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Week 3 [09-15.11.20] Love for chocolate.


    What is love? Love can be described as a feeling of adoration, affection, euphoria, butterflies in the stomach. Usually, love is directed towards another human being. But is it possible to trigger the most unexplained, desired and poetic feeling in the world with globally accessible, legal substance?

Theobrama coca, also called “food of the gods” is dark chocolate, most common sweet among kids and adults. According to recent discoveries and studies, this delicious treat has plenty of benefits for mental health. Science Focus says that dark chocolate contains many chemical substances, which can create the same effect of euphoria as the feeling of love! 

  • Phenylethylalanine, an anti-depressant, which can additionally boost the feelings of attraction and excitement, resulting in big increase of our self-esteem 

  • Theobromine, a stimulant which can cause the effect of being high, comparable to some well-known drugs, such as marijuana leaves

  • Antioxidants commonly known as flavonoids, which in theory can prevent cancer cells from spreading out, and has beneficial effect on people suffering from high blood pressure diseases

    The endorphins which are released into the human brain eating chocolate can ease off the cramp pain. And at this point I would like to spread a word of advice. Dear ladies and gentlemen! Please remember to make sure that your partner has a bar of chocolate when “that day” comes! :) Also, Magnetic Resonance tests prove that after eating sufficient amount of dark chocolate, the feeling of hunger is weaker. 

    Moreover, eating chocolate can cause rise of the level of serotonin – the hormone responsible for stimulating and boosting the sexual sensations and experiences. 
Of course, becoming a chocolate addict is not good for our health and could cause several health issues like obesity or diabetes. For all the positive impact we should thank dark, natural chocolate, consumed in reasonable amounts, not its much sweeter and more popular sisters – white or milky. 


1. Are you a chocolate lover? 

2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)

3. What is your favourite chocolate food?


Maciej Antonik said…
1. I'm definitely a big fan of chocolate. I am currently on a health diet and cannot enjoy it. But when I can eat chocolate again I will definitely buy one. Even plain chocolate can evoke a good mood, so I'm curious how great you can feel after eating Theobram coca.

2. As long as you don't eat too much chocolate, chocolate always cheers you up a little. Unfortunately, this feeling is not long-lasting, which is a pity. Eating chocolate in large amounts can have a bad effect on our body, and our body is closely related to our mind, so in the long run, chocolate as an anti-depressant could do more harm than good.

3. I think ordinary milk chocolate is my favorite. I am a simple man. However, I am aware that there are many different types of chocolate in the world. Maybe one day I will have the opportunity to try the best chocolate.
Anastasiia Bida said…
1. Are you a chocolate lover?
Of course, I like chocolate very much. I actually have a sweet tooth and can`t live without some candies and desserts at all. My favourite type of chocolate is dark, but I also eat milk bars with different toppings. I like the strong and bitter cocoa taste. Maybe that is why I don`t like white chocolate at all. I also have tasted dark chocolate with mint, and dark chocolate with sea salt (it has a very strange taste, I will not try it once more).

2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)
If to talk about mood, so yes. After eating some chocolate, I start to feel a little bit happier, and that`s all. I don`t know if it is an effect of the chemical substances that you have mentioned, or it is just because I adore the taste of the chocolate. But the main problem with chocolate for me is that I am not able to control myself while eating. I can`t stop after a few pieces and need to eat a whole chocolate bar in one day. :)
To avoid this I try to bye small bars or share chocolate with someone.

3. What is your favourite chocolate food?
My favourite type of chocolate is dark with orange pieces. Also, I like chocolate fondue and brownie, which I tried to cook one day. But in spite of my love of chocolate, I don`t like chocolate ice creams and milkshakes.
1. Are you a chocolate lover?

Yes! It's actually difficult for me to imagine someone who wouldn't like chocolate. There are so many kinds and flavors, that I'm sure it's enough for everyone to find something they like. In my case, my favorite one is milk chocolate. Dark one is too bitter for me, and white one feels weird and somehow fake, like not a proper chocolate. I also love carmel chocolate, but it's really sweet, so I try to avoid eating large amounts of it.

2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)

I'm always really surprised when I hear so many positive things about chocolate, because I didn't notice anything like this in my life. I mean, for sure it can bright someone's mood, but it's the same for every good food. You can also stop being hungry after a proper amout of eating anything, even one bite of a sandwitch can help, so I don't think that it's something special.

3. What is your favourite chocolate food?

It changes a lot, so it's difficult to tell. Now I'm really into eating chocolate waffles and cookies. I also love donuts and muffins filled with chocolate!
1. Calling me chocolate lover is not enough. I am an absolute chocoholic.

