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Week 11 [14-20.01.19] Creativity



Do you agree that schools kills creativity? Why?

Schools are going into the right direction and should stay as they are or there are better ideas for a change in education?

Do you agree with a statement that we grow out of creativity? Why?


Peter Clemenza said…
I used to love writing and reading. But school has made both of those things feel
like chores so nowadays the only times I do them is do uni, and reluctantly at that.

School makes you more creative. When you’re bored the mind wanders and makes
you think more than if you did something you’re focused on.

Do you agree with a statement that we grow out of creativity? Why?
The moment that you finally conform to the system its the moment of growing out of creativity

Unknown said…
Creativity is not something you learn through typical education. Art is more about experience than it is about knowledge. That being said, knowledge is still very important. You're gaining experience through all the events in your life, all of the moments, places - school included. On the one hand, students spend 18+ years in their lives taking tests, memorizing informations and spent hours finishing homeworks. The informations we memorize fades by the time. On the other hand our creativity just simply won’t be forgotten - what I mean - it's hard to forget the way of dealing with problems in school, student get's more and more creative just to "get around the system". For me, it's hard to tell - it's all about your attitude - if you're smart, you can gain a lot of knowlage and be creative at the same time. It's just different kind of creativity, more usefull rather than artictic ;)

I don't agree with your last sentece though. It all depends on person - if someone decide to do they task/chores like everybody else, follow the instruction then yes, I agree. But if they're smart and creative, then thay can came up with a better idea and way to solve the problem. In my opinion you have to at least mentain your "creativity level" and not forget about it and always go "the easy way"
Unknown said…
Yes, because in school they don't teach how to approach problems and look for solutions by learning from your mistakes, they teach you to follow predefined rules and do everything using "templates" that won't develop strong problem-solving skills.
Well, schools are as effective as educational systems allowed them to be. If the educational system is built upon the idea of examining pupils and students with unnecessary complicated tests and exams every month and teaching how to solve them than you know for sure that education in schools would feel "broken" and there are some serious improvements to be made.
Yes, I agree with this statement, because creativity is always built upon experience. More problems you solve in your life - more versatile and clever your approaches to problems will be.
Foodocado said…
It's a hard question. From my experience, the way we are being examined is old fashioned and it kills creativity in us. We have to follow predefined rules and fit the template. In my opinion, the school should stimulate creativity by art lessons, teamwork exercises, outdoor activities, and many strategical games. School should also help students finding their interests and hobbies, but current students are so overwhelmed with homework that they do not have time to develop themselves and their passions.
Unknown said…
I agree that the school does not give the child the opportunity to fully disclose their creative skills. Because they require knowledge in other subjects (mathematics, geometry, geography) and this is excellent, in my school the creative subject was always one and went once a week. But if the child is interested in drawing or dancing, you can attend sections after school.
There are specialized schools to choose from, you can go to school where swimming and training will be every day and less common standard subjects. In today's world, so many things already exist that you can choose everything you like, and if there isn’t already, you can create.
No, adults often do not have the time or desire to pay attention to creativity, some have it and do not need to train creative skills all the time. But if there is a free hour or two, then devoting oneself to creativity is better than lying on a sofa.
Do you agree that schools kills creativity? Why?
• It is very individual. I think that getting used to things and simply stopping to perceive various aspects of surroundings is what actually kills the creativity.
Schools are going into the right direction and should stay as they are or there are better ideas for a change in education?
• To be honest, if I had an idea that would significantly improve the schooling system and work at the same time I would probably be a minister of some kind by now.
Do you agree with a statement that we grow out of creativity? Why?
• As I have mentioned above. Yes, we tend to grow out of creativity as we are getting used to things and stop being surprised / focus on / look at things from various angles.
Unknown said…
Do you agree that schools kills creativity? Why?

Yes it kills. In current educational system checks if the student is able to do a very specific task in a very specific way. It doesn't give any extra credits for being creative. And many specialists say that.

Schools are going into the right direction and should stay as they are or there are better ideas for a change in education?

I am not a specialist in this area so I have no idea. Someone smarter, much more experienced should answer this question.

Do you agree with a statement that we grow out of creativity? Why?

