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Week 11 [14-20.01.19] Movie Adaptations are Evil

As time goes by more and more things that we used to love in our childhood, are slowly but steadily stopping to give money to their, not creators, but rather new masters and owners. It place where art and care about fans used to be now is one and only greed to get some more money. One after another adaptations fail especially if creators aim to please some weird and usually marginalized groups of people that just so happen to be most vocal.

I will ask you just once:
1. Do you agree that not everything needs a movie adaptation?
2. Do you know a movie adaptation of something you really like? How did that go?
3. Do you have something on your mind that you would love to see a movie adaptation of ?


Unknown said…
I agree with the fact that not everything needs a film adaptation. If the film is made without passion and focused only on money, it probably won't bring the expected profit. Film adaptations are made in order to transform a graphic into a better and more interesting way to tell a better story if it is possible, at least in my opinion it should be such an assumption.
It's hard for me to remember an adaptation, but I can't wait for a new movie about the Lion King. The trailer pulls from the seats.
I would definitely like to see the adaptation of the Witcher - Polish production series that Netflix will try to beat and I hope that I won't be disappointed.
Nataliya Tkach said…
1. Do you agree that not everything needs a movie adaptation?
Yes, I agree that not everyone needs adaptation.But if we don’t do this, we won’t understand whether the film was successful or unsuccessful.

2. Do you know a movie adaptation of something you really like? How did that go?
I really like the adaptations of The Chronicles of Narnia.Most of the books have been adapted very well.On account of Harry Potter don't know,I haven't read the books, only watched all the movies 4 times)

3. Do you have something on your mind that you would love to see a movie adaptation of ? I would very much like to see the film adaptation of the first part of the game Resident evil 1996 or the adaptation of the book Resident Evil Underworld.
I think you have a very grim view on our present times. Some people, of course, are motivated by money only, but many works of art, which movies can be, are also created by passionate people who love the idea of creating an adaptation of a book on a big screen.
I personally have some favorite adaptations which I'm happy were created. Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Stardust, Daredevil and many others. But of course, as with every kind of movies, there are some really bad adaptations. Those which I hope to forget. I don't like what they did to Harry Dresden books, I also watched Dune and Eragon and I'm pretty sure it could have been done so much better.
But I think people should keep trying. We don't burn the books once an adaptation has been filmed, so why not. Worst case, it will be poorly remembered. Best case - we will be amazed at how the film's director was able to understand the source material and present it to a wider audience. And if you're worried it's just a money grab, can always just wait for reviews and not go to the cinema - vote with your money.
Marcin Mróz said…
I can agree with that, but usually making a movie adaptation means money, especially if the book is popular. The best example is a Hobbit movie adaptation. It was split into 3 parts even though a book was shorter than all of the books from the Lord of The Rings saga (which had one movie for each part of course).
I liked the book "The Martian", but the movie based on it disappointed me. The main character was played by Matt Damon that I'm not really a fan of and the whole story was presented in a bit cheesy way.
Foodocado said…
I totally agree that not everything needs movie adaptation. Sometimes film producers are mainly focused on money and as a result, we watch total crap.

I would love to see the biography of Elon Musk on the big screen. His story is really interesting for me.
Unknown said…
I am a person who watches more than reads, so I think that if a book is good enough and popular, it needs to be adapted. Of course, not everything can be reproduced, but the meaning and topic will always remain. Only where I first read something and then watched it were Harry Potter's books and I knew immediately what details were missing, but I wasn't disappointed, because what was most important was included. As I said, I watch more than I read, so it's hard for me to say about a book worthy of adaptation.
Unknown said…
1. Do you agree that not everything needs a movie adaptation?
Hell yeah! There is A LOT of books that I can't imagine as a good adaptation. For example, because how much time they are covering or how much beauty is in the words used, not the story or action.
2. Do you know a movie adaptation of something you really like? How did that go?
Have you heard about the Witcher series? Not the netflix one. The old. Polish one. Never watch that. Never. Oh my good it still hurts my eyes. On the other hand, The Lord of The Rings is great movie trilogy. I loved it more then the books.
3. Do you have something on your mind that you would love to see a movie adaptation of ?
The Invincible of Stanislaw Lem. THAT WOULD BE EPIC. Oh my god, the scenes, the robots, ships, story. Would be amazing.
I actually do not watch movies at all. I read. For some weird reason I find movies ultra boring. No idea, why. I watched less than a ten in my entire life, and somewhat five of them -- till the end.
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I think that they re some piece of works that don't need any adaptations.
Like games, is very hard to adapt a game into a movie because they re focusing on interaction. Interaction between player and word made. Game named: "Hitman" is very good example. Agent 47 is perfect assassin, for player it is amazing to feel such power, but for movie it would be boring to watch a guy that is always winning and never doing mistakes. But i like 1 adaptation, it's: "Punisher". I love how they presented his brutality and hate for criminals.
If i could pick 1 adaption that i could see it would be Spawn adaptation, but not movie adaptation. I would prefer to see it animated.
Denys Pogurskyi said…
1. Do you agree that not everything needs a movie adaptation?
How i think , everyone would like to see the adaptation of their favorite book or story. Because it is interesting to compare your ideas after reading with adaptations.

