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Week 7 [21.11-27.11] Is technology killing childhood ?

There is no doubt - technology is very useful for us, it made our lives so much better in many ways. We don’t move anywhere without a charged smartphone or a tablet. Although it has improved our lives, it has a negative impact on kids.

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As we are observing children nowadays, they seem to entertain themselves in very different ways comparing to past generations. When we were kids, most of our time we spent outdoors, playing with others, using our creativity in many different kinds of plays and games. We used our imagination a lot. It was a real fun for us, not to mention we were building some relations with other children, friendship which sometimes lasted for a long time even after we grew up.
But taking a look at  kids today we can surely say that something has changed. Now it is all about electronics. Video games and movies, various types of electronic devices...Tablets, smartphones, consoles. It doesn’t have a lot in common with imagination.
But are the kids many different to what previous generations were?
For sure we can easily notice that they grow up a bit faster. The so called age of innocence is becoming shorter than before. Nevertheless, they are still kids. In my opinion their minds should stay innocent as long as possible. It is beautiful and it is something worth fighting for.
Even without our knowledge, technology can accidentally affect our kids. There are some examples of dangers awaiting them everywhere:

  1. Porn spam. - You never know when these repulsive adverts will pop up on the screen.
  2. No privacy. - Nowadays we raise our children in the environment where it is absolutely normal and approved to share and post everything you do - every single step in your life, your beliefs, things you like or dislike and so on.
  3. Lies. - Internet is full of people who present themselves as people they are not. It is very easy to lie, because no one can check you. Children often have no idea who they are actually talking to and that puts them in danger of perverts and sexual abuse.
  4. “Outside world”. - Kids have a misrepresentation of building relations with other people. Adding somebody on Facebook or following him on Youtube is never the same as truly making friendships by meeting with others, playing, being with them for good and bad.
  5. Laziness. - Why to get up from  bed or chair when you can have a lot of fun right where you are? Children are actually getting too much involved in video games or some applications to just quit it and go to play in some other creative way.

Certainly technology changed the way children entertain. Now arises the question: is it a change for better or worse?

Here is a short video reportage about the topic:

Personally, I believe that children should have something to do with technology but not too much. Most of their time should be spent with other kids, either playing outside or inside, but not always before the computer or a console screen. It kills their creativity, ability to use the imagination and possibility to make good friends and memories connected to them.

What is your opinion on the topic?
Do kids today spend too much time looking at screens, should they spend more time playing outside?
Can you think of other ways in which the Internet can affect kids?

Thanks for reading!


Sylwia Pechcin said…
We can observe the impact of technology not only on kids, but also on us, adult people, who also spend a lot of, or even the most of time looking at screens. I think that technology progress isn't as bad as people say. Of course, kids spend a lot of time using mobile devices, but in my opinion they just use 'toys' available for them. We were also using what we could, but then it was a ball and sticks. In my opinion we have to share technology to everybody and deal with a fact that world id changing and we can't force kids to go outside and play as well as nobody could force us to stay home while we wanted to play outside.
I wouldn't say that it's as bad as you describe - indeed, keeping contact with other people is important and definitely a nice thing to do, but considering how long they stay in the school I wouldn't say that there is any lack of "enough" interaction. In fact, various games can have very positive effect by getting used to technology and solving quite interesting puzzles and other things that often result in lots of fun that is impossible to achieve outside. Everybody has different interests and while it's important to show many different ways of spending free time, I wouldn't call games or movies inferior to spending time outside, as long as we consider balance between those two.
Unknown said…
I have a good film in this topic:

