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Week 10 [25.05 - 31.05] Effect of Caffeine on Cognitive Functions

Caffeine, contained in food, beverages and medication, is widely used and considered to be one of the most popular cognitive enhancer. Although multiple studies confirmed its amplifying effects on cognitive functions, debates over whether caffeine is a cognitive enhancer, or, on the contrary, harms people’s health are still ongoing. Because various diverging opinions exist it is important to understand the scientific background of the effects of caffeine.
Caffeine and Cognition
There is a variety of cognitive processes. They are classified as natural or artificial, aware or unconscious. The idea of cognition represents a capability for dealing with information, applying knowledge, and changing priorities. Cognition a complex perception mechanism that involves memory, attention, executive functions, language, and psychomotor functions. This work reviews the possible positive and negative effects of caffeine on cognitive functions according to researches and studies.
Caffeine and memory
Memory is an ability of the brain to encode, store and retrieve information, and is divided into long term memory and short term memory. Caffeine has significant effects only for 8 hours after consumption, therefore it is reasonable to review its effect on short term memory. In immediate free recall tasks, subjects were given a list of unrelated words, surpassing their memory span. After it subjects were asked to recall all words they remembered in any order. Out of 25 studies conducted, caffeine had no effect in sixteen, improved recall in six and decreased recall in three. In other study subjects were instructed to identify the appearance of a memory item in relevant positions among items displayed on a screen. A dose of 3 mg/kg caffeine reduced reaction times for a low display load, but had no effect on a high display load condition. To summarize, it is clear that caffeine slightly improves short memory capabilities.
Caffeine and attention-
Attention is a cognitive process of selectively concentrating on a specific aspect of information. The effects of caffeine on attention were proved by multiple studies. According to Barry D Smith (2006), significant improvements in reaction time caused by caffeine effect were found. Similarly, numerous tests were conducted and, although not all of them were affected by caffeine, there is a definite evidence that caffeine is able to maintain attention in demanding tasks.
Caffeine and mood
It is well-known that caffeine consumption results in energetic stimulation. While low doses of caffeine improve hedonic tone, concentration and reduce anxiety. High doses, on contrary, lead to tense intensification, including nervousness and anxiety. Processes, mentioned above occur due to caffeine’s property of eliminating distractors. When caffeine effects on mood were studied, an improvement in enthusiasm and calmness after its consumption were found. Mood was found to be influenced by the caffeine the most in the morning, but periodic administration of 75 mg of caffeine every 4 hours also resulted in a pattern of sustained improvement of mood throughout the day.
Overall effects of caffeine on cognition
Because effects of caffeine highly differ depending upon the dose consumed, achieving enhancing effects of caffeine rely heavily on the optimal dosage selection. If ingested in moderate amount, caffeine significantly enhances cognitive functions, while practically carrying no harm to people’s health. Multiple studies confirmed caffeine’s amplifying effects on such cognitive functions as learning, memory, attention, as well as overall state of mind, mood. On the other hand, no researches found neither significant impairment effects on people’s cognition, nor harmful influence of other aspects of human’s health.
Cognition is a complex of a fundamental mental processes, so it is of utmost importance to understand how various factors effect it. Numerous facts along with the results of studies and researches confirm that caffeine evidently is a cognitive enhancer and, as well as most of the products, if dosed in a proper way brings no harm to people’s health.

1) Do you drink espresso? Do you drink Cola? What is you favorite way to consume caffeine?
2) Have you ever felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you think it's bad?
3) Have you ever heard rumors that caffeine is harmful in long term? Did it change anything for you?

Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, vol. 20, no. s1, pp. S85-S94, 2010


1. I drink coffee, but only in the office and only if I didn’t sleep well. I drink cola as well, but not regularly. I don’t really have my favourite way of consuming caffeine. I treat it as a not very healthy way out of tiredness, which is effective during a short period, after which the situation becomes only worse.

2. No, I am not addicted to caffeine in any way. I feel like drinking coffee when I am tired, but if I don’t do this, it is fine, I can absolutely live without it.

