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Week 10 [25.05 - 31.05] Polish Wikipedia under the hood

Polish Wikipedia is the biggest encyclopedia project in Polish language. It started in 2001 and is one of ten most commonly visited websites in Poland. I’d like to describe a few aspects of its functioning.

Some numbers and facts

About 1,600 of Polish Wikipedia users make at least one edit in a month. About hundred of them are active in votings on meta-pages of Wikipedia. Polish Wikipedia have hit one million four hundred thousand on articles counter at 6th of April this year. All editors make on average 170 thousands of changes in articles monthly. The most actively read articles in May were: article about aircraft An-225 Mrija, Poland and article about Netflix series “Dom z papieru” (Money Heist).


One of rules of Wikipedia community is notability of phenomenons and objects being described. Topic of article should be verifiable, shouldn’t be too temporary (not to be a news article), should be widely defined (not to be a dictionary entry) and should be useful as an encyclopedia article (not to be a advertisement or a phone book record). For some categories of articles there are broader rules established by the community.


Some of edits are made by bots which are scripts written by users. Their tasks can be divided in two groups. One group are content optimizations and fixes for common typos or mistakes. Second group is generation of articles based on some structured source. Those are for example short articles about territorial units in some country.


In 2012 Wikimedia Deutchland, association connected with German Wikipedia, initiated new project: open, multilingual, centralized data source. Wikidata stores stuctured, unambiguous measures and data, which can be used by local Wikipedia versions.


  • How do you use the Wikipedia?
  • Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
  • Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?


Wikimedia Statistics:
Polish Wikipedia:


Karol Michalak said…
1. How do you use the Wikipedia?
Through the web I guess. Sometimes I just click on the random article in order to count through how many articles and hyperlinks I have to click to get to Hitler.

2. Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
I tried once, but I lack time to create account and other stuff so I left it.

3. Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?
Nah, but I would love to create some small feature for open-source project one day. Maybe when I find some time.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
How do you use the Wikipedia?

Of course, everyone uses Wikipedia. I think it's a great mine of information. I love reading articles and clicking new links. It's a pity that the articles that concern mathematical issues on Polish Wikipedia are very poorly explained. In large part they are simply rewritten from textbooks, the formulas themselves without explanation. In addition, the best articles on Polish Wikipedia are often those completely translated from English. Apart from English, perhaps the best language editions on Wikipedia are German, Spanish, Portuguese and French. They have the most elaborate passwords, except that they have the most. Polish wikipedia is still poor in terms of geography, including many places (including cities) that do not have slogans in Polish wikipedia, but have many other language editions. What kind of Wikipedia is, depends primarily on society. It's not taken too seriously in Poland, so those who are qualified will rarely think about correcting or writing something themselves, and so we get a closed circle. I have written some articles on Roman law myself, but I admit that there wasn't enough enthusiasm for long.

Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?

I have tried to improve an article in the past, but the moderators did not accept these improvements. This is a little strange, because I think I am an expert in what I do. There are also more and more references to growing censorship on Wikipedia:
Yuliia Sauliak said…
How do you use the Wikipedia?
Usually If i need to search for some brief summary of the event or some information I usually refer to Wikipedia. This is the first point of information for me. The most convenient functionality of Wikipedia is that its articles contain links to full information sources, so if I need to get in detail on some subject, I refer to those links.

Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
I have never corrected any articles, however I came across some data, which was not updated, however I didn`t improve it.

Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?
Not really. I think I should re-consider the opportunity for becoming a part of it.

Kyrylo said…
How do you use the Wikipedia?
On a daily basis basicaly. Mostly I use it to find info on some topics, or to surf some interesting articles.
Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
No, in fact I found a lot of them good as is
Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?
We are all a part of the Internet. Also, small communities like Reddit, Steam, also count. So, yeah, I am a part of a lot of communities
Maciek Olko said…
What you do is a variation of what's called a Wiki Game: :)
Maciek Olko said…
Thank you for the comment. You are inspiring me to look for some math article that could be improved to better explain its matter.

It's a pity that your changes were rejected. In my case I sometimes had to discuss for a while and rework some changes before putting them through.