In my opinion very much depends on the attitude of parents. The important thing is how much attention parents devote to their children. They must ensure that their children not only spend their time in front of computer and TV. I think that if we can properly organize time our child and show other ways of entertainment than just the technological gadgets that he won't surf only on the Internet. Of course, it's not that new technologies are totally wrong, there are also toys that teach, for exapmle: - this is really interesting project, these are toys that teach code from an early age, so children gain skills very useful nowadays while they are having a great time :)
Unknown said…
It's all about diversity. It's completly fine for children to use technology freely as long as you mix it with physical activities and face to face interaction with other people. Parents should take care of that. No privacy or lies are nothing new and they were just as common and bad things long before the internet. Our world is irreversibly changed by technology and not getting used to function in it is much worse than some kinds of side effect laziness.
Michał Pycek said…
I think this is how it is and how it has been. Every generation has lived in different times in terms of technology development. We also have been the kids who have been growing up with the computers and mobile phones, whereas our parents have had a totally different childhood. In my opinion regardless of the level of technology presence in children's lives, children will stay children and even though they spend much time with their smartphones, tablets and other devices, they surely enjoy playing outside with each other and playing typical games we used to play when we were youngsters.
Unknown said…
Of course I'm against the situation when children use technology so much. Some time ago when I observed some childeren I saw that it is more and more difficult to find slim child. I was shocked when my friend's daughter who is 18 months old and who can't speak and understands little went crazy when she saw my phone. It was for me very strange that this small baby was so interested in my screen. This is normal now because technology is everywhere around us.
Unknown said…
I wouldn't say that technology is killing childhood. You know, when we were kids there was much more technology than in the time when our parents were kids. It is natural that technology develops and there is much more devices. They are supposed to bring joy and make something easier, but how it will work - it depends only on users. You can let your child watch TV for the whole day - and it may ruin something, but can also let them watch TV less, with you, so you can make some kind of family time - and then it won't ruin anything.
Technology isn't bad, you have to use it wisely. And it is important to show children how they should use it too.
Unknown said…
Yes, you got the point. But also I think that the younger the child is, the better if he or she plays without some devices. Just to develop his or her own perception of the world around.
Unknown said…
Of course, you are right, there is a lot of technological toys or gadgets that helps children to develop in many areas, and that a lot depends on parents. I just think that it is not good when child becomes phone (or something else) addicted from the very beginning of his/her life.
Unknown said…
I hope you are right, kids should always stay kids. And that mean also innocent. But I can see that the world is full of evil, and bad things. So I would love to prevent my child from it as long as I can. The Internet is full of everything. Entertainment, science, useful things...but also these not really good for kids. Bad thing is that is really easy to get to the wrong side of the web.
Unknown said…
Unfortunately, even the youngest children are interested in technology so much. Of course we shouldn't keep them away from every device all the time, especially that the interest is so big. The thing is to show them some other ways of playing or living as well.
Unknown said…
Yeah, you are right. Having a gun is not making you a murderer, only when you use it to kill somebody. The same situation. Technology by itself is not killing anything, but when we let our kids sped too much time with tech it may affect them somehow. Times are changing, that's true, and nobody can predict that everything goes for better or worse, it's always just different.
Unknown said…
Maybe it's not that is one thing, but what about the time before school ? Like when kids are really young...I don't know is it very bad, but there should be balance between spending time "in your life" and virtually as you said.
Unknown said…
Yes I think the same, if we show our children not only the technology world but also some different activities, it will be the best for them. Of course bad thing were long before the internet....but now it is just easier to get to them.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
As with any other controversial matter there should be some balance. Technology gives so much more possibilities to kids who use it correctly - for searching information related to their interests and hobbies, nowadays you can get any information in a matter of seconds and there's a lot of useful information. On the other hand technology may harm if someone has a gaming addiction or completely replaces a real life with an online life.
Unknown said…
I believe that teaching children to use technology properly and responsibly will be one of the biggest challenges for parents in upcoming decades. One surely cannot protect offspring from reaching porn/ posting stupid stuff on social media etc. Only education can suspend negative effect that technology will have on children.
There are kindergartens, which are very important in my opinion as they slowly prepare very young children for school. And before them - there are parents that should be a good example and show some good practices and balance between all of that.
Unknown said…
When I was young I used to hate it when older people said things such as “back in my day” and “when we were young”. Now I’m (much) older, I find myself making those same annoying utterances.
It’s true that children today amuse themselves in very different ways to past generations. When I was a lad (see, there I go again), the vast majority of our leisure time was spent outdoors.
Let’s also not forget that the technology e.g. Internet provides a wealth of opportunity for kids to expand their horizons. It is impossible to claim that everything which is connected with tech is killing childhood. In my opinion this all comes down to parenting. The technology, for better or worse, is an integral part of the world we live in, and just like every other aspect of the world, it’s up to parents to do their best to teach kids how to deal with it.
Unknown said…
My mom works in a kindergarten. I often helps her that's why I have possibility to observe many parents and their children.

