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Week 6 [20-26.04.2020] Analog Photography

Analog photography

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Nowadays many people buy analog cameras, it's almost like a trend now. You can see instagram photos made with that kind of cameras with hashtag #35mm, but what’s so special about it?

Some people say it's about the retro effect of these pictures. When you develop them, they have a grain texture, it looks foggy and has some kind of climate.

film 35mm analog kodak lomography grainy vignette iso 200 Superheadz wide and slim

I think an interest in such photos may be due to the fact that today everything is going towards quality improvement, digital cameras take such good pictures that when we display them on 4k or even 8k TV screen they look like reality. People always wanted to  distinguish themselves so they want to take pictures different from the others and it works well when you have an analog camera at home.

From my point of view analog photos have some magic in themselves, they are more like memories for me compared to the digital photos, because you look like you were in a movie when you are captured in such a photo.

Moreover analog cameras look very stylish and half of them don't need any power to take a photo. It catches the light with a mechanical trigger. That's the most amazing thing for me. You don't need to recharge it, and you are always able to take a photo if you have a film which looks like this.

The best thing about them is that it doesn't really matter which camera you will buy, they all take pictures of similar quality. They are also trouble-free, because there is nothing to break in them so it's not an expensive hobby. You can take 36 photos with one film and it costs about 30-40 zł which is significantly less than Instax film 10 photos for 35 zł.
Instax is a popular alternative for old cameras because the photos are developed instantly.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania: instax

It's a nice idea, but I recommend buying an old camera instead. It gives you so much fun and it surprises  you when you see how the photo came out after the holidays. Also, you can choose the paper and size of the photo, so your photo albums will be more creative.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania: analog  film
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture? 
3. Do you have an analog camera at home?


Hey, very interestig presentation.
Answering your questions:

1. To be honest, I prefer digital photos - digital photography. Why? Because, without a doubt, the photos are of much better quality, and their editing has a lot of possibilities and gives various interesting effects.

2. I have never taken a picture with an analog camera, because I didn't have one.

3. As I mentioned above, I didn't have an analog camera and I don't think I have one. As I wrote in answer 1, I prefer digital photos.
Hey, thank you.
That's true, digital photos have amazing quality, but please take at least one photo with an analog camera . It's such a different feeling. I think that analog camera is better as addictional equipment not as primary camera. It's like with the cars, you can have one everyday car and a race car in the garage. For me analog is like a race car.
Ela said…
1. I definitely prefer physical form of photos. It’s much easier to open an album and view photos than to force yourself to print photos taken by a digital camera or to view them on screen. The quality of photos taken with a normal lens is comparable. The difference can only be seen with more specialized photos, such as macrophotography.

2. Of course, I’ve taken pictures with analog cameras many times. When I was younger I had only an analog camera and I was very happy that I could take as many as 36 photos. Currently, I still use analog cameras, but when I take more artistic photos, the last time I took pictures of older Warsaw buildings.

3. Yes, I have an analog camera and I can't imagine not having it.
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?

I prefer to have photos in digital version. In my opinion it is better to have access any time to data and i think it is more safe because you can have backup of photos in cloud for example on the google drive. There is also a lot of possibilities to edit this photos. Nevertheless physical photos are nice to see from time to time when you look at them with family or friends.

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?

I do not remember what exactly was on this pictures because i was young but obviously i did a lot of them. I still remember photographic film inside of the camera or the device which give you instant physical photo and you have to shake it when it comes out.

3. Do you have an analog camera at home?

I am not sure about that. Maybe there is one on the attic.
Anastasiia Bida said…
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?
To be honest, I can`t choose. I prefer both physical and digital forms. Physical photos are so memorable. I sometimes like to flip through albums with old photos and remember pleasant moments. But digital photos are more reliable in storage and you can print it at any time from home.

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?
When I was a child we always used an analog camera. And all my photos till my 6-7 years old are in a physical form.
The last time I used an analog camera was about a few years ago in the Hermitage of St. Petersburg. Two tourists asked me to take a photo with Instax. As the photos are developed instantly, it was a very responsible task. :)

3. Do you have an analog camera at home?
I don`t have an analog camera. But maybe my parents still have our old once. I think it can be somewhere in the drawers.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?