2. Do you know a movie adaptation of something you really like? How did that go?
I am mostly a fan of watching anime series.
Naturally, there were adaptations ... And the films what I watched were “Bleach”, “Death Note” and “Attack of the Titans”. Before watching, I had an impression that the films would be really cool, however, after watching it, I thought that all of them could have been much better. I remember watching two more adaptations, according to the games of "Mortal Kombat" and "Doom". But at that time they were very good.But this is just my personal opinion.

3. Do you have something on your mind that you would love to see a movie adaptation of ?
I would certainly see an adaptation of the anime "Devil May Cry." But after watching those adaptations, the desire to watch some other adaptations disappeared.
I have incredible hopes on Witcher as well, even with recent controversy that has been made aroung it's cast and people working on it. I kinda wait in dread for a new Sonic movie adaptation, because it is something so iconic and non-movie that you become kinda scared.
Trying is good, but sometimes intentions are clear from the beginning, is it failing at making an art piece, or just moneygrab that has been succesfull leaving fans dissapointed, film shitty but producers rich, like with Star Wars for example.
There is no doubt that people need to try creating art, but sometimes you just can see from the beginning that what you will get is a blatant cashgrab like with Ghostbusters remake, Oceans 11 and Star Wars (star wars turned out to be bad after launch though). Failing at making a film and succeding at making cashgrab, sacrificing film quality, are different things.
Nothing wrong with wanting to get money for your work, but what scares me is that products tend to use marketing strategies and loved art pieces only for getting money, delivering dissapointing work.
I am pretty sure that looking at Musk spending hundreds of hours obtaining education and skills needed to run business is not a very fascinating view on the screen, but filmmakers would make some artistic touches to make it coll though.
I do not agree with you, because movie cannot show all the details of a book, and usually makes for a lacklusting eyecandy experience compared to interesting intricating history in book, but hey, that just like my opinion man.
I've seen an episode of a polish Witcher adaptation, i believe that is when i discovered the meaning of cringe, let's believe that netflix will do a good job.
This one is from your commentary on another one of my presentations: "I actually almost never watched cartoons in my life", how the hell do you even have fun? Ony games or what, i don't get are you robot?
Nothing is forgotten.
2D > 3D =3. Some adaptations better be an animated movie than a filmed ones, i cannot agree more.
I never believed in Attack On Titan adaptation because of how bizzare manga nad anime is, and normies would ruin everything anyway. Mortal combat adaptation lacked the franchises trademark not being brutal and bloody enough, but heey, with modern technologies it is possible do better i think.
1. Do you agree that not everything needs a movie adaptation?
• Yes, some things should be left the way they are.
2. Do you know a movie adaptation of something you really like? How did that go?
• I really liked the Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings series.
3. Do you have something on your mind that you would love to see a movie adaptation of?
• Nothing particular. Although, I think that some of the criminal novels by Jo Nesbø could be pretty interesting.
Unknown said…
If the movie makers don't understand the whole point behind original source material then they should better pass this one. Although I sometimes feel that movie adaptations are not made specifically for fans of the books but rather for the audience who is not aware of the original story.
I can't remember any movie adaptation in particular. I liked the original War of Worlds although it's 2005 movie adaptation feels like a completely different story. I would rather say that the story of the film was "inspired" by the book. But I don't think that the movie was bad although it had problems. At least alien tripods looked really scary and that I think the best thing they borrowed from the book.
I would like to see the new movie adaptation of Jules Verne's "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" in the near future.
Mykhailo Reznyk said…
I think that cinematography is a very powerful art form. In my opinion, it has the richest set of expressions, which help to reach people’s hearts and minds: visual, acoustic, emotional. That’s why, I think that adaption of a great story is actually a good idea. Whether it’s book, comics, manga or cartoon. Of course, some stories are much harder to transform into a movie, yet I believe that with a passion and right attitude it’s more than possible. To make a good adaptation, first and the most important factor is director’s true desire to recreate the story on a screen. He himself must be a fan of it, so he can understand logic, feelings and motivation of each character and the moral of the whole story in general. Unfortunately, quite often we see exactly the opposite. That happened to my favorite story recently. I am talking about recent Hollywood “Death Note” adaptation. It’s got criticized really hard by everyone who is familiar with the original. Basically, it is detective story, the best cat and mouse chase I’ve ever seen, about two geniuses trying to reveal each other identities, while using those around them as pawns in their chess game in order to prove that their perspective of justice is right. It raises such philosophical questions as: “What is a real justice?”, “Does absolute power corrupts absolutely?”, “What are you ready to sacrifice for what you think is right?” and many more. All of it was discarded in favor of fitting such a massive story into a 2 hours film. Great and complex characters, who were the manifestation of intelligence, were turned into a people, who 80% of a time are guided by their emotions. As a result, the greatest battle of minds was turned into a battle of hormones. I really hope that one day, this great story will get a movie adaptation it deserves, made by people who really love and understand it.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
Movie adaptations is something that I don`t like at all, because most of the time when something is being adapted in movie it is being cut or producers didn`t mention some details which made original source great and gained so many fans. Nevertheless, I know some marvelous movie adaptions where I enjoyed everything in the movie, for example, Warcraft has incredibly detalized models and stunning special effects which made enjoy every second in this film. Example of bad adaptation could be "DeathNote", I didn`t like the way characters played and the couldn`t really share that atmosphere that I felt during reading the book or watching anime. So I would like say that it is hard for me to tell if I want to see anything adaptated because there is a great chance of this film failure, at least for me.
Bartosz Barnat said…
Yes I agree that not everything needs an adaptation and shoundn't be.

