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Week 11 [14-20.01.19] Borders

Vox Borders is a new international documentary series presented by lululemon, by an Emmy-nominated video journalist Johnny Harris. For this series, Johnny is producing six 10-15 minute documentaries about different border stories. 

Official description says: 
Governments draw borders. Governments manage borders. But humans live inside them. From the North Pole to the northern shore of Africa to the Himalayas of Nepal, the lines we’ve used to apportion the planet play a decisive role in the past, present, and future of billions. (source)
This series includes six different episodes and I don't ask you to watch them all(unless you want to),  but pick one with the most interesting topic for you and answer the questions below.








  1. Have you heard about this series before? 
  2. Which video did you choose? Do you like the topic? Do you agree or disagree with the statements in the video?
  3. In your opinion, are border an accelerator or an impediment in the world development?


Unknown said…
No, I have never heard of it, but after seeing the first serie about Spain and Morocco, there was a desire to see the rest.
Yes, a very interesting topic, it is interesting to watch. I agree and I really liked what the historical facts bring and of course you should pay attention to the shooting, it is very interesting.
My opinion: borders are an obstacle, but I think that there are reasons for keeping borders. And it seems to me that everything depends on the heads of state. I am sure that if there was order in both countries, there would be no borders. if people lived at about the same cultural and financial level (such as in Europe).
Illia Lukisha said…
I'm glad you liked the topic. I also think that this is tough question to answer. But idea to eliminate borders between economically equal countries is cool.
No, I have never heard about this series before. Politics is not not my favourite topic and I rarely watch youtube movies about it.
I chose video about the arctic. It was quite interesting for me, I didn’t know for example that countries are claiming right for the sea by continental shelves. I agree with the statements in the movie. If everything will be done according to the rules, it should be fine, but there is a risk that some incidents might happen.
I think that in most places in the world, borders are natural phenomenon. After thousands years of developing individual cultures, there are a lot of differences among people. Even if there would be no formal borders, people will live in “separate” groups, in my opinion.
Personally I think that overall concept of borders is as separative as racism. I do not mean to humiliate the dignity of a nation and culture, since this is very foundation of a person, but the fact of the impossibility for a person to live where one wants is clearly showing how far the humanity is really from a true equality or freedom. Just simply move to an adjacent country now is a quest of a legendary difficulty that renders millions impossible to flee from a war, shitty climate or any other foul conditions while others born in a way better place complain about some petty squabbles. Why be so hypocrytic and fight for so called "Equality"? In my opinion, humanity should make no steps towards eliminating racism and abusement until all borders are wiped out from the map. That will inevitably lead to economical equality, sooner or later, one way or another.
Illia Lukisha said…
I think that we should create a programs that will allow countries to integrate with each other and work together as a states of one country, not as a separate ones. And also we need to create conditions that will help other countries to join, so they can become a new state which will be at the same cultural and economical level of development. Also in my opinion we cannot eliminate all borders in one moment it can create critical situation, but when we do nothing to push the globalization forward its even worse.
Illia Lukisha said…
I appreciate that you liked a video besides you don't like politics. But I want to add, this series is not containing much politics in it, it mostly about how people lives is affected by borders.
1. I have never before heard about that series.
2. I choosed the Nepal video because I know nothing about Nepal. The topic was really interesting. The old ways of living is disappearing... even in high mountains.
3. Borders are difficult topic for me because... I really didn't think about it before. Are border good or bad? It's really hard to say.
No, I didn't hear about it before. It was very interesting and at the same time sad. In some point of view useful to know what is going on in the world. I chose video about Haiti/Dominican Republic. I absolutely agree with the statements at the video and I was shocked that the level of racism is so high. To my mind we are all human beings and should help each other regardless of borders or skin color. But some people like Dominicans thinks that they are better than other and it's very sad, because will be a time and they will need some help. Hope they will change their minds and this situation will change.
Unknown said…
No, I haven't heard of this series before.
I would choose the second video. I think this topic is important to discuss, especially now. Let's be the honest Arctic has a strategic place in economics. After the ice will melt down the Arctic will open trading path to most of the European countries from Asia. And when one country decides to control this region you know for sure that there would be certain fees just to swim through. And in my opinion, the Arctic should be a zone of international interests and should not be taken by any country in that region.
I think that borders can be both accelerator or an impediment in the world development. If there were no borders there were more political drama between countries.
Yes, I have heard and watched several videos from this series. Vox is quite controversial media resource but this series is good and interesting.
I chose video about Spain and Morocco border. The topic is very urgent and important. There are no statements to agree or disagree. The situation out there is very complicated. Morocco owes EU and does dirty work, Spain prevents the flow of refugees to EU. Refugees from Syria for some reason have "benefits" over others. Overall, both sides have more or less valid points concerning border policy and migration in general. But still, I think, EU has to rethink seriously problem of refugees and in this particular situation - EU is "evil". Because what is going out there is madness, people dying , fences getting bigger. If anyone is interested , I recommend series by Vice "Europe or die: Storming Spain's Razor-Wire Fence" is longer and more concrete.
In your opinion, are border an accelerator or an impediment in the world development?
In my opinion, borders are an impediment in the world development, but everything is not so easy. We cannot simply destroy all borders and live in peace, borders are needed but as I mentioned above countries have to rethink border policy and problem of migration in general.
Unknown said…
1. No, I've never heard about that series before.

2. I choose a video about Japan / North Korea. I enjoyed that video and I agree with the statement that borders exists as much in our minds as they do on maps.

3. To be honest most of our technology was created either to make our lives more comfortable or for the purposes of winning a war. So in my opinion the borders and the divisions that goes with them are accelerators in the world development.
Unknown said…
Have you heard about this series before?
No but it is a very interestic topic especially when I love travelling and learn about other countries.
Which video did you choose? Do you like the topic? Do you agree or disagree with the statements in the video?
I've picked the video about arctic. It is interesting that arctic can be such a great economic place in the future. Also these long term strategies used by russia are fascinating.
In your opinion, are border an accelerator or an impediment in the world development?
I think it is more an accelerator. Borders cause a sense of property which motivates people to develop their own country. Also we fight for borders from decades what developed not only the military industry but many others.
Unknown said…
This is the first time I have seen something like that. I disagree that the main problem here is border. Borders are just representation of how people think. Reacher countries preserve border in order to separate them from poorer to protect their citizens way of life since immigrants would be willing to work for a fracture of salary and satisfied with the conditions. It’s understandable but not quite humanity-prone.

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