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Week 6 [20-26.04.2020] The soldier bear

People used  animals in wars for a long time. Everyone heard about pigeons that flew with letters during World War I. Uhlan riding horses to the battle or camels carrying wounded through the deserts. The best human friend, dogs where used to lay down telephone wires. But how many of you have heard the history about the soldier bear that was enlisted as polish soldier during World War II? Watch this short material about this brave individual.

Some quick questions to the topic:
  1. Have you heard this story before? If no, did you like it?
  2. What do you think about using animals in war operations? Think about old times and technology people had in the past and if we should use them in nowadays conflicts.
  3. Apart from using dogs as guides or sniffers what other animal can be use in time of peace?


1. No, I've never heard that story. It seems to be interesting and intriguing and gives a lot to think about.

2 and 3. I believe that in those days the use of animals for war purposes was the most natural, because then the technique was not developed and people needed new war tools to win battles and wars. At present, using animals in war would be unacceptable. Why? Because we have developed technology and we simply have machines that we use in war. Apart from using dogs as guides or sniffers what other animal can be use in time of peace? Honestly I do not know. I do not have an idea. Maybe there are no more ideas?
1. Have you heard this story before? If no, did you like it?
I have never heard this story and I can't believe what have I just watched... It is absolutely amazing!
2. What do you think about using animals in war operations? Think about old times and technology people had in the past and if we should use them in nowadays conflicts.
Using animals in war operations was indeed helpful. Apart from the morale that soldiers got, animals are better than humans in some things. As it was mentioned in a video, the bear scared the Arab who was hiding in the showers. Come on - who would not be scared? Dogs have a better sense of smell than humans and it can also be helpful. As dogs are still used by the police, I think it still makes sense to use animals during conflicts.
3. Apart from using dogs as guides or sniffers what other animal can be use in time of peace?
We can still use pigeons or dolphins to transport the messages. I think communication techniques developed pretty much, but they could be used to transfer something to a region that is for example not connected to the internet or does not have any radio station. We also use rats and mouses for medical tests.
1. Yes, I heard about this bear. This is a very touching story, what is more, I think that thanks to this meeting the bear cub had a better fate and the soldiers were also happier in these difficult times. I was most sorry when I learned that Wojtek spent 16 years in the zoo after the war.

2. What do you think about using animals in war operations? Think about old times and technology people had in the past and if we should use them in nowadays conflicts.
During the wars a lot of animals were used: first of all horses and dogs but also cats, pigs, sea lions and bats. Their use could often be inhumane, but I believe that some of these animals may have experienced real friendships and unforgettable adventures. I hope they felt important, needed and respected.

3. In the past, pigeons were used to forward mail. Today, most animals are used for clinical trials. There are also animal-based therapies - including dogs and horses.
Ela said…
1. I heard about this story before. Every time I hear it again I can't believe that it really happened. It is difficult to properly raise cats or dogs at home, it's amazing that the bear displayed so much human behavior.

2. Time of war is very hard time, people do everything to survive and outsmart the enemy. Animals are perfect for this - no one suspects that they may be on the enemy's side. Unfortunately, despite these advantages, I think that animals shouldn’t be used for war purposes - the war is waging between people, therefore animals should not be mixed up in it.

3. We use many animals in time of peace - from guide dogs through laboratory rats to animals raised for meat. Unfortunately, most of us don't see a problem in the use of animals.
1. Have you heard this story before? If no, did you like it?
To be honest i did not hear about this story before but i really enjoyed it.

2. What do you think about using animals in war operations? Think about old times and technology people had in the past and if we should use them in nowadays conflicts.
I think it is normal that people try everythink to win the war conflicts. Our technology is not changing too much of this because for example dogs can smell some things and help faster to save people. In my opinion we will use animals after next 20 years even though google will improve their robot which can recognize odor.

3. Apart from using dogs as guides or sniffers what other animal can be use in time of peace?
There is a lot of animals which are used to help in time of peace. For example horses, elephants, camels or even dolphins. Some of them help to transport people or things and some of them can be part of entertainment. I heard that dolphins can inform people when dangerous is comming from the sea.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
Have you heard that story before? If not, did you like it

That's what I heard about him. Wojtek accompanied the soldiers in their everyday life, being an integral part of the 2nd Corps. Together with the soldiers he took part in fights for "Monte Cassino". He stayed with the soldiers all the time and never hurt anyone, which can basically be described as a small miracle. He was treated as a mascot of the corps, but with great sensitivity and care. He could sleep with the soldiers in a tent, eat meals with them, participate in games. Apparently, he loved beer, which he drank straight from the bottle - just like milk used to.