3. Even though I don’t know much about it, I just believe that it is harmful long term. Caffeine increases the blood pressure, which sounds like something not very healthy. It’s not a part of our human nature. On the other hand, people who drink coffee every day live as long as those who don’t, and I have never heard about any serious diseases associated with caffeine, of course with an exclusion of extreme cases, when someone drinks litres of it a day. So, to sum up, I personally feel that drinking coffee every day is not good, but in reality, it’s probably nothing wrong – it's just a matter of our habits and personal contraindications.
1. I definitely prefer coffee to Cola. I like good quality coffee, freshly roasted and freshly ground from a good express. Of course, I don't drink such coffee every day. When it comes to the method of preparation, I like every kind, from espresso to cappuchino.
2. I used to drink and I didn't feel well. Mostly drink one cup of the day, a few hours after waking up. On the other hand, I have had a withdrawal period of several months, however I like the taste of coffee too much to stop drinking it completely.
3. I think that excess caffeine is harmful, like everything we consume in excess. I don't think that a cup of coffee has a negative effect on my life in the long run. I am more afraid of mold and other harmful substances resulting from the drying or storage of coffee.
1) I drink coffee sometimes, but it's rather cappuccino or latte than espresso. I like to drink energy drinks from time to time, but it is simply because of taste.

2) No, I don't drink coffee in the morning. When I sleep well I have no problem with waking up and working. I used to drink green tea for a lot of time and it seems to be enough for me. However, I have to admit that I never got used to drinking coffee in the morning because I rarely did that.

3) I heard some rumors, but I believe science. As far as I know, there are both pros and cons for using caffeine and if we do it well, we will probably never face the consequences.
1) Do you drink espresso? Do you drink Cola? What is you favorite way to consume caffeine?
I drink cappuccino in the morning/ It doesn’t have a lot coffee beans in it. I drink Cola to kill the taste of awful dinners I must endure.
2) Have you ever felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you think it's bad?
I feel such urge very often. Fortunately, I have coffee machine so I can fulfill this urge quickly. I am concerned about it, but ultimately, I don’t find it particularly bad in any way.
3) Have you ever heard rumors that caffeine is harmful in long term? Did it change anything for you?
I haven’t heard such rumors before.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
1) Do you drink espresso? Do you drink Cola? What is you favorite way to consume caffeine?

I used to drink black coffee for a long time. No sugar. And I never imagined life without it. At some point I stopped because I came to the conclusion that it would be worth throwing at least one stimulant. When I returned to the same coffee after a few months, it did not taste the same as before. Now I don't drink coffee at all, I'm anxious after it.

2) Have you ever felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you think it's bad?

No. I go to bed early and sleep long. I have no problem getting up early either. I don't need to drink coffee in the morning to be awake.

3) Have you ever heard rumors that caffeine is harmful in long term? Did it change anything for you?

Coffee consumed systematically has a positive effect on our body, as tolerance develops and then has a health-promoting effect. Therefore, if someone starts drinking coffee, they will initially feel the adverse effects of caffeine. In these people, insulin resistance increases, has an adverse effect on the cardiovascular system, increases pressure, increases the need for oxygen, increases the risk of heart attacks. In coffee, caffeine is present in a bounded form, in the form of complex compounds, and the absorption of this caffeine is weaker, which makes its effect longer but weaker. Coffee with milk works even less strongly. Getting used to coffee passes within 7 days of abstinence.
Kyrylo said…
1) Do you drink espresso? Do you drink Cola? What is you favorite way to consume caffeine?
Just regular coffee. Not even sure what kind, just whatever they are serving in the caffes. I am just not that into the coffee culture.
2) Have you ever felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you think it's bad?
No, I am not addicted to the caffeine. I start my morning with a cup of water lol
3) Have you ever heard rumors that caffeine is harmful in long term? Did it change anything for you?
I did. Some doctors even compare the caffeine to the kind of drugs. I don't know to be honest. I just drink coffee every now and then, when I feel like it.
Viktor Ryś said…
I think my favourite way of consuming caffeine is black and green tea. I've used to drink also yerba mate, but I think it's too strong for me, and I cannot sleep when I drink it after 6pm.

Nope, because I don't drink coffee, but I heard that coffee can be addicting, not like other drugs, but it's still a physical dependency. I think it's bad when concentrating requires drinking a special beverage, coffee drinkers should make breaks one or two times a month.

I believe that everything in excess is harmful.

