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Week 5 [12-18.11.18] The Notch

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away there were phones with bezels… Yes, it seems like the devices we carry in our pockets or handbags with a low screen-to-body ratio are becoming the song of the past. Every company in the smartphone industry is trying to make the front of their phones to have as much of a screen as it is possible. But there is a problem. We want to have a front-facing camera and some sort of speaker to hear what the person we call is telling us. And whereas the speaker can be placed on the top of the smartphone, the camera is a bit tricky. And here comes the idea of the Notch.

If you aren’t familiar with the term, notch is just this area of the screen that was cut off for the purpose of the camera (and in some cases the speaker as well). Apparently it has become a very popular pattern in recent year. If you haven’t noticed, basically every single smartphone introduced over the last year has a notch. Alright, maybe apart from Samsung devices which were bezel-less before it was cool and in fact Korean manufacturer was the precursor of the high screen-to-body ratio design.

Samsung even made fun of Apple’s notch in one of their commercials:

But where it did it all start? Who was the first to implement the notch? Some people may say it was Apple with their iPhone X, but it isn’t true. The first phone with this design was not too well-known Essential Phone, which was announced on May 30, 2017. And whereas we cannot deny that it was indeed before iPhone X, it was rather Apple’s smartphone which popularised this design and after its release more and more clones started arising. Apple’s design appeared to be so influential that some companies copied it almost 1:1. Example of it could be the new Motorola P30.

Essential Phone

Motorola P30 vs iPhone X

This whole trend in the smartphone design brought on very mixed emotions. Many people hate it as it’s kind of destroying the symmetry and it just gets on their nerves. Many Android-based phones actually give an option to disable it and just keep there notification icons with black background. Apple has gone rather all-in with the notch implementing the whole new system of phone unlocking Face ID,  which is based on sensors placed within the notch area and it doesn’t let you hide it in any way.


But couldn’t we get a true all-screen phone? Are we sentenced to the notch? Some companies have already found their way around the notch and enabled user to exert camera from the top of the phone (like in Oppo Find X). There are also rumours that Samsung started developing new technology which would enable to place everything under the screen. This concept sounds really interesting and it could revolutionize the whole smartphone industry.

Personally, the notch doesn’t bother me that much, but what’s your opinion on it? Would you buy a smartphone with the notch? Or would you rather wait for a true all-screen one?


Lukasz Mroczek said…
Generally the first time I’ve seen a notch it was interesting and I was thinking about getting phone with it. Now, after some time, when notch is everywhere it’s really disgusting. It has some advantages of course and it’s modern and futuristic gadget but… too many phones have it. There is one good phone that has unique notch only for round speaker and it’s quite interesting as for now. It’s OnePlus 6T but other phones are simply bad looking because every phone looks the same.
Unknown said…
Thanks for showing up that topic, learned a new word. Didn't realize, there was such a hype about that "notch". I'm not a huge fan of the notch because in my opinion it destroys the overall design of the front of a phone. It's like an additional place on the device just to have a bit more screen, but not fully adjusted to the user. For me it feels like a half solution and I would definitely prefer an all-screen solution or just the regular without the notch.
Artem Lipovatyi said…
1. I do not consider a notch is something bad. This helps to free up additional space on the screen. Many developers use this space in their applications. I really liked the Instagram solution, in which they placed a volume indicator in the space between the notch and the edge of the screen. I think it is convenient.

2. I already have a phone with a notch and I do not regret of a purchase. I quickly got used to it, that I don’t even pay attention to non-disregard and it doesn't bother me. After Apple, many manufacturers started to produce phones with the notch seeing a success in this technology.
Marcin Mróz said…
I understand your point, many people started complaining that now front of all phones will look the same and the only way to distinguish them will be to look at their backs. OnePlus 6t has nice notch, it's called 'tear-drop', Huawei Mate 20 now also has it, so I guess that this kind of notch won't stay original for too long also. ;)
Marcin Mróz said…
Yes, the notch seems to be an awkward symbol of this moment in a smartphone technology when we want to have as much screen as possible, but don't really know where to put a camera or how to put it under the screen. As a result, we already have basically all-screen phones, but with this strange cut, which many people find ugly.
Marcin Mróz said…
I'm also not against the notch. I think it's good that smartphone manufacturers endevour to deliver products with high screen-to-body ratio. At first it may seem strange, but I believe that we can benefit from this solution. The best example is moving notifications and things like clock or battery level to the top of the screen, so we can have more useful space of our phone. For me the most awkward would be watching videos with the notch, I guess that this is the only scenario when it could bother me.
To be honest, I do not care. It was not until I read this article that I learned that it had a name. For me, the smartphone has a useful value. I am more interested in its functionality and size than its appearance. I did not think that there were any camps for and against the notch. I think it's quite funny that people attach so much importance to this.
I miss the good old days with actual buttons on phones. Guess, we have no choice other than to follow the manufacturers lead in our phones' design. Personally I have nothing against the notch, in fact when I first saw an Iphone X I liked this concept. Looks good to me. I don't know what is it all about this obsession with all screen no-bezel phones. I was absolutely ok with bezels in my old Iphone six.

