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Week 11 [14-20.01.19] The Infamous Video Game Crunch

What is "Crunch Time"?
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary the definition of "Crunch Time" is as follows:
"a critical moment or period (as near the end of a game) when decisive action is needed"
For the development team working in video game industry the "Game Crunch" means to work extra hours to release the game on schedule.
What is the origin of "Crunch Time"?
The term and problem of "Crunch Time" was brought to public attention in November 2004 with an anonymous blog post under the name "EA Spouse" (in 2006 the identity of the poster was revealed to be Erin Hoffman - fiance of one of the EA developers). It was a written protest against the labor practices of Electronic Arts and the negative impact it had on its employees. This post went viral and has led to many discussions in the video game industry, yet there were no visible changes until March 2005, when Electronic Arts revealed their plan to extend overtime pay to some of the employees.
The similar problem was brought to public attention in 2010 with a letter addressed to Rockstar Games by the significant others of developers at Rockstar San Diego. The letter, similarly to the post from 2004, was a complaint about the working conditions caused by the "Game Crunch" and the damage it has done during that time. It appears though that this letter didn't have an impact on the company, because the same problem arose recently near the release of Red Dead Redemption 2.

How to solve this problem?
I believe that the seed of the problem lies in people's distorted view of what the "Game Crunch" really is. There are many companies that boast about the amount of hours their employees work weekly just before the release of the game. People see it as a virtue, a sign of hard work and a proof of their dedication to create a great product. People are blind to the other side of the coin and companies use it in their favor. To solve this problem the employees that are subjected to the infamous "Crunch" have to speak loud about the issue and we as consumers have to listen to them. That in my opinion is one of many ways that can solve this problem.
These are my questions for you:
  1. What are your thoughts on "Crunch Time"?
  2. Have you ever experienced it? How did you feel during that period?
  3. How would you solve this problem?



The Crunch is an unhealthy practice, and an indication that a company is most likely improperly managed. Occasionally doing overtime so that you don’t block another section of your company from starting their tasks on time is one thing, but when you find yourself spending hours upon hours implementing things that should take weeks in a matter of days, you know something went wrong somewhere. Overloading people working on critical parts of software leads to more bugs and increases the technical debt of the product. Sadly a lot of companies will press for shorter deadlines and shipping unfinished products to retain their steady financial growth, something that you want to boast on your investor meetings. I haven’t crunched yet because my company is managed sensibly, but I’d wager that the all-nighters I pulled during the studies make for a similar experience. You feel horrible during the whole ordeal, and after it. Knowing how flimsy the result of your work is makes you dread the moment where you’ll inevitably be forced to spend double the time either working around it, or redoing it completely. A solution to the problem of crunch is relatively simple, but not something you’ll want to tell your investors – reserve more time for the task or hire more people. Software development is not an exact science, mistakes and accidents happen – and require time to resolve them. A well-managed project reserves sufficient time before deadline to account for that. A project where all caution is thrown to the wind to cut the costs will likely end up in a crunch – and there’s nothing that can be done about that.
Unknown said…
I agree with you that the source of this problem lies within project management. Mistakes are fairly common in every aspect of our lives - including work. And to assume that a complicated project can be done without them is simply foolish.
I agree with Bartosz that the existence of Crunch Time is a symptom of bad project management and it’s an unhealthy practice. I wouldn’t want to work in a company that requires it in practice.

I haven’t experienced Crunch Time at my company but I definitely experienced it in my other endeavours, such as personal projects and studying. I knew I had to go through that period in order to achieve the results I expect and I always felt completely exhausted after that.

I once again agree with Bartosz that the Crunch Time could be addressed by accounting for it during the planning of your project, by managing it well and by noticing its symptoms early enough.
Unknown said…
What are your thoughts on "Crunch Time"?
I think the "crunch time" is a result of a poorly planned or handled process, which assumptions and objectives were determined as an overall management of people's work and their responsibilities.

Have you ever experienced it? How did you feel during that period?
Yes, I have experienced this once at my work when deadline was next day and we had still a lot of work to do. Honestly, I did not take it to myself as I did not have any plans for that night, but the fact I had to stay all night at work because of someone's laziness did not feel good.

How would you solve this problem?
When it comes to this type of situation it is already too late, because time passes independently of us or our decisions. The best thing to do is just to accept current situation and focus on delivering our work the best we are able to.
Unknown said…
Unfortunately, the first time I met with this wording, but I definitely understand it when it comes to getting into the time for eg the premiere of the game, I feel sorry for all who have to deal with it.
I have never experienced it, but to fight it rather I would try to set up an entire schedule to solve everything ahead of time.
Although I know that some things come out for a walk and we do not change them. It is often caused by the person managing the work, then we can change such a person and maybe it will give something; p
Unknown said…
I think that crunch time isn't something that can be completely avoided, especially in large companies - however, companies should definitely try to minimise it, as it certainly has a negative influence on employee morale and the company's reputation.

I did experience crunch time a couple of times, and it certainly isn't pleasant - the constant pressure of approaching deadlines as well as the constant need to work result in high stress, which is only compounded by the lack of time for sleep or relaxation.

