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Week 10 [25.05 - 31.05] Chinese censorship

Chinese censorship

China is fastly developing and expanding its range of power. The Chinese consumer market is enormous and still rising. In China citizens must obey government’s politics and any kind disobedience may result in harsh punishments. And what power does China have outside its borders?
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1. Did you know about this? Do you know any other examples of chinese censorship outside of china? How do companies change their products to fulfill chinese government desires?

2. What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?

3. Are you aware/ have you noticed any other censorship examples in other countries?(not china related)


1. Did you know about this? Do you know any other examples of chinese censorship outside of china? How do companies change their products to fulfill chinese government desires?
I know about this. I think there is even South Park episode about this topic.

2. What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?
I don’t like it, but I don’t like politics in general. It makes me feel powerless so I prefer to not think about it.

2. Are you aware/ have you noticed any other censorship examples in other countries?(not china related)

The company I work for had to change their advertisement, because it could offend Chinese govermment somehow. This is especially strange, because the company doesn’t sell anything in Asia, but a lot of shareholders are from China.
Karol Michalak said…
1. Did you know about this? Do you know any other examples of chinese censorship outside of china? How do companies change their products to fulfill chinese government desires?
Yes, I've heard something about censorship in China, but not this specific.It's horrible truly.

2. What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?
More and more company will lose freedom of speech and they will have to apollogize for even the smallest things.

3. Are you aware/ have you noticed any other censorship examples in other countries?(not china related)
Yes, polish police nowadays blocks people on twitter and facebook that says bad things about them or post videos when they truly overreacted to some random person. Censorship is everywhere where authoritarianism is.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
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Andrzej Kawiak said…
1. Did you know about this? Do you know any other examples of chinese censorship outside of china? How do companies change their products to fulfill chinese government desires?

China is a rich country and influences many organisations. For example, WHO. The best known example recently. WHO Deputy Director Bruce Aylward, responsible for the UN coronavirus fight, was not able to pronounce the name "Taiwan" during a TV interview, although the country is being set as a model for stopping the epidemic. Virtually every global company allows censorship of the Chinese.

2. What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?

In my opinion, this censorship cannot be stopped. Those who have money make the law. The corporation will sue and help with the censorship because they want to make money. That's the reality.

3. Are you aware/ have you noticed any other censorship examples in other countries?(not china related)

In my opinion, censorship is now being introduced as a hate speech.
Yuliia Sauliak said…
1. Did you know about this? Do you know any other examples of chinese censorship outside of china? How do companies change their products to fulfill chinese government desires?

Yes, sure, I did. I have a lot of Chinese friends, so I was always aware of that, the one issue I faced is that we had to communicate via weChat while they stayed in China. In regards to the products - I would say that China is a big market player, so that`s the reason why companies have to arrange everything according to these requirements.

2. What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?

That looks very autocratic, domineering and not fair at all. Hard to say anything about an outcome as there was nothing done to stop that, companies still keep apologizing and nobody takes into account people`s opinion.

3. Are you aware/ have you noticed any other censorship examples in other countries?(not china related)
The prominent example of it can be Belarus (don`t want to offend citizens of this country). Censorship in Belarus is enforced. Freedom of the press is restricted. State-owned media are subordinated to the President. There is an unofficial black-list of Belarusian musicians, who demonstrated clear opposition to Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko and his regime. In most cases, musicians face obstacles in form of last-minute cancellations and shows being called off for unclear reasons.
Kyrylo said…
1. Did you know about this? Do you know any other examples of chinese censorship outside of china? How do companies change their products to fulfill chinese government desires?
Blizzard Entertainment, for instance. Famous for praising China and its dignity, and banning Hong Kong players. It raised a huge protest towards them.

2. What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?
A future with no freedom and robots instead of humans.

3. Are you aware/ have you noticed any other censorship examples in other countries?(not china related)
Russia. Definitely the very second example of totalitarian censorship, a close ally to China, with many similarities. For example, a project of separated Internet is in the works in Russia currently.
MichalB said…
1. Did you know about this? Do you know any other examples of chinese censorship outside of china? How do companies change their products to fulfill chinese government desires?

