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Week 8 [03.12-09.12.18] Extinct Bird - Passenger Pigeon

“The numbers are so great the sky itself begins to darken” - Extinct Bird - Passenger Pigeon
The most abundant bird in the entire world

Passenger pigeons were the victims of hunters from barely one hundred years. For millennia, the sleek long-distance flyer was the most abundant bird in North America and perhaps the world. Then, in a matter of decades, humans slaughtered them all to completely extinction.  

The common name of passenger pigeons comes from the French term pigeon de passage, which means passing by, referring to massive migrations of them across the firmament. It had a typical high-speed wings, which allows them to be one of the fastest-flying bird.

“The numbers are so great the sky itself begins to darken” 
A flock of passenger pigeons reported in Ontario was described as being a mile wide and 300 miles long. That incredible flock was taking almost 14 hours to pass overhead.  

From billion to none
Pigeon meat was commercialized as one of the cheapest food, probably cheaper than poultry, were second only to wild turkey, which resulting in hunting on a massive scale for many decades. Humans ate wild pigeons in huge amount, but they were also killed, because they were seen as a thread for agriculture.

Hunting them were incredible easy. One shot from double-barreled 12-gauge (bore) shotgun to flock always results killing couple of them. There were creating contests to shoot as much of them as possible. In one competition, the winner had killed around 30 000.

Peoples were creating traps. Big net can caught thousands of them per hour. Humans torched their roosts and asphyxiated them with burning sulfur. They attacked the birds with rakes, pitchforks, rocks and potatoes. They poisoned them with whiskey-soaked corn.

The last confirmed wild bird is thought to have been shot in 1901, the last representat of that species - Martha - died 13 years later in Cincinnati Zoo.  

My questions:
1. Have you ever heard about passenger pigeons? 
2. What do you think about that humans behavior?
3. Have you ever heard about any other species which were extinct by humans? 



Maciej Nowak said…
I haven't heard about passenger pigeons before and how their species has been exterminated. On the one hand I understand why they had been hunted. There wasn't as much food as it is now and people weren't so aware of the ecology in those times. On the other hand it is sad how people can wipe out some species without any thought just for money. I have heard about extinction of Northern White Rhino and I can't understand why there are people that would buy rhino's horns just because it is supposedly an aphrodisiac, even if it means that species will become extinct.
Actually, as sad it could sound, one day all life is to be wiped out from the planet entirely. It is scientifically proven. The question is, how far is that day from now? We, human nation, can actually have a great impact on it.

However, after that doomsday, the life will come back. Perhaps, not repeating the same mistake, creating humans.
Marcin Krupa said…
We - humans- are bringing every day that moment closer and closer.... And we can't stop, right now we can only try to slow down this process.
Marcin Krupa said…
I have heard about White Rhino, I know that humans were hunting them for their horns, but I don't know a lot about this topic, nonetheless... In my opinion people are not considering about consequences of their actions. They are thinking "yolo", "Its not our problem. Let next generation solve our mistakes" and that's all.

Btw. I recommend you to read about Dodos or Tasmanian Tigers. They also have been exterminated by humans and they story are also very interesting (at least for me :)).
Yes, I have heard about passenger pigeons. When I was a teenager, I had a book about USA. It was very interesting and funny lecture, because it was a book for young teenagers or children and it was presenting the knowledge in a very entertaining way. In this book, the passenger pigeons were mentioned, there was even the same quote about “sky itself begins to darken”.
I think that such behavior isn’t very responsible and should be avoided. In my opinion people should preserve as much species as possible. Although I understand that in certain conditions, men won’t stop from eating some animal because it is from rare specie. Probably if I were starving, I wouldn’t hesitate too. However killing and exterminating whole specie because it has nice fur or feather or some similar reason is unacceptable.
I have heard about a lot of species that went extinct because of humans, for example Dodo birds, which were, like passenger pigeons, easy to hunt.
1. Have you ever heard about passenger pigeons?
Yes, I have heard about them but I didn't know how they extinct.
2. What do you think about that humans behavior?
I wrote about similar issue some weeks ago. Generally, people didn't care and still don't care about the world and the environment. They already devastated Earth, nature, animals and what is the difference if one or two more species become extinct right? We don't need animals. We can always Google them...
3. Have you ever heard about any other species which were extinct by humans?
Yes, the recent very wide spread was The Northern White Rhino extinction but there were also some other species which extinct recently like: Pinta Island Tortoise or Pyrenean Ibex.
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s18716 said…
Have you ever heard about passenger pigeons?
Yes, I previously heard about this kind of bird. I knew that they were extinct, but did not know about such unique numbers about them
What do you think about that humans behavior?
The population of many animals unfortunately decreases due to human actions. Now a lot of endangered species of animals suffer from the hands of poachers, all due to the fact that their carcasses are very valuable in the black markets, especially those components that are used for pharmaceutical purposes (for example, rhino horn)
Have you ever heard about any other species which were extinct by humans?
Yes, for example the marsupial wolf. Last year, I heard that scientists want to use their genetic material to restore this species, and I don’t know how successful these experiments were