I saw that OPPO concept with the camera hidden in the phone and peeking out when used. Now that is disgusting, it breaks easily, and just does not look aesthetic! Implement the camera in the screen with the FaceId sensors just as you did with fingerprint scanner. And in the name of all Good, stop putting stuff on the back of the phone. Can't stand those abominations like Meizu Pro 7, and the most recent Huawei with three cameras. Please, stop.

p.s. Three cameras? I imagine, what the engineers were thinking: "Hmm, everybody does the double camera phones, they got depth of field and stuff. How can we best them? Hold my beer..." A tip for you, Huawei, on how to make the phone even cooler. FOUR CAMERAS
Marcin Mróz said…
Smartphone is something that you look at every day several times, so I wouldn't consider it strange or funny that people care about its appearance. Especially if we talk about screen which is the main part of a phone. But I can understand that some people could not care about it, just like some people don't care about how their car look like and they are more focused on its functionalities than appearance.
Filip Sawicki said…
I don’t really care if my smartphone has the notch or is all-screen. Regarding the esthetics I’m not very pernickety. However I do pay attention to usability and wouldn’t trade the front camera for all-screen solution. So answering your question, if smartphone does meet my expectations it doesn’t matter if it has the notch or is all-screen
Marcin Mróz said…
I think that it's because all-screen phones just look cooler compared to the ones with bezels. Also, this way we can fit bigger screen in a phone without increasing its size, which I find really useful.

I also don't understand putting more and more cameras in the smartphones. Two are accceptable, but three is a bit too much. I actually like the one-camera design of Google Pixels or new iPhone XR. For me, one, but good camera is better than three.
Unknown said…
It’s not a problem for me I think. Sometimes I notice that I spent a little bit to much time for some social media stuff but when I do I try to fix it. There was a time I used to open Instagram and just scroll through posts without any reason several times a day. It’s very easy to get addict to it and that’s really scary. I agree that lack of stopping cues is certainly the reason behind this problem.
When we have no limit of scrolling or have access to unlimited number of movie series we’re getting into it and lose the sense of time. I don’t have any apps which tells me to take a brake. I try to do it on my own. I know that I’m not addicted and have no problem with addiction this kind.
Unknown said…
When Apple showed their new iPhone X it seemed like something at least new. I can’t say that I really liked it or that I would like to have one. It was just something new and extraordinary but lately when every single smartphone(except Samsung and few others) started implementing this notch it became really disgusting. Now it’s even harder to distinguish new smartphones from one another. OnePlus 6T was launched recently , some of my friends already got it and I had an opportunity to test it and I really liked that there was no notch(in fact it was, but it was very little and unique). I strongly believe that new Samsung Galaxy S10 won’t have it and this trend will pass away.
Marcin Mróz said…
I think that noone would sacrifice the front camera in the name of all-screen phone - it became such a standard that a smartphone without one would seem incomplete. That's the problem that manufacturers could not overcome at the moment, but as I wrote, Samsung is working on a patent for placing camera under the screen and that could bring us real all-screen phone.
Unknown said…
Personally, the notch doesn’t bother me that much, but what’s your opinion on it? Would you buy a smartphone with the notch? Or would you rather wait for a true all-screen one?

