sleep for next 8 hours. Weekend are tougher, I usually deregulate myself and sleep like 4 hours on Friday, then 10 hours the next day. In the end I'm always ready for another 5 days of hustling

3. What is your sleeping routine?

I think I used had more of them in the past. Apart from obvious ones like walking out my dog, brushing my teeth I need to have something talking to me in the background. I usually stick with a podcast or a documentary. Something that keeps me focused enough to burn my last reserves of energy but not so fascinating to keep me awake for the rest of the night
Yennhi Do Duc said…
1. Unfortunately my sleeping pattern is not regular, consisting of 2h variations. I genuinely wish it could be more stable.

2. Most commonly I tend to sleep for 7-8h. However, during stressful period of times I have a very strange habit of waking up quite a bit.

3. I don't think I have any specific before falling asleep routine. I usually have my window opened before heading to bed and if I can't sleep easily, then I stretch a lot and try to focus on breathing. Drinking tea can help as well :)
My sleeping routine was a total mess because of covid pandemic. Few days ago I finally decided to change my routine, to sleep more regularly. I even downloaded a sleeping app that tracks my sleep, and can tell me when I was in deep sleep, or when I got disturbed during the night. It’s extremely helpful, because it also reminds me to go to sleep, and mute notifications on my phone, so I won’t get woken up by some unnecessary notifications.
I set in this app to sleep about 7 to 8 hours and I try to stick to it. Unfortunately I love sleep and during weekends, I cannot force myself to wake up after just 8 hours. Then I usually sleep about 10 hours during the night. I know that's disturbing my sleeping routine and I know I have to work it out.
During covid pandemic, as I’m working from home, I need to get up at 8:30am, so I always try to go to sleep before 1am. It’s a bit late, but I’m used to going to sleep late, as I prefer working at night. I thought about changing it, but it is a bit hard for me, because even after 10 hours of sleep, when I wake up at 7am, I can’t really focus on anything. It’s silly, because I feel a lot better, when I wake up at 10am after 7 hours of sleep.
Dariia Koreiko said…
Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
Unfortunately not, but I am trying to. During this quarantine the hours when I go to bed and wake up slightly moved, so I go to bed later and wake up also later. But after watching this video I will try to use those tips and maybe it will help me to normalize my sleep again.
How long do you sleep usually?
Usually it takes from 6 to 10 hours, depends on the day. For example, on weekends I can sleep longer.
What is your sleeping routine?
There is no specific one. But I once tried using a face mask for sleeping.
Jakub Parteka said…
Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?

I try to but it is a really hard task for me because I like to sleep a lot and be lazy on weekends. Unfortunately, my sleep schedule is really easy to disrupt, even one night of non-regularity can affect it.

How long do you sleep usually?

I usually sleep around 7-9 hours per day.

What is your sleeping routine?

Always before I go to sleep, I open my windows to cool bedroom and let some fresh air in. My sleeping routine also includes a dark room, comfy bed and pillows. Besides that I cannot sleep without a bottle of water next to me.
Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?

Almost every day I am trying to go to sleep at about 10 or 11 pm, but there are some exceptions. For example during the weekends when I am meeting with my friends it is almost impossible because our meetings are often ending late at night.

How long do you sleep usually?

About 8-9 hours. There are some days when I am sleeping more or less than this, but not often.

What is your sleeping routine?

I always ventilate my room and read books before going to sleep. A dark and quiet room also helps me.
Ania Rzeczyca said…
1. I don’t go to sleep regularly. Sometimes I go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 6am and go jogging/work-out before classes ( it is one of my productive morning) and sometimes I go to bed at 2am and wake up at 8:30 to turn on Microsoft Times to be present at the lecture (this is one of my lazy morning).
But I definitely prefer the first case. I am proud that it happens to me more often, but I guess it is because of Coronavirus-time. Recently I don’t meet my friends at night and I don’t party so I go to bed earlier. Before I had more bad sleep routine, especially while vacations.