1. Have you ever heard about passenger pigeons?
I have never heard of them, they are very nice. However, it is sad to hear about them in such a nasty way for the first time.
2. What do you think about this behavior of people?
People have always had barbaric behavior towards animals, nature or people themselves. Of course, when there is no other way out, such behavior can be explained in some way, however, these are extreme cases.
3. Have you ever heard about other species extinct by humans?
Yes, there are a lot of such species, to a greater extent, animals are dying by people, how people change their surroundings and contribute to the earthly changes, tons of rubbish, polluted water ... Just go to Masurian lakes, in them almost no fish.
Unknown said…
1. No, I haven't heard of them before.

2. I can understand the reasoning behind this kind of behavior. The meat was cheap and easily accessible, so it should be no surprise that the number of passenger pigeons dropped drastically and eventually reached extinction. People always put themselves in the first place and rarely consider other species and consequences of their decisions until it is far too late.

3. Tasmanian tigers went extinct somewhen around 1930's. It is mostly because of the bounty that was put on their heads by the Tasmanian government.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I haven`t heard about passenger pigeons before.
I think that humans should pay more attention to the extinct species.
Actually there are lots of species that have become extinct, because of humans.
Marcin Krupa said…
For the first time I heard about passenger pigeons in a book too, but that was a children's illustrated encyclopedia. Also I read about Dodos, Wooly mammoth (which has as like a Dodo, his own pretty sad story) and other extinct creatures.

Tons of species were exterminated, because of fear. Humans seen them as a thread. The most signature example was Tasmanian tiger. People killed them all, because they tough that this animal is killing their sheep. People wasn't right. Tasmanian tiger didn't hunt single of sheep. Humans misread pretty badly the whole situation, criminating Tasmanian tiger.
Marcin Krupa said…
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Marcin Krupa said…
Ya, sure. Some species become extinct by indirect humans actions. We are acting like a disease.
I did not hear about passenger pigeons before but i am not interested in these topics too much. Human behaviour is fine, we have some flaws that we excercised during our history, but hey now developed countries are pretty chill places, some of the "relics of past" are still present in our behaviours but together we can beat them. There are a lot most of them are a wild species that were domesticated and now degrade physically from generation to generation because of weird unnatural selection.
Marcin Krupa said…
About Tasmanian tigers... Do you know how this bounty was boot? Tasmanian tigers were wrongly convicted of killing sheep. Their jaws were to weak to hunt any bigger animal, but people didn't know or they ignore that fact. They were looking for the culprits and they found them.
Denys Pogurskyi said…
1. Have you ever heard about passenger pigeons?
No, I did not hear about them.
2. What do you think about that humans behavior?
Humans don't changes, in the past they all time kill something, and they still do it.
3. Have you ever heard about any other species which were extinct by humans?
If I'm not mistaken Mammoths.
Unknown said…
1. Have you ever heard about passenger pigeons?

No, it is the first time I hear about passenger pigeons.

2. What do you think about that humans behaviour?

Eradicating a species can lead to wide range of problems. For example, eradicated species of birds can end up in massive infestation of bugs eating crops or caring desieses.

3. Have you ever heard about any other species which were extinct by humans?

Yes of course. Many of them. 80% of big mammals in North and South America were extinct after the humans colonised them. All over the word, most of them in prehistory. Our ancestors really outdid themself in that matter.
This is such a sad story. I've never heard about it before, so that's my first encounter with passenger pigeons. Unfortunately, that just shows how we, humans, don't really understand nature and how we exploit it for short-term gain. I wish I could say it was a long time ago and we are so much better now not to do this. I'm afraid we still do. Not long ago the last white rhino died because poachers killed them for their horns.
Humans have a very long history of driving other species to extinction. When we first arrived in Asia and Europe, we killed all giant animals on those continents. Wooly Mammoths, saber tigers and others. The same on North and South Americas. I hope one day we'll grow up finally and we'll stop killing animals altogether, but it will take many more years I guess.
Marcin Krupa said…
"Eradicating a species can lead to wide range of problems. For example, eradicated species of birds can end up in massive infestation of bugs eating crops or caring desieses."
Sure, decreasing population of some species can have fatal consequences in future. On the other hand, enormous population can be disastrous for us, so sometimes we need to control population. Anyone like it, but sometimes we need to do that.
No, I have never heard about passenger pigeons. The disappearance of the passenger pigeon is a sad example of how even billion flocks can be exterminated in less than 100 years.
Personally, I think, such humans behavior is thoughtless. We have to look after our nature to prevent such horrible events. Human activities and poor ecology have led to the fact that various types of living organisms continue to die out.
Yes, I have heard about some species like Black rhinoceros and North American cougar.
Now the first time I read about passenger pigeons. Earlier never heard nothing about them. I think that the behavior of people is reckless. Though, there is nothing to hide, it is human nature. The person inherently same animal as well as any other on the planet the earth. You should not condemn strongly them, at that time there was no Internet yet. Actually, very often I meet similar stories. A large number of animals died because of the person.

