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Week 11 [14-20.01.19] Masterpieces made of LEGO

Many of us had Lego blocks in our childhood, it was kind of a toy that absorbed the time, but it also helped us to develop engineering skills and it also improved our imagination. Today I would like to present you some of the creators that I have recently found on YouTube and they create amazing buildings without any instructions only with their own imagination and skills.
They had a large number of blocks collected over the years, so they created something that they can be proud of and boast about it online.
The first movie I would like to show you is built by the Lego team - Bugatti Chiron on a scale of 1 to 1. The number of blocks that has been used is over one million Lego Technic bricks. The whole car is in 90% made of Lego. The tools for building this Bugatti were made of Lego. The car weighs about 1.5 tons, is able to move thanks to the small toy electric motors and its lights are fully functional. Even the spoiler is electrically controlled. I recommend you to watch the movie to the end:

Another piece of hard work was made by Polish YouTuber. He made the Liebherr LR 11000 crane. It was built mostly from Lego bricks and the rest of the part needed to create this was printed in a 3D printer. The crane is able to spread its arm to a height of 7.3 meters. It is also able to lift a chair in the living room without a problem.

The last genius constructor who created something amazing from Lego bricks is the creator Wolf Zipp (channel on YouTube). He made the Bridge Girder SLJ 50018 machine. It is a brilliant copy of a huge machine for building bridges. They operate fully controlled by the pilot. It includes Lego electric motors and is able to build a bridge in small scale. Even the official Lego channel (7 MLN SUBSCRIBERS) on YouTube was amazed about the work done and asked the author to contact them:
Watch this in 2x speed for best experience:


1: Did you have Lego in your childhood or maybe now you are interested in building something from Lego?
2: Do you think that everyone is able to build such structures that I showed you? What skills do you think you need to build such amazing toys?
3: If you could build your dream thing with Lego bricks, what would it be?


If I were to pick the single best toy of my childhood, it would definitely be the huge box of Lego bricks that I’ve amassed. My parents introduced me to the toy quite early, and what at first was me observing my father putting the toys from various sets together quickly turned into me spending entire days glued to my Lego bin, fiddling with various designs. I’m especially thankful for a large variety of Technic sets, with the so-called Robotics Invention System being the crown piece of those – it has sparked my curiosity with engineering and robotics, and taught me many valuable lessons in those fields. Playing with Lego improves spatial memory and imagination, expands your horizons and is a fun activity in itself. At the same time I don’t think it’s a toy for everyone. Building things shown in the videos takes a lot more than just slapping a few pieces together. When playing with gigantic builds like that, you need to account for structural integrity and dimensions, possibly have a design blueprint – and that’s not something most people do when playing with toys. There’s a lot of crazy and cool things I’d like to build with Lego – from robots and remote controlled machines to boats and train sets – sadly most of them limited by the lack of pieces and time. But I don’t lose hope – if I ever end up having kids, Lego will be one of the toys they will definitely be getting a lot of – for their entertainment… and their father’s.
Unknown said…
Lego was also favorite toy of my childhood. I also agree with you that it isn't a toy for everyone, everything is simple with instructions - but to create something yourself without instructions is a much more difficult activity. As I will also have my own children in the future, Lego will be on the first place on the list of toys :D.
Lukasz Mroczek said…
It’s obvious! I’ve had Lego in childhood and playing with it and creating new shapes or things was a huge pleasure. I loved it. Now I’m also interested in building something because of reading this article. To be honest I think that those structures mentioned in article will be difficult to build for casual person. It must be someone with patience and accuracy.
My dream was to build Harry Potter castle but sets of Lego for this building are so expensive. Maybe I’ll buy it for my children and build it together :D
Nataliya Tkach said…
1: Did you have Lego in your childhood or maybe now you are interested in building something from Lego?
I once had a childhood LEGO, but it was used in most cases for other purposes. LEGO needs to spend a lot of time, unfortunately I don’t have it.