The older we get the easier it is to exploit the one path to success we know, rather than explore and find a new one.
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Yes, I agree. Once I saw a meme, where everyone got the "You have to climb the tree" command. In the picture there was a bird, a monkey, a penguin, an elephant, a fish, a seal and a dog. I think that is the best represents the state's education system. I managed to find him:

I think there are better ideas for a change in education. Above all, the school should be voluntary and private. Parents should decide what their children will learn. When the children grow up, then they should decide about their education. At the moment, each of us is learning the same for 12 years. The education system is planned by the Ministry of National. Depending on the ruling party, the official decides:
- whether we are to learn religion or not
- whether we should have more or less history
- whether the story will be presented from the point of view of a favorable X party or a Y party.

Yes of course. The school taught us how to solve tests A, B, C and D. If we gave answers to the test or maturity contrary to the "key" it meant a BAD ANSWER.
Unknown said…
Mostly schools kill creativity but It all depends on your teachers. I do like the way I was taught math. My teacher firstly explained the approach, the idea how it should work, how to come up with such solution. It wasn’t simple problem solving using only new approach and nothing else it was rather comparing 2 or 3 approaches to solve a problem where literally all advantages and disadvantages were taken in consideration. On the other hand there were few subjects with the main purpose of memorizing and making everything using predefined patterns.

I really like Elon Musk’s point of view about this topic. He wants to create a school where children will be visiting only classes they are interested in without any exams or something like this. I am not completely sure whether it’s right decision to get rid of the exams but overall idea sounds fantastic. The only problem that I see is that pupils might not know what they do like at the beginning that’s why they will have to attend every single class they have.

Yes, I agree with the statement. As was mentioned above creativity comes from experience. It’s all about the amount of problems you’ve solved and the number of approaches you’ve come up with.
Iman Masjedi said…
Yes, I think the school is killing creativity, because it teaches us at school that it's just the time to listen to the best of your day, and just learn the things we get from exams.
In my opinion, schools should be taught general issues and allow students to research and discover issues, because they are created in a research project .
Yes, creativity makes mental rewards and self-esteem more in-person, school-based education only surpasses those who have a better memory than those with special abilities.

I agree that schools kill creativity. Especially if we are talking about CIS, most of Europe schools. The main problem is that their education methods are so old, they are not motivating kids to think out of the box.
Again, i can't say that all the schools are going into the right direction, it is not so obvious. Luckily, all the schools in Poland give more freedom to kids now, but there are some of them that are vestiges of the past.
I don't agree with this statement, people who said this, can't even image what does creativity mean.
Every time someone tells a person how to do stuff, the creativity is either killed or restricted. In school pretty much the only thing a young pupil is having -- is being told what to do and how to do. It is hart to think of any other way of teaching. A teacher would have to perform tremendous effort to maintain individual approach to each student and spot where the strongest creativity sides of one lie, and not hurt them. Of course, one cannot expect such capabilities from a mere human.
I agree that schools kills creativity. When I was in secondary school i used to play drums and compose music. I also liked to draw. Teachers told me that is waste of time and i should focus on real school subjects like mathematics or biology.
Because of that i think that education and schooling system is going wrong way.
Teachers ought to help to find strengths of their students and let them evolve them.
Also they should develop creativity, because we can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
1. I belive that schools indeed kills creativity. The education system teaches us that there is a group of "important" skills and subjects and there are the others "not-really-needed" skills that can be treated as a hobby but nothing else. Through the education kids starts to realise, that you can get better marks and compliments from the teachers if you stick to the rules and follow the path of "very important skills for your future". And parents of the "good kids" are so proud of them so they (the kids) knows that they're doing right.

2. We can improve the education system by focusing on a real students developmenet, because right know kids learns the skills that are needed on job market. The real developmenet means exploring the skills in which the kids are good at, they talents and so on.