Due to the fact that China is currently quite an economically important partner, so everyone who is interested in this country knows about the censorship. Anyway, I talked to people who were in China and said that the products on their market are of much better quality. This behavior is also a kind of censorship of goods.

2. What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?

It's not just China that is censoring. I tried to watch something on TVP abroad and it also can't be done. Why look far? We have to start with yourself. We also censor our own things.

3. Are you aware/ have you noticed any other censorship examples in other countries?(not china related)

as above
Viktor Ryś said…
I was aware of the censorship, I knew that for example facebook and other huge sites were completely blocked in mainland china. I think that any major manufacturer or service provider when trying to get into this huge market, needs to adjust for it and it's understandable.

I think that in the longer term censorship is bad, and in some time the people will realize that the government has only told part of the truth.

Probably our national television is a good example of censoring stuff, and only sheding light on one side.
Roman Burlaka said…
1. Did you know about this? Do you know any other examples of chinese censorship outside of china? How do companies change their products to fulfill chinese government desires?

I knew and know about it but not in details like names cause I'm not interested. Maybe I have read some examples but such information hardly ever exists long enough in my brain.

2. What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?

I think it's quite predictable. A huge market, companies make money there and don't want to make less money, cause they have no reason to do so. The outcome in the future is hardly predictable like anything in the future, so history will tell us.

3. Are you aware/ have you noticed any other censorship examples in other countries?(not china related)

In any country, there is censorship and special parts in history books. Like "we have always been strong" or "bad guys made us suffered". Sometimes different combinations of that too. Open school history book from any country and you will find this, I promise.
Yubin said…
1. Did you know about this? Do you know any other examples of chinese censorship outside of china? How do companies change their products to fulfill chinese government desires?
Yes, Im from Canton, China. I surely know about this, I can't give any example, you know the reason. I only hope we could have more freedom mentally.

2. What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?
You know I can not say much, but I want to express it, no one with a soul will like such a phenomenon. I am even afraid to buy a banana cartoon umbrella...

3. Are you aware/ have you noticed any other censorship examples in other countries?(not china related)
In my opinion, probably the North Korea and Russia.
Bartosz Barnat said…
1. I heard about this and the things that are happening in China and I realle hate it. I don't like the fact that things are censored in China. It is just sad that you can't speak what you really think because you expressing yourself can make you be banned in China.

2. I think for now people are apologizing the China and try to have good terms with them but if it will be worse and worse other countries will stop to tolerate that.

3. To be honest I saw it to be that strict only in China.
Kgajewska said…
1. yes, I've heard about this process, but can't give any example

2. I think it's very cruel and most people are not aware of this situation.

3. To be honest, I think that we can see more or less of censorship in every country.
1. Did you know about this? Do you know any other examples of chinese censorship outside of china? How do companies change their products to fulfill chinese government desires?
I have heard about chinese censorship but I didn't know that it's available outside of china. I think a good example is WHO. Companies don't speak about China and cooperate with chinese government.

2. What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?
I think it's terrible. I don’t like it. Censorship have to be forbidden. People should be free and say what they like. I think that in modern country all people should decide what is best for them.

3. Are you aware/ have you noticed any other censorship examples in other countries?(not china related)
Yes. I am aware that there are another countries where is censorship. A good example is North Korea. People who visit this country have to be carefully what they say and they can’t take pictures where they want. Media in this country are fully controlled by government and transmit only information given by them.
1. I heard about this issue, however, I haven't researched it before. I cannot think of any other example, but I had a Chinese friend once. We said that we will stay in touch and she gave me her Facebook account. Right away she informed me that it could not work when she will be back home. What was unexpected about this situation was that she wasn't upset about it. She even said that she believes in her government and if they think Facebook is not good for society then she supports this decision. I couldn't be more shocked.

