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Week 8 [03.12-09.12.18] Transgender our future?

One of the components of human happiness is satisfaction with their sex. Many people do not think about it, because they feel comfortable in the body that nature has given them. If someone does not like his gender, and he feels himself to be not who he is, then we can assume that this person belongs to the group of transgender people.

Transgender. This term is used to refer to people whose biological sex and self-image do not match. Psychologists and sociologists refer to transgender people of all people whose gender and biological sex do not contemporaneity. There are such transgender groups: 1.Bigender is a person who feels himself a man or a woman alternately. 2.Agender is a situation when a person does not perceive himself as a representative of a particular gender. 3.Genderqueer- this group includes people with mixed gender, different from the usual understanding of male and female. 4.Trans woman is a biological man who perceives himself as a lady. 5.Trans man is a biological woman with the male gender. Externally, to identify transgender is not easy. Most often, they easily learn to dress and look like a person of the opposite sex. They master the manners of the opposite sex, live by their interests and behave accordingly. However, they cannot lead a full-fledged life, because their bodies demonstrate the existing disagreement between the physical and psychological components of their personality. The results of numerous special studies on the problem of transgenderism allowed scientists to conclude that gender is an innate quality, and any deviations in this area are also are present in a person from birth. Unfortunately, the prevention and treatment of this pathology are still beyond the competence of medicine.

The first transgender in the world described in the medical literature is Einar Wegener Mogen. He was born a boy, but from childhood, he felt feminine in himself. Einar was a famous artist but left this activity to become a model for the magazine in which his wife worked. Einar was the first to have a sex change operation. His life formed the basis of the plot of the biopic "The Danish Girl". The “activation” of transgender people, does not mean at all that in the near future, representatives of humanity with a normal gender are inevitable “degenerated”. This trend, above all, is associated with an increase in the loyalty of the population of the planet to people with gender identity disorders.

Today, trans men and women have the long-awaited opportunity to “coming out ”, and even make successful steps in the development of cultural and socio-political space. And Conchita Wurst is far from the most vivid example of such success. For example, in the regional parliament of Spain for many years sits a famous actress Carl Antonelli, a man in the past. A trans woman was recently appointed the chief doctor of the US state of Pennsylvania, and the current HR manager in the US Presidential Administration several years ago corrected the “mistake of nature” by changing her gender from male to female. Whether we like the trend of the new time or not, be that as it may, transgender people today are no longer shocking anyone, and even the most convinced and notorious conservatives have to accept their increasingly self-declared presence in the world. Science and medicine do not stand still, and, quite possibly, the time will come when a phenomenon called “transgender” will remain for humanity in the distant past.  

How do you feel about such people? Do you think that the laws of loyalty to transgender people violate the rights of people with an ordinary gender? Have you ever met people with unusual gender?



Nataliya Tkach said…
1.How do you feel about such people?
I treat such people absolutely normal.

2.Do you think that the laws of loyalty to transgender people violate the rights of people with an ordinary gender?
Perhaps some will debate with me that violate, but I think that there isn't because this personality. They're people like us.