2: Do you think that everyone is able to build such structures that I showed you? What skills do you think you need to build such amazing toys?
Not everyone is able to build this, it needs to be a fan and definitely have at least some knowledge in engineering.I need all kinds of skills to build such things, especially patience, a lot of patience.

3: If you could build your dream thing with Lego bricks, what would it be?
Difficult question, I would like to build a lot of things, but most likely there would be a robot that drove me food from the refrigerator to the room :D
Unknown said…
Lego now releases so many kinds that everyone will find something for themselves. I really like the Lego architecture series. Well-known buildings from everyday life moved to the scale of the Lego, it's a great thing if someone has nothing to put on the shelf. As you said, the Harry Potter castle can be a lot of fun with building it and great to look on the shelf.
Unknown said…
Patience is the most needed feature while building something from Lego. In my opinion, one of the most important features that you need to have while building with Lego is patience - one day I remember how I folded Lego in a hurry and put a wrong piece in some bricks then I missed part or what I built didn't suit to the rest. Haha no such a robot would also be useful, but there is so big satisfaction of doing such a robot that brings you food and is still made of Lego, you gave me an idea for a boring evening: D.
Unknown said…
Hell yeah I had lego. It was one of my favourite toys! I've loved the fact, that I can build something out of nothing - by simply being creative or you can follow the instruction and build whatever they told you to build. Lego is a funny toy, on the one hand, if you follow the instruction, you can build amazing toys mantaining every detail, on the other hand, lego gives you so much creativity in buildig. There are milions of different pieces - that allows you to be more creative and make up your own project. Lego requires only manual skills to have fun - the rest is your idea. If I've had an opportunity to build my dream constuctions, it will probably be the mock-up of my childhood housing estate. It will probably brings a lot of memories for sure.
Unknown said…
As most of the children I did have Lego in the childhood. I am interested in building something from Lego only when I come home and my brother begs me to help him. After this few hours of my life suddenly disappear. There were situations when I stopped building the intended construction and started creating something on my own, thinking out of the box and becoming as creative as possible but it lasted only for 2 - 3 hours.

If you provide people with all the materials and diagrams,I think everyone is able to build such structures. First of all you need a lot of patience and time. Secondly you would need to sort all the details if they are not sorted yet. The last but not least you will need a place to build and store your “toy”.

I am afraid that there is no such thing that I would like to build with Lego, maybe because I am impatient or I don’t have a dream.
Unknown said…
Very interesting idea for your own Lego project. If such a building was on the shelf, it would certainly focus much attention but also, as you say, it'd bring back many memories. I can't agree that only manual skills are needed, if you don't have instructions or minimal engineering skills combined with your imagination, it's not possible to create complex projects. However, manual skills for fun is enough.
Unknown said…
It's nice that you have a brother who begs you to play with him - I would also like to have such a brother but I'm the youngest one. Speaking of your project from Lego, if you'd have your own children and you can buy them Lego and then you can invent something and try to start the project with your own strength.
Unknown said…
Yes, Lego was my favorite toy. From Lego I could make myself an airplane, a car or a robot. Lego helped me develop motor and engineering skills.
Not everyone, I think the most important skill is perseverance, most people cannot sit in one place and invent something, say 5-6 hours. I noticed this when I was a kid, because everyone went to play together or ride on a swing, and I liked to sit and fold the spacecraft for hours.
I recently saw the reconstruction of the wall, I really liked the idea. I will leave a link:

Unknown said…
Wow, the wall from this movie makes an impression. I saw a similar project from Youtuber - Jake Paul. In his home he made a similar project with mini scenes made of Lego that looks amazing. I don't know if it wouldn't be too childish to have such walls in adult life but as a child it would be a dream room.
Unknown said…
When I was a child, Lego was my main game. Unfortunately, I lost love, I don't even know when. I think that everyone can build such a structure only at different times. People who have the ability to construct faster will do it. If I could build anything it would be a model of a ferry that sails to Sweden "Unity Line" . I always built similar ships when I was a little boy.
Unknown said…
1: Did you have Lego in your childhood or maybe now you are interested in building something from Lego?
Yes! I had tons of Lego when I was a kid and it was my favorite way to spend time I guess. I do not have time now to build anything interesting, but I would not refuse to get creative and make something worth sharing.