I'm not a photographer. I use the camera to take pictures of my notes or some interesting life situation. I very rarely take pictures with someone. I also think that in my case the digital camera is better. Analogue photography is usually not applicable for commercial work. People who have someone take pictures with them expect immediate, certain effects. As for the difference in quality. There have been such studies. A dozen or so people were not able to determine at all what type of camera was taken. It can be concluded that the average viewer is rarely able to distinguish between traditional and digital photography. I think that nowadays analogue photography is good for artists.

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?

A few times when I was little. I used a very simple codak camera

3. Do you have an analog camera at home?

Unfortunately, I don't have one. The one I had is gone.
Agnieszka Duda said…
1. In my opinion, the goal of photos is to save the reality in front of our eyes for rewatching later. Digital photos are clearer, more crisp, therefore, they serve the aforementioned goal better. If you want to distort the reality, paint a picture.

2. I haven’t. However, I was part of an analog selfie. If you think about it, it’s a risky business. Multiple attempts are costly.

3. I don’t, though my parents still own one and it's probably older than me.

1. I think that digital photos are much more practical. They don't take up shelf space, are better quality and last longer. On the other hand, I have photo albums from my childhood and my parents' youth. Every time I browse them, I'm just happy, I don't know if viewing photos on the screen evokes such emotions.

2. and 3. Yes, I have an analog camera at home that records pictures on tape. I even had the opportunity to take pictures of him when I was younger. I was taking my camera to summer camps, I wonder what for now? I think I wanted to show off.
Many of the photos I took were unsuccessful - very blurred, it was hard to focus. Then suddenly the analog cameras disappeared and I already had a family digital camera.
Hey, I'm glad that you know how it feels and I totally agree with you, I have lots of vacation photos that are on disk and I never view them.
Hey, that is true, you can backup digital photos, but hard drives often fail and I I do not recommend uploading photos to the cloud it is not safe in today's world, data is very valuable.
MichalB said…
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?

This may seem strange, but I prefer photos on paper. It's a different pleasure than watching a digital photo on the screen of a monitor, tablet, phone or camera. Of course, ad hoc is better to have a picture in digital form and decide it's ok or not, but ultimately I like to watch it on a pappier.

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?

There were no digital cameras in my childhood. Only analogue. So I took a lot of such pictures. There were the same shots as they are now made digital.

3. Do you have an analog camera at home?

I have a Konika-Minolta, but I don't take pictures of it anymore. I take pictures with a digital camera is much more convenient.
Pawel Bluszcz said…
1. Personally, I prefer taking pictures with a digital camera because of the simplicity of taking pictures and the ability to view them instantly. Of course, I printed some of them and put them in the album to have a souvenir for the future.

2. Yes, of course I took a picture with an analog camera. 20 years ago, when there were no digital cameras yet, it was the only way to document something of our vacation, celebration and so on.

3. No, I don't have an analog camera anymore because it has been replaced by a digital camera.
1. I mostly use and probably prefer digital photos. The photo galleries are easier to share than physical pictures. However, an album of photos has its unique style.

2. Yes! I still remember the times the analogue were the only available option for making photos ;) I had few of them, even some disposable underwater cameras! I can't say what was on the photos, but I remember that it always took me a long time to make a shot, the pressure of the 36 photo roll was unbearable and every photo must have been perfect.

3. I do. I bought Nikon FM2 a few years ago. I still prefer to shoot digital, although using my analogue has a certain charm to it. Making a photo becomes almost a ritual. The only downside to it is the costs of this hobby, it is freaking expensive to develop the pictures...
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?
I like both. They serve different purposes for me. When im taking a camera to a party or to the place where i have never been in and want to produce as much memories as possible I dont want to be limited by the 36 images on a roll. But when i want to produce something with much more emotional then just a picture. Ive once read about the difference about making a photo and taking a photo. Long story short taking is just grabbing a camera and without deeper thought clicking the shutter button and making is a proces of finding the object of interest setting the camera and at the very end realising the shutter button. And for making the photograph i prefer to use analog cameras because as written above they allow to create much more climate and emotions.

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?
I have an old minolta SLR. I really like using this camera even if it has a lot electronics in it such as auto program which means that i dont need set up the exposure parameters and the roll rewinds automaticaly. I use it as my travel camera and its sits beside my DSLR.