3.Have you ever met people with unusual gender?
I've never met such people. I think that in most countries people are afraid to show themselves, and many people don't understand what influenced these people, why they are like that. Such people can be found in more loyal countries, such as Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain
It is a decease. Why can't you see that? Everything that is against the nature is a mutation. I do not have anything against it as long as it does not affect me, non-mutant. And first and most important: this is not to be treated as for naturally given. For instance transgender woman is NOT the same as born woman. Thus, the fact that the girl in front of me is a trans should be revealed, if not immediately, but at least before we engage in some kind of relationship other than acquaintance.
Unknown said…
The world has so many differences and every person in the world are special. Thanks to the difference we can learn respect. We have an opinion and we should do what we want. Personally I don’t imagine how they feel in „foreign” body. It doesn’t bother me what people do with own body. I know I will never change my gender. However, I consider polity will treat whole nation evenly and it leads to develop our future. In terms of evolution we have to reproduce and when we change our gender it begin to disappears. I think nobody won’t be victim. I don’t know any person who change gender and I never see but I heard that more and more people want change gender.
Marcin Mróz said…
The situation when someone feels that he/she belongs to other gender is a bit hard to imagine for me, but of course I know that there are some people with such problem. And we have to accept that. Maybe such phenomenon is not against the nature, but it's a part of it? Who is to judge it? Those people will have definitely hard in life and I'm not sure if changing gender would make it better. If one of those people wanted to be in a relationship with someone, he/she would always have to tell this person that he/she was a woman/man. I guess it could be hard and frustrating on the long run if he/she didn't get acceptation.
Unknown said…
I've met a guy who was born as a male, but his organism after few years of living started to produce so many female hormones, that in the end he presents himself now as a woman. His voice got higher, his body hair significantly slowed down to grow and his overall posture just wasn't so male. I feel totally ok with such people, I don't mind spending time or talking to them, but sometimes it just feel a bit odd as it is not so common.
I am more than sure that the laws of loyalty to transgender people does not violate the rights of people with an ordinary gender, but I dislike transgendering by choice. I know some people who changed their gender by their own choice, not because this is who they really are. I mean they changed their gender not because biology has decided it for them, but because some their psychological issues - that is not ok for me, but I tolerate it and don't bother.
Unknown said…
Changing your sex from male to female via surgery or just lifestyle change is not such a big deal. But when it comes to genderqueers, bigenders, agenders (apparently, this blog is not ok with these words) and all other "more-than-two" genders, everybody start lose their minds. In my opinion, people, who identify yourself in any of these ways just want attention.
There are two biological sexes, defined by the chromosomes you received from your parents. It is either XY, male sex, or XX, female sex. when it comes to gender, it is personal choice, but as with all personal things, it should not be thrown in everyone's face.
Unknown said…
I take this change neutral. I am glad that there are no such thoughts in my head. How can this violate the rights of traditional people? They live quietly and love those whom they want, no matter how many transgender people appear in the world. No, I have not met them, (as stated in the article) they are hard to distinguish from traditional people. Therefore, I believe that this is a mental disorder, if a person does not accept himself as he is, I can only sympathize because these people need to go the hard way from acceptance to reincarnation.
1. How do you feel about such people?
I treat them the same as other people. If someone is nice to me I will be nice to him no matter if qay, transgender, christian, atheist, blonde or ginger.

2. Do you think that the laws of loyalty to transgender people violate the rights of people with an ordinary gender?
No, I don't think so. There is only one life and if someone is going to live it in more happy way by wearing dresses and having breast I think there is nothing wrong with it.

3. Have you ever met people with unusual gender?
I have. There is actually a lot of transgender people in Poland.
When I was in Cracow once I have met a transgender woman on a party. She was wearing blonde wig and black dress with pearls, we were drinking wine and talking. I didn't find it as anything weird. She was actually very intresting person.
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s18716 said…
How do you feel about such people?
I think these are the same people as everyone. I just do not understand this natural or psychological phenomenon.
Do you think that the laws of loyalty to transgender people violate the rights of people with an ordinary gender?
I think no, they should not infringe the rights of people with the ordinary sex. I do not think that the rights of ordinary sexes will change when they are endowed with rights; they will only be like additional chapters.
Have you ever met people with unusual gender?
Met, but did not ever communicate with them.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I think such people are weird, at least for me, because I had once experience when my teacher was one of them. I think that protecting them with the law doesn`t violate ordinary people rights.
Anna Moskalenko said…
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Anna Moskalenko said…
I've met a few transgender persons and I'm totally ok with it. But I think that transgenderism should not become a trend, transgenderism can be approved by psychiastrist. If the person were born as a male but she looks, feels, behaves like a female (or oposite with the female to male) I understand why she want to change her sex. Why we can sympathize the person that were born without hands and legs and can't sympathize the person that were born with wrong private parts?
I cannot understand those sexes "in between" though, those bigenders, agenders, i-am-a-unicorn-gender, I think they're just trying to get attention or whatever.
In my opinion, laws of loyalty to transgender people are not violating the rights of a ordinary people in any way. We should be loyal and tolerant to those persons, because they already have a lot of compications in their lives.
I never met such people in my life, but i think that i would treat them just like anyone around. I think that transgender laws are not necessary because if we are going to treat transgenders like ordinary people the laws must be same for everyone. I cannot imagine how it feels to be "alien" in your own body, and that anyone who wants should help transgenders, but it should not become mandatory.
Denys Pogurskyi said…
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Denys Pogurskyi said…
On my opinion this people are normal, like some other. If they don't like their gender it's not bad. And they must have the rights like in other people.They just like it. I don't met this people.
Peter Clemenza said…
1. How do you feel about such people?