Yuliia Sauliak said…
1) Do you drink espresso? Do you drink Cola? What is you favorite way to consume caffeine?
I usually don`t drink cola and always persuade my friends to stop drinking it or at least to decrease consumption. I like coffee, however I rather drink it when I meet with friends at a cafe or at work in the morning.

2) Have you ever felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you think it's bad?
Yes, I usually feel it in the morning, when I need to concentrate on some work, however my concentration is dispersed. I think it`s bad in enormouse dose, however if you control consumption and drink it just once a day I don`t think it is extremely harmful.

3) Have you ever heard rumors that caffeine is harmful in long term? Did it change anything for you?
Yes, I heard and it causes heart disease, also coffee increases the amount of cholesterol and other fats in the blood. Fortunately, I am addicted from drinking tea:)
Anastasiia Bida said…
1) Do you drink espresso? Do you drink Cola? What is your favorite way to consume caffeine?
No, I don`t usually drink espresso as I don`t like "black" coffee, I prefer to add milk to coffee, it makes it more soft and tasty for me. Cappuccino and green tea are my favorite ways to consume caffeine. But sometimes I can also drink Cola/Pepsi or energetics.

2) Have you ever felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you think it's bad?
Yes, it became my habit to drink americano with milk during breakfast. I don`t think that it is bad, as I drink not a strong coffee. Also, I drink just one cup of coffee a day, so it cannot be too harmful to my health.

3) Have you ever heard rumors that caffeine is harmful in the long term? Did it change anything for you?
I have heard about it a few times. Yes, once per month I drink chicory or cacao instead of coffee. These drinks are enough similar to coffee and also tasty.
MichalB said…
1) Do you drink espresso? Do you drink Cola? What is you favorite way to consume caffeine?

I drink espresso and try not to drink coca cola. Many of my friends say that cola is addictive. Just like alcohol, cigarettes or drugs. I don't know that it's true, but I try not to drink Cola or Pepsi. Well, unless for whiskey :-D

2) Have you ever felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you think it's bad?

I drink coffee every morning. Every morning I feel like drinking a cup of coffee. I even have a special cup. Just for everyday morning coffee.

3) Have you ever heard rumors that caffeine is harmful in long term? Did it change anything for you?

Nothing, as I wrote above. Many people say that tea, or theine, is more harmful than coffee and caffeine.
1) Do you drink espresso? Do you drink Cola? What is you favorite way to consume caffeine?

I began to like espresso not so long ago but since then learned to love every single cup of it. When it comes to cola however I have been a fan of it since my earliest years so caffeine is not a stranger to me. Coffee seems to be my favorite caffeine- filled beverage.

2) Have you ever felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you think it's bad?

Everyday I wake up with this feeling that "I could use a coffee right now". It is not a urge or a need but I just feel that I would like to drink a hot cup of coffee. I don't think that it is bad as long as I don't drink to much of it. 3 cups a day are my standard so I guess that I am still in a safe zone.

3) Have you ever heard rumors that caffeine is harmful in long term? Did it change anything for you?

I have heard so many theories througout the years that I decided to believe only in my own organism. My organism tells my that it likes coffee in the morning and there is nothing better in this world than a small cup and a piece of cake. End of discussion. I wouldn't overdose a coffee either because then it becomes an addiction and stops giving pleasure.
Agnieszka Duda said…
1. Coffee is the only acceptable source of caffeine for me. I usually drink milk coffee like flat white or cappuccino. I brew freshly-ground coffee at home so to make a good milk coffee I have to dial in the espresso first. This means I drink espresso shots every now and then.

2. It’s an everyday urge. Drinking coffee became my habit. I feel like something is missing if I don’t have a cup after breakfast. I’m starting to feel bad about my coffee addiction so every now and then I have a detox day.

3. I heard that excessive caffeine consumption is associated with cancer, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease. If I drink only two coffee cups a day, I shouldn’t be worried, right?
Adam Tokarczyk said…
1. I don't drink either. I devour lots of black coffee though and it would probably be my favorite way to consume caffeine. While it comes to cola, I'm not a fan of fizzy drinks. And about coffee, I just like black one more than espresso.

2. Not really. I drink coffee for its taste, not caffeine. Another reason to drink it, would be just to keep someone company. I don't strictly feel any need for caffeine at all. When it comes to having urge to drink something, then part of the day isn't essential there, but overall I think any addiction which can harm us may be considered more or less bad.