2: Do you think that everyone is able to build such structures that I showed you? What skills do you think you need to build such amazing toys?
In my opinion everybody is able to build anything and I am not talking only about Lego. It is the matter how the person is introduced to the process, let me give you an example. When kids start to learn math, it is very often presented to them as a boring and hard to understand thing, that is why they get discouraged at the beginning. If we could show them how everything may be interesting and explain the real contribution of the thing, everyone would truly believe that anyone can grow up doing anything he or she dreams of.

3: If you could build your dream thing with Lego bricks, what would it be?
There is a plenty of thing which come to to my mind as I am speaking, but if I had to decide on one thing, it would be a huge tree house, full of space, mechanisms and technology to run this house remotely.
Yes, I had Lego in my childhood. It was really entertaining and I believe that it help to develop my passion for creating complex things. Most of the time, I was building my custom starships, normal ships, buildings and other similar things. If I had a lot of time and money right now, I think I would build something from Lego again.
I don’t think that everyone can build such complex structures. It requires a lot of patience, time and planning.
It is hard for my to tell what is my dream thing to build. I would like build many things, but I would start probably with some world war 2 battleship, or star wars super star destroyer.
1: Did you have Lego in your childhood or maybe now you are interested in building something from Lego?
Yes, i think everyone had lego in childhood and of course i was interested in building "empires" with Lego. It was definitely the best thing about my childhood.
2: Do you think that everyone is able to build such structures that I showed you? What skills do you think you need to build such amazing toys?
Every person is unique and is able to show what he/she capable of. It is just a matter of time, getting experience and good vision. If you are interested in it, you will do it.
3: If you could build your dream thing with Lego bricks, what would it be?
It would be enormous town with a lot of different houses, building, cars and spaceships.
Unknown said…
Sure, I had LEGO, I do not know a person who has never had miracles at home! it is a phenomenal killing time, as well as teaching creativity in people.
Unfortunately, not everyone, you must have incredible patience and, as I said before, great creativity, and not every person is so talented.
It would definitely be a vehicle that I could move on: D
Lego was one of my favourite toys. It actually is now as well. Although, I certainly lack skills required to build a working copy of a Bugatti.
When i was young playing Lego was the best way of spending time.
I wasn't very good at it, I didn't build any special with that, but i wasn't going through scheme. I didn't read the manuals. I was just building what comes to my mind.
i think that you need spatial imagination to be good at Lego. Also creativity comes to handy.
If I could build something special from lego it would be some big robot.
But that would be time consuming, so i if would to choose something realistic and that i can really do it would be alkohol dispenser build from Lego.
Unknown said…
I had many Lego sets when I was I child. It was different sets: buildings, machines, ships, and even motorcycle with working shock absorbers. The most interesting for me in gaming with Lego was mixing all sets and creating something new and big.
Yes, of course. I had a classmate, who could make almost any weapon, that he saw(if he had enough bricks for it). He was an artist and make some prototype of weapon using Lego bricks wasn’t big problem for him. To make such structures as on video person should have skills of artist and skills in engineering.
I don’t think that I could build any my dream using Lego bricks.
Unknown said…
It's no secret that most of us had Lego bricks when they were children. And I agree with most of the comments above saying that playing with Lego was quite an addictive experience. In my opinion, today kids don't spend much time playing legos like it was in times when I used to play with them.
Well, if given time I think that yes. What skills? You should probably know the basics of mechanics but, obviously, imagination is the most important skill you need.
Maybe a futuristic house, but I don't think that anyone will find it practical.
I guess I can say that I grew up on Lego bricks because when I've received my first Lego set other toys stopped existing. They were extremely addicting to me, most likely this was due to the fact, that there were so many possibilities of connecting all those bricks and a lot of fun while playing with created objects. Nowadays I rather have collector's approach to Lego. Two years ago I've received set called Nasa Apollo Saturn V as one of the Christmas gifts, and I was having a great time while building it, but after whole construction was finished, it ended up lying on my shelf.
I don't think that everyone is able to build such huge constructions which you presented because it requires a lot of time, patience and sense of space. My dream thing to build is the solar system with rotating planets and other details, but I really can't imagine how can it be accomplished.
1: Did you have Lego in your childhood or maybe now you are interested in building something from Lego?
• I did have LEGO and LOVED playing with them. I probably would build something now, but It is very time consuming and would require too much of my time. Perhaps in the future.
2: Do you think that everyone is able to build such structures that I showed you? What skills do you think you need to build such amazing toys?
• I think that there is a factor of predispositions but overall acquiring a decent level of constructing requires practice and commitment.
3: If you could build your dream thing with Lego bricks, what would it be?
• Probably a bar ;D
s18716 said…
1: Did you have Lego in your childhood or maybe now you are interested in building something from Lego?
In my childhood there were a lot of different designers, including LEGO. They used to be very fascinating to me. But now, unfortunately, I do not have time for them.

