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Week 11 [14-20.01.19] How can we get people to do more good

Some people aren't able to help their neghbor without proper encouragement. Helping others should be an important aspect of our lives. If we’re able to help, whether financially or perhaps through our activities, then we should do it. If you have a problem convincing someone to help but don’t know how to persuade him, watch this movie, it can help you:


1: Are you able to help a stranger?
2: Have you ever tried to persuade someone to do good? Did you convince him/her that he/she should help others or at least go to vote during election?
3: Which of the last three councils appeals to you the most? Which one is most important to you and why?


Nataliya Tkach said…
1: Are you able to help a stranger?
Rather yes than no.

2: Have you ever tried to persuade someone to do good? Did you convince him/her that he/she should help others or at least go to vote during election?
I tried to convince to do good for animals, who, if not we can help them. Go vote on the polls isn't doing good :D

3: Which of the last three councils appeals to you the most? Which one is most important to you and why?
These tips are practical, but I think more importantly, people need to be reminded WHY a cause is important. His points definitely facilitate increased participation, but without understanding the heart of a social issue.
Unknown said…
You're right, these are the tips that can point to how to convince someone, but without putting your heart into it and your willingness, it will not give you much.
Foodocado said…
I trying to do my best when it comes to helping another person. I rarely refuse someone help. However, I do help only people that really need it. I hate when someone is lazy and uses others.

I've never convinced anyone to go vote during elections. I think it should be our national duty to go and vote. We shouldn't convince anyone to do so.
Unknown said…
It's good that you're trying to help others, that's nice. Lazy people don't need much help but motivation. What do you think about the methods contained in the video?
Unknown said…
1: Are you able to help a stranger?
Depends on the situation. Small tasks if I am not busy with anything and don't feel threatened? Yes, no problem a t all.
2: Have you ever tried to persuade someone to do good? Did you convince him/her that he/she should help others or at least go to vote during election?
Well, the answer is going to be quite short. No, I haven't ever persuade someone to do good. I didn't feel the urge to do that. I am simple person, I want to live happy life and spend good time with my friends. They seek the same. We help each other, but I would never ask them to "change". I like them how they are.
I'm always trying to help strangers if i see that they need it. I'm not a guy who ignores all the people on the street.
I don't think that to go vote during election is what this topic about. It is your life, your choice, why do you think that you can force person to vote.
I don't like any of them, again, talking a lot without any meaningful facts is not a good idea how to appeal on people.
Unknown said…
Sure, yes, I belong to people who try to help others, although I know that it is not always easy or even possible, you have to give good, it always comes back!
It has always been my sister and finally worked, now she supports many organizations, such as the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity which she never did, and for which I persuaded her.
You have to go on election, thanks to whom we have the opportunity to choose the ruling person, that is, the one who will give us the most good.
Definitely the 2 "eliminated excuses" Excuses are the worst thing possible.
Let's not forget that in generic, people are no more than animals. We are like a class inherited from animal, with some extra rather controversial functionality. However, helping each other is hard coded into the mind of each living being, so only thing that is causing the opposite actions -- is some malaware of human origin. Which is, by default, programmed against survival.
1: Are you able to help a stranger?
I believe the right question would be – would I help a stranger if I was able to?
Yes, I would
2: Have you ever tried to persuade someone to do good? Did you convince him/her that he/she should help others or at least go to vote during election?
No, I might have showed my reasoning behind doing something socially considered as good but I do not tend to force people into doing something.
Peter Clemenza said…
1: Sometimes I'm able, sometimes I'm not, but question would I help, depends what kind of help - economical, emotional?
I rather focus on not-getting-involved philosophy

2: Have you ever tried to persuade someone to do good? Did you convince him/her that he/she
should help others or at least go to vote during election?

What does it mean to do good? it's too general, Hitler also wanted to do good but for the
German people.
s18716 said…
1: Are you able to help a stranger?
I think I could help a stranger. By and large, it depends on the situation, but in most cases - yes.
2: Have you ever tried to persuade someone to do good? Did you convince him/her that he/she should help others or at least go to vote during election?
There have been such cases in my life. Most often this happens when I try to convince someone that bad habits can affect a person badly. It does not always work, unfortunately.
Bartosz Barnat said…
I'm trying to do something good for a stranger every day. I came into big city to study and here I realised how many of us are in need. There is always someone who need your help, even a kid that can't reach for something in a shop because he is too short. Small gestures makes us who we are and we should always try to help a stranger.