3. I think I was always aware that coffee isn't too healthy. What's funny though is that I found out during our English course (How does caffeine keep us awake?), that coffee blocks some receptors responsible for sleep, and our organism reacts by making more of those receptors, which sounds pretty bad. Back then I was barely drinking coffee and now I drink at least one (usually more) practically every day. So although it wasn't related at all to this fact, we could say that finding our about negative effects of coffee had opposite effect one me since I drink a lot more of it now.
1. My favourite coffee is Lungo which basically is a long Espresso. However, Club Mate, german drink with yerba mate, is also worth mentioning.

2. I wouldn't call it an urge, only if I had time for proper coffee I would drink it and I don't believe that drinking coffee is bad.

3. The rumours have some truth to them but they are certainly exaggerated. Caffeine helps me with the headache, to digest a meal and also to gain some additional focus. Too much could be damaging to the stomach and drinking too often could lead to needing more and more every day (according to the video that was once posted on this blog). However, I think coffee is rather healthy than unhealthy but it depends on the person. I usually have very low blood pressure so I don't have to worry but a person that have heart issues and blood pressure should think twice. I even spoke with the doctor about it and she recommended to drink up to 4 cups a day.
Pawel Bluszcz said…
1. Yes, I personally drink a lot of caffeine drinks. Starting from coffee, through cola to various energy drinks. I think from the drinks mentioned above, I like coffee the most because of its aroma.

2. No, I have never felt such an urgent need. I usually drink my first cup of coffee around noon. If caffeine is to stimulate us, I do not think it is something bad. There are many more substances that are more harmful than caffeine.

3. Yes, I have heard of these rumors. I partially agree with them, but this has not changed the amount of caffeine I consume.
1) Do you drink espresso? Do you drink Cola? What is you favorite way to consume caffeine?
I really like espresso but i used to drink it before i came back to dirnking yerba mate and this is my favourite way to consume caffine. I sometimes drink Cola but only when im eating pizza. This two flavours... Something extraordinary :)

2) Have you ever felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you think it's bad?
A lot of times. And i dont think this is bad.

3) Have you ever heard rumors that caffeine is harmful in long term? Did it change anything for you?
I have heard some rumors but it havent changed anything for me. I drink a lot of yerba as most of South America do and they seems to be ok, as ok as i think i am.
Olga Przytula said…
1. No, I don’t. I am not a coffee fan, so I tend to drink coffee only when someone else drinks it or when I want to feel fancy, haha. (Seriously, I watch “Friends” with my boyfriend right now, and the only reason I want to drink coffee is because they look so happy and laid-back while doing it :D ) I don’t like this bitterness and sour aftertaste that coffee gives, sometimes I like to drink very delicate latte or cappuccino with a lot of milk, cinnamon and sugar, but that is more like a dessert, rather than a beverage.

2. No, I haven’t. As I have mentioned before, I am not a coffee fan. I don’t have any specific opinion about drinking coffee in the morning, I guess people should do whatever they want. I prefer water or tea, but if someone needs coffee to wake up and get up for work, then I guess it’s fine.

3. Yes, I’ve heard it before. But it wasn’t important for me, as I don’t drink coffee more often than once a month maybe.
I don’t drink espresso, but I drink coffee. I really like to drink coffee but not black shot of espresso, but white latte with milk and sugar, this is probably my favorite way of consuming caffeine, I drink Cola as well, but not as much as coffee. Of course, I have an urge to drink cup of coffee every morning it is my everyday habit to do it. I don’t think that there is anything wrong with it. I don’t really need to drink coffee because I sleepy or need more energy, coffee doesn’t work on me in that way anymore. I just drink it because it is tasty. Yes, I have heard that caffeine can be harmful in a long term, but so what? If I would like to avoid everything that can be harmful for my health, I wouldn’t be able to eat, drink or actually even do almost nothing. Everything in our lives can be harmful in some way and we can’t really avoid it all so if You ask me it is better just to embrace it and stop worrying too much 😊.
1. I don’t drink espresso and i don’t drink cola( only with alcohol beverages). I sometimes drink yerba mate and that's the way i get caffeine.