What do you think about using animals in warfare? Think about the old days and the technology that people had in the past and whether we should use them in today's conflicts.

It's not fair, but animals were treated as a tool. I think something has changed in thinking. The animals that were in the war even have a monument. Animals in War Memorial - a monument in London, on the edge of Hyde Park, commemorating the animals that served and died under British leadership. It was designed by English sculptor David Backhouse and unveiled by English princess Anna Mountbatten-Windsor. An example is the Dickin Medal awarded so far.

Apart from using dogs as guides or anglers, what other animals can be used in peacetime?

Animals can work as therapists. They treat hypertension, allergies and help in the fight against depression. Dogs and cats can make people feel better than some antidepressants and vitamins.
1. I’ve heard about this bear but without details given in the movie, I have also seen pictures of him before.

2. I’ve heard some conspiracy theory about dolphins or some other big swimming creatures used in the military to spy in water.

3. Birds can be used to send messages but with have internet so not useful now
MichalB said…
1. Have you heard this story before? If no, did you like it?

Yes, I heard about it. It's a very nice story and apparently based on authentic facts. But not only the teddy bear served in the war. There were other animals that were used. In addition to dogs and horses, they were cats, canaries, pigs, deer or donkey.

2. What do you think about using animals in war operations? Think about old times and technology people had in the past and if we should use them in nowadays conflicts.

Continuing the previous statement. Not always people in the past had something to replace animals. Rats looking for anti-personnel mines or sea lions restraining the legs of divers are some examples of the use of animals. I know that it's a terrible but always use of an animal saved human life.

3. Apart from using dogs as guides or sniffers what other animal can be use in time of peace?

Canaries detect gas. No matter if there is a war or peace. Beetles equipped with cameras. Pigs looking for truffles. I have no other ideas.
Pawel Bluszcz said…
1. To be honest I haven't heard this story before and I regret it very much. I watched this video with a smile on my face and with each moment I was more and more surprised. A very nice story. I didn't know it was possible to tame a bear.

2. I think that's a very good idea. Animals have more developed some senses and should be used to gain an advantage over the enemy.

3. I believe that the next animals that would find their use in the time of peace are polar bears. Thanks to their resistance to large frosts, they could work in the most extreme weather conditions where the current equipment would have limitations.
1. Of course, I heard about Wojtek! The story is too awesome to not notice it!

2. This guy was a rescue that probably couldn't be released in the wild, so I believe his life was more exciting than sitting in a cage... However, I wouldn't like to see armies of purposely trained animals. But I also don't like armies at all, and wars for all that matter, I hope we will grow up from this brutality eventually. Nevertheless, employing animals to do special tasks is not bad in my opinion. All the dogs that look for buried people after earthquakes thanks to their enhanced senses are almost imperative to the task. And they love their job. Police dogs also fight the bad guys, even if it's dangerous, they must be so proud about themselves. So, animals working alongside humans - yes, using them for military purposes - definitely no.

3. Birds of prey are used at the airports to scare away other birds that could fly into the airplane engines.
Have you heard this story before? If no, did you like it?
Of course i have heard about it before!! It such an amazing story that sounds fake but is actually true.

What do you think about using animals in war operations? Think about old times and technology people had in the past and if we should use them in nowadays conflicts.
Started from the beginning wars are terrible things and its between humans. We shouldn't engage different animals to fight for the things they dont even understand. In nowadays conflicts the machines are much more efficient than animals so thats good that we dont need to use animals anymore.

Apart from using dogs as guides or sniffers what other animal can be use in time of peace?
For example pigs can be used also as sniffers. They have better smell than dogs do have.
Hello, here are my answers to your questions.

1. I did, and it still amazes me to this day.

2. I believe that using animals in current day and age is outdated. They were useful through out the entire history of humans, however now with all of the machinery and technology using them wouldn't be efficient. Not to mention, the wars are between humans and humans only. Animals have nothing to do with our conflicts, and should stay out of them, especially now as they are easily replaced.