2. I notice a positive impact on myself whenever I eat chocolate. I just feel like I am in heaven. I do not notice it when I weigh myself but it is my scales fault, not chocolate’s. Chocolate is a solution to all the problems.

3. Asking me about my favorite chocolate food is like asking a mother about her favorite child. There is no answer. If something consists of chocolate it is already my favorite.
Very interesting presentation. Answering your questions:

1. I like chocolate very much! My favorite is milk chocolate, with no additives. May be with the addition of Oreo. I also like white chocolate - sometimes, because it is very very sweet. However, I do not like dark chocolate very much.

2. Honestly, I don't see any positive effect of chocolate on my well-being. Nothing has changed. I don't eat too much or too little chocolate, so I think it's okay.

3. Speaking of cakes and desserts, I think I like everything that has chocolate and sour additives in it. I don't have a favorite dessert.
1.I like a chocolate but I wouldn't call myself a passionate. It's nice to eat some piece of sth sweet but I'm not addicted and it's nice to appreciate the rest of the sweets ;)

2.To be honest, I've never pay attention to this subject. I like to eat sth sweet after dinner's time and I admit it's usually the chocolate but I've never noticed any special effects.

3.It's just the chocolate ;) Nowadays, there are several types of chocolates, for example traditional with nuts, milk, dark or with strawberries but there are some news like brownie. These broad range fulfills all of my fantasy.
Maciej Antonik are you sure that you need to totally reject chocolate? I'm not a doctor of any kind, but as far as I know most of health diets rejects sugar, not the cocoa. :D Maybe you could enjoy a bite of dark, high percentage chocolate (and by that I don't mean alcohol, what I have on my mind is a percentage of cocoa contained in a chocolate bar ;) ).
Of course calling chocolate a anti - depressant is not the best idea in terms of health. I don't believe that you can cure depression with a chocolate, but when you are feeling a little sad or anxious it can make you a little better, just like you said.
Don't you find any chocolate flavoured dessert best? I mean, I do understand simplicity, but maan... Let's talk about brownie. Simply? Oh yes! Great? Definitely. Heaven? I couldn't argue about that!
Anastasiia Bida, I feel you girl! I can't resist chocolate. Like it's taking control of me and force me to eat the whole bar instead of just a few pieces. Actually my favourite one is white, and I am aware that is more of a "chocolaty thing", rather than chocolate itself. So I can just assume, that you must really love cocoa If you don't admire this one. :)
If you want to try some new chocolate flavours, I can recommend to you a place in the Mokotów shopping centre. Is on the ground floor, near Carrefour. They make custom chocolate bars each day and they are delicious! The problem is that they are closed during pandemic, but you should definitely try it, when it would be possible. :)
Magdalena Pierzchała, I feel like reading myself. You are 100% right, chocolate is good in every little piece of it. I just couldn't agree more. Also I do understand the weight scale problem, they break down so incredibly often... But you shouldn't change yours, I'm sure that it would work properly soon, it's just a temporary defect. ;)
Kinga Kwiatkowska, I totally agree! Actually I know one person, who doesn't appreciate chocolate... My fiancee. I don't know how to fix that, it may be some defect he was born with, but I wish with all my heart that soon I would be able to fix him. ;)
My favourite chocolate kind is white, maybe you were eating "cheap" one so it may feel a little weird or fake. Like those chocolate Santas or easter bunnies, they're the worse!
Unfortunately, good impact on our well being has only dark, natural chocolate, so maybe that's the answer why you didn't noticed any of that. Personally, I do believe that any kind of chocolate has a great impact on us. How can you be sad, when there is a chocolate bar waiting for you? ;)

Igor Goryszewski, thanks a lot! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)
As I am reading the comments of this post, I realised that most of people prefers milky over the black chocolate. It's probably because is more bitter, than sweet, but I understand you. I also prefer the sweeter ones, especially white!
I'm 100% sure, that you may have felt a little happiness flowing in your body while eating the chocolate. And that is what I'm talking about! ;)
Viktor Ryś said…
Yes, I cannot go without a good chocolate. I do especially like the dark kind.

I think that most sugary foods have a positive impact on my mood. Dark chocolate however in my opinion is the healthiest of them.

I'll choose something local, so the original Ptasie Mleczko.
1. Are you a chocolate lover?

Frankly, I am. I have a sweet spot when it comes to chocolate and the problem is that when I start eating it is hard for me to stop. Chocolate might be responsible for a lot of my weight but I guess that I don't regret a think. Chocolate might be my drug of choice.