I really like an adaptation of Narnia but for example I don't like adaptation of "Niezgodna" written by Veronica Roth. Books were ok but an adaptation didn't show what I liked in a book and I just couldnt bare watching it and stopped after 40 minuts.

I can't think of any adaptation that I would love to see. I guess I will just wait for something good to come out.
Anna Moskalenko said…
Some things are beautiful as it is. Often movie adaptations are extremely bad because are made only for money. I can understand movie adaptations of books, but in my opinion they should be created accurately, following actions that took place in the book. You can’t just throw out important parts >.<
I’ve seen a movie adaptation of my favorite opera and it was pretty good. Maybe because of great actors, that really CAN sing and accuracy of adaptation.
Well, as most of us I’m waiting for a Witcher series ;)
1. Do you agree that not everything needs a movie adaptation?
Yeah, why would everything needed a movie adaptation

2. Do you know a movie adaptation of something you really like? How did that go?
Dune. It is shown in the video. Let's just not talk about it. There was one ambitious attempt to make it. Such a shame it didn't worked:

3. Do you have something on your mind that you would love to see a movie adaptation of ?
I would like to see a good adaptation of Pratchett's book. I think it is possible to do but needs to be done by someone who also loves this type of humour.
I agree that not every book needs a movie adaptation. Hardly anything needs. However, that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t.

„The Hobbit” trilogy is widely used as an example of bad adaptation but I disagree with that. It has followed the book pretty well in general but it added lots of secondary plot lines. It was an adaptation that used the source material and built on top of it, which is fine by me.

An example of a totally bad adaptation for me is the „Eragon” movie. After reading a couple of books in the series as a kid, I went to the movie theatre and watched the movie. Even though I was just a kid, I remember that the adaptation was so furiously bad, it felt offensive to the readers.

I agree with most commenters that the adaptation I’m most excited for is the Witcher TV series produced by Netflix. I read the books, played the games, never watched the Polish series and now I’m waiting for the Hollywood one.
Unknown said…
Of course, I agree with you that not everything should have its own film adaptation. Many films were created only for money(.money rules the world ). Movies that are worth attention are first of all made by famous directors who do it for passion, not only for money. My favorite film adaptation is of course Harry Potter ( every parts ) but in my opinion they should make more parts of every book to show us more details. After all I think it was a very successful project. Currently I don’t have any ideas for adaptation.
Marcin Krupa said…
1. Do you agree that not everything needs a movie adaptation?
Generally, I think that if movie is good and have well constructed story, then why it wouldn't need adaptation?

2. Do you know a movie adaptation of something you really like? How did that go?
Sure, I just love El laberinto del fauno, Harry Potter, The Godfather, The Silence of The Lambs and a lot of Stephan King's book to film adaptations.

