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Week 6 [20-26.04.2020] Your very own lava moat!

     In the past, moat was important and valuable asset. Defensive structures were often made in places that would allow making one, or where such natural fortification already existed. Nowadays it's something rather fancy and extraordinary. But what if we took it step further and made it our personal lava moat? It seems like something expensive and hard to do... but for a while you could feel like owner of Inferno from Heroes 3 :).

1. Would you like to posses such moat? Do you think it would be useful in any way or just something fancy to boast about?

2. Do you think, it could be popular fortification, if it wasn't so energy hungry?

3. Do you know xkcd comics, whose book was used to make this video?


Yubin said…
1. Would you like to posses such moat? Do you think it would be useful in any way or just something fancy to boast about?
Yes, I will posses such moat because it has an ancient style, it can make my home more like an old castle, such as Nagoya Castle or Nijo Castle in Japan, I will feel comfortable to live in such place, though I do not think it is useful since no one is going to attack me and they can attack me with 1000 methods in 2020s if they want, so it is just something fancy for me but not to boast about.

2. Do you think, it could be popular fortification, if it wasn't so energy hungry?
As for me, I do not think it could be popular fortification, as I mentioned in last question, if someone want to attack anyone, they can always get many methods to achieve their purposes, so building such moat is just like treating the symptoms without curing the symptoms in this century, but it may be useful in Heroes 3. :p

3. Do you know xkcd comics, whose book was used to make this video?
Unfortunately, I have never heard about xkcd, I have no idea about any books related to it.

I would like to have this amount of money, but the money is not lucky, so I won't feel bad if I don't have that money. In my opinion, this gadget is a way of attentiveness and showing off what a rich person does not have or is unable to comprehend.
I don't know much about fortifications, but based on the relationship of water and lava we are able to create many interesting defensive variants.
Unfortunately, but I don't read comics and books at all, so I have no idea what the movie was made of :(
Maciej Sadoś said…
1. It's certainly a good way to protect your house from intruders. It would be hard for an ordinary Duck to push through without burning some feathers and that's the goal. The geothermal solution is probably the best suit for me as I don't have any uranium nearby and certainly don't wan't to have as much solar panels around. Who would have cleaned them out from a dust??

2. Definitely there would be some people who would consider it done. Probably just for fun and to show off on YouTube and make his/her whole channel based on the idea.

3. I don't know it but I like the idea and that kind of ridiculous sense of humor so I'm going to check it out. Thanks for sharing!
1. If I was to build a moat just to make it look nice - then not. I'm not the type of person who likes to brag about things.

2. I don't know, it's hard to say. It seems to me that every obstacle can be bypassed. Nothing is impossible. Expect the unexpected :D

3. Unfortunately, I don't even know about their existence.
Adam Tokarczyk said…
It would add a nice touch if you'd live in a castle indeed. Unfortunately our homes aren't like that nowadays. And you're right, it would be practically useless in terms of defense with modern technology. When it comes to fortification, I was thinking more about a bit older times :p. But like you said with new defense methods comes new attacking methods as well so maybe it wouldn't be that useful after a short while. To be honest I found out about book from this video as well :). I was tempted mainly with video title and xkcd was just a tiny addition as they made few nice IT related stripes.
Adam Tokarczyk said…
Probably everyone would like to have such money :D. And as you said there's no need to feel bad about such thing though. It would probably drain pockets of anyone willing to build a lava moat. Even if it was someone rich. Moreover from 'normal people'. I didn't think about mixing it with water but it could be interesting idea indeed.
Adam Tokarczyk said…
It seems like the best way! No Duck will reach you in your house with such defense. Too bad uranium is so hard to get nowadays. But even if I had access to it geothermal solution would be a way to roll with. Maybe with some troll science we could go even further and make a perpetum mobile. Lava moat accelerating lava moat. Either way solar panels are obvious losers here. It would be way too expensive to hire people to clear them. I didn't even realise it earlier, but such moat would probably produce a lot of dust?

ps. Imagine such channel - "[any item name here] VS your homemade lava moat!!". There are tons of channels where they crush, burn, well overall destroy in some way different things. But not a single one of them got lava moat to do so :D.
Adam Tokarczyk said…
I'm sure we can find some application of such creation. Maybe doing grill over hot lava rocks? There wouldn't even be a need to start fire, as it would be always duty ready. If we'd think hard enough there would be more everyday life uses.
In some way every obstacle is made to be defeated one day :)
Andrzej Kawiak said…
1. Would you like to posses such moat? Do you think it would be useful in any way or just something fancy to boast about?
The moat has lost its importance these days. The moat has only visual significance. I think it's a waste of money to bubble the moat.