2. From 6 to 8 hours of sleep are perfect for me after long and hardworking day. It is enough for me to feel rested and ready to another busy day. Also I prefer to wake up early and feel productive at the beginning, because it motivates me during all day.
I also can’t sleep more than 8 hours because then I feel still half asleep. So I suppose I am not sleepyhead.

3. My sleep routine is: to take a shower, wash my face, use moisturizing face cream, brush my teeth, pee (to not wake up during sleep), take off my lenses, use eye drops and go to bed.
I often read a book before sleep because it is great to relax and forget about everyday duties. Sometimes I have sleep problems because I think too much about the next day activities, so books nicely takes my far away from those thoughts. I may call it my sleep medication. Also thank to this routine I read every day, even if I have very busy day.
I also love to sleep with open window. I love to feel a little cold fresh air and in my room (but not too much cold of course ). My mom taught me that, saying: our body and brain need fresh air to rest and regenerate. And I agree in 100%. It improves my sleep so much.
I also like to sleep with lights off, but I live in city since I was born, so completely darkness while nights out of city terrifies me.
Jakub Łukowski said…
1. My sleep used to be very irregular and I had problems with falling asleep, but since couple of months ago I tend to go to sleep at the same time every day.

2. I usually go to sleep around 3am wake up at 10-11am. On average I get 7.5 hours of sleep, which is not enough. I used to have a nap around 5pm but I stopped due to lack of time.

3. I usually read books before sleeping. This makes me more tired and gives some interesting ideas to think about before falling asleep.
Leya Chechyk said…
I tend to go to sleep regularly, but it’s always depends on my mood, my workflow, the day of the week. Honestly, I don’t see a reason for me to have a stable sleep-schedule because my life is too chaotic. Trying to arrange something like this will only frustrate me. I have accepted my style of living.

8-10 hours. Yes, that’s quite long, but it’s my body. I truly need so much time to recover from the day. The reason for that is probably my nervous system, psyche.
What is your sleeping routine?

I enjoy checking sales on Zalando and adding new items to my wishlist before I fall asleep
Viktor Ryś said…
I try to go to bed always before midnight. I feel that if I bend this rule no matter the quality of my sleep I am not that well rested. Regarding a particular time, I think I'm going to sleep between 22:30 and 23:30.

It depends, but it ranges between 8 and 9 hours. I like my sleep, and have difficult functioning properly or doing complex tasks if I don't get it.

I don't, but recently there was an update in iOS that encouraged creating a sleep routine. Telling me to go prepare to bed/got to bed and wake up at the same time and I think it helps me a bit.
Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
Unfortunately, I don't. I've tried to do it more than once but I always face reasons not to sleep regularly at the same time.

How long do you sleep usually?
I usually sleep between 6 and 8 hours depending on what I have to do the next day.

What is your sleeping routine?
I usually watch a movie or a documentary before sleeping.
Maciej Karnicki said…
1. Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
Definitely not, it varies all the time. I would stay up late if I have a day off and try to go to bed early if I have to wake up the next day.

2. How long do you sleep usually?
I love to sleep and I'm always hungry for it so I sleep a lot. Usually I try to get from 8 to 10 hours of sleep.

3. What is your sleeping routine?
Take a shower and hop into the bed, watch some movie and fall asleep after that.
Tkach Dmytro said…
Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
Lately I do, but I can’t say it’s a heath choice since I go to bed around one or two am and can hardly get up by 9 am, and feel okay by 11 am at least. My gym helps me to balance this time and to go to bed earlier because I am tired.
How long do you sleep usually?
In average it is enough for me to have around 7 hours of sleep but only if I go to bed before 12 am. If I go to bed after midnight, even 8 or 9 hours won’t be enough, so I guess I am not a “night owl”.
What is your sleeping routine?
I will sleep tight if I read or meditate before I go to sleep or do any kind of activity which does not involve computerized or tv. Honestly it happens tersely because I have some kind of tradition to play computer games before going to bed. I also feel better if I don’t eat any fast food late at night or if I don’t drink much.
Marcin Sekrecki said…
1. Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
I don't really fall asleep at the same time every day. It's in general about 11:30pm but sometimes when I am very tired i can go to sleep around 7-8pm.