3. Do you have something on your mind that you would love to see a movie adaptation of?
Emm... I guess no. Maybe something like The Witcher or Achaja.
I agree that not everything can be adapted, some works are written so that the reader himself would represent all the beauties of the world that the writer wanted to convey. Also, it is difficult to film books in general, since you have very little time, just one and a half or two hours. What can not be adapted to movies so anime or manga. They just are not perceived :) I liked the film version of the last Mowgli, I think that the atmosphere of the jungle and animals was very well conveyed. I would like to see the film adaptation of Eine Billion Dollar or Jesus Video (Andreas Eschbach) and Shantaram (Gregory David Roberts).
Unknown said…
Your first question is strange little bit. I agree that not everything needs a movie adaptation. For example history that describes how exactly I arriving to my work every day doesn't need a movie adaptation. Talks about books, comics, podcasts, cartoons etc. it's not necessary to make adaptation in the one side but in the other hand... why not? Do really bad adaptations could damage someone? How could humanity make a really good movie without practice with these bad ones? There are a lot of great movie adaptations: The Lord of the Rings, The Godfather, Harry Potter, Trainspotting, Fight Club etc. Maybe these are so good just because there exist a bad ones like Green Lantern with Ryan Raynolds? You should think about that.
I really waiting for movie adaptation of my life. I just need to write book about it. It's still in progress.

1. Do you agree that not everything needs a movie adaptation?
Yes - especially after I have seen the examples from the youtube's video You have attached.

2. Do you know a movie adaptation of something you really like? How did that go?
Lord of the rings ! I think that in this examle I even prefer to watch movies than books

3. Do you have something on your mind that you would love to see a movie adaptation of ?
I really like to read books from "Fabryczna Zona" series - books action is happening in Chernobyl. I like post-apocalyptic books, and if any one of them would got a movie adaption, I would be the first in cinema
Harry Potter and Lord of the RIngd are the masterpieces of era, i really wait for something as cool as these.
I agree, if one doesn't like and doesn't understand an original story one should not be responsible for it's adaptation.
How a cineam can be more expressive and rich as art if it is limited by the actual constraints of people who are being filmed and actual laws of physics? Modern films are 90% of animation and 10% of acting, i think that it is more of a proof than needed that movie is inferior to animation.
Warcraft was a "meh" film, as a fan of series i was dissapointed because story got oversimplified but visually it's pretty neat.
Yeah i really don't like the feeling when a 2 hour movie gets boring after 30 minutes, let's hope it won't happen a lot.
Movies just cannot express all the richness of the book in a limited few hours, but series are risky and expensive so we are dumped with a tons of cashgrabs, that rarely produce something worthwile.
Pratchetts would need a whole series to even scratch a surface of it's coolness, but you know, maybe that's exactly what awaits us?
Hobbit was cool up to the third episode, it just felt extremely redundant and that producers were out of ideas. Witcher i guess is something everyone is waiting for.
Film is limited by time so it never could show all the things a book can offer, but if Harry Potter had more episodes it would be a whole series )
You are speaking an honest truth and i respect you for that.
Unknown said…
1. Do you agree that not everything needs a movie adaptation?
Yea, for sure I agree... I'm fan of manga/anime and while making an animation based on manga is in most of the cases really good, that movie adaptations are... awful... I find those really baaaaad...

2. Do you know a movie adaptation of something you really like? How did that go?
Yup, many of them and I was dissatisfied. For example latest adaptation of FullMetal Alchemist on Netflix or JoJo's Bizarre Adventure . That was... disgusting, awful... can't find words that would describe my disappointment.