2: Do you think that everyone is able to build such structures that I showed you? What skills do you think you need to build such amazing toys?
Not everyone is capable of this. This is a kind of talent. And a person needs several qualities for this, such as developed thinking, fine motor skills of hands and patience.

3: If you could build your dream thing with Lego bricks, what would it be?
I do not know, maybe just a big house.
Anna Moskalenko said…
Yeah, I’ve had LEGO in my childhood and I freaking love it till this day! It’s pretty pricey though, but if I had this much time and money I would build entire city, with big blocks, small blocks, cars, parks, malls and god knows what else! :D
I don’t think that everyone can build complicated structures with LEGO, in my opinion it requires spatial thinking and of course a looot of patience and creativity. But everyone can try, probably it’ll help to develop this kind of traits.
Bartosz Barnat said…
I think every kid who is similar age to mine heard about lego and had some in their home. It was like the most creative think I did. Building big cities from lego and beeing creative to make something from nothing really helped me to express myself.

I think there is only few people that can make something like shown in your article. this shows so much skill! I think I wouldnt be able to make something like this or I would have to spend really long time making it and changing all the time. The most important I think is patience when it comes to lego.

I would love to make a big human with a sword that comes from my most played game called World of Warcraft.
Cezary Róg said…
Of course I had Lego in my childhood. I loved building stuff from lego. I built everything: houses, police stations, airplanes, airports etc. Now I’d love to get a Bugatti Chiron model but unfortunately I have higher priorities things to spend my money on.
Building things that you’ve shown is definitely not easy and I think that not everyone will manage to do it. It requires quite a lot of knowledge to make something like this work but in my opinion everyone should try Lego at least once in his/her life and build anything, because it’s amazing and I don’t know a person that doesn’t like it.
Hmm, choosing a dream thing to build with lego is kind of a hard thing. If I had to choose one thing it would probably be a model of a plane. It doesn’t have to be Airbus A380, but business jet like Gulfstream G550 will be enough. And it won’t have to fly as well - I’m not that crazy ;)
Peter Clemenza said…
1: Did you have Lego in your childhood or maybe now you are interested in building something from Lego?
Yes I did. Moreover currently I have over 100 lego sets. My favorite set is
Lego metroliner train from 1991. Thats over 28 years! Its still working like a charm. That's pitty that lego stopped production of 9v metalized train, and switched to RC trains and so plastic rails

2: Do you think that everyone is able to build such structures that I showed you?
What skills do you think you need to build such amazing toys?
While dealing with such big structures you have to think about the weight of each brick, and total weight.
Sometimes some engineer skills are necessary

3: If you could build your dream thing with Lego bricks, what would it be?
I was always a big fan of military and so on. It would be collection of military vehicles.
Filip Sawicki said…
Oh yes, I love LEGO. Building models or just playing with it used to be my favorite leisure activity in childhood. I don’t think that everyone is able to build such structures as it is very time consuming and requires lots of attention. Personally I wouldn’t be able to create these gigantic models. I like to tinker with bricks on my own and be creative. Unfortunately I don’t dream of building things with LEGOs anymore.
Unknown said…
Yes I had Lego in my childhood and it was the best what happened to me. Probably because of Lego I’m very creative in 3D staff. Every time if I was an home I was creating a lot of toys, houses, cars, planes. And because of that as a kid I started to take to pieces things to find out how they work.