When it comes to persuating someone to do good I'm trying to but I'm not making someone do it and Im not asking them about it if they did because it's their life and they can do whatever they want. What matters is you and your attitude and we shout stop comparing ourselves to others.

I think people should be reminded that what they are doing makes a difference because they are just forgetting about it a lot.
1. Are you able to help a stranger?
Yes, and I do it quite often, but usually strangers are asking me for something - for example for a way, or how to pay for a parking ticket.

2: Have you ever tried to persuade someone to do good? Did you convince him/her that he/she should help others or at least go to vote during election?
I don't think so - I don't think that I should convince someone to do something - it's a personal decision to vote or not, to help or not etc.

3: Which of the last three councils appeals to you the most? Which one is most important to you and why?
Eliminate excuses is the one most importan for me. Excuses might last forever - eliminate them, and You will be able to do a lot of things
Unknown said…
1. Yes, I like to think that I would be able to help a stranger.

2. Not really, I prefer to be an example and to “persuade” with my actions rather than words so if there is an opportunity to help someone in need I help as much as I can and hopefully some people will take notice of that and do the same thing in the future.
Unknown said…
1: Are you able to help a stranger?
Yes of course, I describe myself as a kind person, so if the person "in need" act normal and just simply are honest then I'm more than willing to help. For me its normal to act that way, that's what my parents teach me.

2: Have you ever tried to persuade someone to do good? Did you convince him/her that he/she should help others or at least go to vote during election?
Hell yeah, I like influencing people in a good way. Maybe election is not a good example, but I can give you many more to back up my point of view.
3: Which of the last three councils appeals to you the most? Which one is most important to you and why?
Get rid of excuses is the most important for me. I don't like braging about something. Excuses are for weak people
Szymon Gibalski said…
1: Are you able to help a stranger?
- Yes, I am always willing to help other people.
2: Have you ever tried to persuade someone to do good? Did you convince him/her that he/she should help others or at least go to vote during election?
-I tried a few times to convince my parents to go to vote but I failed
As all commentators above, I would say "Yes of course!" But I remember one moment which still bothers me. It was cold winter with lot of ice-crusted ground. I was going home and suddenly few meters form me some lady slipped on the ice and fell. I just passed thought seeing that other people rushed towards her. I still regret about that moment.
All the time I'm trying to convince all of my friend to be nicer and honest. I guess that one of the biggest problems in our world is that people don't care about each other. Therefore, doing good deeds cant make this worlds a better place.