Some years ago mom told me there was really big problem with electrionic devices. Parents didn't understand it's forbidden to leave children with tablet or mobile. In my opinion it's insane! One day I saw a situation when man came to my mom and caused a big quarrel, because a teacher didn't allow a child to play with smartphone. He gave smartphone to his child because he wanted this child could contact with him all the time.

Another example is when 5-year-old boy fell asleep in the midnight on the keyboard. What were his parents doing? They were sleeping, because... it was midnight!

Now, there are much more conscious parents who want their children use tablets or mobiles, but for a some (specified) time. So a big problem changed into advantage. In my opinion, using the Internet or playing improve child development, but as every thing - it must be used in a proper way.
I do believe that technology is killing childhood and I’m very glad that I wasn’t born in “smartphone era”. As a kid I used to spend most of my free time outdoors playing with my friends, we did play video games but not most of our times. When I look at my younger cousin I have no doubt that her childhood isn’t the same as mine. During summer break when her friend visited her, they preferred to play some video games than to swim in the pool. If I had a pool when I was a kid I wouldn’t probably leave it all summer, but for today’s kids internet and video games are more fun that outdoor activities.
I agree with all observations you shared in your article. I can't watch my brother spending his free time in front of a tablet. I remember that when I was a kid some people thought that I was spending too much time sitting at my computer. However, when I compare that with what I see kids are doing today I can tell that I was living a very balanced life as a kid. We have some great local football pitches and playgrounds, but most of the time I can't see any kids making a use of it. That is sad.
Dajana Kubica said…
I think that children under the age of 13 should be banned on social networks. I know this is quite restrictive, but seeing what the children are doing on facebook or youtube is unbearable. Unfortunately, children imitate adults. An example would be a 10 year old girl, who has decided to imitate the Polish YouTuber - SexMasterka. Children at this age should watch cartoons, not films about sex. I believe that children are using the Internet in the wrong way by the ignorance of parents. However, I believe that the Internet has also a good influence on children. I remember how I was searching interesting information on wikipedia. It was created a lot of new videos that may be interested to the young audience. Worth mentioning is the channel AstroFaza, which tells the story of the cosmos, and also emcee, where you can learn about interesting experiments.
I think that parents killing childhood - for let their children to get addicted from phones, tablets - and let them playing in stupid games. Children loosing time and chance to develop their creativity and imagination - and I think that is very important part of childhood. And when I see 3 or 4 years old child with tablet or phone, I just wondering why parents gave this thing to their child.
Unknown said…
Yes, I agree, that's why there is a lot of danger in the internet. Children are interested the most in things that are banned unfortunately. It's just a stupid nature. But I agree that we should prevent kids from social networks, or some pages or internet at all until they will turn certain age, like 12 or 13.
Maciej Główka said…
I think that kids today spend way too much time looking at screens, playing with mobile phones, tablets etc. It is ridiculous for me to see a 2 years old kid playing with his phone and yet many parents do that, because it is easier to entertain child with mobile phone than to play with she or he.
Another problem are teenagers on social networks. I think, that they should be banned until they reach 15 or 16.
Parents should also teach their children how to use technology properly and safely, what is safe to post on your facebook wall and what is not etc.
Unknown said…
I feel I'm not old enough to be nostalgic. 40 more years and I'm ready to complain about the "current generation" with their augmented reality, flying cars and nuclear power plants, and tell them how my times with Heroes III on PC and Godzilla were better.
Moode said…
I guess that most of the children get to use technology nowadays is because parents don’t have so much time to look after the little ones and spend active time with them. To them it is so much easier to play a cartoon on an iPad and have quite time instead of taking the child outside for a bike ride or to play soccer.