2. I never have this kind of feelling, I find out that some short exercise can increase my heart rate that way i boost my self in the morning. I think this maybe bad and i think this feeling may come from caffeine addiction or lack of sleep previous night.

3. I have heard something about harmful effects of overdosing caffeine but i don’t use it that often so it doesn't change anything for me.
1. I don't drink coffee, especially espresso because I don't like it. If I have to, it's latte. I really like to drink Coca Cola zero.

2. As I mentioned above, I don't like drinking coffee, so in the morning I don't make coffee.

3. I've heard about it, but honestly, I don't care. I drink because I like and I want to drink.
1) I drink Coca-Cola and this is the only way that I consume caffeine
2) I never drank coffee so I never felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning and I think that this is bad, these are symptoms of addiction and this is never good
3) Maybe I heard maybe I don’t I don’t remember but as I don’t drink coffee this didn’t change anything for me
Klaudia Kozioł said…
1. I don’t drink espresso at all, I prefer a cup of coffee with milk rather than that so I guess this is my favorite way of consuming caffeine. As it comes to Cola its also not my drink of choice, mostly I drink it on the parties.
2. I don’t remember moment like this, but this may be caused by the fact that I don’t drink coffee often.
3. Yes I have heard of it and it didn’t changed anything for me as I have never been a coffee drinker.
Yubin said…
1. Do you drink espresso? Do you drink Cola? What is you favorite way to consume caffeine?
I'm not very fond of coffee as it has bitter taste. But I do enjoy drinking coca-cola. Caffeine combined with sugar can be very addictive, but it is not a good habit since it can harm one's health.

2. Have you ever felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you think it's bad?
I don't have such urge since I don't like taste of coffee but I know a lot people can't function unless they have coffee in the morning. Personally sometimes I have urge to drink some sweet soda which is not good as well. Actually I think drinking coffee is not that bad at all, I heard it has some health benefits.

3. Have you ever heard rumors that caffeine is harmful in long term? Did it change anything for you?
I've heard that it can wash away calcium and magnesium from one's body so it is not very good to have a lot of caffeine drinks. I don't drink a lot of caffeine drinks so it doesn't affect me in any way. But people who drink a lot of coffee and similiar beverages should be careful.
1 / Yes, I drink coffee and espresso as well as Coca-Cola. I love caffeine in almost all its forms.

2 / I often replace my breakfasts with coffees or drink cola with meals. I do not think this is bad.

3 / Yes, I heard about it and read some research. But I just realized that this is part of my life.
Roman Dubovyi said…
If you are not addicted to caffeine - you are a lucky man!
Roman Dubovyi said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roman Dubovyi said…
I wonder why haven't I still bought a coffee machine? As soon as I move into long term apartment - I am buying it. Must have!
1) Do you drink espresso? Do you drink Cola? What is you favorite way to consume caffeine?
2) Have you ever felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you think it's bad?
3) Have you ever heard rumors that caffeine is harmful in long term? Did it change anything for you?

1. This happens to me sometimes, now less often, but in high school I often drank espresso (especially in high school. in the case of cola, I'm the one who drinks it very rarely, I practically only drink it as an addition to the drinks. I don't even remember if I ever bought a cole in a shop when I was thirsty, I usually choose water in this situation. When I have a very busy day and I need to be well focused on what I'm doing in the morning, I decide on a coffee, sometimes two or three or five.
2. I don't really remember this situation, but I guess I don't drink it enough to have that feeling. On the other hand, I do not deny it, in my opinion caffeine addiction is practically the same addiction as everything else but maybe a little less harmful. Or at least harmful, but over a much longer period of time.

3. I heard that, and that was a long time ago. It hasn't changed anything in my life, maybe because I drink coffee occasionally. if even I'm not one of those people who would care too much about their health state. There are things that are much more harmful than caffeine, and they are legal.
Maciej Górczak said…
1.I drink a few cups of coffee with milk in a day. Never espresso. Maybe if I'm in Italy. I don't really drink cola - maybe a few times a year.

2.I feel an urge to drink coffee almost every morning. I do think it's unhealthy but it gets me through the day and it's a nice ritual. I really like the taste of good coffee.