There is no easy solution to dealing with crunch time, but it is possible to deal with it to an extent. Among possible solutions are delaying the release date as well as hiring more employees to lessen the workload on individual employees, but doing these things is easier said than done.
This problem is actually not exclusive for game development only. All companies face this. Or rather, all employees face this. Unfortunantely, I do not possess sufficient knowledge of project management to suggest any kind of solution to this particular problem. Overtime pay may be a solution.
What are your thoughts on "Crunch Time"?
- I think it concerns not only game development but the whole industry. It is just a consequence of bad project management and lack of communication

Have you ever experienced it? How did you feel during that period?
- No. I would consider changing job if I had

How would you solve this problem?
- More communication with client/product owner. Change software development Paradigms/methodologies to different or more agile.
Anna Moskalenko said…
Well, crunch appears where bad work organization is. In every team should be a strong and mindful leader, that is as good in planning as in being an actual leader and deciding what to do in hard situation.
Yes, I’ve experienced the crunch time. With few projects and especially with my diploma project, which was a computer game. It was a hard time, but that was our fault. We just discussed our problems with the team, made a few important decisions, made a plan of future work and worked hard. This is the only way to make it work.
Unknown said…
Unfortunately I was experienced "Crunch Time" few times. It is obvious if deadline is closer and closer there are a lot of thing to do in game department. The biggest things are bugs which can be invisible by the testers. When deadline approaches sometimes I’m nervous but the good thing is I’m very creative because of that and sometimes I can modeling objects really fast.
Probably we can solve this problem by do the list what we must do in which week and create fake deadline earlier to have few weeks to polish something.
Marcin Krupa said…
"Crunch Time" is not only a very exhausting and stressful period of working time. It can have reflection in private life. After all, "crunch time" tramples humans rights and can cause workaholism.

Most frequently "Crunch" comes from bad project management and from having overambitious concept towards to fund.

Personally, I didn't experienced this phenomenon yet. Of course, some weeks in my work were harder, sometimes I need to stay longer, but generally that were single situations.

In my opinion, it is impossible to completely erase "Crunch" from work hours, but we can minimize chances of occur and mitigate its fallout. Base way to do this is to have good project management and limited requirements towards to project.
Unknown said…
What are your thoughts on "Crunch Time"?
I think that it's unfair of the company when it's not providing extra help / money to employees during that time. I think that companies shouldn't overuse employees time and dedication as you've said. Companies should care more about employees during that period of time.

Have you ever experienced it? How did you feel during that period?
Yes, I'm young employee with half of year experience and I experienced this "period" once. It was really stressful and exchausting. Time was as I said really hard, I was close to drop it all, but I managed to organize myself and decided "just to do it". After all we all got a nice aplause from manager, overtime money etc, but I miss psychologist help during that time, it can really break someone's mind.

How would you solve this problem?
I'd pay more attention to employees stress and psychical condition.
Unknown said…
I do not work in game development industry so I can't imagine how it looks like there but I think that in my current job we have to face a "Crunch Problem" sometimes. For me it's not a really big problem because I'm working as Project Manager so I'm that person who are partly guilty for situations when programmers and I should work fast and sometimes over hours. I try implement "Crunch Problem" in a soft way. First I work over time too. I always try to stay with my team to the end. I show them that I care and that is not my whim. Second I do not accept working under pressure. Even if the deadline is tomorrow I couldn't get from my team more than they can do. So here we all should accept Buddhism methodology: "If something happened or not happened it is just karma". Third if programmers for some reason do not want to work overtime I can't and won't to force them. These simple three rules works and we all often finish our projects at time.
Filip Sawicki said…
For me crunch time is just a bad time management practice. Companies that incorporate crunch times are generally poorly managed and treat their workers badly. I know that sometimes it’s necessary to work overtime, however planning these ahead and adding to time schedule is insane. I have never experienced crunch time, but my friend did. I would solve this problem by first and foremost creating realistic deadlines.
Crunch time is as bad as it is needed in any software development process. While we might think of it a s purely bad thing when done wisely can immensely speed up the development process and help us avoid problems down the road.
Feeling during the crunch is the worst ever, u feel ever exhausted running mostly on coffee and quick snacks, u feel like shit, what comes after is a relief and much needed sleep.
The problem with "Crunches" is when they are done they should be implemented if ever in the middle of the projects not only at the end. We use them to finalize things instead of to "make things testable" for future polishing what comes of end of the line crunches are buggy messes that need future work.
I think Crunch Time is unavoidable. When company set release date, they should manage their product to be ready on that date. But there are a lot of problems that are unavoidable too and because of that that company have to work harder and longer just before the deadline.
Actually, I experience it now. I’m just at the end of the project and it has to be ready on time, but I’m still behind. How I feel? Not good, to be honest, but focused and determined.
Better time management is the key for success in my opinion. You should do as much as possible in the early part of project development. Then, you will have more time for fixing bugs before the release.
I think in most cases this is just the result of someones' poor management skills. Of course, it happens sometimes that some unplanned problems occur and developers need to quickly find a solution for that.
I have experienced it once but then company gave us then some payed days off as a "thank you for your involvement".
To solve this problem I would start from good planning and being able to create realistic deadlines.
Unknown said…
Actually even just today had a crunch time due to diploma time limitation and my procrastination. Interesting thing is that I actually enjoy the result since I have almost 100% concentration on the task and afterwards completing it brings pure joy

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