3. I know that some predatory birds are used at the airports in order to keep smaller birds away from the starting planes. We also use pigs for searching for truffles and we also use animals like horses for racing. There are also bees which we use for pollinating flowers.
Maciek Olko said…
1. Have you heard this story before? If no, did you like it?
Yes, I've heard. Once I have been in Teatr Dramatyczny on play based on story of the bear. I think the route that Anders army have walked through and the history is fascinating. As I side note I can tell I also like a song by Marika „Piosenka o Wojtku” also about that story.

2. What do you think about using animals in war operations? Think about old times and technology people had in the past and if we should use them in nowadays conflicts.
I think Wojtek is not an example of animal used in war operations. He was rather a pet and companion for the soldiers than a soldier itself.
At the time of tanks last animals were excluded from war operations. Now they only serve as inspiration for making scary machines by Boston Dynamics, which I hope will not be used anytime in any war operation.

3. Apart from using dogs as guides or sniffers what other animal can be use in time of peace?
We benefit from animals mostly in a food market. I've heard about rats trained to help find mines in Vietnam on post-war terrains.
Viktor Ryś said…
Yes, in history classes in school when discussing WWII the bear was always mentioned as an curiosity fact. The video thaught me some things I didn't know about Wojtek, like why was he enrolled in the army and what happened to him after the war, overall the story is quite unusual and interesting.

I know the myth that Hanibal did use Elephants for war purposes, and horses were abundant in conflicts, but in my opinion those times are over and using animals
would be a huge risk for any modern army. In my opinion robotics is the future of modern warfare.

No idea, but I recall that dogs could also be used as shepards in some rural areas.
Kyrylo said…
Have you heard this story before? If no, did you like it?
I haven't, and I have neutral feelings about it. I do not feel compassion towards animals.
What do you think about using animals in war operations? Think about old times and technology people had in the past and if we should use them in nowadays conflicts.
We still should rely on them. Many animals possess natural abilities, that are impossible to reproduce using technology, at least not yet. Help of service dogs, horses, even mail pigeons is invaluable.
Apart from using dogs as guides or sniffers what other animal can be use in time of peace?
Load horses, mail birds, carriers, rescue dogs, cats to catch rodents in old buildings.
Have you heard this story before? If no, did you like it?

No, I haven't. Yes, I liked this story, surprising how much a bear can copy human behavior. I think that this bear was helpful for the morale of his division.

What do you think about using animals in war operations? Think about old times and technology people had in the past and if we should use them in nowadays conflicts.

I think we should try to keep our conflicts within our realm - however, using animals as pets could be good for soldiers. I think in old times they could be useful in the war operations, today not so much.

Apart from using dogs as guides or sniffers what other animal can be use in time of peace?

Some animals are helpful in psychology therapy - for example horses. Horses can be also used in agriculture - in poor regions, where people cannot afford professional agriculture machinery.
1 / No, I did not hear this story, but I heard that there are studies and articles on this topic. Yes, a very entertaining story, I liked this topic.

2 / I do not consider this a humane way, only if they are not dogs of special services for rescue and search for the wounded. In other cases of violent or beating format, I consider unacceptable. I believe that we shouldn’t use animals.

3 / For example, birds and sea creatures for photo and video filming or cute cats as helpers around the house as well as guide dogs.
Bartosz Warda said…
1. Have you heard this story before? If no, did you like it?

I have not heard the story before. I like bears a lot and I like the story as well. I think that the bear Wojtek is a special one. He seems so cool that I actually would like to meet him in person back at the times.

2. What do you think about using animals in war operations? Think about old times and technology people had in the past and if we should use them in nowadays conflicts.

I think they were innovative back then and probably they were saving a lot of resources and time. Some were irreplaceable, for instance when the engine has not invented the horses or donkeys were used for moving resources or weapons. People would not have the "horse power" to move the heavy objects.

3. Apart from using dogs as guides or sniffers what other animals can be used in time of peace?

Well, the obvious and aforementioned before horses are a cool option for people that are far from civilisation on their farms. It is kind of old school nowadays, but still useful and more climate-friendly than some diesel tractors.
Aleksander said…
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Aleksander said…
1. Yes, I heard and was really shocked that such a story took place and was real. But sometimes hard times needs hard solutions ;p
2. In the past, mankind used many animals to conquer the others – horses, elephants, oxen, donkeys, etc but nowadays I see another path- it’s not a secret that US Army tested insects in a need to spy. A good example is a CPU Intel Edison which can be implanted into bees – one more step and we can steer an animal.
Grzegorz Rostek said…
1. This is the first time i have heard this story, and i believe it is really interesting.