I'm totally ok with it. We should be more tolerant to such persons

Do you think that the laws of loyalty to transgender
people violate the rights of people with an ordinary gender?

No, I don't think so. More like totally the opposite

3. Have you ever met people with unusual gender?

Not only I met, but I am one of them. I sexually Identify myself as an Attack Helicopter.
Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads
on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is impossible and
I'm retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. Please call me
"Apache" and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can't accept
me you're a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding
Unknown said…
How do you feel about such people?
Like any other. If i don't know them, I don't care about them. If I know them, then, if they are nice to me, I am nice to them. Simple as that.

Do you think that the laws of loyalty to transgender people violate the rights of people with an ordinary gender?
I think that all people, of all races, genders etc. should have the same laws.

Have you ever met people with unusual gender?
I have meet people who would say they are "some fancy word here". For me it doesn't matter, just tell me what form of verbs I should use.
Unknown said…
How do you feel about such people?
As long as they act normally, as they are living life that is not againist the law I treat "those" people as any other. I just don't understand why there are needed additional articles and mass media talkin' about transgender. As they are promoted as any other people why there is a need to "protect" them and popularize it? I don't really know what to think about it.
Do you think that the laws of loyalty to transgender people violate the rights of people with an ordinary gender?
I do think so. Transgender people now are treated like people that have more rights to their "rarity" than any other "normal" gender. I'm man and what? Nothing. Other are woman and what? Nothing. And they are transgender and what... should be nothing... Just... normal thing, we are who we are, nothing more about it.
Have you ever met people with unusual gender?
Unsual? There are: man, woman, man who want to be woman and woman who want to be man. So 2 last mentioned by me are unusual. No I never met personally none of those "unusual" people.
Mykhailo Reznyk said…
I personally have nothing against transgender people. Everybody has a right to do whatever they want with their own life and body. What I don’t like is when such people start going nuts and make others forcibly believe in their made-up reality. And if you dare to disagree, you are automatically accused of being transphobic. Problem is, that they themselves, quite often, can’t describe what exactly they want everybody to believe in. They can’t agree on a lot of things even among themselves. Some of them say there are 30 genders, some say there are over 100 of them, others declare that there is infinite number of genders. At this point it starts to sound ridiculous. It is so illogical and counterintuitive that no one will ever be able to orientate in this mess. In reality, there are 2 sexes – male and female. Everything else is mental disorder. It doesn’t mean that such people are less humans and should be treated poorly. It only means that their statements about their gender are surreal and reality is different. I have never met any transgender person. But if I met one and was asked to call them by the name they want, I would have no problems with that. But I would not use this weird made-up pronounces, like Zir/Zer, because it is not an actual language, but some crazy constructs made but this individual.
I think that this is ok while whey don't agitate me to join to them. But in modern time we have so much groups that trying to get more rights for their community that I think normal people will get discomfort too so we need to regulate laws that we take to exclude extra rights for such type of persons.