3. Do you have an analog camera at home?
Yes. As above a Minolta dynax 303si with kit 35-80mm lense. I love it!
That's true, you can print digital photos, but in fact this happens very rarely.
Taking pictures with instax also has its own charm, however it is always bigger risk, you must have look like an artist that they asked you about it :D
Yes it is :) The camera with a screen is very useful when we are professionals and we take a lot of pictures, but when it comes to amateur usage I think we don't need it as much and it's always a surprise.
Nice story, I hope someday I will have oportunity to the same trade.
Maciek Olko said…
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?
Many pictures I take when I am doing it I wish them to be printed, but I don't print almost any of them. I like printed copies as a picture on a wall or in an album.

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?
I'm not sure, I guess I could take same pictures as a child on some holidays with family. I suppose on picture would be some family members or friends.

3. Do you have an analog camera at home?
I may have some old and unused analog camera, but I don't use it on everyday basis or even occasionally. I think I could use your text as inspiration to try to give it a new life.
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?

I like digital photography because of it's simplicity. I don't mean by that it is easy to take a great photo with a digital camera but I think that it is defiantely easier in comparison to an analog. The other thing is that the storage of such devices let's you take many pictures. Analog photography, however, has it's climate, texture and atmosphere which cannot be obtained while using a digital camera.

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?

I think it was once when I was at a wedding. Young couple had their own analog camera and they passed it around for people to take photos. It had it's vibe.

3. Do you have an analog camera at home?

I think that there might be one hidden somewhere between old boxes but I can't say for sure. I know that there was one many years ago and that I still have some photos taken by it.

It's hard to say what format of photos I prefer. On the one hand, the physical photo is a great souvenir and on the other
you have to find a place for her among the heap of other things. Digital photos are certainly convenient for me
but I think physical photos have more charm. As for taking pictures with an analogue, hmm, I think that once as a child I took pictures with it
but it was a long time ago. I still remember old clichés as I looked at the light against them
1/ I am a fairly new nature / landscape photographer and I started in digital. Recently, I read enough books and saw enough wide format prints to seriously think about acquiring a wide-format film camera. This is a really awesome format, and when it finally comes out in digital format, a new era will come. The advantages of large format are especially good for landscape photography, but shine whenever you need the ability to create very large prints (poster size or very large prints on canvas).

2/ Yes, there is such an experience. In film photography, I like the fact that you can shoot slides and project them on a large scale with their original resolution on the screen or even just on a smooth white wall. I think medium and large format photography is still a world dominated by photography. While this fact begins to change with the advent of newer digital cameras with an extremely high number of megapixels (20 megapixels or more), the transition to a larger format is much cheaper with film.

3/Yes, one copy was inherited from my grandmother.
Kyrylo said…
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?
When it comes to choose between physical or digital photography, I do not have a solid preference. Both forms of it are form of art

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?
I did, but not because I prefer physical ones or I am a fan or any other reason. It's just that at a time we in my family did not have a digital camera. I cannot tell that analog photos were of a poor quality, just that the one big drawback is that you cannot see a picture well over before it is printed, thus when you flinched or shook your hand you had to sacrifice one frame to be sure that the photo is good.

At the same time this worked out as a sort if excitement. You do not know what the photo will turn out to be, and by the time you finish the vacation and go to the studio, you forget at which places you took those photos and by looking at them you refresh those memories. Digitalization killed it.

3. Do you have an analog camera at home?
I believe I do, although it is not functioning right now probably.
Viktor Ryś said…
Physical photos are better, we have a guarantee that the photo will last a potential data failure on our disk drive or on the cloud and will be

When I was very young, that is less than 12 I took a few photos with my parents analog Canon, but since the photo roll was always limited I couldn't experiment much with this format, it changed when I got my first digital camera when I was 12.

3. Do you have an analog camera at home?
My parents had an old Zenit and a somewhat newer Canon 1000FN, I've taken a few photos with the latter one, but it was a very long time ago.
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?

I prefer digital photos because it's easier to keep digital photos than a physical and I can print it and have a physical one whenever I need it.

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?

Yes, we used to have some old analog cameras at home when I was young and we used to take pictures of each other and all sorts of things.

3. Do you have an analog camera at home?
No, I don't.
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?
I mostly take and watch photos on digital form, and for everyday photos, I would prefer them. However physical photos have a certain pleasant atmosphere and magic around them.