2. It is rather terrible yet in the money-driven world, it is anticipated. Big companies don't want to get involved in politics so instead of speaking their minds they rather apologise. Nevertheless, if this behaviour continues and nobody will show their disapproval it won't change but only get worse.

3. Try to watch polish news on different stations. It is like watching the news from two different countries. Even in polish radio station Trójka, there was a similar issue lately. I won't get into details but if you haven't heard about it I strongly recommend googling it.
Grzegorz Rostek said…
1. I'm aware that chinese censorship is not limited to china only. I can't think of any example of the censorship, but it's something you can see on a daily basis.

2. I believe it's a bad thing. Companies will continue to censor things to please china, and some people may even be affected by the propaganda, and be unaware of the censorship.

3. The best example I can think of is Russia and their project of separated internet.
Yes there is such episode, which i can highly recommend for everyone to see it.
I don't like it either and politics but from time to time it is good to check what is happening in the world.
The example you gave is just in point of the topic.

Bartosz Warda said…
1. Did you know about this? Do you know any other examples of Chinese censorship outside of china? How do companies change their products to fulfil the Chinese government desires?

Companies trying to appeal to a subgroup will just give up, I think they will spend a few hours just making sure that the product is as useful as it can be, even if it costs them one less yuan and so they still make a profit. But that is not what counts, because the government is in power. Most people would be glad that all their sons/daughters/colleagues have access to computers because that would help them in the future. The problem is they still require 1,000 hours of education to be qualified as a doctor.

2. What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?

It makes no sense to let such a non-democratic move go on. It will make a giant pile of news, and some people are going to get the wrong idea from this.

3. Are you aware/ have you noticed any other censorship examples in other countries? (not china related)

Honestly not really. People in China have a preference for censorship and rigidity, and what we see in China is only a very small part of the world. We live in the age of globalization and it is really hard to suppress anything.
Who is a good example of Chinese influence. In recent days Trump ended partnership with WHO because of China.
I’m afraid you are right about that because money equals power and china is getting wealthier and wealthier.
Did your Chinese friends tell you how this censorship affects them besides using weChat?
I'm afraid that this will go on and companies will have to behave as China says.
I was not aware of situation in Belarus, I'm going to read about it later.

I also heard about blizzard when finalist of tournament said on air that he supports honk kong. After that his reward was taken away and hosts were fired.
About russia i also heard that reporters who were on investigations, hostile for government were killed.

I understand that when you want to get on their market you have to adjust, but is it good to go in bed with the devil which is China where a lot human rights are violated.
Nowadays i like to spend one hour in front of tv from 7 to 8 PM. In this time i get to watch two different news from same day, same country.

You are justified to answer those questions.
Roman Dubovyi said…
1. I of course knew that China has some ridiculous censorship policies towards its citizen. But I didn't know that it is applied somehow to the outside world. Yeah, commies nowadays are capable of many things...

2. I don't thing that common folk will be influenced. Why would you really care? Don't you already know that Chine produces almost everything?

3. I am aware of Russian's propaganda. Which is includes censorship that is applied to real facts and news from "outside world". Russian people, especially "boomers" live under the dome of censorship.
Olga Bogdał said…
1. I did hear about some strange phenomenons taking place in China like the fact that they cannot use the Google browser — I could not believe it at first. Unfortunately I don't know any examples about products being changed to chinese market, but I know that I must explore the subject more.

2. I think that people living under censorship have their brains washed out and are unable to judge what is true and what is a lie. I believe that this is one of the greatest crimes that can be committed against people and its consequences are terrible.
What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?

3. I think we all have a chance now to feel it to some extent now. The government and the Polish television treats us all as if we are not able to think for ourselves. If we don't stop it, we may be slowly moving towards the Chinese model of functioning.
1 / The Chinese government sees human rights as an existential threat to itself, and the actions that it takes in this regard are fraught with an existential threat to human rights on a global scale. Of course, the Chinese authorities and the Communist Party are not the only source of threats to human rights and freedoms and other threats are detailed in our World Report.