I have never met such type of persons yet.
In the past couple of years, I have seen many such people. It is very strange, but trans manes were more among them, perhaps it is because of my gender it is easier for me to recognize girls disguised as men.
In any case, I am proud that such people are not shy about expressing their individuality. And I very happy that society becomes more tolerant every year.
I treat transgender people as any other, in fact I do have some good friends that happen to be transgender, both before and after operations. I acknowledge that some people might be uncomfortable with it, but I fail to understand ones that become aggressive when the subject is brought up. As a matter of fact there’s very little “normal” humans nowadays, and with the development of medical sciences we gain more and more insight into how our bodies work and how imperfect they tend to be. In this case it’s not even a genetic issue. During pregnancy the development of an infant is comprised of multiple complex steps, and according to research fluctuations in the hormonal levels during that time can lead to various changes. More specifically – gender of the body, own gender identity and the gender that one’s attracted to are developed at different stages, and therefore an unexpected hormonal spike can lead to various anomalies regarding gender identity and attraction. I don’t think any laws need to be constructed regarding this phenomenon, neither for or against transgender people. As the medicine progresses we might one day find a way to prevent it from occurring, but that doesn’t mean that we should dismiss people for something they have no control over.
I believe that every opinion has the right to life. I still want to believe competent people and I think that transsexuality is not a disease. Undoubtedly, these people are very different from what we used to consider normal. I am quite tolerant in this matter. But at the same time, they insult me ​​when transsexual people start to behave arrogantly and rudely to others. Yes, now many people come out of the shadows and declare themselves, but now society is trying to be tolerant of them. But this does not mean that the person on the forehead has written how to address him. Humanity has not yet learned to read minds. And if I see a man in front of me, I will talk to him as a man and I just can’t know that deep in his soul he is a woman.
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It remains only to rejoice that the possibility of reproduction can be maintained when changing sex. Many childfree people believe that because of global warming and overpopulation of the planet, not everyone should have offspring. I do not know what to think about this. I read studies where it is proved that the greater the population density, the more homosexual individuals are born, which suspend population growth. Perhaps nature has foreseen everything and takes care of us. In this situation, the demographic crisis is not beneficial only to the governments of the countries, because they lose their labor power and tax revenues.
Thanks for the answer. I have heard many stories about transgender motivation. The council for voting should have an equal number of women and men. Many men took women's seats in the council, explaining that they are transgender and feel like women. Because of these stories, many feminists do not like transgender people.
How do I feel about such people? Fine I think... You know, it's their life and why should I feel bad about it. And I admire their courage- it must be really difficult to change your gender.
And I've never met anyone with unusual gender. At least I don't think so.
Unknown said…
I treat such people normally.

I don't know these rights exactly, so it's hard for me to answer this question. However, I think that such people should not have any special rights, but this is only my opinion.

I have never met (I think)
I don't have any specific feelings about such people. I treat every human being equally and also I am against all sorts of discrimination concerning transgender people.
I am not quite competent in the field of law, but I don't want any laws concerning "craziness around transgender topic"to violate the rights of people with an ordinary gender. In general, laws for all people must be the same. Everyone should have the same opportunities in life regardless of sex. Of course, we now live in an interesting and dynamic world when things are changing rapidly but I hope that in the near future, this topic will not cause contradictions in society.
Yes, I have met transgender people but I don't have any transgender friends at the moment.
In my opinion these people are sick and I hope that in the future medicine will deal with it. Of course, I am very sorry about this and I sincerely feel sorry for them. It must be a terrible feeling when you are a man and you feel a woman and vice versa.

I believe that everyone is equal to the law and the freedom of a concrete individual ends where the freedom of the other person begins. I believe that young children should not be indoctrinated by LGBT environments, because in my opinion this can have a negative impact on their psyche. Small children are susceptible to everything.

Yes, I met people transgender. The people I met were very specific. Women who had many male traits and vice versa.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
We all are part of the Earth. Women, men, transsexuals, gays and even TED's speakers. Be different is not a decease. "Not normal" person of course has psychological problems in one hand, but who doesn't have? Are you sure that you are definitely normal? If you have wife, children, house and dog it means nothing.