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?
Some of my friends have an analog camera, so sometimes when I saw them taking pictures I asked if I could take one too. I don't remember what exactly was in the picture - but most probably it was my friends as well.
3. Do you have an analog camera at home?
No, I don't. I am no photographer really, and I don't think I will ever be. A smartphone with a camera would do a job for me.
Wrong account, but it was me.
Bartosz Warda said…
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?

It depends on the situation or occasion I will use it. For instance, if I would like to give a gift to my friend with a funny picture I will choose physical form. But when it comes to showing photos just to show them it is much easier to use digital form.

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analogue camera? What was in this picture?

When I was a child, I have probably used one to photograph my parents during a trip. Later on, I think I did not have a chance to use one.

3. Do you have an analogue camera at home?

No, I do not have one. I had one during my younger times but now a smartphone camera suffices my needs.
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?
I prefer photos in a physical form. I can this photos put to an album and in right moment show my children. We can together feel the emotions presented in this photos. It difficult to find right words to describe the feelings about physical form of photos.

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?
Yes, I have. When I was a kid my family went to amusement park. Ma father gave me his analog camera and I took a photo. On this picture was my mum and dad.

3. Do you have an analog camera at home?
Yes, I do. My father has an analog camera as a souvenir of old times. It was a great device.
Aleksander said…
1. Definitely a digital form as it’s easier to store and browse on e.g. cloud storage. An additional advantage- storing things online, gives me the opportunity to access them from all over the world.
2. I have never done it and probably it will not change in the nearest future. I’m not a photography geek.
3. Except for my phones camera, I haven’t got another one. It seems to be impractical.
Olga Bogdał said…
1. I think that both of the methods can bring equally remarkable effects. It all depends on the context of the photo, the atmosphere you are trying to catch and the standby light. Nonetheless I'm a big fun of analog photography and I take pictures with my Praktica on a regular basis.

2. As I answered in the previous question, I take pictures with and analog camera. Not sure what was on the first picture I took, probably some of my friends, while we were sitting in a bar.

3. I do. To be specific I have a Praktica Mtl 5 and I enjoy it very much.
s18716 said…
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?
I have no obvious preferences among the proposed. It seems to me that each type of photo has its advantages and disadvantages. Previously, when digital photos began to appear, most people could not get used to them, and most people thought it was more convenient to use classic photos. I can support them if you take into account what you wrote about the fact that physical photos seem to help to save the memory of moments more. Well, the advantage of digital, of course, in ease of use. A very large number of photos can fit in portable devices.

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?
Yes, of course, once upon a time, we can say in childhood I took photos only from an analog camera. Digital appeared a little later. Even at that time it was convenient to use an analog camera and there were no complaints about them. I have a very large collection of photos taken on analog cameras at home, every time we look at such photos we are overtaken by incredible nostalgic sensations.

3. Do you have an analog camera at home?
Now, unfortunately, no. Only digital. Well, no one even uses a digital camera. Smartphones have taken over the world. Everything is combined in them. Nowadays, it is rarely possible to meet people with real cameras in their hands. Most likely, if you see these, then these are people who are very fond of photos and do it as a hobby, or real professionals.
Grzegorz Rostek said…
1. I prefer digital photos over the physical ones. It's mostly because i can store much more of them, and i can access them anytime i want to.

2. I believe i did, but it when i was still a kid, so i don't remember any of the pictures i have taken.

3. No, i don't own an analog camera. All the analog cameras we had at home broke, and we had to throw them away.
Hey, I'm glad that you tried. You know what you want, so I'm not going to convince you anymore :D
I didn't know about such studies. I'm going to look for them and expand my knowledge, thank you.
I like painting but it's not the same for me. I'm fascinated about analog photos because of the light which does all the work.

I have the same emotions when I browse old albums.
I agree that using an analog camera for a long time is less convenient than a digital one. I have Konika-Minolta too :)
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?
I think both of them have their pros and cons. Nowadays everyone can be a photograph beacuse of smarthpones and digital cameras. It is hard to make a bad photo with all technology that is inside our phones or cameras. Taking that into consideration photography became so popular that it is rare to take a very unique photo. That is the advantage of analog camera, no instagram filter will give you the same result ;)

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?
I did but I have never owned one. It was probably a photo from some party because my friend used to have a analog camera.