The article you linked to is interesting, but I don't have a strong opinion on topics mentioned there. For example answering a question if describing profile of Monika's Olejnik father is an encyclopaedic is not so obvious to me as for the author. I am a bit reserved before using words censorship. Remember that admins are democratically choosen from community members.
Maciek Olko said…
*encyclopaedic information
MichalB said…
1. How do you use the Wikipedia?

Just. I enter the password in google, the link comes out and clicks on it.
When it comes to Wiki Game or Wikipedia Race, I don't play this game. At least for now, because I miss a little time. Maybe someday I'll come back to her.

2. Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?

No, I have never changed the descriptions on Wikipedia, but I have not found any that need to be changed. This portal seems fair to me. However, I found a few entries whose description was not there.

3. Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?

No, I have never seen myself like this and I don't intend to change it yet. This's partly due to what I'm currently doing.
How do you use Wikipedia?
I think everyone who uses the internet will find himself using Wikipedia in one way or another. But mostly for I use Wikipedia through google.

Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
No, I have never corrected or updated any Wikipedia article.

Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?
Yes, I think I am a part of many open internet communities like Stack Overflow, Github, Instagram, and many more.
Roman Burlaka said…
1. How do you use the Wikipedia?

I do it amazingly! Okay, if to be serious, I just find there some brief description of the subject if I don't need any specific knowledge about it. But once I have searched for all meanings of one mathematic symbol through a special page, cause our teacher used it in his materials and didn't describe what it means. Unfortunately, there were a lot of possibilities.

2. Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?

Maybe once or twice, only some little corrections cause usually I don't have enough knowledge to correct it especially science pages.

3. Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?

I consider myself a part of the Internet as a community. Sometimes I play online games, so I am a part of their communities, also social networks, and so on. Many of them like in real life. Cause it is a part of real life :)
1. I think we all used Wikipedia once. What's more, I use it to this day when I'm studying or need quick information about some things. Interestingly, my parents are already using it :)

2. No, I have never edited Wikipedia articles. Maybe because I never found errors there. However, I know that they appear.

3. Yes :) I am a big beneficiary of the IT specialist portal - While I get a lot of knowledge from others, I do not give myself much publicly.
Bartosz Barnat said…
1. I use Wikipedia to learn mostly. I only use it by google and if it gives me a link to wikipedia I simply use it, I don't think I ever used search box in wikipedia. It is a good source of information in my opinion and If I want to find something out quickly, wikipedia is always there to help.

2. No, never. If I would find an error and I would be sure of that I think I would change it but I never did.

3. Not really. I didn't write any article in the internet. I answered some questions on websites like stackoverflow or reddit but thats it.
Kgajewska said…
1. To be honest, currently I'm not using Wikipedia as often as I used to. It's a good source to check some things, but I'd not reccomend to use just one informaation source in our learning process.

2. No. I never felt as an expert in any topic and i've never corrected any Wikipedia article.

3. No - I'm not a creator or writer.
Agnieszka Duda said…
1. I used to use it a lot before I started uni. Verifying my sourced has become increasingly important for my work, thus, Wikipedia started to be insufficient for me. I now use it solely for casual learning and as an intro to diving deeper into a topic of interest.

2. Unfortunately, I’m too lazy for that. The moment I started caring about my sources of information is the moment I gave up on Wikipedia. Without extensively using the website, it’s hard to find areas for improvement and fix them.

3. I’m a member of the Wykop and Reddit communities. This counts, right?
How do you use the Wikipedia?

I use to find information that I need or just to check some facts. It is so easy and convenient that it became the first place to look for information for most of the people around the world. Very often for example I use wikipedia to check parameters of cars that I am interested in Most of the times all of their stats are sorted and organized depending on a year in which such and such engine was available and that makes it easy to look and check.

Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?

I have never dine such thing. I usually only use the information that I find on the Internet and actually I don't add anything myself.

Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?

Not really. The only people that I chat with are my friends. I am a part of some groups on facebook and I read forum posts very often but I am not an active user of any of those. I just don't feel the need to. Most of the information that I need are already there so there is usually no need for me to ask questions.
How do you use the Wikipedia?
When i want to quickly check something with or without wider context.

Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
No i havent.

Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?
No im not participating in any of open internet community.
I use Wikipedia every time I need to gather some information about something. I don’t trust it to always be right but sometimes it can really help. Well actually it’s not only Wikipedia I don’t fully trust, most of the information from web I double check before using it in any of my work. Sometimes there are really bad mistakes on the internet, so we always have to be careful which source we trust. I use Wikipedia almost all my life and it is awesome service, but I have never corrected, updated or created any article there. I guess I have better things to do than correcting wiki articles plus I don’t even know if my knowledge is enough to update it correctly. I don’t really use social media that much or I am not a part of any larger open internet community so I think answer to Your third question is no, I don’t consider myself a part of some net community.
Olga Przytula said…
1. I don’t think if I understand this question correctly, but I would say I use Wikipedia on a daily basis. There is always something, that needs to be verified or checked and Wikipedia is undoubtfully a competent source of information. Especially when all the changes are verified and corrected up to date. I do like this possibility to verify the same facts in different languages also, so when you know more than one language (as I do, I know 3) you are able to learn something new from different language sites.

2. No, never. In my opinion to update or change any Wikipedia article it is vital to have a broad knowledge about specific things. I don’t perceive myself as a competent person to teach other people about anything, so I won’t change it myself. Especially considering the fact, that millions of people use Wikipedia every day.

3. To be honest, I have never thought about it, but hmm… I don’t think so. I don’t see myself as an Internet-involved person. I use it when I need it, but I wouldn’t say I’m an active member of any platform or stuff, so yeah.
1. How do you use the Wikipedia?
I use Wikipedia for many reasons. When I don’t know something then I look on article and read about that. On Wikipedia are many articles from many different kind of science. We can learn a lot but we must check if the article is checked and there aren't any mistakes.

2. Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
No, I have never corrected or updated any Wikipedia article. I often don’t have required knowledge to do that. I have a lot to do and I don’t have time for correcting or updating articles. Maybe in the future I find some time to write own article or correct one of existed.

3. Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?
No, I don't consider. I don't participate in any community project. Maybe in the future I will be a part of some Linux community. I love this operating system.
Bartosz Warda said…
1. How do you use the Wikipedia?

I use Wikipedia in order to get all the terms. The terms are rather non-specific, but it is quite an engaging way to look up the word. (There are similar sites available for the general public.)

2. Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?

No, I haven't changed a single one! As you may have noticed there have been very few changes to the articles in the past, but you may be wondering, how come? I think that is why, most people would agree with me that, editing history is mostly made by active editors, people who contribute to the information.

3. Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?

Well yeah, I'm a member of quite a few. I am in some of the Facebook groups, I've been a member of some guilds in MMOs. I've also been in and out of befriending.
• How do you use the Wikipedia?
Normally, using web browser I type what I want to know and at the end I add Wikipedia, it usually works
• Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
No, I have never felt such a need to correct or update any Wikipedia article
• Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?
No, I don’t consider myself as a part of any open Internet community
Interesting presentation. Answering your questions:

1. How do I use Wikipedia? Normally! :D Seriously, I rarely use Wikipedia because most articles are written in a very chaotic and difficult language. I prefer other websites.

2. No, I have never corrected or updated any Wikipedia article, because there was no need.

3. I don't think I consider myself part of an open online community. I don't add new content, I just use it.
Olga Bogdał said…
1. I use it when I need to quickly find or check some information. I'm aware of the fact that the information contained there may be incorrect.
2. I have not. I never felt a need to do so.
3. I'm not sure. I use internet when I need to or to talk to the people I know personally. I don't like speaking on the web forums or to comment articles. Although sometimes I try to support artists I like or share some information on my facebook page that I find important. But it still concerns the people I know in person.
Maciej Górczak said…
1. I use it quite often - evertime I want to check some basic information. But I take it with a grain of salt, because oftentimes it might be untrue.

2.I haven't. I think it's a big project to write a whole article about something. You need to find sources and credible information. I don't have time for that nor am I interested.

3.Sometimes I use Reddit - it's the biggest forum on the internet. But I am not very active on there, I just read about stuff. I also don't really like social media.
Roman Dubovyi said…
1. Not so often. Anyone can edit Wikipedia, it's not a credible source of information really.
Just when I need to check the well known fact, then I can use it.