Probably not all people can do this because we need have 3D perception and a lot of legos for this (lego is very expensive) and some physic knowledge.

Egh I don’t know probably I would like to build something what I was created in 3D software.
Of course I had LEGO as a kid! I loved it. Then when my younger brother grew up, I helped him build stuff as well. It was one of my favourite toys. Nowadays, I’m not interested in building with LEGO bricks anymore.

I definitely think that not everyone can and should build amazingly big structures with LEGO. It certainly isn’t for inpatient and unorganized people, as such massive undertaking requires a lot of planning, cold blood and carefulness.

If I were to build something with LEGO, I would definitely use LEGO Technic to come up with some interactive parts. However, I don’t have any concrete idea.

P.S. LEGO is spelt in all-caps. You had one job. ;)
Unknown said…
Of course I had lego some years ago. I have them today in a very large amount. Lego are in the attic and wait for me to play with them again <3. Of course, everyone can build the strangest structures with lego. He or She has only to be creative and try to do something, not only think about it.

My dream of lego bricks is ... of course build my own big castle just from Lego. A castle where I can move and everything will work like in a real castle.
1: Did you have Lego in your childhood or maybe now you are interested in building something from Lego?
Yes and I loved it. I had a lot of sets from a different series ( castles/ star wars/ harry potter) and i really liked to mixed them. I still want to buy some big lego set, and build it from scratch, but I have a problem to explain myself such expense, when I'm almost 24 years old.

2: Do you think that everyone is able to build such structures that I showed you? What skills do you think you need to build such amazing toys?
I think that You have to be really determined and stubborn, to work on such projects. I think that not everyone is able to make such structures - at some point they require some technical knowledge.

3: If you could build your dream thing with Lego bricks, what would it be?
I think that it would be a huge castle. Since I was a child I dreamed about such bricks, and I still want to do it one day
Unknown said…
1: Did you have Lego in your childhood or maybe now you are interested in building something from Lego?
Of course I did! Lego bricks are the best toys ever. In my opinion this kind of toys develop creativity and have a positive impact on children. Also they are great toys for older ones ;) I'm not a kid anymore and I would take pleasue in building some constructions from lego especially lego technic.
2: Do you think that everyone is able to build such structures that I showed you? What skills do you think you need to build such amazing toys?
In my opinion a small group of people would be able to finish structures like this. Even with a complete guide it would take so long that many people will be discouraged.
3: If you could build your dream thing with Lego bricks, what would it be?
Propably a car made from lego technic. This type of lego is more complicated but it gives much more precise outcome.
Unknown said…
1. I had Lego in my childhood. Actually it was a big part of my childhood. I remember playing with them like it was yesterday. I should probably dig them up sometime soon.

2. With enough determination and planning anybody could do it. It requires some dedication to build something so amazing.

3. It's hard to decide. A house would be just a pain - imagine stepping at Lego all day long. A garden would be nice.
Unknown said…
1: Did you have Lego in your childhood or maybe now you are interested in building something from Lego?
Ohhh yes :D Had a lot of Lego in my childhood and also Bionicle (which actually were Lego brand). I loved it so much, time consuming and creative :) Now I have different hobbies but I'd like to build many things with my unborn child. For sure I will buy some LEGO for my child and introduce him another level of creativity.

2: Do you think that everyone is able to build such structures that I showed you? What skills do you think you need to build such amazing toys?
Nope, for Lego the most important aspect is your patience. I think that you need to have minimal manual skills but a lot of spatial thinking to build impressive structures.