2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)

Not really. I like it and it brings me a little bit of joy when I, for example, eat a chocolate while drinking coffee. Unfortunately that might be it. I am aware of all of those great benefits of a dark chocolate when it comes to learning etc. but I haven't really experienced those.

3. What is your favourite chocolate food?

Brownie defiantely is my favourite cake/candy/etc. There is a small bakery next to my family's house and I still haven't found a place which would sell better cake than their brownie. It is just perfect. Chocolate fudge with caramel on top of if, salty peanuts and another level of fudge. I adore it.
1. Are you a chocolate lover?

I like chocolate so much. Of all the sweets, chocolate is my favorite. My favorite kind of chocolate is milky.

2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)

Yes, very often when I have a worse day I eat a piece of chocolate and my mood improves a little. So I think that chocolate has a positive effect on my mood.

3. What is your favourite chocolate food?

My favorite kind of chocolate is milky, but i like bitter chocolate too.
Palina H said…
1. Would say I'm a chocoholic, not just a lover😅

2. I notice that it can impact my mood. Sometimes when I'm stressed or tired eating a piece of chocolate might make me feel better. I tend to go for dark chocolate in those situations and not milk as dark has less sugar. But it's important not to overeat it or otherwise, I will feel worse than before. Got to find that golden middle part.

3. Oh, that's a hard one. Probably anything with deep, rich chocolaty flavor. Like chocolate fondants or brownies. But I'm not fond of chocolate ice cream(idk it tastes "watery" for me). Also for me, chocolate and coffee or chocolate and oranges are the best combos.
Well, well… we have another chocolate post and I love it! Magda, we need to come up with a name for our chocolate club ASAP!

1.Are you a chocolate lover?
That’s a stupid question :) Of course, I am.

2. Have you ever noticed the positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it).
I always feel better after chocolate. But I see better results after eating cacao beans. My favorite beverage is coffee mixed with cacao nibs. It contains lots of caffeine and theobromine (double source of energy).

3. What is your favorite chocolate food?
I’m a big fan of everything connected with chocolate. I love Saher cake, dark chocolate ice cream, brownie, and drinking chocolate with marshmallows <3.
1. Are you a chocolate lover?
Honestly, I like chocolate, but it's not something I need to live. Now I changed my diet a bit, looking at the chocolate I can see pure sugar. Yes, that's weird. I prefer cakes when it comes to sweets, maybe it will change again someday.

2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)
Once, when I was still eating more chocolate, I felt that one cube could make me feel happy. A friend told me about this phenomenon. She was habitually eating chocolate because she wanted to be happy all the time. I never realized that the effect of eating chocolate could have such effects. Currently, I feel a similar feeling when I finish a hard workout in the gym 😊

3. What is your favourite chocolate food?
When it comes to chocolate, I love pralines. However, now I try to limit my chocolate consumption, I try to reduce my weight a bit, so I prefer fit dough. I love the carrot cake with chocolate glaze.
Piotr Góralski said…
1. I really like to eat chocolate once a month with my girlfriend. I eat chocolate so rarely that I don't know if it qualifies as a love of chocolate, but I certainly enjoy it. I think that instead of love I like chocolate more, remembering about its negative effects.
2. I am usually a positive person, but indeed after eating chocolate I don't know if my mood has ever getting worse. After eating chocolate, I am also usually less hungry, but I don't know if it's just because chocolate has many nutritional values.
3. I like white chocolate the most, although I mostly eat chocolate with whole nuts or pieces of dried fruit. I don't eat white chocolate very often because my girlfriend doesn't like white chocolate: (Although I have to admit that chocolate with nuts or pieces of dried fruit is also delicious.
olga jaroń said…
I definitely would call myself a chocolate lover. I eat it almost everyday (in small doses). I love regular chocolate and chocolate desserts, there is only one type of chocolate I can't stand- chocolate with filling. In my opinion, it is too sweet and ruins the taste of the chocolate.

I do feel better after eating chocolate. It not only improves my mood, but also makes me more energized. I don't drink coffee, so having a square of chocolate every morning wakes me up.

It's hard to choose just one, but if I had toIi would choose chocolate ice cream. Ice cream provides refreshment, and combined with chocolate creates ultimate dessert.
Agnieszka Duda said…
1) Are you a chocolate lover?
I like chocolate but in small amounts. I usually get a sweet tooth after lunch so I always accompany my afternoon coffee with a chocolate square. However, I’m not the kind of person to eat a whole chocolate bar in one sitting. You can say that my love for chocolate is a bit cold.