Unknown said…
The world would be a better place if everyone in the circle would do good things. If you don't want to change your friends, it's your business and it's good that you are with them as it is. However, if a person is negatively oriented to helping others, it's a good idea to suggest something and not change someone at once.
Unknown said…
Nobody here is talking about forcing to vote, it is a light suggestion and voting was just an example given in the film.
Unknown said…
It also seems to me that doing good to others comes back with double power for you. Wow, it's good that you managed to convince someone to do good, keep it up! : D
Unknown said…
Oh, not always helping others was inscribed in our genes. I think technology and years of experience have made us more open and willing to help than ever before.
Unknown said…
Forcing someone to do something never does anything good, especially when it comes to helping others.
Unknown said…
Comparing Hitler to go on election is not a good move, it wasn't about convincing someone to go to elections and do good only if you are able to convince others of something to do good.
Unknown said…
True, convincing someone to do something can be one of the most difficult skills we can acquire. Once we achieve this, there are no impossible things for us anymore.
I think that I'm able to help a stranger but it depends on my mood in general. I think that in countries with high level of life people can make (and actually make) more good things to strangers because they has less reason to be stressed and to not care when some who needs help. Also I think that through the time people become to make more good things than before.
Unknown said…
Reading your statement I can see still a lot of hope. Comparing ourselves to insane people may not always end well. Exactly so, reminding about it is also right because many of us forget about it and turn back to brothers in need.
Unknown said…
Even such actions show for others that doing good isn't so difficult and doesn't require a lot of work. Yes, it's your own decision, but convincing someone to do good, we make a small brick to make the world better place. It's true, I thought about the same that the excuses are one of the biggest challenges I have to fight.
Unknown said…
I think doing and thinking are two different things :P. Sometimes deeds speak more than words and it's good that you think so!
Unknown said…
We take a lot from the family home and it's good that your parents gave you such positive features. You can easily share here with what situations of persuasion you were given to meet!
Unknown said…
You should not give up after the first try. Not just going to the elections is the way to do good, but remember not to give up in helping others!
Unknown said…
I also had to see that some woman fell over but in my case there was a situation that many people wanted to help her, which immediately improved my mood. It is true that it's more and more difficulties for us to open ourselves to another person, we must do everything to change it and bring better days for our kids.
Unknown said…
There, wher people live better, there is no need to provide so much help. What can be seen on the basis of other richer countries, it's with us as it is and we have to do something about it.
Unknown said…
I'm trying to do my best when helping another person are concerned. It's just natural form me. I believe, that when I'm kind to somebody, then somebody will be kind to me. Karma. However, I only help people that really need it - and drunk people nearby supermarket aren't excally that kind of people. I think that we should share the idea to just simply be good. I'm always trying to explain to somebody this idea - and persuading is onely one of techique to do that. Last year I persuade my buddy to go to the election with me.
Unknown said…
Usually helping strangers is not a problem for me.
I have mixed feeling about trying to convince someone to do smth. From one side you justify that you do it for the right cause but from the other you intend to manipulate other person and you have to be careful to do that.
1: Are you able to help a stranger?
Of course yes. Of course, it depends on the kind of help, because I won’t buy an alcohol to help a stranger to become drank:)

2: Have you ever tried to persuade someone to do good? Did you convince him/her that he/she should help others or at least go to vote during election?
No. I think the best way to persuade someone to do good is to do good. Firstly you should show an example and then you can persuade someone to do good.

3: Which of the last three councils appeals to you the most? Which one is most important to you and why?
Eliminate excuses. Because based on my experience people often trying to find some excuses: ‘I did not have time’, ‘If I…’ and other. People often even don't have time to help their relatives and we are talking about strangers. Put yourself on places people that need help. You could answer: I will never be in such situation. My answer will be: You never know what will happen with you tomorrow and maybe in a year you will be like that stranger asking for help.
Ahmed Elsawi said…
- Yes, if I have the ability to do it why not.
"Stranger : You Are Welcome".

- I don't persuade stranger, just give one advice.

- Eliminate excuses is a good point.
1: Are you able to help a stranger?
Everything always depend on what help it is but if I am able I am always trying to help.

2: Have you ever tried to persuade someone to do good? Did you convince him/her that he/she should help others or at least go to vote during election?
I tried to convince people to stop producing so much waste and in some cases it worked and people really limited its production. I don't find going to vote as "doing good" but more like a duty - if you dont want to vote it is your problem but do not complain about situation in your country.

3: Which of the last three councils appeals to you the most? Which one is most important to you and why?
Eliminate excuses is the one which I found more appealing. People usually make excuses to many things and if they eliminate them they can actually do a lot of good.
Denys Pogurskyi said…
I help a stranger depending on the situation and opportunity. It happens if you need help and I see that this person cannot cope and others just ignore that I will help. But there are times when I treat those who ignore. I never convinced people to do good to others. I'm just with my friends rarely touch on the theme: "Do good deeds"
Unknown said…
Oh, a peaceful utopia, where all people should helping each other not because they want to get a profit, just because they kind. This world has nothing to real. Why is helping others should be an important aspect of our lives? Who decided that it should? In my opinion everybody should live with one simple rule: no one owe me nothing and I don't owe anything to others. So if the stranger is polite person and you like him or her you can help, of course if you want and have time for it. If not - no offense. You should never persuade someone to do something that he or she doesn't want to do. It's about your friends, your parents, your wife or a stranger. If someone always helps people and do it with pleasure it's great. If another person does it rarely or don't help at all it's okay too. We should stop be hypocritical.

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