For example.
Tarpana — fast and extremely hardy, vigorous animal, very angry and wild, not giving in to domestication at mature age.

Dodo lived on Mauritius several centuries, without being afraid at all of the natural enemies who just did not exist on the island. For this reason the bird was not flying — to her it was simple there is nobody to hide.

Tasmaniysky or marsupial the wolf known also as "тилацин", lived in the territory of continental Australia and the island New Guinea. For the first time its area of dwelling underwent change after to New Guinea people transported dingo dogs. The last forced out a marsupial of a wolf from his ordinary habitat, and presently he "moved" to live on the island of Tasmania.

I will not continue further...

Source of information on animals:
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Yes, I have heard about passenger pigeons.

I think that people's behavior is terrible.

Yes, every year the matter of the protection of animals on extinction is raised by different organizations like a WWF. Human activities such as oil mining, mining, car fumes, burning garbage, throwing garbage into the forests and feeding animals with improper food etc. cause millions of killed innocent animals every year. People should start to take care more about the environment because they also harm themselves. Every year a lot of people is going to be sick for the serious diseases such a lung cancer, which is caused by human activity.
Unknown said…
Yes, I heard it, but I don't know how it works. Certainly such a pigeon must be well trained to fly and transmit messages.

I believe that we should take care of the environment, but unfortunately it isn't as good as it seems and people don't care.

That is a lot of species that have gone extinct (I think), but there are a lot of which are fewer people.
I find it disgusting. Humanity is the only such developed genus on our planet. And the only thing that spoils everything to which it touches. We, as parasites, only use and give nothing in return. We change everything around us for our own convenience and do not think that we are not alone living on this planet. Thanks to man, thousands of animal species have become extinct and we can only learn about them from books.
1. Have you ever heard about passenger pigeons?
Yes, I’ve heard it before as an example of destructive human behaviour in response to words by our environment minister. He literally said that there is no animal species that people extinct by hunting.
2. What do you think about that humans behavior?
I think that no matter what we are still animals and it is possible that will never change our savage behaviors. As a specie we destroy things even when they do not threaten us at all.
3. Have you ever heard about any other species which were extinct by humans?
Yes. Other one example may be aurochs
Unknown said…
No, I've never heard of these species of pigeons before. It's a shame that they went extinct because of human negligence towards nature and its rules. I these birds existed then they were important in nature's chain of life.
I think one day we were regret destroying some species of fauna and flora. Of course, wiping out birds by poisoning them is a very brutal and insidious move to make. I guess many people back that time didn't have much empathy for nature and thought that it is up to them which creatures are pests.
I've heard about Tasmanian tigers that went extinct somewhere at the beginning of the 20th century.
Marcin Krupa said…
Our species are cruel disease for Earth, but I just can't blame humans for everything bad. Sure, we exterminated a lot of species, but in the other hand, we saved some species from completely extinction. Not only humans are erasing species from Earth.
Marcin Krupa said…
"Yes, I’ve heard it before as an example of destructive human behaviour in response to words by our environment minister. He literally said that there is no animal species that people extinct by hunting."
Ya, I heard his words too. To be honest, I didn't expect that words from person who have been ascended to that high position. I don't want to start here political polemic, but in my opinion, someone who holds that type of position should have basic knowledge about environment.
Unknown said…
I have never heard about passenger pigeons, until now.
I don't approve such actions. People are able to wipe out some species for money, fun and other useless things.
I've heard about a Tasmanian wolf.
Unknown said…
1. Have you ever heard about passenger pigeons?
This is the first time I hear about these pigeons but it's very interesting and also very sad that they extinct. I don't know a person who likes today pigeons, they are even called "rats with wings". I don't mind pigeons but I can't say that they are my favourite animals.
2. What do you think about that humans behavior?
I'm not a vegetarian and I'm not opposed to killing animals in order to eat them. But when it is all about killing and have fun I am definetly contrary.
3. Have you ever heard about any other species which were extinct by humans?
Yes, recently northern white rhino extict because of poaching.
1. Have you ever heard about passenger pigeons?
I haven't heard about them before. You prepared a really nice and educative presentation. It was short yet very interesting.
2. What do you think about that humans behavior?
It's hard to tell. Those times were different. People had different knowledge about animals and perceived them in different way. Still shooting to flocks of birds for fun seems disgusting to me.
3. Have you ever heard about any other species which were extinct by humans?
I know that american bisons almost got extinct because of human actions.

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