2) Have you ever noticed the positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)
Besides mood enhancement and my blood sugar leveling up (which well, is not always the desired effect(, I haven’t noticed any other benefits of eating chocolate. Dark chocolate is said to rejuvenate your memory and reduce stress level, which is why it's often recommended to eat while e.g. studying, but tp be honest, I've never noticed any difference.

3) What is your favourite chocolate food?
I like all forms of serving cocoa, but in small amounts. For some reason I think that bananas and chocolate go quite well together. I also really enjoy chocolate additions to some other desserts, like glaze on cake or pieces of chocolate in ice cream.
Anna Żak said…
I think I can define myself as a chocolate lover but not as someone addicted to it. I appreciate its taste, but I prefer to eat the chocolate in small portions than the whole bar at once. In my kitchen cupboards I always have a few: dark, milk, sometimes with additives. I usually use them for baking, but when I'm tired or sad, I like to take a piece.

Of course, chocolate has a positive effect on mine well-being as described in the article. However, everything with common sense. Chocolate gives me energy, I enjoy its sweet taste. After a while the chemical components reach the brain and do their job.

The answer to the last question is simple - it's a chocolate brownie! Crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. Preferably still warm, recently taken out of the home oven. The chocolate fragrance filling the whole apartment is an awesome bonus.
Michał Gawron said…
1. I like chocolate very much, but I would rather not call it a lover. I like to eat it once in a while, but due to my metabolism, I try to limit such sweets. I prefer salty snacks to sweet ones.

2. Every time he donates blood, he gets a box of chocolates. If our blood is shed, our mood automatically becomes worse. Eating a bar of chocolate or two immediately increased my dopamine levels. This is a short-term effect, but it makes you feel better. Chocolate can sweeten life.

3.My favorite chocolate food is kinder surprise chocolate. There is no other milk chocolate like there. I'm too old to buy a kinder surprise, but when I buy my brother's children, I always steal a piece of this delicious egg from them.
Mateusz Wietrak said…
1.Of course I'm a huge chocolate lover. I can say that I am even a lover of everything sweet. I could eat sweets endlessly, but I try not to overdo it and control it.
2.As for the positive physical impact on my body, I have never noticed anything like this. Only pure mental enjoyment of eating chocolate.
3.I don't think I have a specific chocolate food that I like best. For me, it's just chocolate. Preferably milky or bitter.
1. Are you a chocolate lover?

I love chocolate and I devour it literally by kilos. You could say I'm addicted and chocolate is a kind of drug for me. I can't imagine a day without eating at least one square of chocolate bar.

2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)

Of course! Endorphins are released in my body, I become a happier and nicer person. The influence of carbohydrates on the human body and their importance for energy for the body should also be mentioned.

3. What is your favourite chocolate food?

My favorite type of chocolate is plain, dark, black chocolate with a cocoa content of over 70%.
I wouldn't necessarily call myself a chocolate lover as I like some specific types only and I don't buy chocolate myself, but when someone offers, I rarely say no. :D
Well, it's usually the smile that comes to my face after eating some. But after that, I mostly feel guilty about giving in to the temptation.
As for my favorite chocolate food, I'd say either Nutella or a plain bar of white, milk, or mixed chocolate.
Piotr Marchewka said…
1. Are you a chocolate lover?

I absolutely love chocolate. This is one of my favorite sweets. I try to limit chocolate but it is stronger than me ... The power of sweets and chocolate ... :)

2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)

I think here you don't even need to hear about the positive aspects of consuming chocolate. You can discover for yourself that chocolate has a positive effect on mood, because something that is pleasant releases dopamine in our brain and therefore we feel better.

3. What is your favorite chocolate food?

I usually eat chocolate in the form of a typical chocolate bar, for example Milka. But I also like poured chocolate which can be found at weddings or larger celebrations. It is very good and it also looks great as a decoration.

Angelika Dutt said…
I am not a big fan of chocolate, sometimes I will eat a chocolate cube while drinking coffee, but no more. I definitely prefer desserts without chocolate.

I have not observed any special effects of chocolate, only when I ate a lot more I felt a little bit like I was drunk, but it is rather the effect of sugar.
1. Are you a chocolate lover?