2. I believe it could be really useful in the old times, althoug in my mind it would also be unethical. Nowadays, it wouldn't really make sense, besides of giving the soldiers a morale boost thanks to having a friendly animal nearby.

3. I believe people were using pigeons in the past to pass information, but in today's world the technology is so advanced that we have no need to use animals.
Olga Bogdał said…
1. I've never heard about Wojtek before. I really liked it, it shows that animals have many 'human' qualities and it is very important not to hurt them.

2. I think that dogs are still being used in war operations. They have a high sense of smell and intuition that cannot be fully replaced by technology.

3. I think that horses are also very useful, they can take the guards to places that would be hard to get to by a car or motorbike.
s18716 said…
Have you heard this story before? If no, did you like it?
Yes, I heard this story. My friend shared this story with me two years ago. And next day, purely by accident, I saw a memorable photo of Wojtek near the Lazienki Park. Since then, very often I find information about Wojtek on the Internet.

What do you think about using animals in war operations? Think about old times and technology people had in the past and if we should use them in nowadays conflicts.
Since ancient times, people have used animals for various purposes to achieve military achievements. And indeed in everyday life, too. After all, before mankind did not have such technologies, so people decided to use animals. Most likely in some cases it was not humane on the part of people. But it seems to me a thing of the past. Today in military conflicts there is more technology.

Apart from using dogs as guides or sniffers what other animal can be use in time of peace?
In peacetime, many pets can be used for psychotherapy. Like horses in hippotherapy. A very useful remedy for various mental and psychological disorders, during rehabilitation after serious illness, and in general in order to maintain mental health in shape.
1.Have you heard this story before? If no, did you like it?
I never heard this story before and I must say it was really unussual for me haha. I am not convinced of using animals for war but It must looked spectacular to have such a bear in your army.
2.What do you think about using animals in war operations? Think about old times and technology people had in the past and if we should use them in nowadays conflicts.
We should never use animals in war operations. In old times maybe it was more necessary as we did not have so advanced technology but right now there is no point of using them in my opinion.
3.Apart from using dogs as guides or sniffers what other animal can be use in time of peace?
I would say mice as they are really smal and could pass by some places where no man could go, and they would gather information or eavesdrop an enemy.
lukaszK said…
1. Have you heard this story before? If no, did you like it?
I heard Wojtek's story when I was in college. Bear has certainly helped soldiers break away from the gray reality of war. I was glad that he managed to survive the war, including the battle of Monte Casino, where about 74 thousand people were killed.
It is a pity that he went to the zoo because he was rather used to living as a “free man”.

2. What do you think about using animals in war operations? Think about old times and technology people had in the past and if we should use them in nowadays conflicts.

Using animals and people in wars is bad.
During World War 2, while horses and mules participated in the fighting, they transported weapons, food supplies, transported equipment and people. Animals like elephants or camels. Sometimes they died, but the dogs were trained by the Red Army as live mines that were to blow up German tanks. They were taught during training that there was food under the tank, the dogs crawled under the German tank, started the fuse and blew up the tank and themselves.
Animals have been used in conflict since ancient times. Today, more technologically advanced sides of conflict rather use vehicles as trucks, tanks, aircraft, helicopters and drones. Animals lost their importance at war.
The story of Wojtek the bear is cheerful because the animal was more of an army mascot than a war-tool.

3. Apart from using dogs as guides or sniffers what other animal can be use in time of peace?
Recently, I was very interested in the subject of cat therapy called felinotherapy.
Felinotherapy is to improve the patient's mental and physical condition through contact with the cat and its carer. It is contact involving stroking cat's fur, hugging the cat, playing with it, combing, feeding, or even just keeping the cat on his lap. Just being around a cat can be therapeutic.
Therapy can be used for everyone: for children, adults, lonely, elderly people, disabled people, mentally ill people, for stressed people. In general, I recommend having a cat even if we do not need felinotherapy.
1. Have you heard this story before? If no, did you like it?
Yes, many times I have heard about Wojtek :), it is one of my favorite stories. I have heard about it in high school. When somebody told me that I don’t believe him, but after I checked it in the Internet I was shocked. Yes, I like this story so much.