2. Do you think, it could be popular fortification, if it wasn't so energy hungry?
I think that this type of moat makes no sense these days. In the era of artillery, hypersonic rockets, or airplanes and desert troops, it makes no sense. If something like this made sense, the U.S. Army would already have it

3. Do you know xkcd comics, whose book was used to make this video?
I don't know. I'm not interested in comic books.
MichalB said…
1. Would you like to posses such moat? Do you think it would be useful in any way or just something fancy to boast about?

For what? What do you use such a moat for these days? When you can release a drone that will fly 5 cm from your ear and you won't hear it. Hmm ... moat.

2. Do you think, it could be popular fortification, if it wasn't so energy hungry?

I believe that such a fortification today would stimulate bad people to act. Bad people like to do things that seem impossible to do. I would not suggest such a solution in the current reality looks weak.

3. Do you know xkcd comics, whose book was used to make this video?

Unfortunately not. But I, an old date man, may not know such a release.
Viktor Ryś said…
Sure, why not. The lava should provide much needed heat in winter months, of course much cheaper would be to have standard heating, but that would make the house unique.

Probably not, most post people don't need to secure their houses in such spectacular way like that.

Of course, I grew up reading xkcd religiously, and still do so from time to time, I always chuckle when I see one comic in the wild. I've seen the one about Git (1597) in several places already.
1. I don’t need it right now, but if there would be some kind of apocalypse or human riots it would be good to have such security

2. I don’t think many people would go for it

3. I don’t know his comics.

First of all: hahaha!

1. I'd love to have a lava moat around my block, maybe it would keep that neo-fasist graffiti off the walls! However, it is not an economical or ecological way of protecting our building walls, so I would think of a different solution.

2. It would be probably a little dangerous, dogs, cats and small children could fall into it. However, a super-villains would probably use it. Dobermans, which are the obvious dog breed for most villains, are very smart, so they would be safe. I could also imagine that a villain would have a dragon and it could help with keeping the lava temperature, reducing the costs of needed energy.

3. No, I don't. It's probably a time to dig into this comics! Thanks!
1. Would you like to posses such moat? Do you think it would be useful in any way or just something fancy to boast about?
I considere it as interesting concept but for sure i wouldnt want to own one. It would cost a lot of money and it would not have much purpose.

2. Do you think, it could be popular fortification, if it wasn't so energy hungry?
Probably not. The heat emmited by such a moat would be unbearable.

3. Do you know xkcd comics, whose book was used to make this video?
No. Unfortunately id dont know xkcd comics.
1. Would you like to posses such moat? Do you think it would be useful in any way or just something fancy to boast about?
This video presented in article was funny. I think I would like to possess such moat. For fun I would build it. It could be a grat attraction. Maybe in addition I also would build a thermal lake powered by lava. In winter It could be a great place to spend time.

2. Do you think, it could be popular fortification, if it wasn't so energy hungry?
Maybe, it’s difficult to say. I think people could used this fortification to protect homes from intruders. Some people would have used it as attraction to earn money. I think some people would have found a way to break through this fortification. Also it could be dangerous for kids.

3. Do you know xkcd comics, whose book was used to make this video?
Unfortunately, I don't know xkcd comics but I think they could be funny. Maybe I will read some of them.
Kyrylo said…
1. Would you like to posses such moat? Do you think it would be useful in any way or just something fancy to boast about?
It would definitely be useful, however you would still need to access the outer world somehow. So the moat will need a bridge, and thus a breach in security. Also, is this even legal?
2. Do you think, it could be popular fortification, if it wasn't so energy hungry?
It comes with some strings attached, Fo rexample, toxic fumes or enormous heat. It won't fit for protecting the house, although it would do nicely for some FBI vault.
3. Do you know xkcd comics, whose book was used to make this video?
No, I don't. They look too simple, however.
1. Would you like to posses such moat? Do you think it would be useful in any way or just something fancy to boast about?

I don't think so. I don't think that I would like posses any moat at all - and especially a lava one.