3: If you could build your dream thing with Lego bricks, what would it be?
If I could build anything I'd build EVA 01 from Evangelion series at 1:1 scale :D Check this awesome "mech" on google.
Marcin Górski said…
Yes, I had a LEGO when I was younger. I remember that it was too expensive for me so I had to ask my parents for it. Nowadays, it is probably too childish for me but I have to buy it for my children (if I would have!). You can make a lot of different figures from the same number of bricks.
Do you think that everyone is able to build such structures that I showed you? What skills do you think you need to build such amazing toys? I think that the most important is patience because you have to spend a lot of time on that and wait for effects. Additionally, you have to be creative because if you are making only part of whole toy then you have to think about final structure. Yes, these are the most important skills.
Hmmm, I would like to build a big home for me!
Of course, I had Lego in my childhood and I played with it very often. Right now I’m not that interested in building things out of it because I have better tools to spend my creativity with like programming for example. Also these days I think that kids have better ways to exercise their creative thinking for example playing Minecraft or similar computer games. I totally think that everyone can build amazing things even such structures as in presentation because it’s just a matter of practice. But I also not everyone has enough patience and self-constipation to create such wonders so answering Your question I think it depends on personality. My dream thing to build with Lego bricks would be some big and epic castle I think.
Unknown said…
1. I had a Lego in my childhood and even I am still interesting in building something from Lego. I really loved to building my own constructions rather than building with instruction.
2. I think that everyone would be able to build such structures but it doesn't mean that it is easy! You need a bit technical mind to build such structures.
3. I think that I would build a manufacture of Lego's cars. :)
Unknown said…

Everyone grows out of toys and compatibility with other toys, cars for example. For sure, with your children, you'll like Lego again. I have never made any Lego ships, I would put together one that floats, maybe someday I will find such a model.
Unknown said…
Lego blocks can very well develop a child's mind because not only a child learns to count dots on blocks, but also how to set them so that they don't collapse, creativity is the basis.
Szymon Gibalski said…
1: Did you have Lego in your childhood or maybe now you are interested in building something from Lego?
- I had a Lego when I was younger. I really liked the idea that I could create anything that I imagine with it.
2: Do you think that everyone is able to build such structures that I showed you? What skills do you think you need to build such amazing toys?
- I think that everyone can do such a thing, you just need to use your imagination and plan the whole thing before you start.
3: If you could build your dream thing with Lego bricks, what would it be?
- I would like to build a gaming chair.
Unknown said…

I love tanks and in combination with lego, something wonderful could come out. Just like the battleship, it certainly would look good, I saw the entire aircraft carrier on a large scale made by the guest, here you have a link:
1: Did you have Lego in your childhood or maybe now you are interested in building something from Lego?
Of course I did and I remember it was one of my favourite toys. At first, when I was very young I was playing with LEGO DUPLO as the pieces where bigger and it was easier to build something. When I got older I switched to regular LEGO and I was trying to build more and more detailed construtions. Now, my younger brother is still playing with them.
2: Do you think that everyone is able to build such structures that I showed you? What skills do you think you need to build such amazing toys?
I think I would need a lot of time, LEGO pieces and patience but I think I would manage ;)
3: If you could build your dream thing with Lego bricks, what would it be?
I don't have my dream thing but in my opinion building Sagrada Familia from LEGO would be very hard and satisfying as there are a lot of details.
No, I didn't have a Lego in my childhood but I have similar blocks (but more bigger) to build simple things at beginning. After some period of time I has get metal constructor and from that time it has been much more interesting even in comparing to Lego because it much more flexible in creativity and you can made much more mechanisms than you can do with "parts" that has been created from plastic without possibility to change their form.
Ive been huge fan of Lego when i was younger, i believe it was the best kind of toy i could have gotten from my parents when i was still learning everything.
To build such an amazing structures u need 4 things, lots of room, lots of time, couple friends and loooots of lego bricks :)
I always wanted to build fully featured lego castle never had enough space, money and mini figurines to do so:)
Patryk Górski said…
1: Did you have Lego in your childhood or maybe now you are interested in building something from Lego?

