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Week 10 [25.05 - 31.05] The Physics of Life

Dear colleagues, today I would like to share with you one of my favorite science channels on YouTube. In todays video I propose you to take a look at the pretty popular topic. I assure you that everyone will find out something new for himself/herself.

I have to warn you that this Matt sometimes uses some real physics in his explanation, but it isn't the case for this video.

1) Do you enjoy Spacetime topic, or do you think it's not really relevant in everyday life?
2) Did you know that life started on Earth almost as soon as it became possible (~3.7 billion years ago)? How does it make you feel?
3) Do you find yourself special knowing how many "coincidences" led up to this moment?



1) I am not interested in this topic and I have not been researching it so sadly I can't tell whether I enjoy it or not. My current knowledge of it is very little so I barely understood what he was talking about in a video.

2) I did not know exactly, but it didn't change my feelings though. I seem not to be a person who looks back that far in history. I rather focus on things which happen now, which are about to happen and consider things which happened at most a few thousand years ago.

3) Yeah, I admit I do. Let's say it is not a very common case in our galaxy to be a living creature ;)
1) Do you enjoy Spacetime topic, or do you think it's not really relevant in everyday life?
I think it isn’t really relevant in everyday life but doesn’t stop me for liking the Spacetime topic anyway.
2) Did you know that life started on Earth almost as soon as it became possible (~3.7 billion years ago)? How does it make you feel?
I didn’t know about it before. I am quite surprised about this fact. I wouldn’t imagine this is true. With this in mind the possibilities of alien life is much more prevalent.
3) Do you find yourself special knowing how many "coincidences" led up to this moment?
Sometimes when I think about I feel somewhat special, but in everyday life while surrounding myself with everyday staff I kind of forget about all of this.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
1) Do you enjoy Spacetime topic, or do you think it's not really relevant in everyday life?

There are a huge number of galaxies, stars and planets in the Universe, and we still haven't officially found life outside the Earth. According to research published in Nature magazine, the chances of abiogenesis happening, at least in the observable Universe, are low. The probability of occurrence of advanced life in the Universe. The scientists have taken into account our present observations and the latest knowledge about the Universe. Their calculations show that the probability that we are the only intelligent civilization in our galaxy is between 53 and 99.6%. This means that we are rather alone. Such calculations make me think that we are living in some simulation or someone artificially "installed" life on our planet.
2) Did you know that life started on Earth almost as soon as it became possible (~3.7 billion years ago)? How does it make you feel?

It was only then that the conditions for life were created. Nowadays there are many hypotheses concerning the creation of life. It is assumed that the first cells were created as a result of the chemical evolution taking place on Earth. Scientists agree that the first organism was a cell with a structure similar to contemporary bacteria.

3) Do you find yourself special knowing how many "coincidences" led up to this moment?

I think that the probability of such coincidences occurring in good time is very low.
Kyrylo said…
1) Do you enjoy Spacetime topic, or do you think it's not really relevant in everyday life?
For me it is. Since it is a fascinating and interesting topic, and I consider things that are amongst my interest important.
2) Did you know that life started on Earth almost as soon as it became possible (~3.7 billion years ago)? How does it make you feel?
It does not raise any existential questions if you ask me.
3) Do you find yourself special knowing how many "coincidences" led up to this moment?
No, not at all.
Viktor Ryś said…
I was interested in astronomy since I was a child in primary school. It isn't that relevant in everyday life, but it's still a fascinating topic, which is able to answer some of the great questions that baffle us.

I think I have heard about that date somewhere, it makes me feel that evolution is an amazing phenomena, we as humans are a product of 3.7 bilion years of evolution in progress.

Sure, there were a lot of coincidences, but also there could be something like paralel universes where each decision opens another one. There could be an unlimited number
of universes that are very similar to ours.
MichalB said…
1) Do you enjoy Spacetime topic, or do you think it's not really relevant in everyday life?

There's no reason to get it. What do we know about space-time? Movies, their creators' vision and nothing more. So how can space-time affect our lives? Maybe I'm wrong ...

2) Did you know that life started on Earth almost as soon as it became possible (~3.7 billion years ago)? How does it make you feel?

Okay, how should I feel about this? All people interested in science know how long ago the earth was created. And they also know what happened more or less on earth. So nothing surprises me.

3) Do you find yourself special knowing how many "coincidences" led up to this moment?

Exceptionally, why? Why should I feel special. You have to live normally and do your job. That's all.
Olga Przytula said…
1. Both. I really do enjoy Spacetime channel. There is a lot of curious information that can really blow your mind! I also think that I won’t be applying this knowledge in my day-to-day life. However, I do not think that both of those statements are mutually exclusive. You still can enjoy not practical things!

2. It makes me wonder if life is really that special. If it has occurred on Earth almost as soon as it was possible, how many times could it happen on billions of other planets? I would point you towards the episodes on Fermi Paradox, if you would like to dig a little bit deeper.

3. In so vast (and so old) universe, it is almost certain that somewhere all those coincidences would pile up and amount to emerging of self-conscious beings. So, on one hand it makes me feel pretty special. On the other, it makes me think that if not here, exact same thing would happen someplace else.
Klaudia Kozioł said…
1. I really enjoy learning more and more about Spacetime. I have watched many documents about it and there are things that can still amaze me in this topic. It might be relevant in everyday life but its always good to know more about our lives on earth.
2. Yes, I knew that, and I think that this is impressive and also should be kind of humbling for human kind as there were many more creatures before us which don’t exist right now.
3. I don’t think that this knowledge even should make me feel special so the answer is no.
1 / I like this idea, I think that in our time it can find its buyer.

2 / This is a rather interesting theory and should be considered a little more carefully. I still feel good :)

3 / I always feel special.
Roman Dubovyi said…
Yes, unfortunately we can build all probabilistic models only with respect to the fact we exist. Although if we take in account anthropic principle it is very unlikely that others exist.
Roman Dubovyi said…
I am personally not a fan of "Parallel Universe" theory, because it comes from the fact that we just can't observe quantum physics in natural for humans predeterministic way.
Hello, here are my replies to your questions!

1. I enjoy Spacetime topic and even if I don't think it's really relevant in everyday life, I still find that topic extremely enjoyable and fun to discuss. I also like imagining stuff like "how would life on other planets look like".

2. Yes, I knew that and it still amazes me! It makes me believe that life on other planets is very much possible and that in the - hopefully - near future, we'll discover aliens. I also heard that it's very much possible that not so long ago Mars possibly had some very primitive life forms. Hopefully NASA will be able to fully prove that soon!

3. Honestly, I don't feel that special knowing how vast and basically endless our universe is and knowing about how big umbers we talk when mentioning existing planets, "coincidences" are not really "coincidences" anymore. I believe that what happened to us happened on many other planets as well. :)