It was the first time in my life that I actually realized that there is something like "the notch". I am not bothered by that nor care about it. I would by any smartphone with good batteries and camera if I can afford it in reasonable price. I don't use it to watch anything longer then 5 minutes videos on YouTube nor do I play any games on my phone. My phone is for me a mean to connect with other people to communicate with them and "the notch" has no impact on this functionality.
Indeed this term is new for me. To be honest I did't even know that there is a special word for that region. When I saw the notch for the first time I thought that it is kind of nice way of dealing with the front camera location problem. Although it looks a bit asymmetrical.
Recently I bought a new phone, so my next purchase is not going to be soon. Therefor, I have no plans at all about that. It would be cool if there will be no need in notch, but I will be totally okey with it.
Unknown said…
I have never heard about "notch" until now. However, it is a really interesting subject. Myself I don't consider "notch" to be something bad so I would buy a smartphone with a notch. On the other hand, I am keen to see what the manufacturer will do in the future to avoid making a notch and I hope to test a smartphone with a true all-screen one.
Unknown said…
I do not care about this screen, because I do not have such a phone. Aesthetically, I do not like how it looks. I believe that this was not necessary in order to enlarge the screen or for some other reason. Notch the last thing I would pay attention to when choosing a phone. Therefore, I would choose a good phone, regardless of whether he has the notch or not.
On the other hand who knows what future will bring? Maybe smartphones will look totally different in 5 years. But that's just reading tea leaves - we do not know it ;) IMO notch is quite cool, I would like to have Iphone X, but come on look at those prices.
Marcin Mróz said…
If the Samsung Galaxy S10 would be truly all-screen that would be a thing, but I doubt that will happen as its release date is set on January 2019, so I guess that technology that they're working on isn't ready yet. They claim that S10 will have different design, but I would say it's not probable that it will be completely bezel-less. Samsung seems to focus on foldable phones right now, they see future in this technology.
I have no real interest in phones. I'm not taking pictures, i'm not playing games. I'm using it mostly for communication as intended heh, listening to music and lastly watching movies. Im almost out of social media but for facebook of course. So, to the point. This notch does not bother me at all. I dont really care about it at all. Im totally fine with my current P9 huawei which not only have fat bazles but also on-screan buttons so it take even more space. So yeah, ill buy phone with a notch if it's most convinient one.
Foodocado said…
I've never been the fan of notches. The first time I saw it (iPhone X was the first one that introduced it, I believe) I was indifferent about it. It was something new in the market. After the year from the premiere of such the iPhone, the most of the smartphone producents decided to apply the notch in their products. Every smartphone now looks the same right now. Only Samsung is trying not to copy the Apples' idea and I approve that approach. I can't wait to see all-screen displays..!
Marcin Mróz said…
I realized that some of you don't really care about the notch and focus rather on functionality of the phone than its appearance. Also battery life is something that everyone complains about nowadays. Maybe phone manufacturers should concentrate rather on this aspect and try to deliver a phone that will last at least 2 days rather than implementing better and better screens which, in fact, consume even more battery of our phones.
Marcin Mróz said…
I agree with you, I also don't consider it a bad thing, at least it's somehing new. I'm also interested what kind of technology will manufacturers invent to avoid the notch, probably it will be placed somehow under the screen, but time will tell. I'm only curious when it will happen, will it be 2019 or for example 2021.
Marcin Mróz said…
Essential Phone was the first one, as I stated in the article. ;) iPhone X indeed popularised it and I also saw the notch on the Apple's smartphone for the first time, but it wasn't the first one for sure. But thanks to the fact that company from Cupertino decided to implement this solution, a lot of copy-cats appeared and the true plague of notches arised, which many people don't like.
Design of the front camera have changed and as you wrote almost all phones are designed with notch but I really don' t mind it.
My personal phone is quite old and regular but at work I am using phones with notch very often and I like them better. I think the reason for that is just a bigger screen without extra frames for buttons or not used space. I would definitely prefere true all-screen but for now notch is fine and I am not saying 'no' to buying phone with it.
Marcin Mróz said…
On-screen buttons are the problem of every Android phone and they indeed take some space of your screen which is a bit annoying in some situations. In Android Pie Google decided to introduce gesture-based system, which is basically complete rip-off the iOS solution, but it solves the problem with on-screen buttons.
I don’t think that notch is such great idea. In my opinion this two little screen spaces on the left and right side of notch aren’t very useful. I am not sure how it works, because my phone doesn’t have notch, but if you have a lot of notifications so they can’t fit there then you need second notifications bar? Apart from that, I think that is mostly aesthetic gadget. Some people may like it some may prefer continuous bar in the top of their phone. To be honest it doesn’t bother me that much either. If I have to buy the phone, I wouldn’t focus so much on such details. In my opinion the internal parts are much more important.
Unknown said…
Notch doesn't bother me, I think it is a step in the right direction where the phones will be slowly without frames. Currently, Notch was left alone and in the future probably will be able to remove it so that we can have the entire screen without any frames.