3.I am aware that it's harmful but never dived deep into the subject. I don't think it will stop me from drinking coffee although sometimes i try not to drink it for a week just to cleanse my body a little bit.
Unknown said…
Zhypargul Maraeva
Yes I do, I like espresso. I am drinking it not so often, but it helps me energize.
I used to drink a lot of cola, but I decided to follow the sugar free diet, so I am trying to not use it.
I know the best way to consume caffeine is to mix cola and Americano or espresso.
2. No usually I don't feel this neediness. I like to drink it but not so often
3. Yeah I heard about that, but I don't really care about. I am not drinking coffee with milk I am aware that this mix is really harmful and I can gain a weight.
Oskar Kacprzak said…
1) Do you drink espresso? Do you drink Cola? What is you favorite way to consume caffeine?
I don't drink clean espresso, I drink espresso mixed with a cup of black coffee. I also love drinking Cola/Mountain Dew/Monster. Caffeine with sugar is my way of life.
2) Have you ever felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you think it's bad?
No, I have not felt drawn to coffee my whole life. I have made sure it would never come to the point of addiction because I have realized how much I love this stuff.
3) Have you ever heard rumors that caffeine is harmful in long term? Did it change anything for you?
I have heard many things. My parents always told me it would stunt my growth and make me stupid. I had a science teacher that drank coffee from a young age. Maybe about 7 years old from what I can remember and it did not stunt her growth. It didn't make her fat either. I remember her saying she likes milk with her coffee.
1. Sometimes I drink, I also drink cola, but I prefer yerba as a source of caffeine, from other ways I also used capsules with caffeine which was powder, I think this is the perfect solution if you don't have time for coffee
2. I dont think that drinking coffee is bad, if you dont drink four cups one by one everything is okay, So many times I wanted, especially when I slept not too much.
3. I think that if we dont consume more than 500 mg of caffeine in day, it isnt dangerous, but I also think that sometimes you should do "rehab" for week - two to zero tolerances
1. I drink both coffee and coke. I try not to exaggerate with both. I drink coffee every day after breakfast. I usually drink about 2 or 3 coffees a day. I drink other caffeine-containing products much less often.
2. Of course. I drink coffee every morning. I try not to drink coffee on an empty stomach. I always drink after breakfast. I feel much better then.
3. Of course. I drink coffee every morning. I try not to drink coffee on an empty stomach. I always drink after breakfast. I feel much better then.
Maciej Szczypek said…
1) Do you drink espresso? Do you drink Cola? What is you favorite way to consume caffeine?
I do sometimes, but I rather drink Macchiato or Americano. I unfortunately drink a lot of cola zero, because it is actually my favorite beverage for now.

2) Have you ever felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you think it's bad?

When I am really tired in the morning I rather drink something stronger than coffe - like Yerba. I drink coffee only because I like the taste of it.

3) Have you ever heard rumors that caffeine is harmful in long term? Did it change anything for you?

I heard that rumors but I haven't really react to this. Everything seems to be harmful nowadays...
Zygmunt Z said…
1) Do you drink espresso? Do you drink Cola? What is you favorite way to consume caffeine?

I don’t drink espresso or Coke. The only coffee I drink is simple black one. I drink it on the daily basis, once in the morning.

2) Have you ever felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you think it's bad?

I drink it every day in the morning, I used to drink a few cups a day and at some point, I could see some drawbacks like shaking hands for example. Now I drink once a day, to start off my day.

3) Have you ever heard rumors that caffeine is harmful in long term? Did it change anything for you?

I could feel them a bit on myself, my friend ended up in hospital due to exhaustion and too much coffee, but right now when I drink coffee once a day I don’t see any short term negatives. We’ll see what future holds.
s18716 said…
1) Do you drink espresso? Do you drink Cola? What is you favorite way to consume caffeine?
I do not drink coffee and Cole. The only way to use caffeine for me is green tea, this week there is another interesting article about tea. There I left a comment about tea. I refused coffee for a long time and today I only drink green tea, but actually it happens very rarely, 1-2 times a week. I used to drink tea much more often almost every day.

2) Have you ever felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you think it's bad?
With coffee, I didn’t have such a feeling, I never experienced a craving for coffee. I had something similar with tea, it was also something like a habit, but I did not feel overwhelmed if I could not drink tea. Therefore, I had no caffeine attachment before. But this is definitely not a good thing. As mentioned above, this is actually a type of soft drug. Therefore, caffeine has more negative aspects than positives.