Of course I am a chocolate lover. I like it in every possible way - beggining with its pure form, through the melted one with fresh fruits, through cakes and finally to mixing its flavour with not obvious combination of foods

2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)

Well I only heard a lot of research about the positive impact of choclate (especially dark one) to many of our organs despite the hard facts it is always improves mood so overall is is universal proof of its positive impact to well-being

3. What is your favourite chocolate food?

I don't have my favourite type. I like every form of choclate
Artur Król said…
1. Are you a chocolate lover?
I'm not a lover but i do like chocolate. I think like everyone else. Yet i don't eat a lot of it.
2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)
No. I only felt more energy because of rising sugar level. I think i can count it as an impact of well-being - positive one of course
3. What is your favorite chocolate food?
I think dark chocolate with the highest cocoa percentage avaible. It may not taste as sweet as the milk chocolate but in my opinion that is even better.
Dariia Koreiko said…
1. Are you a chocolate lover?
Absolutely. I like all kind of chocolate.
2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)
I just feel little bit better after eating a chocolate. I never eat too much, cause I shouldn’t really eat any sweets due to some dietary restrictions. However, sometimes I do:)
3. What is your favourite chocolate food?
Hot chocolate, or dark chocolate witch tiramisu flavour.
1. Yes! That is actually the only sweet I love so much.

2. First positive impact is, of course, taste. When I eat it, I feel so good... a real remedy for happiness. Second thing is that it seems to improve concentration for me. Sadly I can't say it's only chocolate that makes me a happy person at all and I think it is better to state it like that. I don't want to become obese because of this "happiness".

3. It is a bit milky chocolate with some nuts. Another opt for me is chocolate ice creams. I like chocolate in any form, but still, my preferable ones are simply blocks of chocolate.
Kacper N said…

Yes, definitely. I like chocolate in almost every form served. Unfortunately I can't eat dark chocolate because it's not so good for my digestive system.

I think chocolate have positive affect on me, especially for example when I'm tired, it gives me energy, and makes me feel a lot better. I didn't know that it has so many positive effects, before reading your article. Unfortunately I eat mainly milk chocolate, which I believe is not as healthly as dark one.

It's really hard to pick one from all the delicous chocolate products but I really like hot chocolate especially in winter.
Filip Bartuzi said…
1. Are you a chocolate lover?

hah, there was exact same question asked in another post last week! I'll repeat my previous statement - I absolutely do. My favourite type is a hazelnuts chocolate

2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)

There is scientific proof that chocolate is a love substance. I actually substitute human relationships with chocolate, therefore you can accurately guess that I'm indeed a bit overweight. Was it worth it? I guess so. I'm fat but not lonely.

3. What is your favourite chocolate food?

Also, As I have stated in a last week post, my chocolate guilt of choice is schwarzwald cake. I rarely eat it, never have I prepared myself, but each and every year, I treat myself with a few pieces of it for my birthday. I love the sweet and sour connection of cherry and melted cocoa. Ugh, you made hungry.
1. Are you a chocolate lover?

I'm not a candy lover. But I like to eat chocolate with coffee sometimes. Of all the sweets, chocolate has something special about it. I think if I was in love with sweets she would be my love

2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)

I don't think it's chocolate. But I always get better when I eat something. I know people who, after eating chocolate, become docile bears.

3. What is your favourite chocolate food?

Just chocolate or Mocha Coffee. Really good coffee with chocolate
1. Are you a chocolate lover?
Definitely yes! I eat a lot of chocolate every week. I prefer dark chocolate more than sweet because I can just eat more of it. I predict that on average I eat 3 bars of chocolate per week.

2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)
I think I fell much better after eating chocolate bar. Yes, I don't eat pieces, but a whole bar of chocolate right away. Back to the question I feel greater peace of mind and something that resembles happiness after physical activity. Chocolate is definitely worth eating if it's made of good quality ingredients and our bar is without sugar.

3. What is your favourite chocolate food?
I prefer just bars of chocolate. Sometimes I eat homemade muffins with chocolate. Surprisingly I'm not a fan of liquid chocolate, I like to bite it.
1. Are you a chocolate lover?

Yes, I am, I love chocolate but I know that enough is enough. When I was younger, I used to eat too much chocolate, but these days I am trying to avoid eating sweets, so once or twice a month I eat a chocolate bar or some chocolate cake, but not more often.

2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)

Of course, after eating a bar I was relaxed and happy, so I think as the other sweets chocolate helps us to improve the mental condition.

3. What is your favourite chocolate food?

I think that I would make a choice between a regular chocolate bar or a cake named "Fryderyk" from the near bakery.
I'm not a huge fan, but yes, I like it. It doesn't matter if it's milk or dark - both are good. However, half of the bar is the maximum amount I can eat at one time.

I've noticed that I feel a little bit better when I eat/drink something that contains a lot of sugar. Doesn't matter if it's chocolate, Coke, or an energy drink. I also try to not exceed daily recommended sugar consumption but it's really easy to do so because a lot of other products contain it (fruits, yogurts, etc.).