I see this as a bad thing, because our society becomes a lazier one. We are no longer being thought to be active and therefore when we become adults we will prefer to stay at home in front of a TV than going out for a hike in the mountains. I think that we all should do as much as we can in order to change it. This will only give us benefits.

Therefore, if using technology with children, please do it wisely.
Kacper Zaremba said…
I think the amount of time spent in the internet should be limited for children by their parents. Moreover, they should monitor what are they doing and allow them to go only to specific sites. Internet is way too dangerous for innocent children, and they shouldn't be left on their own with it.

I think that in schools there should be more time spent explaining about dangers of internet and posting everything on social media. Maybe with some real life stories about it. Even adults are often unaware of it.
I went through this with my grandson this weekend. Advertising was opened in a car simulator game that opened and installed a virus. Also his email on the phone was passed to some spam list. And this kid is only 8 years old. You have to be ultra careful in the internet right now, many commercials and really lot of scam material everywhere. Maybe when I was 13 the only Internet I had was 56k line but at least I was happy and had fun doing normal outdoor activities. And the only virus you caught when you were playing was the flu :)
"Another problem are teenagers on social networks. I think, that they should be banned until they reach 15 or 16."

It will literally never happen. Plus I don't see how would it be done.

It's natural that kids get to know new technology beacuse they are more exposed to it and it's getting cheaper.
Adam Nowak said…
Well, past generations used new technologies in their childhood too, like TV or radio. I don't think that this is a big issue. Those new generations will live in a world full of technology, they really should get used to them in their adolescence. I don't think that those 'new technologies' are the cause of killing child's creativity or their social skills. Maybe it is more about currently promoted lifestyle?
I can't agree with you that playing games make you less creative. I think it boosts creativity as you need to quickly find solutions found in game.
I agree that kids spend too much time watching tv but that is not their fault. This is because parents are more and more busier and they don't have time to spend time with children.
Although I study IT I do agree that kids nowadays spend to much time in front of the computer or TV. Technology is, in the fact, killing childhood. I don't have any choldren yet, but I'm scared about the time when I got them. We used to go play on the playground with our peers, call each other, meet now people and all of this without big screen. Now we and younger generation communicate with Fb and other social media. And most of theirs relationships with peers are shallow and pointless. I even met a 3-years old girl who could use phone and tablet but when I got her a book she didn't know how to turn a pages. She was trying to move them like you can move pages in tablet. And this is just sick. I agree that technology is really helpful but I do think that you should to keep balance between reality and technology.
Unknown said…
It's an incredibly interesting topic, I have thought about this many times myself.
I'm sure you shouldn't cut kids off from technology entirely and I think they should be introduced to smart devices and computers pretty early. If we limit our kids time with technology they might end up staying behind their peers.
I think it looks a bit different in every family. Personally I'd like to introduce my children (if I have any) to graphics software, drawing tablets, really basic programming, good games (both new and old as an element of pop culture). Some things can be limited, like TV or video games.

As for the problems mentioned in the article - you can set up filters and blocks on your devices so you won't get flashed by inappropriate adds and content. It's also incredibly important to talk with kids, to explain that people on the internet might pretend to be someone else and most of all that anything that once got on the internet will forever stay on the internet. Worst case scenario is loosing contact with our children and not know about their interests or how they spend their time. If we have other activities, like sport, meeting our friends and generally stuff other than playing video games - our kids will probably too.

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