3. Probably we grow out of creativity but only when we allow it. Over time, people become more pragmatic- they know what works and the need of exploring a new possibilities is becoming weaker and weaker. They no longer need creativity so it's a normal thing to grow out of it. But they can be creative throght their whole life if they decide to be open for "the new".
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I think that majority of the schools are actually not 'killing' creativity, they just don`t motivate students in any way. I had some lessons where I could agree with the point that point of view, but that was not the school problem, I guess this was the problem with the way teacher tried to teach me. We can improve the education system in the way where students will be able to choose subjects from the very beginning or allow their parents to decide based on their interests. Creativity is something that comes with an age so it is hard to tell if we are out of it. Maybe trying to change the way we think will help us to find more optimal solutions to our problems.
The education systems in most countries nowadays seem to have a penchant for working like factories: take in a resource (kids), process according to some specification (curriculum) and push it through quality control (exams). People that don’t pass that quality control will be treated as factory rejects, regardless of their actual skills and talents, because no one has time to deal with singular cases. Of course not every kid from that group is a hidden genius, but the lack of care for those special cases is what kills creativity. Students are being taught that conforming to the norm is better for them than trying to pursue their own ideas and goals. Several hours of homework after school lead to less time for them to expand their horizons in their own way. Schools operating in this way will more often than not clip the wings of children that could otherwise be successful in their own field – if only someone noticed them and helped them grow.
Bartosz Barnat said…
To be honest I think that school kills creativity and stop people from expressing themselves. Why is that? I think because in school we are told that if we don't like something we just should atapt to it and not thinking about changing it. After these years in school people stop expressing themselves and beeing curious in life because when they did in school they always had problems with their teachers or just older people. I think that is just a problem of people that are adults right now. They just can't accept that a kid can have some truth in what he is saying. They think that they are the the wisest person in the universe. Of course not all of there are like that but the ones that don't are damaging young mindsets for good. I don't know if you know what I mean, I wanted to point something out that is a really big problem novadays but its really hard to reveal it.
1. Do you agree that schools kills creativity? Why?
I agree with it - in school, usually students have to do something according to some scheme - it's easier to evaluate students, to predefine requirements and rules. Often schools "force" You in some way to make things, in order to learn You have to write exams and got a good score from finals - which are also evaluated with the scheme.

2. Schools are going into the right direction and should stay as they are or there are better ideas for a change in education?
It depends from the school - I was in a private high school, where teachers were quite passionate about their job - beside exams preparation, they tried to encourage us to be creative.

3. Do you agree with a statement that we grow out of creativity? Why?
There might be something in it - during our youth we are still being prepared to some kind of exams, which are being evaluted based on a schema. Also a lot of subjects during studies do not enforce You to be creative, but to just follow the rules. Young child don't have any exams or other schemes to follow, so their are very creative
Unknown said…

Maybe the school is not killing the creativity but definetly isn't developing it in a way it should be. Education put to much priority on theoretical knowledge at the same time neglect practical and creative skills.
When it comes to growing out of creativity I think that it depends whether we develop it or not. If we continue to practice our imagination and think originally we shouln't have any fears. Also you won't be able to develop your creative talents if you don't make time for them. Schedule some time each week to concentrate on some type of creative project.
Unknown said…
1. I agree that schools tend to kill creativity, but it is not necessarily always the case. I know some of the teachers that actually sparked the creativity within some of their students. Although to be completely honest it is not a common occurrence in a typical school.

2. I think that our education system might be a bit outdated. There are certainly better ideas for a change in education.

3. I disagree with this statement. It differs from person to person. Some people like to follow simple instructions and do everything by the book and some people grow more creative as the time goes by.
Do you agree that schools kills creativity? Why?
Well, I can't say that every school kills creativity but certainly, the one I went to did. In every school I was there was some kind of test at the end of it. Sadly, it felt like all the time teachers were focused on preparing me for that test. My matura exam is actually the best example of it. On my first day in high every teacher talked about preparing us for matura. So in the end, school wasn't preparing us for life not to mention developing our creativity, it was preparing us for a test. That test was same for everyone. How that is supposed to encourage creativity? Personally such approach makes me feel that our system of education tries to kill our creativity from begining untill the end.

Schools are going into the right direction and should stay as they are or there are better ideas for a change in education?
Polish schools aren't heading in the right direction for sure. As I mentioned above, they are not focused on teaching about world around us and life. They are trying to provide us with knowledge and skills that will allow us to pass test prepared by authorities.

Do you agree with a statement that we grow out of creativity? Why?
Well, not everyone grows out of it. Humanity creates something new everyday. We have plenty inventions and new pieces of art. The issue is that nowadays it is really hard to stay creative. It is not only caused by our education or growing up but also by society we live in. Sometimes we are too scared to be creative, just like it was mentioned in the video.
I don't know how it looks like in schools around the world but in Poland generally I agree that schools kills creativity. On the other hand, a lot of depend on a teacher and his way of teaching but usually, children are taught how to fit their answers into "key" cause even when they answer is correct but different it is treated as mistake. Well, this is how education works here in Poland.
Also, in my opinion a lot of parents beahve in such a way as it was described in video - they treat music,art or PE subjects as "worse" than subjects like math or history. They force children to put more attention to those "serious" subjects. It happens that children who are really interesed in for example art can not develop their interests as they need to focus on "serious" learning and their creativity is decreasing.
I'm agree with fact that schools kills creativity because from the beginning of studding they do most things using the same methods and rules. I think this kill main part of natural creativity in childhood but also I have no idea how we can improve school to make it better than now.