3. Do you have something on your mind that you would love to see a movie adaptation of?
I'd really like to see movie adaptation of few games that I like!
Those will be:
1. The world ends with you
2. NieR: Automata
3. Final Fantasy XV (not KingsGlaive, cause it's telling a story before events from game)
Also Kingdom Hearts would be nice to watch :)
Marcin Górski said…
Yes, I agree that not everything needs a move adaption because it can lead to getting worse opinion about an art. To be honest, I have watched Gulliver's Travels and seriously, it was very weird... one of the worst movies I have ever watched! On the other hand, there are some good adaptions but mostly I remember these worse.
Hmm, I remember that The Hunger Games was not bad. Have you ever read/watched it? As I said, I don't like adaptions so I am trying to not watch them a lot.
Last question is very interesting. On the one hand, I love Jo Nesbo detective stories and I would like to watch movie but I don't want to change my opinion so... it's too hard to take a decision.
This comment has been removed by the author.
1. Do you agree that not everything needs a movie adaptation?
I don't think that anything needs a move adaptation. If the book is good it doesn't need an adaptation, if it's then it shouldn't have one at all. I think that the issue is that some of the books are really hard to translate onto the big screen. Some directors don't think it through when they try to film a book adaptation and that is why we get some awful ones so often. They just see that a book is popular and think: "let's make a movie, people like that story so what can possibly go wrong?". However, sometimes it is not that easy.
2. Do you know a movie adaptation of something you really like? How did that go?
Well I really like book written by Philip K. Dick called "Man in the high castle". There is a TV series that is an adaptation of that book. I tried to watch it but I didn't enjoy it at all.
3. Do you have something on your mind that you would love to see a movie adaptation of ?
Probably some stories written by Stanisław Lem deserve to get their own movie adaptation. However, since those are Sci-Fi genre that might be quite a challenge for many directors.
I do agree that not everything needs an movie adaptation, there are some stellar works that thrive on our imaginations and individuality, making them into movies would remove those aspects since they would become work of "single mind".
When it comes to failed adaptations i want to forget for me it was Eragon, a poorly made film that tried to fit too much into one feature instead on focusing on the delivery and longevity of the adaptation.
I wish for good lengthy adaptation of "The Ender's game" series, its an 8 novel story that tackles very interesting aspects of future and very though dilemmas, i hope creators that adapted first book will do a follow up expanding on the story in future films.
Unknown said…
1. Do you agree that not everything needs a movie adaptation?
I do agree that not everything needs a movie adaptation. Very often it happens that a book far more elaborates on a given topic that any movie could do so.

2. Do you know a movie adaptation of something you really like? How did that go?
My favourite movie adaptaion is The Lord of The Rings. This movie was so epic and dashing that almost was better than the book.

3. Do you have something on your mind that you would love to see a movie adaptation of ?
A good adaptaion of Dune. There was a lot of adaptaions of this book so far, but none of them was good enough.
1. Do you agree that not everything needs a movie adaptation?
Of course. I keep in my head a list of films more than a kilometer long. And they were all not worth adapting to the film. Sometimes it comes out just disgusting, and this despite the fact that the book was excellent.
2. Do you know a movie adaptation of something you really like? How did that go?
I was sure I knew a couple. But now nothing comes to mind. Maybe Harry Potter movies, but only the first three parts.
3. Do you have something on your mind that you would love to see a movie adaptation of?
I love many books. But it's hard for me to present them in the form of films. Perhaps in the format of the series.
Unknown said…
1. Do you agree that everything needs a movie adaptation?
Yes I agree 100%, many times I have been disappointed when some of my favorite book gets adaptations.
2. Do you know a movie adaptation of something you really like? How did that go?
In most cases, this is a disaster, movies are much nicer to watch without reading the book beforehand. I remember when I saw a trailer in the cinema of Percy Jackson and the Olympic gods: Lightning thief, made such an impression on me that I bought a book and read it before the premiere, which was a big mistake because the film was very average.
3. Do you have to see a movie adaptation of?
I would love to see the film adaptation of Trudi Canavan's guild mages, but we will not see it.
Unknown said…
I can agree with that, but if preparation for adaptation is made carefully then everything should be fine.
I really like Lord of the Rings movie adaptation. I love music there, LOTR special effects were so good in its times and world created for the movie was a perfect fantasy world.
I would love to see a Dune adaptation made by Denis Villeneuve.
Yes, I certainly do, not only because as we can see from the video it is often done awfully, but also because it is almost impossible to transfer the atmosphere, thought and the full meaning of the written word onto the screen.
Yes, I do. The perfect example of great book-based movie is “The fight club”, that was originally written by Chuck Palahniuk who himself admired the beauty of the film and even said it to be better than his novel.
No, I don’t really want to watch anything that I’ve ever read, because it’s not going to be the same thing anymore. That’s not going to be my impressions of described characters, actions and places. Somehow seeing the same thing I’ve read on the screen through the vision of someone else makes the plot less intimate, less appealing, it loses the part that reader’s imagination creates itself.
Marcin Zając said…

1. Do you agree that not everything needs a movie adaptation?
Definetely yes, but on the other hand if you don't like it you haven't to watch. Sometimes I think is good book for movie adoptation but it was poorly made.

2. Do you know a movie adaptation of something you really like? How did that go?
Yes for example Harry Potter or hobbit but it is too long it can be one movie not 3 like The Lord of the Rings which adaptation has similar length but it's much bigger book.

3. Do you have something on your mind that you would love to see a movie adaptation of ?
Currently, I haven't any ideas.

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