2. How long do you sleep usually?
I usually sleep around 5-6h because I love waking up at 5am and having more time in the morning for anything I need or want to do.

3. What is your sleeping routine?
I don't have any special sleeping routine. All I do is go to bed and I fall asleep almost immediately.
Maciej Antonik, I can totally understand you! I’ve also had a little experience with insomnia and it was the worse! What did you do that helped you out? For me it was long and hard fight, I had to be on medication to finally handle the problem. Even now I can’t manage my sleeping time and if I can sleep for 5/6 hours I am very happy! The hardest for me are working days, even though I am very tired I can’t fall asleep. Sometimes I can sleep the whole weekend after those few hard days.
Bartosz Gołda said…
I am doing my best to go to sleep regularly. I really want to fall asleep about 11pm but every time I attend my little „challenge” it finishes with laying in bed for few hours and reading various articles or just watching something on YouTube or Netflix. I know that these things distract my brain and make it impossible to quick fall asleep, but even though I am just laying down doing nothing, I am not able to sleep unless, usually, 1-2am.
On days that I don’t have to wake up early I usually sleep about 8 hours. When im sleeping longer than that I feel more exhausted than waking up after 4 - 5 hours. During pandemic length of my sleep has lenghtened, because things I used to do outside of my house now I do online. I also don’t take any naps during day, because after these I am less productive.
After taking a shower I really like to brew some herbs and right before going to bed drink them and read some news in the Internet or newspaper. Before I fall asleep I’m watching tv-series on Netflix or my favorite youtube creators. I am a heavy sleeper so I don’t wake up during night. I have always 2 alarms: first one to wake me up, so I can lay in bed 20 minutes longer, and second one that informs me that I have no choice and I have to get up.
Justyna Woźniak, how did you feel after sleeping for almost 24hours? Were you tired or rested? My longest sleep ever lasted 18 hours and honestly I was feeling terrible! I’ve had a headache, my eyes were swollen and I just couldn’t focus on anything. I think the situation took place right after I came back from my first Woodstock festival. I was 15 or 16 years old and this was totally new experience for me! Now I am maybe older and boring, but I am not interested in such festivals anymore. I do like Opener fest, but I am not staying on the camp side, I do prefer some private flats or hotel rooms, so I can rest a little, refresh and go to the festival enjoying it, feeling good and comfortable!
Yes I sleep regularly, in every day I'm going sleep around 12 am and in work days I wake up at 7 am and in the weekend at 10 am. But even if I sleep always the same time I always feels sleepy for 2-3 hours after I wake up.
Usually I sleep about 7 to 9 hours demands that it is free day or work day. It is not matter how long I sleep - I always feels sleepy after wake up. I'm more productive in afternoon/evening hours.
I have routine and my organizm always around 12am feel sleepy so I go to bed or if I have more busy day I go to sleep when I started to sleep when I sitting down. That is sign for me that is time to go to bed.
Marcin Weglowski, even though I posted those tips, i am just like you! During the working days I can’t control the time passing by. Sometimes I go to sleep when I see that the sun has risen. I know that it’s really bad and now I’m working on it a little. For example I don’t use my laptop in the night, and maybe it’s just a placebo, but it is so much easier to fall asleep. Actually when I’m visiting my hometown, all of my problems with sleeping are fading away. I don’t have tv in my room there and I’m not taking my laptop with me. After sleeping the right amount of time, and coming to bed in the evening, I feel rested and relaxed the next day! I can do more, I can do things much quicker than usually and I’m in the great mood. :)
It might be weird, but I do almost everything wrong as said in the video and yet, I have no problems with getting to sleep at all. I go to bed usually at 2 AM, because I am more productive in the evening and I try to use that time well.