Yes, I would buy a smartphone from Notch. This is very popular now and I think this trend will continue for several years.

Yes, I am waiting for phones that will all screen.
Notch also doesn’t bother me that much, my friend has an iPhone X with the notch and he has no problem with it, it's just a matter of habit. This "notch" is just a temporary transition to fully frameless phones, but even if the transition is a little delayed - notch is still not a big deal for me.
I have no problem with buying a smartphone with the notch, but right now I am fully satisfied with my phone and most probably I hope my next purchase will be true all-screen phone.
Unknown said…
When I saw the notch first time I thought that it’s weird. Now, when many phones had notch I don’t think that it’s weird, but I don’t like it. I have old-style smartphone with big bezels and I don’t see any problems in it.
No, I wouldn’t buy smartphone with notch, I prefer or all-screen or slider like Oppo Find X or Xiaomi Mi Mix 3. I waiting for that moment when phone producers will be able to put camera/cameras and all sensors under the screen.
Unknown said…
I have recently bought a new smartphone and it has notch as almost all the devices currently available on the market. When comparing it to my old smartphone, which was notch free but had thicker bezels, it really doesn’t make a difference for me, the experience is similar in both cases. Of course it would be nice to have all-screen smartphone but I wouldn’t wait for such a device as notch or bezel are not a deal-breakers for me.
ExoKuzo said…
The notch was an important step to smartphone evolution, just as under screen fingerprint reader is. Personally i would be just fine without front facing camera on my phone so, having a notch for it in my case is useless, but it not "disturbing" for me. For me personally there is not reason to buy phone with a notch atm, i will wait for either phone without one or wait till the extra space around the notch is properly supported in the first place.
Cezary Róg said…
I heard many different opinions about the notch. Some people like it, others hate it. For me, it looks nice. Of course, it would look much better if there was no notch and the whole front of the phone was covered with screen, but it's actually really hard to find a place for a speaker and selfie camera. I'm sure it won't take too much time to find a solution for it, but we still need to wait. I think I wouldn't change my phone for the new one with notch because I must have it. But if I had to buy a new phone and the one I like would have a notch, I would be okay with it.
Unknown said…
Answering on your question It’s hard to say yes or not about the Notch.
You asked me in the article: „Would you buy a smartphone with the notch?” And my answer is Yes and I did it about two months ago. I bought my first smartphone with Notch, it was iPhone. In my opinion it will be better to have display on the all screen without the Notch but nowadays the role of the Notch is some different. I think that it’s just fashionable now like clothe’s colors in every season. People buy the smartphones to have this Notch to looks like the other people's phones but this fashion will be very short and very fast on the top will only the smartphones with display on the all screen.
Personally, notch doesn’t bother me at all, in fact I love this idea. In my opinion having notch on your phone looks really cool, futuristic and elegant. I understand that notches are very often encountered these days and almost every new phone has it so it’s not something unusual or outstanding and people doesn’t like that, but not me. In fact, I already ordered my new phone OnePlus 6 few days a go which has a notch and I am very excited about it. I think true all-screen smartphones would be great solution and real technological breakthrough but who knows how much time we will have to wait for it. So at the moment notch solution is enough for me and satisfy me completely.
I am an iOS developer, so I have some additional insight into how the general market feels about the notch. The answer is: people don’t care. Only those who don’t own a phone with a notch notice it — once they buy one, they tend to forget it exists after a couple of weeks.

The notch on iPhone X product family contains 6 things: video camera, infrared dot projector, infrared camera, speaker, proximity sensor and ambient light sensor. The reason the notch exists is that Apple doesn’t just have the technology to make all of them small enough to fit 4 mm of the bezel. I am sure they will make it one day.

I believe we’re now in a transitional phase between traditional and all-screen phones. The notch is only a temporary workaround. Therefore, I think your questions are not mutually exclusive — I’ve got a phone with a notch and, at the same time, am waiting for a true all-screen one.