I like Kinder/Ferrero products. Its chocolate is quite different from others. It's really sweet but it just melts in the mouth and has a super creamy consistency.
Tkach Dmytro said…
1. Are you a chocolate lover?
I would say I am, yes. I love having a dessert after each meal I have every day, chocolate is an easy sweet to get, so I consume it regularly. I also prefer chocolate rather than hard candies or pies, since they seem to be harder to chew or longer to eat. According to the article, classic dark chocolate is more useful than milk or white chocolate, still I like those other ones better, they are just sweeter!
2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it) I can’t say I have experienced it on my own, but I can tell about my observations. From time to time my girlfriend is eager to enact some chocolate, and no food can be prepared for her instead. She just has to eat a bar of chocolate to feel better, and who am I to stop her:) also I remember my English teacher advising me every time befor the control work to eat some dark chocolate - she might have believed in some magic power of it, too! As a kid, I didn’t eat dark chocolate at all, but following her advise I’d always have some before an important class of ours. I believe it helped me to cope with some stress over there:)
3. What is your favourite chocolate food?
I just live milk chocolate with almonds and raisins, that’s my favorite one indeed. Still I enjoy some dark chocolate with coffee with no sugar. And I stopped buying white chocolate at some point, didn’t even notice when. It was time to grow up, I guess:)
Adrian Zygo said…
1. I am definitely a chocolate lover and the dark chocolate is my favorite one. In my opinion the worst one is white chocolate which is not even a real chocolate because it is not made of cacao. For me it is just too sweet.

2. I know that the chocolate influence our level of serotonin which is called a "happiness hormone", that's why when we are feeling sad we are choosing chocolate.

3. As I mentioned before my favorite one is the dark chocolate, also I am a big fan of a chocolate with dried fruits, many kinds of chocolate bar and many many more. I am just a chocolate lover!
Bartosz Gołda said…
1. In fact I prefer more salty tastes, but I perceive myself as a chocolate lover. I am a huge fan of Kinder products and I could eat them all the time. I also do like almost everything with chocolate taste, for example chocolate milk, chocolate ice creams and so on.
2. To be honest after eating a chocolate (usually the whole bar) I feel remorse. I am trying my best to eat as less sugar as possible, but as I mentioned I have a sweet tooth and I find it really difficult to deny a little bit of chocolate during a week.
3. My favorite chocolate food are all products from Kinder. In my opinion their chocolate has the best, unique taste. In fact it’s very sweet, but I loved it as a kid, and I still love it now, as a young adult. I also do love brownie cake (because it’s mainly made of chocolate) and hot chocolate (especially during cold, winter evenings).
Marcin Sekrecki said…
1. Are you a chocolate lover?
Oh yeah, I am. When I was younger my favourite one was just milk chocolate without any additives. Now my favourite is the dark one with about 95-100% cocoa.

2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)
Dark chocolate is very healthy. It helps a lot with thinking. I really feel better after just a bar. Every time after breakfast I grab few pieces and eat them when I start working.

3. What is your favourite chocolate food?
My favourite is just a chocolate bar. But actually I love it in every possible form for example ice cream or cakes.
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It would be a mistake if I called myself a chocolate lover. I like eating chocolate very much, but I don't need to eat it every day, and even eat it quite rarely. Many times I have heard that chocolate has a good effect on the brain, you think better and remember information more easily.I have noticed the minus of eating chocolate - pimples on my face. That's why I do not eat it too often. My favorite chocolate food is Nutella. It tastes best when you eat it with a spoon :)
Roman Burlaka said…
1. Are you a chocolate lover?

I'm not a chocolate lover, my maximum is a chocolate liker, but I don't mind to eat a piece of bar sometimes, but it would be better to taste some chocolate desserts, for example, cake. I think it's because I like mixes of tastes, not the straight one.

2. Have you ever noticed a positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)

You know... never? But food in general - yeah. Tasty food often makes everything better as well as other simple pleasures. Pizza is always pizza, you know, even on a quiet rainy day.

3. What is your favourite chocolate food?

Cakes and stuff similar to them. In fact, I don't remember the names of all those desserts, so I usually order something good looking for me or which ingredients sound tasty to me.
FilipJatelnicki said…
1. Are you a chocolate lover?
I wouldn't say that I'm a chocolate lover, but I'm certainly enjoying it from time to time. Not obsessed about it, but an appreciation is a word that would precisely describe my relationship with chocolate.
2. Have you ever noticed a positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)
Nothing uncommon or unique :). It is just enjoyable, like a good cup of coffee or tea. From quite some time, I have developed a taste for dark chocolate. When I was younger, I couldn't have understood, why would people do it for themselves.
3. What is your favourite chocolate food?
Probably, simple bar of chocolate :)
1. Are you a chocolate lover? 