3. Do you have an analog camera at home?
No, unfortunately I don't
Zygmunt Z said…
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?

I don’t have my own analog camera and I take pictures with my phone on the daily basis. It’s very easy to take your phone and just hit the button with your finger. But on the other hand I really like when my friends bring their Polaroids which print photos instantly. It’s a great souvenir, I keep some of them in my wallet.

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?

My dad has an analog camera. We used to take it on every holiday we were going. It was a nice experience to take the films and develop the photographs after coming back. I don’t remember the last picture I took with it but probably it was some kind of a landscape.

3. Do you have an analog camera at home?

I don’t have but as I said, my dad has one.

1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?
I prefer photos in a physical form. I just like them like this they fill more real when you can touch them, but I also like to have their digital backups.

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?
Yes, I took some picture with an analog camera in most of these photos was my family and landscape views nothing special the same things that everyone else does.

3. Do you have an analog camera at home?
I believe I have one, but I don’t know if this is still working or not.
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?
I prefer photos in physical form. Right now I have in my cloud service over two thousand photos and keeping them is not something special as it was while having albums of them where normally you would put there 50 of them. It was in some way a magical experience.

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?
Yes I have. My aunt is an artist and she always showed us her cameras. I was really fascinated with an idea of using such cameras.
3. Do you have an analog camera at home?
No, not in my home. In my grandparents house there are plenty of old cameras but now I barely use it.
Maciej Górczak said…
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?
I prefer photos in digital form - I've been shooting both analog and digital camera and the trick is: you can access digital data from every place in the world. Of course analog pictures and analog photography as a whole have their soul and uniqueness.

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?
Of course I did, starting from landscapes and different kind of architecture, ending on naked people.
3. Do you have an analog camera at home?
Yes, Zenit 11 - it's an old Russian camera. It works perfectly and it is really heavy, the body itself weighs around 1 kg.
Jakub Kisiała said…
1. I rather prefer digital form because my smartphone does them. To do physical form, one need know something more about photography than which button is make-photo. I this kind of guy. I don't know anything about photography.

2. Yes, I have. It was in primary school on trip. Mom gave me brand new camera for me to take pictures for her. As I remeber the first picture was my friends in bus.

3. Yes, somewhere. I've not used them for long time.
Yubin said…
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?
I prefer both, depending on what I shoot, digital photos are very attractive, but analog ones are the most sensational, although the era of analog ones has passed and digital cameras are becoming more powerful, the texture of silver salt is still beyond digital.

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?
Yes, I have ever taken photos with it, most of the photos were about my family, tourist attractions and architectures.

3. Do you have an analog camera at home?
Yes, but in my home city, anyway I am not using it anymore since now there are so many application for editing digital photos, so it is more convenient to shoot daily things with the digital camera, and I have it here with me in Warsaw.
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?
Each of these forms has its benefits. For example, in digital form you can look on it at any time you want and any place you are, they will never lose its quality as in physical form. From the other hand, photos in a physical form are more atmospheric. For me they evoke much stronger emotions.
2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?
Yes, I have taken pictures with an analog camera. Mostly it were pictures of nature, it has always inspired me.
3. Do you have an analog camera at home?
My father has a huge collection of analog cameras, he likes photography. What about me, I have only my phone :)
Roman Dubovyi said…
1. I personally prefer digital form, you can later make a physical photo out of it with no problems at all. But with physical photos, when they exist only on tape there is a risk of exposing them too light, that will destroy your photos.

2. I took several. They were photos of party.

3. No, I don't. The only analog camera wasn't mine. It was an old USSR camera called "Zenit".
Oskar Kacprzak said…
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?
I haven't taken any analog photo in the era of digitalization. I have got my first digital camera when I was 8 years old. I prefer digital cameras because I am used to having photo in digital file exact time I have taken it.
2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?
I was taking some photos with old analog cameras but I don't exactly remember when that was, possibly when I was 5-6 y.o.
3. Do you have an analog camera at home?
I don't think I still have some analog cameras at home. My family prefers digital over analog.
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?
It depends, I prefer photos in digital form for my own use. I rarely looking on them, but if I have them in physical form they have something which makes me more emotional. Whenever I look at them they makes me smile. But on the other hand if I have more pictures like that it won’t be that special.

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?
I think not, I don’t remember that.