I usually sleep around 6 hours from Monday to Friday and 8-9 hours during the Weekend.

If going to bed at 2 AM is considered a sleeping routine, then yes, I have one. Maybe I'll try to improve myself in the future and try things stated in the video. I wonder if it'll make any difference at all.
Olga Jaron, forcing yourself to sleep is pointless in my opinion. I mean, maybe sometimes u get lucky and fall asleep easily, but I believe that as you said - most of the time you are tossing around on your bed for another few hours. When you can’t fall asleep for a long time, you should actually wake up and do something :D i mnie brat when you’re tired you probably don’t want to even move yourself, but taking some positive actions might help! If you don’t want to get productive late in the night, the best solution may be doing some light excersises.
Jedrzej Kowalczyk, I am happy for you! You know, it’s not like the video is the ultimate guidance on “how to sleep” :D I find it helpful for those, who can’t sleep “normally” and doesn’t know where the problem is. I am hardly encouraging you to try some tips mentioned in the video, even though you don’t have a problem with sleeping. Maybe you would be more relaxed, or simply more positive. I found out that when I’m trying to “sleep well”, just by following some rules like keeping the window open for night, or trying not to use laptop before I fall asleep, I am getting up much more positive! I am rested, I am more creative. Also in my case, getting up really late, like 2 pm or even later, usually ends up with me having a bad remorse.

1.Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?

I used to sleep regularly but it changed when I started studying at University. I have a lot of projects to do and sometimes I don’t have enough time during the day so then I have to study at night. I’ve noticed that seven hours of sleep is best for me but what is interesting is the fact that I can’t sleep more than those seven hours because the next day I am more sleepy.

2.How long do you sleep usually?

I usually try to sleep seven hours but of course there are a lot of situations when I have to sleep less. Rarely do I have a possibility to sleep more. Even at the weekend I prefer to wake up earlier because I don’t like to waste my free time sleeping.

3.What is your sleeping routine? 

Unfortunately I don’t have any sleeping routine but I would like to have one. There are some applications which help you to organise your sleeping routine and I’m considering downloading one of them to sleep better.
Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
Unfortunately no. I would like to but lately it differs quite a lot. Aspecially during weekends. At friday i may even go to sleep 3 hours later thatn at weekdays. Woking up is also changed a lot especially during weekends. Waking up before 10 AM is nearly a sin to me.

How long do you sleep usually?
I usually sleep from 6-8 hours. Hardly ever less, sometimes more. Especially during weekends.

What is your sleeping routine?
I dont really have one. Im usually go to slep between 00:30 - 2 AM and wake up at about 8-9 AM.
1. Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?

No, I don’t and I’m aware that is a problem. I have to working overtime very often in last month and also I have to make projects and pass test from study – it's almost impossible to sleep well with lifestyle like that. As I said before I know that is the problem and I’m trying to change my behaviors but trust me, it’s really hard and require lots of persistence.

2.How long do you sleep usually?

I usually don’t sleep the same amount of time. In a week it can be something between 3 to 6 hours per day, in a weekend it is completely opposite and I’m able to sleep more than 10 hours easily – and it's not because of the hangover. The worst situation is in the night precede some stressful situation like presentation for client or very important exam, and there shouldn't be surprise for anyone – I'm not sleeping at all. My brain is stuck in some infinite loop of bad thought.

3.What is your sleeping routine?