2. Never. Should I?

3. I am a part of this awesome blog! :)
How do you use the Wikipedia?
Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?
1. Now I hardly use wikipedia at all compared to using this site in high school. In the course of my education, I have the impression that I found more things better explained on wikipedia than in school textbooks.
2. I never thought about it. I know that if everyone was just a recipient of the material and nobody created anything like me, wikipedia wouldn't exist. but I feel like I'm not the right person for that. I've always been rather better at general science, so writing additional texts, which probably would have to be corrected frequently, I don't consider to be the most pleasant activity.
3. I've been part of a community connected to some universe like Star Wars or I've been in some sort of video game group but I've never taken it very seriously.Perhaps because of my general lifestyle, in which I generally never have time for anything and can't get better involved in online communities.
1. How do you use the Wikipedia?
When i have to find some information i just google it and if it is on Wikipedia i open it and read. That's it.

2. Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
To be honest i didn't feel need to do that. Even when i saw that there is not to much information about something - i was looking in other sources.

3. Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?
No, i do not. I am in few groups on facebook when the topic is interesting to me but i don't publish or comment posts. Maybe i did it few times but i don't feel need to do that and more often i just avoid to do that.
Maciek Olko said…
Still, if you'll come across some article that may be improved, and you are unsure if you are right, you can leave a comment in article's discussion page. :)
1 / I often google some Wikipedia articles, especially if I need to remember any actors or characters, or I need a short game or book compression.
2/ No? never! Im not so smart XD
3 / Of course! We can all be considered part of the Internet network ... After all, you know. What gets on the Internet remains on the Internet forever.
Klaudia Kozioł said…
1. I actually check many things on Wikipedia but not only on the polish version of it as it sometimes doesn’t have information’s that I’m looking for.
2. No, I have never corrected any Wikipedia article.
3. Not really, mostly i use/watch content rather than create one myself.
Oskar Kacprzak said…
1. How do you use the Wikipedia?
Mostly as my first place to gather some information or trivia. For more specialized knowledge I prefer other sources of information.
2. Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
Maybe a couple of times but mostly some minor corrections. Nothing too drastic, I usually have nothing crazy to fix. Just tiny details.
3. Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?
I consider myself as a part of the internet that is called "trollnet", but mostly I read stuff, rarely text something.
Aleksander said…
1. How do you use the Wikipedia?
I use it daily if I would to very fast check some informations. But it’s not a bible for knowledge for me. However, it has plenty of interesting information.
2. Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
I have never done anything like this.
3. Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?
I guess yes. I’m using Linux daily and sometimes report some bugs in a few languages/ apps.
s18716 said…
How do you use the Wikipedia?
I visit Wikipedia very often, read articles and, to be honest, it is one of the most frequently used sources of information for me. I really like the idea of ​​creating such a platform which turned out to be a useful tool for obtaining knowledge around the world. It seems to me not only I use it almost every day. You can find absolutely everything and as a rule people write it in an accessible language for everyone.

Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
I have dealt with this several times. I never wrote articles or anything else from 0 to 100%, but there were cases when I made corrections or corrected for more reliable information in articles where I have at least some knowledge.

Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?
It seems to me that each of us is somehow part of a huge global Internet community. Well, each of us who has any pages on social networks and other resources already automatically becomes part of these communities. I understand that I am part of these associations, but I don’t feel like an active participant, probably because I try not to spend time on social networks.
Maciej Szczypek said…
1. How do you use the Wikipedia?
I use it regularly, but I rather tend to use the english version.It always seemed more descriptive.

2. Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
I think I have once, but unfortunately I cannot recall what the article was about.

3. Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?
Definitely yes. I try to report bugs and sometimes even create a ticket for an issue if possible.
How do you use the Wikipedia?
Yes, I visit Wikipedia every day or something like this. It is a very useful source of information and I think it is incredible, that such a big amount of information is stored in one place and is easily accessible by anyone.

Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
No, never. When I see, that there is not enough information I just go and search for another source of information. I haven't see any mistakes there also, but maybe it is because I wasn't carefully reading the material.

Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?
I am not sure, I can say, that I really like read some staff on the internet and of course watch a lot of memes, so I can be a part of those communities, but I never considered it as something very important.
How do you use the Wikipedia?
I visit Wikipedia when looking for information on wide areas such as people, movies, geography. Technical information such as mathematics, programming, physics is explained bad for understanding.
Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
Once I gave corrected an article about some biology staff, it was a long time ago, so I don't remember details but there was a mistake.
Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?
We all are a part of some Internet community, each of us has accounts in social networks, also all of us visit some specialized forums connected with work or other interests.
1. Yes, wikipedia in browser has very good positioning so typing in google first link is usually wikipedia
2. Unfortunately not, but I have often seen changed articles in some funny way
3. No, I don't do much on any blogs or forums, but I prefer to stand aside and watch
lukaszK said…

• How do you use the Wikipedia?
I used Wikipedia at school. I practically don't use it now, especially the Polish version. Sometimes I look there for some minor definitions. I use google scholar in my scientific work instead.
• Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
I never corrected anything, I heard that the Polish community is quite specific.
I also use the English version rather than the Polish one.
• Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?
Yes I do, I often look for a solution to a programming problem on stackoverflow. Unfortunately, I have to admit that I solved a few problems myself and I did not have enough time to throw in the solution and explanation - I am a bit ashamed of that.
1. To be honest, I don't think I know people who wouldn't use Wikipedia. I also use it. This is a very easy and quick source of information. Some materials are really good and useful. However, there are very poorly explained articles.
2. No, I have never corrected or updated Wikipedia articles. I don't think I would ever do that.
3. I think we're all part of the online community. Most of us play online games, use various internet portals or applications, which is why we become part of it.
This comment has been removed by the author.
1. How do you use the Wikipedia?
Mostly as my first place to gather some information or trivia. For more specialized knowledge I prefer other sources of information.

2. Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
To be honest i didn't feel need to do that. Even when i saw that there is not to much information about something - i was looking in other sources.

3. Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?
No, i do not. I am in few groups on facebook when the topic is interesting to me but i don't publish or comment posts. Maybe i did it few times but i don't feel need to do that and more often i just avoid to do that.
How do you use the Wikipedia?
1. I use it for many purposes. The most common one is checking random facts about some people, events or movies. The other thing is checking some data for the presentation altough you need to be careful because often knowledge in Wikiepdia is misleading and false.
2. Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
No I didn't.
3. Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?
To be honest I don't know. I am kinda active on Facebook but I don't do anything for like public/global internet purpose so I guess I am not.
Maciej Sadoś said…
1. I use Wikipedia to quickly check some information. It’s fast and convenient source of information where you can find definition and also some context of searching word written in understandable way. However I use Wikipedia when I need only a short information just for myself. I don’t consider it as a reliable source to use it when I write something important, for example master’s thesis.

2. I’ve never corrected, updated or added anything to Wikipedia. If there aren’t information I’m looking for, I just check on other websites.

3. I’m not this type of internet user who public too much on the Internet or add something like just Wikipedia articles. I definitely use more than I give from myself. However the situation may change because I’m a programmer I don’t know what projects I will do in the future.
How do you use the Wikipedia?

For work, for school, for fun - It's great place where you have all kind of knowledge is within a reach.

Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?

Yes, about some cartoon movie but it was just one sentence to make whole article more accurate :')

Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?

Kind of, but I have never really thought about it
Rafał Halama said…
How do you use the Wikipedia?
I use it mainly for searching terms I've come across during studying. Sometimes, I like to check in detail some things that I found on the Internet, and I use Wikipedia for it too.
Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
Few times I had the urge to do it, but I found that too time consuming, so I'm really in awe of people that created few thousand articles.
Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?
Not really, I belong to many communities, but I never interact with them, I'm just a passive member.
1. How do you use the Wikipedia?
I use the Wikipedia to find some basic information about any topic, but when I want to read more I prefer other sources.

2. Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?
No, I haven't. I don't care about the Wikipedia as much to interfere with it.

3. Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?
I guess, I'm not supposed to consider myself as a part of any open community but I am in some specific communities.
How do you use the Wikipedia?

I use it quite often to read about something that I don't really know about to extend my knowledge.

Have you ever corrected or updated any Wikipedia article?

I have never corrected or updated any Wikipedia article, but to do so you have to cite your resources. I find it funny that when I was in school, teachers wouldn't let us use Wikipedia as a source when you can't literally make any statement without citing your credible sources or you'll be banned.

Do you consider yourself a part of some open Internet community?

I think so, I rarely contribute but if I had knowledge on some topic that people struggle to find an answer, I would definitely try to help them.

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