Anyway there exist people that somehow stay creative and this leave opportunity that sometime situation will change to better.
Marcin Zając said…
1. Do you agree that schools kills creativity? Why?
In most cases, I agree with Ken Robinson, but I would point out that it will not always be this way. A lot depends on teachers. Ken provided great example telling a story about choreographer Gillian Lynne.

2. Schools are going into the right direction and should stay as they are or there are better ideas for a change in education?
What is interesting current education is very similar to that of XIX century: tests, examinations, division into lessons, groups etc. I think that schools should be changed. I recommend watching this short movie about changes in some schools.

3. Do you agree with a statement that we grow out of creativity? Why?
I think it depends., but when we become older witm more experience we, it's easier to follow the same proven path instead of trying new solutions.
Ahmed Elsawi said…
- In my opinion, No, Because I think any creative student has the ability and control to grow his or her creativity, And fight challenges that clog his or her the road, whatever what!

- Actually, everything needs to change to better by the time, whatever what!

- I agree with, Because if you want to be creative you mustn't be serious, community need you to be serious and don't exit from our line, and the creative person always afraid from failure after walk behind his or her creative mind, and afraid from if something wrong will happen at the end and community laughing.
So, that makes a creative person back to normal community line.
Filip Sawicki said…
It’s very sad but at the same time true, schools do indeed kill creativity. Schools haven’t really changed since 20th century. We are using the same teaching techniques and learning the same subjects, even though the world has moved forward greatly since then. Nowadays we need specialists with inventive minds, liberal opinions and progressive ideas, rather than obedient generalists. Unfortunately in Poland schools are not going anywhere, they are the same as they were in the past, maybe differ just by some minor technological improvements.
Patryk Górski said…
Do you agree that schools kills creativity? Why?

I agree, mainly because I think that in school you have to learn about something, that is not interesting you. I do understand, that you need to learn the basics, but that kills creativity, when you have to do something that you don't want.

Schools are going into the right direction and should stay as they are or there are better ideas for a change in education?

I think there are better ideas, but main problem is in teachers - sometimes they just sound like they hate their job, so it's hard for them to share knowledge.

Do you agree with a statement that we grow out of creativity? Why?

I agree, and I think that routine is killing creativity in us. Sad.
Unknown said…
School kill creativity due to the fact that they learn you to apply certain set of triks instead of actually learn you how to come up with our own solution.
I think physical school are kind of obsolete. They still provide ability to socialize in the group but when it comes to education there are much better choices. For example online personalized education where you can take as much time as you need or on the opposite finish school faster if you want to.
Creativity have something to do with core of ourselves. People become bored quite quickly performing repeatable task. In our culture it is norm to be board at work if you get money in return. And be creative person sort of give you feeling of better connecting with yourself.
I don’t fully agree with that statement, although I do believe that modern education makes every single student to be afraid of making mistakes, that might eventually lead to the fear of creating something new i.e. of being creative.
As it was mentioned by Sir Ken Robinson modern hierarchy of subjects in schools is trying to make a scientist or university professor from everyone, that in my opinion is terribly wrong, as not every student is interested in that. And considering that education in my country hadn’t changed for at least last 30 years, it is obvious that it is not moving into the right direction.
I do not fully agree with this statement as it is not the age that matters in case of creativity, but the environment in which you grow. By environment I mean education and close people who either support your ideas and way of thinking or not.
Do you agree that schools kill creativity? Why?

I can answer this question only from Ukraine’s schools side and my answer - it depends. You can have a teacher from one subject that who will be trying to give you more space for your creativity and a teacher from another subject who will be doing all according to the patterns.

Schools are going in the right direction and should stay as they are or there are better ideas for a change in education?

I have a younger sister and I could compare the education 4-5 years ago and now. I can say that schools are trying to go in the right direction, but they are doing this very slow. Schools are trying to invest more into IT stuff, but the level of learning this ‘IT stuff’ is still poor.

Do you agree with a statement that we grow out of creativity? Why?
I don’t have a personal opinion on this statement, maybe because I consider myself a not very creative person.

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