3) Have you ever heard rumors that caffeine is harmful in long term? Did it change anything for you?
Yes, it’s over. I heard about this earlier, this was just the reason why I refused coffee and tea. Today, as I said, I only drink tea, but very rarely and I have no addiction to it. In the short term, caffeine certainly works wonders, as it affects the nervous system and is one of the most used neurostimulants if we can call it that.
1) Do you drink espresso? Do you drink Cola? What is you favorite way to consume caffeine?
Yes, I love coffee and I drink 2 or 3 coffees a day. I rarely drink Cola or other sweet drinks with caffeine so coffee is definately my favorite one.
2) Have you ever felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you think it's bad?
Yes I often feel the urge but it is not because of it's stimualting effect but because of the taste. I like many types of coffee and I am quite interesting in the process of preparing it. After one or two coffees I don't feel full of energy but when I drink too much it makes me feel kinda irritated and easily distructed.
3) Have you ever heard rumors that caffeine is harmful in long term? Did it change anything for you?
I hear about it but my sisters who studies at Medical University told me that it is not true unless you drink like ten or more cups of coffee a day.
Maciej Sadoś said…
1. I don’t drink any coffee or Cola. I know that many people loves drinking coffee because it helps them to wake up in the morning or it’s some kind of everyday ritual but I’ve tried coffee a couple times and I didn’t like it.

2. I don’t like the taste of coffee so I haven’t. I know that for some people drinking coffee is an addiction, so I don’t regret that my body doesn’t need it. However, it would be nice to have something helpful in the really hard mornings.

3. I’ve heard that drinking coffee everyday is not good for health but I think that if somebody drinks it from time to time it’s not very harmful. I’ve never been interested in this topic because I don’t drink coffee but if I used to drink I would probably try to limit it significantly.
1) Do you drink espresso? Do you drink Cola? What is your favorite way to consume caffeine?

No, I don't drink espresso, but I do like Cola and drink it from time to time. I think it coffee. A lot of different types of coffee, I like the taste.

2) Have you ever felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you think it's bad?

Yes, I have felt it, I don't think it is bad. In my cases it was like, I needed to become active very quickly, because of work but without coffee, I didn't manage to do it.

3) Have you ever heard rumors that caffeine is harmful in the long term? Did it change anything for you?
Yes, I have heard about it, but I never considered it and it didn't change anything for me. I think I am too young to start stressing because of all those harmful things and how they impact my organism :)

1) Do you drink espresso? Do you drink Cola? What is you favorite way to consume caffeine?

I drink any type of coffeine drinks including Cola, espress and softs like Redbull. My favourite drink is depeding on time - At the morning I like a shot of strong espresso and when it's hot outside I enjoy a cola with ice

2) Have you ever felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you think it's bad?

Yes. It deffinitly is the most important thing to set up my day

3) Have you ever heard rumors that caffeine is harmful in long term? Did it change anything for you?

Yes, but i am too much addicted.
Rafał Halama said…
1) Do you drink espresso? Do you drink Cola? What is you favorite way to consume caffeine?
I don't drink any of these. Maybe once every few months I drink some energy drink with caffeine, but consuming it is not a habit of mine.

2) Have you ever felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you think it's bad?
I never understood drinking coffee few times a day, maybe because I really dislike the taste. As for the the other question, I don't think it can be bad for your health, unless you will drink it few more times during day.

3) Have you ever heard rumors that caffeine is harmful in long term? Did it change anything for you?
I have heard the rumors, but it didn't change anything for me, because I don't drink anything that has caffeine in it's composition.
1) Do you drink espresso? Do you drink Cola? What is you favorite way to consume caffeine?

I like cola and drink it quite often but I hate coffee in any form. My favorite way to consume caffeine is by drinking Cola or some energy drinks, I sometimes take caffeine pills when I haven't slept and have to do something.

2) Have you ever felt an urge to drink a cup of coffee in the morning? Do you think it's bad?

No, I haven't, it's probably because I don't drink coffee at all. But if I did I don't think it's particularly bad, but it is a sign of caffeine dependence. 

3) Have you ever heard rumors that caffeine is harmful in long term? Did it change anything for you?

I have heard these rumors, but as far as I know, there aren't any credible studies that confirm it. 

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