2. Do you think, it could be popular fortification, if it wasn't so energy hungry?

It could be, even now I see some ridiculous fortifications in some possesions. So maybe.

3. Do you know xkcd comics, whose book was used to make this video?

I didn't know - I don't read comics at all - maybe that's why. But it was interesting to see this video, so maybe I could give it a shot.
1 / Our life is quite short, why not have such a moat? I think that this is more for entertainment than for good, although this has its advantages.

2 / I think that this could become a new trend in the world of design and construction as well as home interior.

3 / No, unfortunately I did not have the opportunity to get acquainted with this work.
1. The idea is quite interesting, but completely useless nowadays. Having a lava moat would make sense if you have a castle or a large fortress, although there is so much way to protect your property today that you don't need to use a lava moat. After that, the huge amount of energy that is needed to maintain such lava could be used for many other more firm things and the aesthetic value alone is not enough to convince me.
2. I don't know if that would be popular. Hard to say. Like all things, a lava moat would find its fans. It all depends on taste and preferences. I would not do such a moat.
3. Unfortunately, I do not know the xkdc comics that were used to make this material. I hear about them for the first time.
1. Would you like to posses such moat? Do you think it would be useful in any way or just something fancy to boast about?
I think it is quite interesting topic, but definitely i would not like to have one in my house. I consider it a little bit useless these days. Probably it is a good idea if you are bored to do one, but it won’t increase the safety of your property that much.

2. Do you think, it could be popular fortification, if it wasn't so energy hungry?
I think it couldn’t become a popular fortification. It is not economical and not that useful as it should be. It is energy hungry, but in my opinion it is not the most disadvantage of this project.

3. Do you know xkcd comics, whose book was used to make this video?
I don’t know what is xkcd comics. To be honest it is the first time I’ve heard about it.
Klaudia Kozioł said…
1. Honestly not, just imagine coming back home from a party in the middle of a night and accidentally falling into this moat… I think that regular moat would be actually more practical, aesthetically pleasing and less dangerous for yourself and your family.
2. Even if it would be for free I don’t thing it would be popular fortification, at least not for me 😊
3. No, I don’t. This is the first time i have heard of it.
Roman Burlaka said…
1. I think it would look great. Perhaps, I should build something as great as this moat inside an area and if this structure wouldn't have a lair for a personal dragon - it isn't worth it. Nowadays it wouldn't be very useful, but it can make you look like a god for some tribes. As well as a smartphone.

2. It could be but in the past. But the water was always less expensive and it also beats lava in water-lava-tree game, so there were only water moats, not lava, unfortunately. Maybe one day we will have a fortress on another planet where it will be easier to make something like that.

3. No, it's the first time I hear about them. Maybe I will read this book if someone will give me it as a present.
1. Would you like to posses such moat? Do you think it would be useful in any way or just something fancy to boast about?

Yes I really like those concept. I would like to add many crocidles to that moat.

2. Do you think, it could be popular fortification, if it wasn't so energy hungry?

Yes, probably if people wouldn't be blocked by money they earn - everyone should try it at least

3. Do you know xkcd comics, whose book was used to make this video?

No, I don't have any of those.
Oskar Kacprzak said…
1. Would you like to posses such moat? Do you think it would be useful in any way or just something fancy to boast about?
This kind of moat looks fancy in Minecraft, but in real life it's not practical in any way. Having something like this would look awesome but it would be too much to take care of and dangerous.
2. Do you think, it could be popular fortification, if it wasn't so energy hungry?
I've not heard of any zombie apocalypse coming. So why would you like to forifiy your house?! Standard video surveillance will do.
3. Do you know xkcd comics, whose book was used to make this video?
It's the first time I've heard about this. I'm not used to reading books or comics in physical form, especially in english.
1. Would you like to posses such moat? Do you think it would be useful in any way or just something fancy to boast about?
No, I wouldn't. In my opinion it's the most useless and ridiculous idea I have ever heard about. It could be fancy but it's too dangerous to keep something like this. Like, you know, you can die if you stay too close.

2. Do you think, it could be popular fortification, if it wasn't so energy hungry?
I don't think so. First of all, it's too dangerous to it's owner. In addition, it would probably be illegal. In human's history we had a lot of volcanic eruptions that people are afraid of them.

3. Do you know xkcd comics, whose book was used to make this video?
No, I don't know xkcd and his comics.

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