2 / Parties to many armed conflicts, such as the Syrian and Yemeni, openly violate international treaties and customs designed to protect civilians from the dangers of war, whether it is a ban on the use of chemical weapons or a ban on bombing hospitals.

3 / In many countries, autocratic populists come to power in the wake of the demonization of minorities, and then gain a foothold, neutralizing checks and balances, including independent journalists, judges and activists. Some, like US President Donald Trump, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaru, are trying to reins in the same set of international human rights norms that China wants to slander as well, selling the public a story about the fight against “globalists,” those who claim that governments of all countries must obey the same standards.
1. Did you know about this? Do you know any other examples of chinese censorship outside of china? How do companies change their products to fulfill chinese government desires?
Yes i knew about this. I am not sure because it was a while ago but there was some situation when famous person published something on their twitter and then needed to remove this.

2. What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?
It can go in few ways i am not sure how exactly it will evolve but probably it won't stop it.

3. Are you aware/ have you noticed any other censorship examples in other countries?(not china related)
Yes, couple days ago you could heard about polish radio "Trójka" which decided to invalidate list of the best tracks because on the top was song uncomfortable for elections.
Klaudia Kozioł said…
1. I didn’t knew about this censorship that is in China. And I have never been interested in this topic but it is really interesting topic.
2. I don’t know what I think about it yet, but this phenomenon might have bigger outcome than we can even predict.
3. No, I have never noticed any other censorship in other countries.
Aleksander said…
1. Did you know about this? Do you know any other examples of chinese censorship outside of china? How do companies change their products to fulfill chinese government desires?

Right know China government forced a new law to deprive hong kong of independence. They also love to imprison their political rivals or anyone who has a different opinion than the one forced by the government.

2. What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?
Chinese people are a totally different nation than Europeans. I’m worried about Taiwan, Japan, and other regions like Tibet.

3. Are you aware/ have you noticed any other censorship examples in other countries? (not china related)

There are many censorship in Russia. A week ago we could observe the same phenomenon in Poland after a Kaziks song, you probably have heard about that.
Oskar Kacprzak said…
1. Did you know about this? Do you know any other examples of chinese censorship outside of china? How do companies change their products to fulfill chinese government desires?
Yes, I know about this. E.g. Hearthstone player was banned because of saying politically inconvenient things about Hong-Kong. Blizzard banned him instantly because their main client is China and they didn't want to look bad and get banned from China. I also heard about Winnie the Pooh banned in China because of memes comparing Xi Jinping to main character Winnie.
2. What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?
There would be no outcome. China already rule the entire world market.
3. Are you aware/ have you noticed any other censorship examples in other countries?(not china related)
There is censorship everywhere and in mainstream media mostly, just open your eyes.
s18716 said…
1. Did you know about this? Do you know any other examples of chinese censorship outside of china? How do companies change their products to fulfill chinese government desires?
How do companies change their products to meet the wishes of the Chinese government?
Yes, I have heard about this many times. This is not the most violent level of censorship in the world. You can look into North Korea, there in fact things are even worse. In the 21st century, this is certainly not the best phenomenon that a people may encounter who wants to get information from various fields of science, culture and so on.

2. What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?
As I said earlier, this is not the best phenomenon that can happen. Moreover, the whole World is fighting to ensure that in all countries of the world there is free access to information, freedom of speech and other things that help society develop. But there is also a share of the paradox specifically for China, because there are such things as it was said in your material, but this country is developing at a very fast pace. I think this is only possible in China.

3. Are you aware/ have you noticed any other censorship examples in other countries?(not china related)
In my answer to the first question, I already mentioned censorship in North Korea. Censorship in this country is much tougher. People do not know what is happening in the world outside the country in which they live. The media do not have the right to write anything negative or that at least somehow criticizes the current government.
Not only google but many other sites are blocked there or adapted to Chinese standards by blocking content from outside world.
I can agree with outcome you have said, when people hear same lies all the time they become truth to them.
Yes polish public television also a good example but we still have other sources to check up the facts.