P.S. The (unofficial) technical terms for the top and bottom part of traditional phones is „forehead” and „chin”. 😉
Piotr Ciesla said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Piotr Ciesla said…
Actually yesterday I’ve bought new phone for my mother iPhone XR witch in did have a notch. Surprisingly my mother didn’t pay attention to the notch, rather the lack of home button. I think in day to day usage notch blends in. It’s just there and it’s not bothering. Technology of Face ID is brilliant for casual people because it’s blend in. It just works. The best part is it hide all notifications texts if the phone is locked and when you look at it it shows you the text (of sms for example) of notification itself.
Marcin Mróz said…
I guess that proper notch support for all those new Android devices is a true nightmare for all the developers. :D Probably only on iPhones we have a guarantee that it won't mess up with the apps.
Recently, I have been looking for a new smartphone to replace my old Nexus 5. To my happiness, the "notch" mainstream is gone. "Hello! Sliders!" - when I have seen ones for the first time. such us Mi Max 3 or Honor Magic 2 and others. I really think that is a good solution for the true all-screen smartphone. In most cases, I don't need a front camera for a long time. Probably, my next one will be a "slider".
Marcin Mróz said…
That's an interesting insight, I didn't even think about fitting all those 6 things mentioned by you into this 4 mm bezel. That would be really cool! Everyone is talking about placing the camera under the screen, but that seems to be better and more clean solution.
Marcin Mróz said…
Lack of home button could be terryfing at first for old iPhone users, but I think that gesture-based navigation is really intuitive and it's really easy to get used to it. Personally I think that I even prefer this kind of system that the one with home button.
Unknown said…
I haven't really had any experience with the notch, as my phone doesn't have it, but personally to me it seems like something that would get very annoying over time. I prefer my screen to be as close to the shape of a rectangle as possible, and a notch would ruin that. With that in mind, I would be less likely to buy a smarthphone with a notch, though it would not dissuade me from buying entirely.
Marcin Mróz said…
Haha, I've seen Honor Magic 2 and it looks really cool! I also don't take too much selfies, so that seem to be an interesting solution. The only thing that concerns me it's if this slider would be durable and solid enough. It would be a shame if you dropped your phone and it'd break.
I have an iPhone X and I LOVE the notch. I think that the notch looks good and gives the phone personality, all while adding Face ID and the True-Depth camera system, so I am not trying to hide it on my phone.
As someone who knows a bit in electronics engeneering i would never buy something that is supernew and "never done before". Even commercially first prototype that is going to be sold is just that - a prototype , so i would rather wait a few generatios of this device before even considering to buy it. So this is it for me, i wait to get some real quality instead of buying new would-to-be laggy devices.
Unknown said…
I think that this is definitely an unnecessary thing, so far everything was ok with that now no more to do extra on phones so they do things that do not change anything but it's still an addition which shows the option of turning it off and on. I would buy it anyway convicted because soon each smartphone will have something like that.
I do not have to wait until I have a good phone call.
Anna Moskalenko said…
Notch is ok for me. I don’t think that it is ruin symmetry or that it looks ugly, it just here and it’s ok. Bigger problem was a year ago when a lot of applications wasn’t adapted to the notch and this created some inconveniences.
I have an iPhone X, I bought it like a year ago, because it was something new and different. I never heard about Essential Phone before, so for me it was a completely new design. I got used to it quickly, but the problems with applications, which I described, were a bit annoying.
But yeaaah, I definitely still waiting for the all-screen, I believe, it would look very cool.
Marcin Zając said…
For me notch is not a big problem, but ofcourse I would rather a phone without notch and all-screen design. Now there are some devices like mentioned Oppo Find X or Xiaomi mi mix 3, but they have physical mechanism which can demage over time, so I prefer something like OnePlus 6T which has very small notch (equals larger working space).
Although I look forward to has everything under the screen.
Unknown said…
I think that name of this feature is a bit wrong because it is not actually a 'notch' but it is a extend of screen. I think that in some smartphones it looks nice but we can easily find examples when this feature looks ridiculous e.g.:

* Google Pixel 3 (too big notch)
* Shar Aquos R Compact (two notches (sic!))