2. What do you think about using animals in war operations? Think about old times and technology people had in the past and if we should use them in nowadays conflicts.
These days the war won’t look like that, so using animals in some operations is a little bit old-fashion. On the other hand I think the war is terrible and we shouldn’t let die animals by our faults. They have also right to live.

3. Apart from using dogs as guides or sniffers what other animal can be use in time of peace?
For example we use rats or mice for medical experiments like tests in some labs. One group of people can say it is terrible I do not have an opinion about it.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, yes it is good that many people find using animals is bad in wars. But we cannot forget about that nautre can be brutal while we watch it only from our point of view.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, the dolphins transporting messages gave me an idea or dolphins with router on their back. No idea why! :D
Maciej Górczak said…
1.Have you heard this story before? If no, did you like it?
Of course I heard about Wojtek. It is a well known story in Poland as this bear was fighting with polish soldiers in many battles, including battle of Monte Casino. I would love to serve in a platoon with a bear! (btw i saw one in Warsaw yesterday, maybe they came back because of the coronavirus).
2.What do you think about using animals in war operations? Think about old times and technology people had in the past and if we should use them in nowadays conflicts.
I have heard about raccoons trained in martial arts, which afterwards were used in cold war to get to most influential chinese generals and torture them
3.Apart from using dogs as guides or sniffers what other animal can be use in time of peace?
Cows, horses? Better question is, which animals we can not use in time of peace.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, yes I really hope that every animal that helped people during conflict is like another soldier on the battlefield that deserves and honor as its comrades.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, yes, some animals are really used in wrong way or unnecessary brutal one. It is good that the awareness of this problem gets more and more louder.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment and thanks for the information about dolphins I really have to look closer to it.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, I also believe we need more recognition for those animal soldiers, sculpture is good but I believe we can do even more.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, I have to look up this Truffle hog as it sounds intresting. Thanks x2!
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, yeah in a city we have internet for now but in some situations it can be more tricky to send information. I hope such time won't occur.
Jakub Kisiała said…
1. No, I have not. But I think it's intriguing.

2. Animals were always used in military. In peace time and war. Nowadays they are used rather in small amount in specific application. Especially there where machines can get. In mountains, on swamps and other heavy terrains. In the past every cannon was pulled by horses.

3. In every application which required high agility which can only provide some live creature. Like I mention this kind of application is moving through mountains. In journey on the Mount Everest ones are still using donkeys to transport equipment.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, I have to read more about canaries as it sounds really fascinating.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, in case of nuclear winter we should invest in polar bears. It is a good point especially if our army already had some experience with bears.
Klaudia Kozioł said…
1. Yes, I have heard of this bear but never a full story which is very interesting.
2. I think that people shouldn’t use animals in their wars. In the history there must have been hundreds of thousands of horses and other animals which died in wars. First of all we shouldn’t make any more conflicts between countries, but if there are ones we shouldn’t let animals die just because our kind wants so.
3. I strongly believe that dogs are peoples best friends, so any sort of therapy with animals might be a good idea.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, never heard about the birds of prey, thanks for the information about them.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, I agree animals should not fight in our wars. It is our stupidity that engage them and only our species should pay the price.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, I agree only one species should be involved in the fights. If some dogs fight on the streets we do nothing so why they have to act during our hard time?
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, I need to hear this song now that I learned about its exitstence.
Oskar Kacprzak said…
1. Have you heard this story before? If no, did you like it?
Yes, I've heard about Wojtek long time before this. I used to be in the millitary for 3 years. Story of this bear is on one hand happy and on the other hand sad, because of how it ended.
2. What do you think about using animals in war operations? Think about old times and technology people had in the past and if we should use them in nowadays conflicts.
I've heard about the Soviet Republic using dogs as anti tank mines. Worst part is that they trained dogs on russian tanks, and dogs were running towards own machines instead of enemies. I think nowadays we don't need animals in service like millitary, because we got wide spectrum of robots.
3. Apart from using dogs as guides or sniffers what other animal can be use in time of peace?
I don't think we have other animal species domesticated enough to use in some specific actions like helping humans. Other animals are widely used in therapies and entertaining for example horses.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, yes they are allso shepards I just gave some first examples that came to my mind.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, load horses are becoming really a rare sight even in rural areas.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, horses are really rare sight in my opinion. Not many people use them nowadays for work in the fields.
Roman Dubovyi said…
1. Yes, I heard. It's absurd. Our world is kind of surreal sometimes.