I am absolutely a chocolate lover. This is my favourite type of sweet and I enjoy it in all its forms. I remember that when I was a child, my grandmother baked me a chocolate cake for my birthday, every year because it was the only one I accepted.
2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)

Dark chocolate is considered to be one of the best snacks to eat while you study. It improves blood flow to the brain and reduces stress. Sometimes when I study and I start to feel exhausted I make myself hot chocolate which makes me feel better and boost my energy. I also used to eat cocoa beans because I had read that they are one of the best source of iron. I suffer from iron deficiency and it really helped with it.

3. What is your favourite chocolate food?

There are so many kinds of chocolate or chocolate desserts that it is really hard to choose only one favourite. But I have a weakness for chocolate fondant and chocolate ice cream, but only those made with dark chocolate.
1. Are you a chocolate lover?

No, I am not a chocolate lover but I like to eat it sometimes. Personally, I am not a fan of sweets at all. If I had to choose sweet and salty, I would definitely choose salty. However, sometimes I would like something sweet and then I like to eat one or two pieces of chocolate with nuts.

2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)

I don't think I've noticed the effect of the chocolate on my well-being. I think that maybe in extreme cases when I'm really tired and I reach for chocolate. It actually helps me to concentrate while doing some college projects by giving me some energy.

3. What is your favorite chocolate food?

My favorite chocolate food is either peanut chocolate itself or nuts in chocolate.
Viktor Ryś, thanks for the comment! I'm aware it's not the healthiest option but my love will forever stay with white chocolate.
Piotr Malanowski, you just have to give me the address of that place, the brownie sounds amazing! I don't care about the weight, I have to try it!
Mateusz Ćwikliński, bitter chocolate is the healthiest as it contains very low amount of sugar. Did you ever try bitter chocolate with some ad ons? Like orange peel or mint leaves?
Krzysztof Kopeć, that's interesting, did you ever try to mix the salty and the sweet? Like e.g. salty caramel (in chocolate or separately)? A friend of mine enjoys eating french fries, dipped in chocolate sauce.
Natalia Dobrzańska, I'm sorry to read about your health issues and I hope you are well now. Chocolate seems to be a cure for everything! If you were to choose 1 chocolate sweet that you would eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Roman Burlaka, thanks for the comment. Speaking of pizza, it has to be my favoutite non sweet food. I'm curious what is yours?
Mikołaj Żołnierczuk, fun fact, Nutella was removed from Italian market since it contains palm oil which, accordingly to new studies, works in favour for creation of cancer cells in body. I believe that if you know some limits, you can eat everything. I sure hope Nutella will not disappear from Polish market! And about the pimples, there are some ways you can prevent them from happening, besides, what damage can be a few pimples for a price of such delicious sweet!
1. Are you a chocolate lover?
Yes, I believe I love chocolate but not too much though. because I can spend even 3 months without buying one but I know I like the taste of chocolate.

2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)
I haven’t paid attention to it impact that much but I heard that it can improve your mood.

3. What is your favourite chocolate food?
I think I like almost everything with chocolate but let me say cupcakes and ice cream.
Marcin Sekrecki, my favourite would be the white chocolate. I am aware that it does not contain as many beneficial substances as the dark chocolate but i cannot help it, white chocolate is amazing! My dirty pleasure habit is that I always store a bar in my night drawer. I always grab at least a piece before going to sleep. I have a theory it brings positive dreams!
Leya Chechyk said…
Yes! I usually prefer chocolate desserts. Chocolate as an ingredient is pretty self-sufficient. It is impossible to spoil chocolate, anything with only makes a better effect.
Chocolate gives me extra energy for a short period of time. I usually act fast quickly to finish all the work that I need to do before chocolate effect ends. After that I tend to have a small loss of energy that I am not able to do anything extra.