I don't plan to change my smartphone yet because I have a LG G6 which meet my all requirements but in the future I am open for smartphones with notches. ;)
Well, notch is indeed something that ruins the symetry of a screen. And when I first saw it I was shocked. It was so ugly for me...
But with time I realised that it has some advantages... And it's cool when you get used to it.
So now I wouldn't had any problem with buying a new phone with notch but I'm also waiting for true all-screen phone.
Szymon Gibalski said…
1. Personally, the notch doesn’t bother me that much, but what’s your opinion on it? Would you buy a smartphone with the notch? Or would you rather wait for a true all-screen one?

I do not care if my phone has a notch or not. I only care about the performance if the phone is fast, reliable and the operating system is intuitive I am fine with it.
I do not put so much attention to the appearance of the phone because I do not spend much time with it, as long as it is a cheap and solid piece of electronics I am happy.
I don't mind a notch at all, I was using IPhone 6s for a couple years and now I switched to iPhone Xr ( which a lot of people said has an ugly notch) but for me it's perfectly fine, of course I would like to have true all creen phone but i think it is kind of impossible right now, with current technology. If it was possible we would already have plenty of "all-screener's".
Yes I am patiently waiting for the first all-screen phone and I am curious about its price :)
Personally, I think that the notch is ugly and I don’t like it very much. I would never buy such a phone because it would annoy me. I like phones that have a rectangular display. If in the future a phone appeared in which the whole front would be a true all-screen with camera from the top of the phone. I would consider buying it.
It does not matter to me if a phone has a neckline or not. A big screen on phones is good, because there is lots of storage space and there is no frame. But each phone has a speaker, through which you hear the person you are calling, and now also a camera in front to communicate via video calling. I like the solution from the company xiaomi, because they made a phone without a cut, but with a "beard", and a camera at the bottom. I like this decision - I will not buy a phone with a cut.
Marcin Górski said…
I agree with you. Notch doesn't bother me. To be honest, design is not the most important of phones for me. I like faster processor, better camera than ideal appearance. Phone is for calling, messages sending.
Firstly, notch was something new in phone design but after few months it's classic feature. I am using iPhone 7 (without notch) now but when I will have enough money for iPhone XR I will buy it. I love gadgets and phone with notch is something what I really want.
Patryk Górski said…
Personally, the notch doesn’t bother me that much, but what’s your opinion on it? Would you buy a smartphone with the notch? Or would you rather wait for a true all-screen one?

I own a smarthpone with the notch, and it's okay for me. I think that people sometimes just need to talk about everything, a lot of them are seeing things like that very negatively. Why they need to hate it? I think that the notch is a sign of everything going in the right way - few years ago we couldn't have screens like now, so who knows what will be avalible in a next few years?
I don't pay to much attention to phone's design - I think that majority of high-end smartphones looks almost the same now. I rather want my phone to fit in my pocket, work fast and make a great pictures. If phone doesn't have a notch - as long as I don't have to pay extra money for this design, it's ok.
Unknown said…
For me, the notch has its charm. I'm in the middle. I have nothing against it, nor nothing for it. I'm waiting for an iPhone (Apple fanboy here) with under screen finder scanner. Before graduating for me, it's a no-go for a phone with face recognition feature, because when I have my phone next to my leg in some situations, I have to have an easy way to unlock it.
Mykhailo Reznyk said…
To be honest I’ve never put any attention to it. But now, when you pointed it out, I actually can’t stop seeing this notch. I totally can understand why it bothers some people. It just looks a bit out of order. It gives you annoying feeling of content, that you are looking at, being blocked by it. But on the other hand, a lot of people, like myself, just don’t notice it. So I wouldn’t say that it is a bad design. I even believe some people think it looks cool and stylish.
I personally have a phone which is not a full screen, meaning that I just have some area on the surface of it for button, speakers, camera and stuff like that. I think it’s the most optimal design. But if some big company like Samsung works on a new concept, where all of it will be hidden under a screen, I am really interested and eager to try it. This, no doubts, will look and feel differently, probably very futuristic. Hope to see it soon.
I think that notch is a one of the solution before we will get fully full screen phone where all of the sensors and camera will be under the screen. As I know samsung has presented different types of solution about month ago and I think that this is one of developers of screen who can make this dream come true with their R&D team and develop power.