2. Earlier cavalry was a big thing. Horses were heroes sometimes as well. Dogs are the most loyal animals, they were also frequently used. Actually dogs are still very useful, but not in the hot zones, they are more likely to be used in interior special operations.

3. Pigeons can be used as messengers.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, yes the species should have fight their wars with only themselves.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, yeah horses should still be preferrable way to work in small fields, maybe many would disagree but i find that really good for our planet.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment and the information about this specific CPu i really need to dwell on this deeper as it sounds almost a bit sci-fi to me.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, yeah pigeons went broke because of the internet, but I believe they may find their other uses someday.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, yeah horses can jump and are not as loud as motorbikes. Good for scouts truly.
Have you heard this story before? If no, did you like it?
I have never heard about this story before and it is very strange story, to be honest. Using a bear in an army is a very interesting idea.
What do you think about using animals in war operations? Think about old times and technology people had in the past and if we should use them in nowadays conflicts.
In the past people had to have such ways of solving problems such as horses to ride, dogs to seek, pigeons, etc. But now the usage of animals is immoral. We have such impressive technologies, but still using animals even for testing cosmetics!
Apart from using dogs as guides or sniffers what other animal can be use in time of peace?
Using dogs as guides or sniffers is OK, these dogs are living in love. I'm sure that we shouldn't use animals in ways that are dangerous for them.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, sometimes when we learn something or start doing a thing we tend to find more of it everywhere. It happens a lot to pregnent women, maybe the same is with wojtek with you? You find it everywhere you go.
Have you heard this story before? If no, did you like it?

Honsetly, I have never heard about it, but it sounds really bad to me.

What do you think about using animals in war operations?
Think about old times and technology people had in the past and if we should use them in nowadays conflicts.

No, we have growthed in many technical field this much that why we still have to using animals and hurting them? It's really disgusting.

Apart from using dogs as guides or sniffers what other animal can be use in time of peace?

A few decades ago pigeons was used to communication. Animals are also helping people in many med-connected things without hurting them.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, mice with a good equipment could be a tricky spy it would be harder to control it though. Some remote sound signals? No idea.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, cat therapy I like the sound of that. I assume only some trained cats can be used in such things, right?
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, I agree animals shouldn't fight our wars.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, Hah yeah I believe every animal have some usage we only should learn what it may be.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment. I had no idea about donkeys in the Mount Everest and other mountains in the area being used for transport. Thanks.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment. Yes the dog therapy is nice and helpful just like other therapies included animals like horses or cats. I can find it really hurt warming on the contrary to war and death.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, poor dogs in Sovier Republic but there where many poor lifes there aswell.
Have you heard this story before? If no, did you like it?

No, I haven't heard this story before. I think this is a great story, very entertaining. To be honest, I was a little bit shocked about this story and that this happened in real life.

What do you think about using animals in war operations? Think about old times and technology people had in the past and if we should use them in nowadays conflicts.

I think it inappropriate to use animals in modern war conflicts. In history, we have a lot of examples when people used animal for a fight, but now, with our modern weapons and power, I think it should be used.

Apart from using dogs as guides or sniffers what another animal can be used in the time of peace?

A lot of different animals could be used in the time of peace. Like cats help people deal with stress or cows/goats etc to get milk and other products. I think people are using away more animals than they should do it.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, I believe pigeons, beside some blackout or specific area, went broke as postmans.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment. We evolve each day and I believe, the same as you, that it is time to put a top to use animals like tools.
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, I agree machines are more disposible then animal, unless their aquire self-awarness of course ;)
Karol Michalak said…
Thanks for the comment, I can agree, animals should not fight our wars they are living creatures aswell.
1. Have you heard this story before? If no, did you like it?
No, I haven't. I don't like this story because treating bear like this isn't good. Giving bear a beer and cigarettes is so inappropiate for it's health. Moreover, this wild animal was exposed to threat of a war.

2. What do you think about using animals in war operations? Think about old times and technology people had in the past and if we should use them in nowadays conflicts.
Using animals in a war operations isn't a good thing. In my opinion, people should use them only in rescue missions but not in the fight. Animals are also living creatures and not items, so humans shouldn't involve them and risk their life in man's stupid conflicts.

3. Apart from using dogs as guides or sniffers what other animal can be use in time of peace?
More and more animals are used in medical issues like canine-assisted therapy to help people cope with a mental problems.

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