I had tons of Lego and I did enjoy it! Even right now I enjoy it when I have possibility to play with it.

2: Do you think that everyone is able to build such structures that I showed you? What skills do you think you need to build such amazing toys?

I think that it requires some skills, because you have to visualize it in your mind. There might be a problem with a scale of that structures, you could easily make it wrong.

3: If you could build your dream thing with Lego bricks, what would it be?

I would build the whole city from lego :) for example Warsaw
I love Lego! As I remember, I always standing a lot of hours build everything that comes to my mind. I think that it is a great way to spend time as it can teach you precision, focus and many other things.
Build such a big structures as the one you presented are extremely hard and only well qualified team could be able to build such things. You need to have a lot of skill and experience to know how to connect those elements to make them work together. They need a lot of knowledge, not about Lego, but about real structures that they are gonna do. For example, when they built Bugatti, they had to know how real Bugatti looks “inside”.
I always loved building castles and buildings. Maybe now I would like to build any famous building like Burj Kalifa? I think this could be great.
Unknown said…
Building a city with Lego thanks to the Lego City series has never been as easy as today. Buying new sets successively, we are able to build a huge metropolis with an airport and a cable car only where it will later accommodate everything?
Unknown said…
It's true that when building anything from time to time passes through your fingers very quickly and before you look it's already the middle of the night and you still want to build something from Lego but your fingers cry for a break.
Unknown said…
I also like to buy this model, however, spending over 1,300 PLN isn't the best option at the end of my studies.
Unknown said…
We don't read the operating instructions, we have it in the blood and sometimes even better these buildings are without the instructions.
Unknown said…
The first Lego Technic I had was just a motorcycle with working cylinders and suspension, how I built it and saw, I couldn't get over the admiration that it's possible to create such things from bricks.
Unknown said…
Building something from Lego doesn't necessarily have to be practical, it can just stand on the shelf and that's it. It's enough for the guests to be amazed and admire such works.
Unknown said…
For me it was the same as the Lego blocks appeared, I haven't seen anything else in other toys, these blocks are even more addiction than alcohol! OMG such a model would be happy to visit my shelf, I'm jealous.
Unknown said…
Of course I had lego in my childhood - I'm a boy! My favourite one was Lego bionicle -> Umarak the Destroyer was my hero in my young age. He was my "safe blanket" during cold evenings. I loved plaing bionicle with my friends. I know that this is different kind of lego, but your post brings me a lot of memories. As far as building new structure is concerned I believie that imagination is our only barrier. Of course instructions are also usefull. If I have opportunity to build someting from lego back again, I think that it would be new model of UMARAK THE DESTROYER.
Unknown said…
You can always find time for Lego, there're only excuses :P. A bar that serves alcohol itself is something that I thought of too!
Denys Pogurskyi said…
1: Did you have Lego in your childhood or maybe now you are interested in building something from Lego?
Of course, I had a lego. I tried to build everything according to the instructions, but I didn't always succeed. That's why I just took a lego and built something.

2: Do you think that everyone is able to build such structures that I showed you? What skills do you think you need to build such amazing toys?
As for me, I think that a lot of things could be built from Lego. I was certainly surprised by the video where they built Bugatti Chiron. It seems to me that the main thing is creativity in building something and an idea of what you want to build.