1. Did you know about this? Do you know any other examples of Chinese censorship outside of china? How do companies change their products to fulfill the Chinese government desires?
Yes, I have heard about this and mostly knew the information, which was presented in this video nevertheless it was interesting, thank you. I remember that 3-4 months ago there was a huge scandal with a well-known company, which also had to apologize to China because of its ad. Unfortunately, I don't remember the details.

2. What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?
I think it is a bad phenomenon, which impacts all of us. In result we will all suffer because of this. I think the biggest problem is that famous people and brands are starting to fear to say something controversial and cannot speak freely, which could have an impact on all other people after some time.

3. Are you aware/ have you noticed any other censorship examples in other countries? (not china related)
I think Russia is a great example of such censorship. Their projects of independent internet, Wikipedia, etc look for me like a try to implement something very similar to Chinese censorship.
1. Did you know about this? Do you know any other examples of chinese censorship outside of china? How do companies change their products to fulfill chinese government desires?

Yes, sure, I did. I have a lot of Chinese friends, so I was always aware of that, the one issue I faced is that we had to communicate via weChat while they stayed in China. In regards to the products - I would say that China is a big market player, so that`s the reason why companies have to arrange everything according to these requirements.

2. What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?
Chinese people are a totally different nation than Europeans. I’m worried about Taiwan, Japan, and other regions like Tibet.

3. I think we all have a chance now to feel it to some extent now. The government and the Polish television treats us all as if we are not able to think for ourselves. If we don't stop it, we may be slowly moving towards the Chinese model of functioning.
1. Did you know about this? Do you know any other examples of chinese censorship outside of china? How do companies change their products to fulfill Chinese government desires?
Yes, I have already known the major part of the information described in the movie. The story about the woman who spoke in a different language than Chinese and then had to apologize was a big surprise for me as well as banned themes of feminism. I can't understand how people live in such conditions without revolutions (not taking into attention Hong Kong). This is one of the barbarian regimes.
2. What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?
This is a very strange phenomenon, I can't understand how it still works. What about corporations, there everything is clear - money.
3. Are you aware/ have you noticed any other censorship examples in other countries?(not china related)
Of course, it is North Korea. There is no Internet access, no private business. All information is produced by the government and a lot of other aspects. In Ukraine there is censorship related to politics and war (started about 8 months ago), Russia and Belarus have very powerful propaganda. There are a lot of countries with censorship but most of them have it only on the news level.
1. Did you know about this? Do you know any other examples of chinese censorship outside of china? How do companies change their products to fulfill chinese government desires?

I was aware about it but the things I know additionally are probably only the rumors so I don't like to share fake news with you

2. What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?

Well it's diffrent culture with diffrent problems. We Europeans are thinking about many things completly diffrently so it is strange to us but I can quite believe that many of them see the benefits

3. Are you aware/ have you noticed any other censorship examples in other countries?(not china related)

North Korea f.e and perhaps a few cases in Europe especially connected with press censorship
1. Did you know about this? Do you know any other examples of chinese censorship outside of china? How do companies change their products to fulfill chinese government desires?
I have never heard about this phenomenon but I was aware something like this could be done because of money. Unfortunately, I don't remember any examples of changing products.

2. What do you think about this phenomenon? What kind of outcome may it have?
Of course I think this is a unwholesome pehnomenon but also understandable. China is a big country and a great field for business, so companies do everything to gain more clients. Sadly in my opinion it will not disappear in the future. Money rule our world.

3. Are you aware/ have you noticed any other censorship examples in other countries?(not china related)
Yes, I'm aware of censorship in other countries. Aggressive censorship is in countries like North Korea, Belarus or Russia but more indirect version appear probably in every country (in Poland also, even before last issue with Kazik's song).

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