Brownies, chocolate muffins, puddings. My mom’s famous chocolate pie “Mishka” is something that conquers all the options in this question.
Bartosz Gołda, chocolate products are the best! Kinder products are most definitely my favourite kind if chocolate. I remember one time, i was surprised by my boyfriend on my birthday. As a birthday gift, he bought me a bag, filled with all types of kinder products. Best. Birthday. Ever.
Mateusz Szych said…
1. I wouldn't call myself a lover, but I like chocolate. However, I do not like chocolate products such as ice cream or cakes.
2. I know the positive effects of chocolate and I use chocolate to improve my mood.
3. I prefer dark chocolate, especially with orange zest or other fruit additives. In such products as cakes, chocolate should only be an additive, not the main ingredient.
Leya Chechyk, OMG! Here we have another chocolate addict. :D Ypur experience with chocolate sounds almost lika a good drug. "Working fast to finish all the work... before chocolate effects ends" - that is something ;) My mom used to make something similar to classic brownie, only it was more like banana bread, with chocolate instead of banana. She liked to add a little strawberry jelly in between cake layers. The recipe was very easy, so I remember that at one time all of my friends moms were asking mine for it.
Ania Rzeczyca said…
I am definitely a chocolate lover. I love dark chocolate. I can eat even 99% chocolate. It is because I love to take one small bite of chocolate cube, and slowly melting in my mouth. It is perfect witch black coffee. I also use dark chocolate as a healthy snack. It has a lot of magnesium. It has good effect on mussels and brain. I work out everyday that is why for me it is very important to sustain good amount of magnesium in my body. I can also confirm that dark chocolate decrease a feel of hunger. So it is great to lose a few pounds. Dark chocolate also satisfy sweet tooth with a little amount.
I believe in those counted positive impacts of chocolate. I have no doubts that chocolate makes me feel better. It is so interesting that it has so much in common witch love feeling.
My favourite chocolate food are muffins. I have one recipe which is the best. I use a lot of melted dark chocolate to make them. Ones I ate chocolate dumplings in E. Wedel restaurant. I am not sure if they serve them now, because it was a few years ago, but It was for sure interesting experience. But pancakes witch chocolate sauce are much better.
Jakub Dzień said…
1. Are you a chocolate lover?

I like chocolate, but it's not something I eat regularly. Sometimes I feel like it and only then do I add it to my shopping list.

2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)

Yes, I have. After a hard training (or before) a few cubes of chocolate give me positive energy and help me reduce fatigue.

3. What is your favourite chocolate food?

I love chocolate ice cream. I eat chocolate in this form most often, regardless of the season.
1. Are you a chocolate lover?

Yes, i love chocolate a lot, but I don't like eat a lot of sweets.

2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)

Yes, I try to eat chocolate before exams, because it gives me sugar shot and I during exam I have more energy.

3. What is your favourite chocolate food?

I think my favourite chocolate food might be brownie or reeses cups with peanut butter.
No... Cholocate is one of the best sweets there is but... I don't like sweets. I know it is unpopular but I rather eat aged cheese and olives than chocolate. However, when I'm considering eating something sweet it is usually dark chocolate.

As I said before, there are times I crave chocolate. Mostly at the times, I feel sad or overworked. It helps me concentrate and is a burst of energy. However, there are other magnesium-rich snacks I like best, such as all kind of nuts. Although I wasn't always like this, when I was younger I loved sweets. Parents often joked that I have two stomachs. No matter how full I was, I always had room for dessert. When I studied for the Matura exam I ate an entire jar of Nutella each day! Now I don't think I would fancy a spoon.

Plane chocolate is the best, however, in the restaurants, I always go for lava cake. It is a hot chocolate cake that is liquid inside, so when you devour it, it spills an intensive chocolate sauce which is great with the vanilla icecream that this cake is usually served with. However, I can think of other foods that use chocolate, maybe not as the main ingredient, but rather a spice. The best use of chocolate is in Chilli con Carne (or sin Carne if you prefer). Only a few cubes and it enriches the taste of the whole pot. Try this!
Oskar Kacprzak said…
1. Are you a chocolate lover?
I don't eat sweets but sometimes I got munchies on chocolate.

2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)
I'm not eating that much chocolate to feel it's impact on my live

3. What is your favourite chocolate food?
Normal, plain milk chocolate, preferably Wedel.
Rafał Halama said…
1. Are you a chocolate lover?
Even though I'm cautious to not eat a lot of chocolate and gain weight, I love it.

2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)
The obvious thought that comes to my mind is that eating chocolate improves your mood, and that's highly needed in these depressing times. I also heard it has some impact on your memory.

3. What is your favourite chocolate food?
In this case my taste is really simple, I like chocolate bars the most, especially white ones.
1. Are you a chocolate lover?
Well my favourite snack are chips, but I like chocalate too.
2. Have you ever noticed positive impact of chocolate on your well-being? (Tell something about it)
No, not really. Of course beyond hapiness from eating it when I'm not supposed to (diet :( ).
3. What is your favourite chocolate food?
My favourite chocolate food is... Wedel Muffins. They are the best!!! I recommend to every of you to try it. I also enjoy chocolate stuffed pipes (rurki z czekoladą)

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