For me violating the rights of people with an ordinary gender looks like a stupid joke because we are majority. It couldn't happen by definition.

I have never met transgender person but if it happens I'll glad to go for a beer with him or her.
After all I consider it a little abnormally. Will assume I was born the person. Well I consider myself someone another, and I do not want to recognize the one whom I am actually. Change the floor, it is not normal. If you were born the man, means be him! It is necessary to be resistant or at least to try to resist each blow of life, and life hits strongly and into the heart. But if to think a little, then we will be able to find out the following. Each person has something in the head not as it should be. Everyone in own way differs from previous. It can be very important for someone, it can be anything, but for you it does not matter. But you should not forget that we cannot condemn acts of other people because we were not on their place and we do not know on how many it hard, or it is easy. Life is given to each of us personally. And everyone in the right to make the choice. Everyone, independently decides to be whom to it. I never met such people, only in movies.

P. S. Now I will be a kangaroo.
(it is a cheerful joke)
Marcin Górski said…
To be honest, I don't have problem with such people. I don't think that they are sick or anything like that and understand that they want to be themselves - I agree with that. Everybody should have the same rights. We are living on the same planet. I have only one request... I don't want to see these transgender parades, adverts etc. I think that human thinking is still changing and it will probably works better after current generation. I have never met transgender person (or I don't know about it), only in TV or in the Internet.
I’m a tolerance person and I do tolerate such people as any other people on the world. But our world is still not ready to fully accept such untypically. I think there are a lot of people on the world that would be violated about transgender people and their laws of loyalty to their gender.
I think that if transgender person do not expose that he or she changed his gender, everything should be alright.
I have met such people few times, and I didn’t felt different because they unusual gender. I behave normally as always and really enjoyed those meetings.
Unknown said…
1. I think that we have two genders and of course some mutations of that can happen. I understand that somebody can born as a female/male and feel like male/female but we shouldn't call that it is a normal situation. It's good that now we have possibilities to help such people (e.g. by surgeries or hormones treatment) but I don't think that we need more than 2 words (male, female) to determine sex of person.

2. I don't know. It's hard to say if I have ever met people with unusual gender or not. We meet so many people that it is highly probably that I have met such people but I didn't know about it.
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1. How do you feel about such people?
They seem a bit weird to me. I can't really understand them. However, they never harmed me or did anything that made my life worse so I don't have anything against them.

2. Do you think that the laws of loyalty to transgender people violate the rights of people with an ordinary gender?

I don't think so. I am rather tolerant towards other people and I expect exactly the same from them.

3. Have you ever met people with unusual gender?
No, I haven't.
Unknown said…
I’ve never met a transgender person or if I had, I had no idea about it. Anyway, I see those people just like another ones. But I don’t like the trend with those 50 or 100 (or idk how much there already are) genders, because in my opinion it’s just attention seeking and it’s distract us from real problems that transgender people have.
I don’t think, that the laws of loyalty to transgender people are violating my rights. I think that it is actually good thing, that we can help those people to understand themselves and to live happily and freely just like others do.
I think that transgender people are very very sick people. In my religion it is unacceptable. Such people destroying Christian countries because they want some special laws of loyalty to them. As a Christian, I like all humans, but I think transgender people should not have their own laws, because in future I don’t want my children even know about existing of such people. It’s not normal, but nowadays a lot of people think that it is ok.
I have never met such people in my life, only saw them on TV.
Unknown said…
1. How do you feel about such people?
They are just people for me. I don't really care about it. If someone is acting normal, I treat that person normal.

2. Do you think that the laws of loyalty to transgender people violate the rights of people with an ordinary gender?
No, I think it doesn't.

3. Have you ever met people with unusual gender?
Yes, few times. I can't really say much, because I was talking with them for something like 30 minutes maybe, but they acted normal and I enjoyed the talk. As I said before - if that person is acting normal, there is nothing wrong with it.

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