Firstly, I need to figure out how to make that sleeping routine. If I need to be honest my sleeping routine looks like that: I’m trying to survive to the end of the week sleeping very bad (or not at all) and in the weekend I’m sleeping as much as I can.
I try to fall asleep regularly during the week, but it doesn't always get me down. I leave many of the duties related to my studies at the end and sometimes I finish even at 1 am. Horrible. I can say that I take out a sleep loan during the week and pay it back at the weekend.
After 7 hours of sleep, I feel most rested. At the weekend, I can sleep even at 10h but then I feel tired for the rest of the day. If I sleep less than 5 hours, the first 3 hours when I get up I feel great, but then it gets worse and worse.
Before going to bed, I open the windows to ventilate the room. I also turn on the air humidifier because the air in my apartment is terrible. Airing the room helps to fall asleep an air humidifier improves sleeping comfort.
Michal Kotlicki, 8 hours sleep per night is most common sleeeping length. It’s good that you are practicing this, actually there is no rule on how long should you sleep, it depends on person. :) I am always texting before falling asleep so I do understand how hard it is to lose some bad habits. But chess? I’ve never heard about somebody playing chess before bed. It’s really cool! Are you taking your chess play seriously? I can recommend you new, limited Netflix series “Queen’s gambit”. It’s about the best chess player in the world, action takes place in the late 60s, and even though I was always bad chess player, now I’m practicing again with much better results!
Anna Zak, don’t you worry! Those 8 hours of sleeping aren’t accurate for everyone! It really depends on a person, so if 6/7 hours works best for you, why change it? Our sleeping routine is changing through lifetime, for example teenagers needs a lot more sleep than adults. Seniors most often are waking up very early, but it doesn’t mean that they are going to bed earlier than regular people. You shouldn’t be worried about your sleeping routine. Actually you should be very proud of yourself, because as I’m reading you comment it sounds like you might have the one of the best solutions for a great sleep. :)
Mateusz Szych said…
1. No, I do not. I go to bed quite late. At night I am more active and I feel better.
2. I feel best after 10 hours of sleep, but often it is impossible and I sleep for about 6 hours.
3. I don't do anything specific before going to bed, I just watch TV.
1. More or less. Unfortunately, I have troubles sleeping at night, that's why I sometimes sleep during the day to make up for the lost sleep.

2. I usually sleep about 5h a night. It's not much. As I mentioned before, when I have time, I sleep during the day, usually after classes, so I can be well-rested. In total, I am probably reaching the recommended 8h.

3. I go to sleep around midnight or 1 a.m. but it takes me almost an hour to fall asleep. I tried to go to bad earlier but it just prolongs the time I just lie there. Then I sleep till around 3 and wake up for no reason, sometimes I'm able to fall asleep again, but usually, I can't so I get up and do something tiring, like unpack the dishwasher or just clean up. When I'm done I go back to bed and wake up around the sunrise so in summer it's around 5 a.m. but in winter I wake up at 7 or even 8. There are nights when I'm sleeping through all of it, usually after a hard day or after a party, but otherwise, I sleep only a few hours. I tried everything, working out, screen, no screen, herbal tea and so on, nothing seems to work. My body just doesn't rest for so long at once. I accepted it, even though I am not well-rested, I don't have a will to fight it anymore.
FilipJatelnicki said…
Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
Everyday struggle. Mostly successfully.
How long do you sleep usually?
I try to sleep 7,5 h. I go to sleep at 11 pm and try to wake up between 5:30 - 6 in the morning.
What is your sleeping routine?
I take a hot shower, having a call with my girlfriend, read in bed.
Something that improved my sleep quality was playing background rain sounds in my room. Highly recommendable!
Yenhi do Duc, I do love a good tea before bed! Sadly, that’s not the best idea, because tea can wake us up just like coffee. Tea contains theine, which is equivalent to caffeine. Although it’s effects are less strong than these from caffeine, tea is still one way to wake u up. :) I found out that drinking Melissa regularly helped me a lot handling my sleep. I was waking up in the middle of the night for no reason and it was nearly impossible to fall asleep again. Melissa helped me feel more relaxed and a lot calmer. After drinking it regularly for about a month I stopped waking up in the nights, and also I could fall asleep way easier than before.
Jan Bryński said…