3: If you could build your dream thing with Lego bricks, what would it be?
If I chose what to build, then most likely it would be some kind of human-sized robot. It should look cool.
1: Did you have Lego in your childhood or maybe now you are interested in building something from Lego?
I loved Lego very much in my childhood. To my great regret, I always bought dolls, so I had to take Lego from my brother. I think now I would happily add something complicated from Lego.
2: Do you think that everyone is able to build such structures that I showed you? What skills do you think you need to build such amazing toys?
I think not everyone will be able to create such projects from Lego as in the pictures. For this, you need to develop spatial thinking, imagination, and perhaps engineering skills.
3: If you could build your dream thing with Lego bricks, what would it be?
I would really like to build a giant Hogwarts. With all the incredible rooms and creatures that you can see in it.
Unknown said…
Exactly, not everyone is able to build something of their own Lego but it's always worth a try and maybe something comes out of this super exciting.
Marcin Zając said…
1: Did you have Lego in your childhood or maybe now you are interested in building something from Lego?
I had Lego in my childhood like many children. I like that you can build a specific thing by following the instructions but you can also build something completely different like mentioned Bugatti

2: Do you think that everyone is able to build such structures that I showed you? What skills do you think you need to build such amazing toys?
If someone has an idea how to build such thing or has step-by-step instructions why not. Of course, you need a lot of time and patience

3: If you could build your dream thing with Lego bricks, what would it be?
To be honest I haven't such thing, but if I have to choose something it can be a drone.
Unknown said…
I think there're more than a few of them, each of us has something of a creator. From this you can create something really special. Such a one-to-one character would be a nice figure in a home that you could be proud of!
Unknown said…
I have had Lego in my childhood and I am thinking of returning to buying and building Lego.
I think that everybody is able to build such structures. I think that to build such amazing toys you will need imagination the most.
Probably I would build a real castle from Lego bricks.
1: Did you have Lego in your childhood or maybe now you are interested in building something from Lego?
Yes, I had a Lego in my childhood. It was one of my favorite activities during my childhood. Because of Lego, I started interesting in cars. Now I have other ‘hobbies’, a real-life Lego stuff :)

2: Do you think that everyone is able to build such structures that I showed you? What skills do you think you need to build such amazing toys?
I am a big fan of cars. So I have seen a video about building a Bugatti yet. And I was really impressed that Bugatti made of Lego can move by itself using the small electric motors.

3: If you could build your dream thing with Lego bricks, what would it be?
As I already mentioned I am a fan of cars, so if I could build my dream thing it will probably be a car, for example, Lamborghini Aventador SVJ.
Unknown said…
1: Did you have Lego something from Lego?
I had a lot of sets when I was little. At present, I would also gladly put together Lego but it does not have much time for it.
2: Do you think that everyone is able to build such structures? What skills do you need to build such amazing toys?
Certainly not everyone, I, for example, only follow the instructions.
3: If you could build your dream thing with Lego bricks, what would it be?
My favorite sets were always those from star wars. Although this universe is not my favorite. I loved lego people, making big armies with cruisers, etc. If I had to build something from the lego dreams, it would probably be a reconstruction of the Star Wars battle scenes.
As most of the people, I did have Lego among my toys when I was little and I really enjoyed it, but now I am not really interested in it. I am not saying that I wouldn’t spend 10 hours building something, if someone gave it to me, what am I saying is that I don’t have Lego and I don’t have a strongly obsessive wish to buy it for myself anytime soon.
Not everyone is able to build such toys because, first of all, it is not cheap. Considering the amount of Lego you need for the structure of that size, all the details to make it drivable and other things, it is far from being affordable entertainment for the average human. Secondly, for creating toy of this size it’s not enough just to have it in your head, instead you have to be able to draw everything on the paper, make different types of calculations to make everything work.
I don’t really think that you can find a single person who really dreams about something made of Lego, but if I had to build something for myself right now, I would build a table. The reason for that is simple: I don’t currently have a table in my room, and I’m too lazy and busy to go and get one.
Unknown said…
1: Did you have Lego in your childhood or maybe now you are interested in building something from Lego?
I had a lot of legos. This was my favourite toy in my childhood. I wish every present for Christmas or birthday to be legos.

2: Do you think that everyone is able to build such structures that I showed you? What skills do you think you need to build such amazing toys?
I think that not everyone can make such a things. You have to have very developed spatial imagination.

3: If you could build your dream thing with Lego bricks, what would it be?
I always wanted do build a real scale car when i was a kid. But I think that i would need a milions of lego bricks to do so.

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