3. Do you have an analog camera at home?
No, I don’t think so, as I said in the second question, but definitely I would like to have one and try it.
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?

I prefer photos in physical form, probably beasuse I pay much more attention to them. After taking a digital photo I look at it maybe twice after taking it, and then forget about it after uploading it to the cloud.

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?
I have taken some photos with analog camera, mostly when I was much younger and it was only camera I had.

3. Do you have an analog camera at home?
I still have an analog camera at home, but to be honest I haven’t used it in a looooong time. I’m not a photography enthusiast, and most pictures I take, I take on my phone. But now it might be a good time to take some pictures with it, because of the loads of free time I have now.
Klaudia Kozioł said…
1. Photography is one of my hobbies, so I have many photos both in digital and physical form. Digital ones are better to practice any photoshop skills or simply to store them, byt there is something in physical photos that makes me reach out for them more even just to watch them.
2. Yes, I did quite a few actually. I did lots of pics by polaroid and even more on an analog camera. Most of them were pics of my friends and family.
3. I have two cameras one I got from my grandpa and it is really retro camera in leather case that unfortunately waits until I find someone who can fix it and the other one I have bought for myself a few years ago and the end pics from it are always better than taken on the digital one :)
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?

I prefer digital photos. I think they have a way better quality of the photo and could be easily shared with friends. Also storing digital photos is a lot easier because with the time passes physical photos became damaged.

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analogue camera? What was in this picture?

Yes, I remember, my parents had some old cameras. I like to take photos of everything around me, especially photos of nature and historical places.

3. Do you have an analogue camera at home?

No, I am using my phone. As far as I know my parents, also don't those cameras with them already.
Rafał Halama said…
1.I prefer them in physical form for sure. Recently, I was looking through old photo albums with my mom, and it feels so much better than looking on the digital copy of a photo.

2. Yes, when I was young we had analog camera and I loved using it. I can't say what was in the picture as I took many of them, it was literally anything that caught my attention.

3. As I stated above we did have an analog camera at home, but it was a long time ago. Now it lays inside our storage room and it's sadly broken.
1. Do you prefer photos in a physical or digital form? Why?

Clasical form has more emotional value to me however digital way of saving photos has changed the World and we can save a lot of our memories

2. Have you ever taken a picture with an analog camera? What was in this picture?

Yes, it was picture of me with friends at Uni

3. Do you have an analog camera at home?

Yes, a few actually from PRL times.

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Owls are nocturnal creatures. They’re wide awake at night and they sleep during the day. If this sounds like bliss to you, then, like about 20 percent of the population who find themselves most active at around 9 pm, you may fall into the same category as our feathered friend. Night owls often have difficulty waking up in the morning, and like to be up late at night.  Studies of animal behaviour indicate that being a night owl may actually be built into some people’s genes. This would explain why those late-to-bed, late-to-rise people find it so difficult to change their behaviour. The trouble for night owls is that they just have to be at places such as work and school far too early. This is when the alarm clock becomes the night owl’s most important survival tool. Experts say that one way for a night owl to beat their dependence on their alarm clocks is to sleep with the curtains open. The Theory is that if they do so, the morning sunlight will awaken them gently and natura...

Week 4 [06-12.11.2017] This is what happens when you reply to spam email.

James Veitch is a British comedian. In today’s Ted Talk James with characteristic for himself a sense of humor shows how he deals with spam emails and why responding to junk messages may be sometimes dangerous. Questions: What do you think about James’s  way of dealing with spam? Why are junk messages legal, even though it sometimes may be a fraud? Dou you have a problem with spam? How do you deal with with it?

Week 9 [11.12 - 17.12.2017] Is Scientific Community Accepting of New Ideas?

We all want to believe that science is about pushing the boundaries of knowledge, breaking the status quo and persuading curious ideas, even if the majority of people find them unbelievable. But is it so? There are many cases of scientists who were disgraced and persecuted by the scientific community simply because their findings challenged the already existing beliefs. Humberto Maturana and Lynn Margulis Humberto Maturana is a prominent biologist who studied the examples of symbiosis between organisms: fungi that control the ants (there are farming ants that grow fungi for food) or the parasites that hijack the brains of snails. Maturana wondered how is it possible that a symbiosis so complex as the one between a worm and a snail could ever take place? I t occurred it is actually a more general argument about the evolution. What comes first: the design or the applic...