I do sleep regulary and I always keep my healthy routine when it comes to sleep.
I am used to sleeping 8h per day and I feel the most energetic when I am able to sleep that long. It is quite uncommon for me to sleep for 7h or less. Me sleeping routine relies in regularity and sticking to the 8 hour sleeping mode. When I forget about that I'm unproductive and I feel tired during daytime.
Great video! A lot of usefull tips, I'll try to aply them.
Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
Well, I really don't go to sleep at the same time every day, but I try to lay down in bed before 3 AM and I'm usually succesfull at that
How long do you sleep usually?
It depends really. It's always between 6-10 hours.
What is your sleeping routine?
My routine is watching my favourite shows or movies before sleep, I also sometimes watch YouTube untill I'm sleepy.
Grzegorz Rostek said…
Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
Unfortunately, no. My sleeping routine is a mess, I often stay up for longer than i should.

How long do you sleep usually?
I try to get 7-8 hours of sleep everyday, but it's not always possible. In extreme cases, I've gone through the day having slept for 3 hours, tops.

What is your sleeping routine?
As i mentioned earlier, my sleeping routine is a mess. I usually try to go to sleep at around 11 p.m., but very often i find myself doing something before going to bed, and I'm so invested in that thing, that I just can't go to bed without finishing it.
Filip Sleszynski,
I can’t woke up before 10am as well! I had a time when if I had a scheduled work for morning I wouldn’t go to bed at all. For example if my classes started at 8am I would simply skip slipping because I knew that I wouldn’t be able to wake up at time. Weekends are like a whole new eternity for me. None rules are included, even if it comes to sleeping or eating routine! Have you ever tried to regulate your sleeping routine?
This comment has been removed by the author.
1. In the long run, it interferes with social life, work, sleep is disturbed, it began to strain to quit your business and go to work. In general, it works as a remedy for a month.
2. For some reason I have a stable waking up at 4 am. And it is still 2 hours before the standard rise and before the coveted 5 it is still early - you need to sleep ... It's just a pity that because of the university the maximum I can get is 5-6: 30. In principle, the same is not bad, I tried it several times, it really works. The main thing is to go to bed at 9-9: 30, by this time.
3. I came home and went to bed. In the morning I was cheerful and worked on my projects, went to work and by the end of the day was in a state close to a brake. But I was glad that work does not steal my energy.
Oskar Kacprzak said…
1. I try to sleep regularly but it's so difficult for me. I've problems with sleeping and I'm night owl.

2. I try to sleep max 8 hours per day, but I preffer sleeping 6 hours, because if I sleep longer, I can't focus on my tasks.

3. I don't have my sleeping routine. I always do different things at the evening.
1. Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?

Unfortunately no. I usually stay late which is not very good. On the other hand I try to wake up early regularly around 8 oclock and sleep 7 hours per day. Sometimes I go to sleep at 10 P.M. sometimes 2 A.M. I know it is not perfect but my organism is propably used to it.

2. How long do you usually sleep?

As I said in first answer I usally sleep around 7 hours. Sometimes less sometimes more, depends on a day and how many things I have to do next day.

3. What is your sleeping routine?

I think I also answered this question above.
Rafał Halama said…
1.Do you go to sleep regularly (at the same time every day)?
When I was working and going to college, I was going to sleep regularly every day. Now, because of quarantine I just go to sleep whenever I'm tired. I also have no classes in the morning, so I don't have to go to sleep that early.

2.How long do you sleep usually?
Usually its around 8 hours, so I think it's perfectly normal amount. Whenever I'm working out my sleeping time extends to more than 10 hours, my body needs a lot of time to restore apparently.

3.What is your sleeping routine?
I have no sleeping routine at the moment, but I have one in mind. Taking shower, brushing teeth, stretching for few minutes and then going to bed.

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