I has intention to by a phone with a notch but I still think about this because I have another reasons to wait and this has no connection with notch problem.
Unknown said…
Personally, the notch doesn’t bother me that much, but what’s your opinion on it? Would you buy a smartphone with the notch? Or would you rather wait for a true all-screen one?

I don't mind the notch either and to be honest I really like the concept of it. Getting rid of bezels, which are useless, non-interacting parts of your phone screen is simply efficient idea. Personally, I have a phone with a notch for my own and I got used to it very quick, I think it is just a matter of time. About true all-screen phone, I would definitely try and probably buy one.
Unknown said…
As a person with a tendency to break electronics, I rather focus on phone’s durability - the styling is a non-issue to me, as all mobile phones of today look similar. There is also the common problem of cracked front screen which you have to replace - if I knew whether the notch makes it more or less expensive to replace the whole component I might make up my mind about it.
Ahmed Elsawi said…
The smartphones don't interesting for me, In my opinion, the main idea of the smartphone makes a connection with another device via SIM cards or using apps by internet connection, Anything else just for improves Development smartphones.

And I'll call it "smartphones fashion".
Unknown said…
Would you buy a smartphone with the notch? Or would you rather wait for a true all-screen one?

Yes, I already have one - the iPhone X.
When the Essential Phone introduced the notch I was quite fascinated about it. They significantly reduced the bezels and made the screen ratio much bigger.
When Apple introduced iPhone X I fell in love with it. It just looked so damn good, performance was amazing, but I wasn't sure about the notch and its possible functionalities. Right now I can tell, that it does its job. It has some cool functionalities, its appearance doesn't bother me and the screen ratio is still amazing.
But I'm definitely waiting for true all-screen one.
Kristina Moroz said…
I've never before bothered about the "notch" and I won't start. Would I buy it? Maybe, when my smartphone will not be enough for me I will think about it. But for now I am good.
But I am kind of not a big fan of all-screen design.
s18716 said…
Thanks for the new word. I didn’t even think about it before, as a smartphone user, it doesn’t deliver much aesthetic discomfort. Moreover, I did not think that so many moments could arise around such a nuance. But it turned out such a detail is very important in the race of competitors in the field of telecommunications. Now I will pay attention to this when choosing the next device.
Honestly it doesn't matter to me whether my smartphone has a notch or not. I don't feel that much of a difference. I still want my phone to have a nice design but other factors are much more important to me. Efficiency of the processor, quality of components and how solid they are crucial for me. For now luckily I am happy with device I have and I don't feel a need for changing it.
To be honest, I have no strong feelings one way or the other. I find obsessing over minor technological advancements and blowing them out of proportion a very unhealthy behaviour. Of course manufacturers want our money, so they are in a constant race to provide “new exciting experiences” that don’t really amount to anything. Do you perhaps possess an “RGB gaming keyboard”? The kind with keys backlit by multicoloured lighting. How many times have you (or would you, if you had one) changed the colours and used all the fancy animations? Probably not many, as with many owners of such a device. Simply another gimmick meant to attract attention to a product and have it sell. Do you remember smartwatches? They were supposed to be such a great new thing to supplement your phone. But for some reason now there’s not many of them on the market at the moment. The trend didn’t catch on, so manufacturers backed out. There simply isn’t enough functionality that those things offer to justify the prices, so people didn’t adopt. Now, going back to the original question, the “notch” is an intermediate step towards a phone that has a screen covering the whole front face… but the real question is “should we really bother with those few extra millimetres of screen”. Because I don’t think we should, and that it’s yet another way to get us to upgrade our perfectly good devices for the sake of new “fashion craze” if you could call it that. In my opinion the next truly big step for phones will either be some form of holographic display, or having them miniaturized and integrated into glasses.
Unknown said…
I'm a happy owner of Iphone 8 - so "notch" isn't my problem ;)
I know, that many people want to have the highest screen to body ratio - I understand them. Notch is one of many solutions to that problem. I've seen many solutions to "notch problem" such as mechanical camera or even second screen on the other side of the phone -> just to take high resolutions selfies... Like I said, I'dont mind the notch, cause this type of phone never got enough of my attention - I like my small button, and camera and convinient screen. However, if I change my mind about my currently phone, I think, I would go with maximum STBR -> I'll wait for other solutions and then decide whether I want notch or don't.

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